Dabbert has been a tracker before, working in the army as he did once before. After hopping out of the wagon he begins to search for signs of disturbed or packed leaves like many feet have gone over them, as well as signs for trails leading off in other directions that could indicate that the goblins were trying to throw off potential pursuers. He looks for broken sticks and brush indicating that the understory has been hacked or broken during their retreat, scuffs on tree trunks and rocks, and dropped goods that could have been lost during their leaving.
He pushes hard and fast, following the trail, trying to find the goblins and get the hell away from Krumar's noise.
"Krumar for the love of the goddesses shut up before you get us all shot."
The first day after being dropped off was long and tedious. Some time was spent examining the debris from the fight that caused this all yet there was little left and we had been told that the Goblins headed south so soon we did as well. It was not long from the road that the forest took over and all signs of civilization were lost. I could have been ten feet from the road and been lost for a week trying to find it again, it was that thick and dense. There were no paths just ways which were less obstructed by branches and roots and hidden by fallen leaves. It was hard even to tell the time of day as the canopy hid the sky. It was cool and calm and peaceful in an unquiet kind of way. There was scant few tracks to be found, my eyes surely saw none even when they were pointed out to me. Slightly flattened leaves, broken twigs, these are what we are depending on? The moving was slow going as we had to halt on a regular basis to pick up the lost trail. Still, there was much motivation to find the tracks and keep moving for the one called Krumar sang less while we were on the move.
There wasn't much improvement on the tracking on the second day but there was more activity. The Dragonborn Jordgubb was talking to himself. A lot. In Goblin of all things. I'm unsure if he knew I understood what he was saying or not but it was the most inane of things. I was tempted to ask what he was going but also afraid he would tell me. His driveling did have some effect though, on several occasions Goblins came right at us. It was one or two at a time, only, and they were quickly dispatched. The soldier, Dabbert, proved himself quite adept and cut many of them down quickly and easily. Shocking to me, the Halfling Nefire was just as capable and even more savage. Even Jordgubb proved a help. Krumar... Krumar attempted to sing about it after. The slain were searched but there was no evidence they were a part of the group which attacked the caravan and took the girl. Except that they were Goblins, of course.
A couple days continued like that, more or less, until finally we did get a sign that our search wasn't pointless. In the middle of the night we were attacked by a pack of the foul creatures. We has set a watch and thank the powers that we had or we'd likely have been slain as we slept. It was a bit of a battle but, as my continuing the journal proves, we survived the night. Once again I was impressed with the actions of the others. Mostly. These Goblins were more organized. Determined. Perhaps even smarter. When the battle had turned a couple fled. All but in unison Dabbert and Jordgubb called out that they were going to warn others, which is what I heard shouted out by the Goblins as well. The group frantically hunted them down and we do believe we got them all. Still, we now know that there is some organization amongst at least these Goblins. The arrows they used matched those from the caravan attack as well, the feathers of a different bird used... Or so Jordgubb said. It was decided we needed to be more stealthy, more careful. If they are organized this deep into the Forest Kingdom then there is no telling how many there may be...
So as things become more treacherous the party becomes more careful. A couple bands of 4-6 groupings are spotted and hunted down. Some fights go better than others but you win out in the end... So far.
Here and now you have been following tracks and more of less heading toward a hill. Any surety you had that you were tracking the caravan attackers tracks is lost as there are just too many tracks in the portion of the forest. That, combined with the number of days, make it impossible to know for sure. Still there does seem to be enough traffic to make some paths here and they do mostly seem to lead in this direction... And lo! You hear what may be another patrol? You all pause and listen and strain to see through the branches and leaves...
Two Goblins are spotted to the north of your position approximately forty-five to fifty feet away. You pause a moment and watch then and they seem to be heading east, casually strolling and chatting about something or other.
There is no indication that they have noticed you. Now what???
Krumar the first to spot them with his ever keen sense of danger points them out "Perhaps, maybe, we capture them and play them off each other while interrogating? I can be quite persuasive or at the very least they'll talk to stop me from playing my flute."
"Capture them? Boo. Alright, if it stops you from playing your flute." Nefire pouts a bit as she tries to agree and starts heading towards the goblins.
Then a smile creeps on her face and she calls back over her shoulder, "what if I soften them up a little for ya, won't that help?"
And she dashes towards them, and as she reaches the first one, she spins her greataxe so that she hits him with the flat side wanting to knock him out rather than kill him.
(with the charger feat, she can use her BA to attack)
There has indeed been opportunity a plenty to interrogate Goblins as you trekked south through the Forest Kingdoms. Using means both fair and foul you have learned that there are indeed a growing number of Goblins in these forests here. As no concerted effort has been made in ages to cull their numbers, they have increased. Mostly the Goblins are feral and loners or in small packs... But as you get further and further south you can extract from some more organized Goblins that a new Goblin Kingdom is being formed!
But really? Really?
Sure, now that you are definitely in the southern portion of the forest you can tell these Goblins are a wee bit smarter, more organized and they have mentioned warning the others and such like that as opposed to fighting to the death or just fleeing willy nilly. But a kingdom? That seems a bit far fetched. Still, more than one has mentioned a King Wiggums but... really?
More specifically for you mission you don't learn much but are told that if a hostage was taken they would be taken to the king. "Before we eats them!" one giggles before one of you punch them. They don't know why a hostage would be taken but if one was it must be on the king's orders... But they don't know why he would want them. You also get vague, general directions which you've been following. "Under the hill," is mentioned as well as "Through the stones and down the steps but I'm not allowed into throne room!"
If you have more questions before we get to the Here and Now then of course feel free to shoot them out... Though I don't think they'll have much more to tell you. And in the Here and Now, Krumar and Nefire can of course adjust their actions if they wish.
During the precious questionings as the group make their way toward their perceived objective, Jordgubb tries to buddy up to one of the terrified goblins, speaking their language and being the 'good cop' and always standing on their right. He asks what protections the king has, why specifically he was appointed, what the gobbos do with prisoners, and If there were any big beasts to be wary of. If the goblins refuse to answer his demeanour changes, a grimace forms on his face and he quickly stands to their left instead and threatens to eat their fingers if they don't supply the information. After a while of the back and forth it appears Jordgubb is attempting to play both good cop and bad cop at the same time in a very confusing and deranged display, if needed, the dragon born does indeed follow through on his threat biting off and taking great dramatic pleasure in crunching down on their metacarpals with a grin before switching side and buddying up once more with blood still trickling on his chin.
There is something inherently wrong with this dragonborn but he sure seems like he is having fun.
Jordgubb's Goblin interviewee is quite confused by the display but quite brave... Until he loses some fingers. Birds take flight, ears are split and even the nearby trees seem to try to lean away from the screams and cries as Goblin fingers are chomped off and swallowed by your jovial, congenial druid friend. Once that happens the Goblin is much more cooperative, at least until blood loss gets the better of him.
"He appointed himself. He biggest. He gets to rule til someone brings him down, no?" the Goblin responds.
"Dunno, I'm not an insider. I don't go into the throne room, I roam the woods, yes?"
"We don't take prisoners, what we want with prisoner?" the Goblin answers, confused. It is apparent not every Goblin knows everything. Even if these Goblins are under the thumb of the king they may not be a part of his inner group... But the woods have no large predators living in it that the Goblins know of.
Krumar having witnessed Jordy, as he now refers to him, bite the goblins fingers off, lost his breakfast. He was so disgusted he couldn't provide ambience for the scene.
Krumar watches Nef charge ahead swinging her axe like madwoman, shakes his head...."What happened to strategy...I guess we don't need to torture these goblins with Jordy's breath or worse."He chews back lunch "Alright we are doing this then." Krumar moves 15 feet up behind the bush and plays a tune for the goblin not attacked by Nef.
Krumar pulls out his flute Jethro Tull style and begins to play. He takes out his lute next and sings this little ditty towards the goblin (Vicious Mockery Wis Save of 14 or 1 psychic damage and disadvantage on next attack)
"Oh, you nasty little goblin with your crooked, sneaky grin, Your mother raised you poorly, that's where the tale begins, She taught you how to scavenge, but not to be polite, Now you both are just a nuisance, dead here in the light."
Nefire grins at Jordgrubb's display, thoroughly impressed. Not only was it brilliant, but it actually brought about results! He just needed a bath... she makes a note to shove him in the next stream they run across.
Her actions remain the same...
She then glares at Krumar, "I thought this was to get you to sing less..."
Nefire launches herself at the Goblins and runs as quickly and silents as she can until her axe Boings! against one of their heads - Flat side clanging off flat side! ((With her Charger Feat she can do an additional 5 damage or move the target 10' away but... )) The Goblin immediately goes limp, unconscious... or perhaps just flat out dead.
Krumar steps up, a little bit, and blows through his flute between lyrics. His magics indeed float upon the air and find their mark. Unfortunately the other Goblin isn't much offended, feeling the bard's song is pretty spot on accurate.
Dabbert is getting pretty bored with whipping Goblins and interrogating Goblins and encountering Goblins and Goblins in general. They encounter two more, he begins to suggest a course of action, and then Nefire runs in and...isn't this just how it works, though? He doesn't wait long before he follows. She swings her axe like she's trying to hit a home run and there's no doubt in Dab's mind that the poor Goblin, if it doesn't die today, is now mentally handicapped and will probably piss on itself every time it sees an axe for the rest of its life.
Seeing that Goblin is no longer a threat, Dabbert rushes past the collapsed one and then pins the other in between himself and Nefire, shield up, spear ready...
<"You're surrounded! Surrender or you'll be killed! Throw down your weapons and lay on your face!"> He shouts in Goblin...
Turn Summary
Movement w/ Dash Action: Moves to the far side of the surviving Goblin to sandwich it between him and Nefire, putting roughly 5 feet between him and the Goblin. Reaction- Polearm Master Opportunity Attack: Targeting any enemy that comes within 5 feet of Dabbert. 17 to hit. 7 damage. Trying to use the spear like a club for bludgeoning non-lethal damage
Jordgubb, dashes out of the brush, and over to the unconscious goblin. Making direct eye contact with the still conscious one he hunches over it's felled companion and goes for the intimidation strat.
Jordgubb, still holding eye contact with the live goblin says, in goblish, "you put down your weapon and tell us where the king is, or we are eating you next, and you won't have the luxury of being dead first" and then he leans over placing his teeth on the arm of the unconscious goblin. (No attack as action used to dash, but a bite is imminent next turn)
(To clarify the scene a bit... You have been going through these old, dense woods and heading towards a hill. You have all but arrived at the hill, still tree covered but not quite as densely, and as you approach the is a bit of a stone wall jutting up from the ground. A natural formation, nothing man made... Just a ridge of hard stone edging this portion of the hill. The two Goblins you spotted were walking a bit of a path or clearing that runs along this edge, heading from west to east...)
The Goblin still on it's feet is against a bit of a stone wall so Dabbert cannot exactly sandwich it between himself and Nefire but he can cut in front of it in the direction the two were headed and call out for it's surrender...
This call for the Goblin to surrender is bolstered by the dirty and gross Dragonborn scrambling out of the brush and all but latching itself onto the prone body of it's companion and making a similar demand while salivating at his possible next meal.
The Goblin shakes and shivers a bit. A small whimper like sound escapes him. He then drops the scimitar he had half pulled...
Unfortunately it turns out the surrendering Goblin was not the last Goblin. Two more emerge from the woods and rush in from the east to assist their fellow gobbos... GoblinA and GoblinD both rush up and take swings at the diminutive Nefire as she is both the closest as well as, to their eyes, weakest member of the attacking invader folk!
GoblinA Scimitar Attack vs Nefire: 10 to hit for 4damage GoblinD Scimitar Attack vs Nefire: Nat 1...
GoblinD rushes in and hollars "Defend the King!" but as he twists to swing his scimitar he turns his ankle on a loose rock and fumbles his blade, juggling it for a moment before miraculously grabbing hold of it once again... but his turn wasted.
The Red Branch Aspirant steps forward carefully, giving Krumar a small understanding smile even as he moves past his hiding spot and goes another ten feet forward to where he can get a good view. His role isn't to fight, isn't to get involved, but he can utter a small prayer... As he does there seems to be a slight clearing of the overcast skies and one particularly bright sunbeam shines down and seems to strike out against one of the Goblins engaged with Nefire.
RBA casts Holy Word: 22to hit for 4Radiant damage against
GoblinB with the white circle is unconscious/dead. (Nefire did non-lethal damage that put him in this state and flung him along the path of the black arrow. Unconscious for now, will die if not healed or stabilized soonishly...)
Goblins D and A were seen turning around and heading back to you all. They had been ahead of those you had seen and blocked by cover until you all changed position.
Round 2 Initiative Order:
1) Krumar 2) Nefire 3) Dabbert 4) Goblin B 5) Goblin C 6) Jordgubb 7) Goblin D 8) Goblin A 9) Red Branch Aspirant
Krumar puts away his instruments and decides to practice with his bow. He doesn't use it much....really ever. He figures since his companions have the goblins right where they want he might as well let it fly. "Whistling through the dappled light, my arrow finds its aim, Striking swift with righteous might, to end the goblin's game. Down he tumbles with a cry, his mischief now laid low, In the forest bathed in daylight, peace begins to grow." And with that he lets an arrow fly at Goblin A
Before it can be much of a threat to Nefire, Goblin A finds itself pierced by Krumar's shaft - The shock of the penetration being too much for the creature and it dying instantly.
"Should have seen that uh...coming." He says, then gets moving as Krumar drops a Goblin with an arrow after Nefire takes a nasty slash. He moves quick, positioning himself next to Nefire, shield up, spear slashing and swinging as he does his best to bring down Goblin C. He keeps his shield raised at all times, ready to throw it in front of Nefire if something should try to attack her...and spear forward, ready to stab anything that moves to within 5 feet of him...
Turn Summary
Movement: 5 - 10 feet to ward Nefire, facing both Goblin C and Goblin D Action- Attack w/ Spear: 10 to hit, 5 damage Bonus Action- Polearm Master Bonus Attack: 12 to hit, 5 damage Reaction- Listed in priority by whatever happens next... Priority 1- Protection Fighting Style: Dabbert protects Nefire, imposing Disadvantage on anyone that would try to attack her Priority 2- Polearm Master Opportunity Attack: 17 to hit, 5 damage
Dabbert stumbles a bit on a root and his attacks with the spear suffer for it as both miss. He does, however, position himself at Nefire's side to help shield her against any more Goblin attacks.
Black arrow can be ignored, it was where Nefire knocked someone, moot now... White ringed Goblin is unconscious and unstably so... Red ringed Goblin is dead. Nefire to Act... Then Goblins B&C - One unconscious, one had surrendered before backup arrived.
1) Krumar 2) Nefire 3) Dabbert 4) Goblin B 5) Goblin C 6) Jordgubb 7) Goblin D 8) Goblin A 9) Red Branch Aspirant
Goblin D squeaks and ducks below Nefire's swing. Not easy to get below Nefire's swing but lucky for the Goblin he is on the height-challenged scale as well.
Goblin B is unconscious and does nothing.
Goblin C, having dropped it's weapon, looks around at the overwhelming odds and whimpers... And bolts! "Must warn king!" he squeels while disengaging and booking it out of there.
White ringed Goblin is unconscious and eventually will die if not tended to... Red ringed Goblin is dead. Jordgubb is up to act, then Goblin D, RBA and then it'll be next round...
1) Krumar 2) Nefire 3) Dabbert 4) Goblin B 5) Goblin C 6) Jordgubb 7) Goblin D 8) Goblin A 9) Red Branch Aspirant
Jordgubb hears what the fleeing goblin is saying and hesitates biting into his meal. Begrudgingly giving up on the helpless food, he gives chase, pulling out his quarterstaff he mutters a couple of words over it as he runs and fungi begins to grow over the blunt end, glowing a sickly bioluminescent green and fortifying the staff. As Jordgubb gets close enough he swings down with a two handed smack
Dabbert has been a tracker before, working in the army as he did once before. After hopping out of the wagon he begins to search for signs of disturbed or packed leaves like many feet have gone over them, as well as signs for trails leading off in other directions that could indicate that the goblins were trying to throw off potential pursuers. He looks for broken sticks and brush indicating that the understory has been hacked or broken during their retreat, scuffs on tree trunks and rocks, and dropped goods that could have been lost during their leaving.
He pushes hard and fast, following the trail, trying to find the goblins and get the hell away from Krumar's noise.
"Krumar for the love of the goddesses shut up before you get us all shot."
Turn Summary
Survival Check: 14 + 6 (Bardic Inspiration) = 20
DM of AURYN: The Measure of Devotion - Escape from New York
From the journal of the Red Branch Aspirant:
So as things become more treacherous the party becomes more careful. A couple bands of 4-6 groupings are spotted and hunted down. Some fights go better than others but you win out in the end... So far.
Here and now you have been following tracks and more of less heading toward a hill. Any surety you had that you were tracking the caravan attackers tracks is lost as there are just too many tracks in the portion of the forest. That, combined with the number of days, make it impossible to know for sure. Still there does seem to be enough traffic to make some paths here and they do mostly seem to lead in this direction... And lo! You hear what may be another patrol? You all pause and listen and strain to see through the branches and leaves...
Two Goblins are spotted to the north of your position approximately forty-five to fifty feet away. You pause a moment and watch then and they seem to be heading east, casually strolling and chatting about something or other.
There is no indication that they have noticed you. Now what???
Initiative Order:
1) Krumar
2) Nefire
3) Dabbert
4) Jordgubb
5) Red Branch Aspirant
(Initiative will change when/if Goblins get involved...)
Krumar the first to spot them with his ever keen sense of danger points them out "Perhaps, maybe, we capture them and play them off each other while interrogating? I can be quite persuasive or at the very least they'll talk to stop me from playing my flute."
"Capture them? Boo. Alright, if it stops you from playing your flute." Nefire pouts a bit as she tries to agree and starts heading towards the goblins.
Then a smile creeps on her face and she calls back over her shoulder, "what if I soften them up a little for ya, won't that help?"
And she dashes towards them, and as she reaches the first one, she spins her greataxe so that she hits him with the flat side wanting to knock him out rather than kill him.
(with the charger feat, she can use her BA to attack)
Attack: 25, Damage: 13 (nonlethal)
There has indeed been opportunity a plenty to interrogate Goblins as you trekked south through the Forest Kingdoms. Using means both fair and foul you have learned that there are indeed a growing number of Goblins in these forests here. As no concerted effort has been made in ages to cull their numbers, they have increased. Mostly the Goblins are feral and loners or in small packs... But as you get further and further south you can extract from some more organized Goblins that a new Goblin Kingdom is being formed!
But really? Really?
Sure, now that you are definitely in the southern portion of the forest you can tell these Goblins are a wee bit smarter, more organized and they have mentioned warning the others and such like that as opposed to fighting to the death or just fleeing willy nilly. But a kingdom? That seems a bit far fetched. Still, more than one has mentioned a King Wiggums but... really?
More specifically for you mission you don't learn much but are told that if a hostage was taken they would be taken to the king. "Before we eats them!" one giggles before one of you punch them. They don't know why a hostage would be taken but if one was it must be on the king's orders... But they don't know why he would want them. You also get vague, general directions which you've been following. "Under the hill," is mentioned as well as "Through the stones and down the steps but I'm not allowed into throne room!"
If you have more questions before we get to the Here and Now then of course feel free to shoot them out... Though I don't think they'll have much more to tell you. And in the Here and Now, Krumar and Nefire can of course adjust their actions if they wish.
During the precious questionings as the group make their way toward their perceived objective, Jordgubb tries to buddy up to one of the terrified goblins, speaking their language and being the 'good cop' and always standing on their right. He asks what protections the king has, why specifically he was appointed, what the gobbos do with prisoners, and If there were any big beasts to be wary of. If the goblins refuse to answer his demeanour changes, a grimace forms on his face and he quickly stands to their left instead and threatens to eat their fingers if they don't supply the information. After a while of the back and forth it appears Jordgubb is attempting to play both good cop and bad cop at the same time in a very confusing and deranged display, if needed, the dragon born does indeed follow through on his threat biting off and taking great dramatic pleasure in crunching down on their metacarpals with a grin before switching side and buddying up once more with blood still trickling on his chin.
There is something inherently wrong with this dragonborn but he sure seems like he is having fun.
Jordgubb's Goblin interviewee is quite confused by the display but quite brave... Until he loses some fingers. Birds take flight, ears are split and even the nearby trees seem to try to lean away from the screams and cries as Goblin fingers are chomped off and swallowed by your jovial, congenial druid friend. Once that happens the Goblin is much more cooperative, at least until blood loss gets the better of him.
"He appointed himself. He biggest. He gets to rule til someone brings him down, no?" the Goblin responds.
"Dunno, I'm not an insider. I don't go into the throne room, I roam the woods, yes?"
"We don't take prisoners, what we want with prisoner?" the Goblin answers, confused. It is apparent not every Goblin knows everything. Even if these Goblins are under the thumb of the king they may not be a part of his inner group... But the woods have no large predators living in it that the Goblins know of.
Krumar having witnessed Jordy, as he now refers to him, bite the goblins fingers off, lost his breakfast. He was so disgusted he couldn't provide ambience for the scene.
Krumar watches Nef charge ahead swinging her axe like madwoman, shakes his head...."What happened to strategy...I guess we don't need to torture these goblins with Jordy's breath or worse." He chews back lunch "Alright we are doing this then." Krumar moves 15 feet up behind the bush and plays a tune for the goblin not attacked by Nef.
Krumar pulls out his flute Jethro Tull style and begins to play. He takes out his lute next and sings this little ditty towards the goblin (Vicious Mockery Wis Save of 14 or 1 psychic damage and disadvantage on next attack)
"Oh, you nasty little goblin with your crooked, sneaky grin,
Your mother raised you poorly, that's where the tale begins,
She taught you how to scavenge, but not to be polite,
Now you both are just a nuisance, dead here in the light."
Nefire grins at Jordgrubb's display, thoroughly impressed. Not only was it brilliant, but it actually brought about results! He just needed a bath... she makes a note to shove him in the next stream they run across.
Her actions remain the same...
She then glares at Krumar, "I thought this was to get you to sing less..."
Nefire launches herself at the Goblins and runs as quickly and silents as she can until her axe Boings! against one of their heads - Flat side clanging off flat side! ((With her Charger Feat she can do an additional 5 damage or move the target 10' away but... )) The Goblin immediately goes limp, unconscious... or perhaps just flat out dead.
Krumar steps up, a little bit, and blows through his flute between lyrics. His magics indeed float upon the air and find their mark. Unfortunately the other Goblin isn't much offended, feeling the bard's song is pretty spot on accurate.
Dabbert is up!
Dabbert is getting pretty bored with whipping Goblins and interrogating Goblins and encountering Goblins and Goblins in general. They encounter two more, he begins to suggest a course of action, and then Nefire runs in and...isn't this just how it works, though? He doesn't wait long before he follows. She swings her axe like she's trying to hit a home run and there's no doubt in Dab's mind that the poor Goblin, if it doesn't die today, is now mentally handicapped and will probably piss on itself every time it sees an axe for the rest of its life.
Seeing that Goblin is no longer a threat, Dabbert rushes past the collapsed one and then pins the other in between himself and Nefire, shield up, spear ready...
<"You're surrounded! Surrender or you'll be killed! Throw down your weapons and lay on your face!"> He shouts in Goblin...
Turn Summary
Movement w/ Dash Action: Moves to the far side of the surviving Goblin to sandwich it between him and Nefire, putting roughly 5 feet between him and the Goblin.
Reaction- Polearm Master Opportunity Attack: Targeting any enemy that comes within 5 feet of Dabbert. 17 to hit. 7 damage. Trying to use the spear like a club for bludgeoning non-lethal damage
DM of AURYN: The Measure of Devotion - Escape from New York
Jordgubb, dashes out of the brush, and over to the unconscious goblin. Making direct eye contact with the still conscious one he hunches over it's felled companion and goes for the intimidation strat.
Jordgubb, still holding eye contact with the live goblin says, in goblish, "you put down your weapon and tell us where the king is, or we are eating you next, and you won't have the luxury of being dead first" and then he leans over placing his teeth on the arm of the unconscious goblin. (No attack as action used to dash, but a bite is imminent next turn)
(To clarify the scene a bit... You have been going through these old, dense woods and heading towards a hill. You have all but arrived at the hill, still tree covered but not quite as densely, and as you approach the is a bit of a stone wall jutting up from the ground. A natural formation, nothing man made... Just a ridge of hard stone edging this portion of the hill. The two Goblins you spotted were walking a bit of a path or clearing that runs along this edge, heading from west to east...)
The Goblin still on it's feet is against a bit of a stone wall so Dabbert cannot exactly sandwich it between himself and Nefire but he can cut in front of it in the direction the two were headed and call out for it's surrender...
This call for the Goblin to surrender is bolstered by the dirty and gross Dragonborn scrambling out of the brush and all but latching itself onto the prone body of it's companion and making a similar demand while salivating at his possible next meal.
The Goblin shakes and shivers a bit. A small whimper like sound escapes him. He then drops the scimitar he had half pulled...
Unfortunately it turns out the surrendering Goblin was not the last Goblin. Two more emerge from the woods and rush in from the east to assist their fellow gobbos... GoblinA and GoblinD both rush up and take swings at the diminutive Nefire as she is both the closest as well as, to their eyes, weakest member of the attacking invader folk!
GoblinA Scimitar Attack vs Nefire: 10 to hit for 4 damage
GoblinD Scimitar Attack vs Nefire: Nat 1...
GoblinD rushes in and hollars "Defend the King!" but as he twists to swing his scimitar he turns his ankle on a loose rock and fumbles his blade, juggling it for a moment before miraculously grabbing hold of it once again... but his turn wasted.
The Red Branch Aspirant steps forward carefully, giving Krumar a small understanding smile even as he moves past his hiding spot and goes another ten feet forward to where he can get a good view. His role isn't to fight, isn't to get involved, but he can utter a small prayer... As he does there seems to be a slight clearing of the overcast skies and one particularly bright sunbeam shines down and seems to strike out against one of the Goblins engaged with Nefire.
RBA casts Holy Word: 22 to hit for 4 Radiant damage against
GoblinB with the white circle is unconscious/dead. (Nefire did non-lethal damage that put him in this state and flung him along the path of the black arrow. Unconscious for now, will die if not healed or stabilized soonishly...)
Goblins D and A were seen turning around and heading back to you all. They had been ahead of those you had seen and blocked by cover until you all changed position.
Round 2 Initiative Order:
1) Krumar
2) Nefire
3) Dabbert
4) Goblin B
5) Goblin C
6) Jordgubb
7) Goblin D
8) Goblin A
9) Red Branch Aspirant
Krumar puts away his instruments and decides to practice with his bow. He doesn't use it much....really ever. He figures since his companions have the goblins right where they want he might as well let it fly. "Whistling through the dappled light, my arrow finds its aim, Striking swift with righteous might, to end the goblin's game. Down he tumbles with a cry, his mischief now laid low, In the forest bathed in daylight, peace begins to grow." And with that he lets an arrow fly at Goblin A
Attack: 18 Damage: Unable to parse dice roll.
Before it can be much of a threat to Nefire, Goblin A finds itself pierced by Krumar's shaft - The shock of the penetration being too much for the creature and it dying instantly.
((No map update but GoblinA is dead...))
Dabbert watches things go to hell.
"Should have seen that uh...coming." He says, then gets moving as Krumar drops a Goblin with an arrow after Nefire takes a nasty slash. He moves quick, positioning himself next to Nefire, shield up, spear slashing and swinging as he does his best to bring down Goblin C. He keeps his shield raised at all times, ready to throw it in front of Nefire if something should try to attack her...and spear forward, ready to stab anything that moves to within 5 feet of him...
Turn Summary
Movement: 5 - 10 feet to ward Nefire, facing both Goblin C and Goblin D
Action- Attack w/ Spear: 10 to hit, 5 damage
Bonus Action- Polearm Master Bonus Attack: 12 to hit, 5 damage
Reaction- Listed in priority by whatever happens next...
Priority 1- Protection Fighting Style: Dabbert protects Nefire, imposing Disadvantage on anyone that would try to attack her
Priority 2- Polearm Master Opportunity Attack: 17 to hit, 5 damage
DM of AURYN: The Measure of Devotion - Escape from New York
Dabbert stumbles a bit on a root and his attacks with the spear suffer for it as both miss. He does, however, position himself at Nefire's side to help shield her against any more Goblin attacks.
Black arrow can be ignored, it was where Nefire knocked someone, moot now...
White ringed Goblin is unconscious and unstably so...
Red ringed Goblin is dead.
Nefire to Act... Then Goblins B&C - One unconscious, one had surrendered before backup arrived.
1) Krumar2) Nefire
3) Dabbert4) Goblin B
5) Goblin C
6) Jordgubb
7) Goblin D
8) Goblin A
9) Red Branch Aspirant
"Hey Dabby! How's it going?" Nefire appears to be having a ball, and so far has not been hit.
Then she turns to goblin D, attempting to take a whack at his scalp, but misses.
Attack: 14
Goblin D squeaks and ducks below Nefire's swing. Not easy to get below Nefire's swing but lucky for the Goblin he is on the height-challenged scale as well.
Goblin B is unconscious and does nothing.
Goblin C, having dropped it's weapon, looks around at the overwhelming odds and whimpers... And bolts! "Must warn king!" he squeels while disengaging and booking it out of there.
White ringed Goblin is unconscious and eventually will die if not tended to...
Red ringed Goblin is dead.
Jordgubb is up to act, then Goblin D, RBA and then it'll be next round...
1) Krumar2) Nefire3) Dabbert4) Goblin B5) Goblin C6) Jordgubb
7) Goblin D
8) Goblin A9) Red Branch Aspirant
Jordgubb hears what the fleeing goblin is saying and hesitates biting into his meal. Begrudgingly giving up on the helpless food, he gives chase, pulling out his quarterstaff he mutters a couple of words over it as he runs and fungi begins to grow over the blunt end, glowing a sickly bioluminescent green and fortifying the staff. As Jordgubb gets close enough he swings down with a two handed smack
(26 to hit, 12 magical bludgeoning damage)
Bonus, shillelagh
Action, attack
Movement, to C