Morkeleb brightens at the decree. He will proudly explain to the rest of the group that the bit about getting warmth was his idea.
To Grynsk he will say, “We are ready to go, sir. Hopefully we can both get a bunch of fish and also put concerns about a monster to rest, one way or another.”
"Well I brought 2 of these beings to help me inform you of a danger that may be lurking in the depths. We have some renderings of an aquatic creature that may be the cause of all these missing fishermen. We should focus our efforts on that instead of fishing. I would have suggested a force but to seek it out but it seems your wisdom is ahead of me. I will join those going out tomorrow to hunt the creature. It would be of great benefit to us if you added a few more crews to aid us in looking for this thing."
Nox uneasily rubs his temples at the prospects of both rising at seven and venturing out to sea again, but he musters enough energy to take out a flask from his coat pocket and to swig down a few gulps before muttering, "I suppose I am also coming forth to hunt this creature. It'd be nice to light a fire again"
He looks at you pleasantly the whole time you speak. When you finish your report, he nods and says, “Good good. Glad to hear we’ll be pulling the big fish out of the water. You handle yourself well out there. I’ll ask who we can spare tomorrow if I remember it.”
Assuming there’s nothing else to be done at this time, each of you spends the night with an understanding of tomorrow’s task. When morning comes, you’re up bright and early, and meet at the docks, where, true to the dockmaster’s word, The Burly Ram is tied up. It’s a large rowboat with the name engraved on the side, and contains a few nets, poles, and tackle. Those who have been around town before know that bait and chum are stored in the nearby dockhouse, which is easily accessible. Several fisherman have begrudgingly gone out this morning, in light of the decree, and a few more are happily there, not believing in lake monsters to begin with.
The air is cold and crisp; the lake’s waves idly lap against the frozen docks; a few ribbons of sunlight sneak through the dark sky. Deep in these dark waters, you can’t be sure if a creature swims beneath, waiting for you, or if it’s just paranoia. Either way, you have a boat, and you’re ready to set out.
All who want to can roll a perception check as you shove off.
(Out of Character: If anybody has anything to add about the night before, feel free to do so. Otherwise, describe whatever additional supplies you’re bringing aboard [standard fishing gear available in the dockhouse], and what role you intend to take in controlling the boat/fishing)
Morkeleb would prefer to try his hand at fishing (gathered fishing gear), but he's ready to drop the fishing gear and snatch up his sword and shield, which are strapped to his back, if anything "fishy" happens. He's wearing his armor and has his javelin, as well, but left his adventuring pack and money at home.
If a check becomes applicable, Morkeleb would like to cast guidance on whoever is navigating the boat: "I pray that you steer us well and true."
He would also like to occasionally cast guidance on himself as he is fishing: "May the fish in this lake yield themselves to me, that the people of Bremen can eat well."
Nox Perception check (21) - Nox is utilizing his experience of being on the seas to try and notice any strange patterns in the water. Specifically large amounts of water being displaced at a single time and a lack of fish in certain areas that would indicate the presence of a larger predator. He's not going to attempt to fish and will concentrate all of his efforts on searching for the creature.
As you shove off, the cool air and the gentle sound of the water lapping against the side of the boat make the whole experience strangely relaxing, relative to what you came out here for. The dragonborns' high perception allows the group to steer around the dangerous ice flows. Jar' and Barnabus's steady rowing gets the group out to the depths of the lake fairly quickly. At first, nothing of interest happens as everyone looks out at the waters. A few friendly boats pass through, but most of them are staying near the shallows, for one reason or another. None dare to approach the center of the waters.
As you all settle in to your roles, Morkeleb throws a net into the water, and manages to pull in 6 Knucklehead Trout, sizable maroon fish known for their rock hard skull and aggression. A seal swims by lazily. For a solid hour, it seems as though nothing is going to happen, but then Nox, with his high perception, notices the aforementioned seel start to panic, then go straight down, obviously pulled by some unseen force. The waters where the seel were look subtly darker, though it's hard to tell from a distance.
Nox rushes to the side of the ship, almost knocking the others aside in his haste. He digs his claws into the railing and points to the area where the seal disappeared, "Look! Look right over there! It's in these waters and its right by us!" He starts frantically shouting. He turns to Barnabus and asks, "What should we do, like what's your guys' protocols for this?! Should we start firing?"
Almost as if it knows you've spotted it, whatever dwells beneath the water's surface appears to sink down as the water turns back to its usual shade. The party looks out, trying to cast what light they can from their lanterns to get a better look at whatever it was. With their passive perceptions, Barnabus and Jar swear they hear a rough, coarse voice speak, though something muffles the words. A moment later the boat rocks. The second time, it rocks much more, as you can all feel something ram you from under the water. The boat nearly capsizes at the second strike, as I need everyone to roll a Dexterity Saving Throw (DC 12 or be knocked prone, DC 7 or be knocked into the water). As those who still stand get their bearings, they see a cold reptilian face staring at them, barring long teeth. It's serpentine neck leads into the water, and you all know the face of Bremen's Lake Monster as it rears back, ready to strike.
Initiative Order:
Nox - 17
Jar - 16
Plesiosaur - 13
Morkeleb - 11
Barnabus - 10
Nox is first to go, but remember the Dex save at the start of the round.
(For Combat Purposes, describe general movement, but don't worry too much about exact squares. This is more for the sake of visualization.)
Already getting a glimpse of the creature as it heaves itself at the ship, Nox is able to prepare himself for the sudden crash. He remains steady on his feet and will cast Eldritch Blast at the creature.
Eldritch Blast - 10 to hit (I'm presuming it doesn't).
Morkeleb keeps his sea legs (barely) and announces in a loud, booming voice,
“Creature from the watery depths, be warned that I, Morkeleb of the Vexashene White Terrors, and protector of the people of Bremen, am here. We are ready to slay thee!”
(he wants to make sure to get his name out there)
Depending on what the creature does on its turn (it goes before Morkeleb), he’s likely to either attack it with his sword, or else cast a spell to buff the others.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
The creature's undulating neck allows it to weave pass the eldritch blast. At Morkeleb's proclamation, it briefly pauses to stare at him, a look of almost annoyed understanding on its face. This pause allows Jar to jab it in the eye with his staff, angering it. It rears back and lunges at Jar with a retaliatory bite, getting 14 to hit for 14 piercing damage.
Morkeleb brightens at the decree. He will proudly explain to the rest of the group that the bit about getting warmth was his idea.
To Grynsk he will say, “We are ready to go, sir. Hopefully we can both get a bunch of fish and also put concerns about a monster to rest, one way or another.”
Jar rolls his shoulders and arms. "Ready"
D&D since 1984
"Well I brought 2 of these beings to help me inform you of a danger that may be lurking in the depths. We have some renderings of an aquatic creature that may be the cause of all these missing fishermen. We should focus our efforts on that instead of fishing. I would have suggested a force but to seek it out but it seems your wisdom is ahead of me. I will join those going out tomorrow to hunt the creature. It would be of great benefit to us if you added a few more crews to aid us in looking for this thing."
Reports Barnabus.
Rogue Quin Oberon /Mercer's Tavern
Ranger Rigel Foresyth /LMOP
Fighter Barnabus Ironheel /North lands campaign
Fighter Flynt McGraw /Stormraider
Nox uneasily rubs his temples at the prospects of both rising at seven and venturing out to sea again, but he musters enough energy to take out a flask from his coat pocket and to swig down a few gulps before muttering, "I suppose I am also coming forth to hunt this creature. It'd be nice to light a fire again"
He looks at you pleasantly the whole time you speak. When you finish your report, he nods and says, “Good good. Glad to hear we’ll be pulling the big fish out of the water. You handle yourself well out there. I’ll ask who we can spare tomorrow if I remember it.”
Assuming there’s nothing else to be done at this time, each of you spends the night with an understanding of tomorrow’s task. When morning comes, you’re up bright and early, and meet at the docks, where, true to the dockmaster’s word, The Burly Ram is tied up. It’s a large rowboat with the name engraved on the side, and contains a few nets, poles, and tackle. Those who have been around town before know that bait and chum are stored in the nearby dockhouse, which is easily accessible. Several fisherman have begrudgingly gone out this morning, in light of the decree, and a few more are happily there, not believing in lake monsters to begin with.
The air is cold and crisp; the lake’s waves idly lap against the frozen docks; a few ribbons of sunlight sneak through the dark sky. Deep in these dark waters, you can’t be sure if a creature swims beneath, waiting for you, or if it’s just paranoia. Either way, you have a boat, and you’re ready to set out.
All who want to can roll a perception check as you shove off.
(Out of Character: If anybody has anything to add about the night before, feel free to do so. Otherwise, describe whatever additional supplies you’re bringing aboard [standard fishing gear available in the dockhouse], and what role you intend to take in controlling the boat/fishing)
Morkeleb's perception check: 17 (game log)
Morkeleb would prefer to try his hand at fishing (gathered fishing gear), but he's ready to drop the fishing gear and snatch up his sword and shield, which are strapped to his back, if anything "fishy" happens. He's wearing his armor and has his javelin, as well, but left his adventuring pack and money at home.
If a check becomes applicable, Morkeleb would like to cast guidance on whoever is navigating the boat: "I pray that you steer us well and true."
He would also like to occasionally cast guidance on himself as he is fishing: "May the fish in this lake yield themselves to me, that the people of Bremen can eat well."
Nox Perception check (21) - Nox is utilizing his experience of being on the seas to try and notice any strange patterns in the water. Specifically large amounts of water being displaced at a single time and a lack of fish in certain areas that would indicate the presence of a larger predator. He's not going to attempt to fish and will concentrate all of his efforts on searching for the creature.
Inspite of being a bit nauseous, Barnabus helps where ever his strength will be of use.
Rogue Quin Oberon /Mercer's Tavern
Ranger Rigel Foresyth /LMOP
Fighter Barnabus Ironheel /North lands campaign
Fighter Flynt McGraw /Stormraider
Jar would take one (or both, depending on spacing) the orrs.
D&D since 1984
As you shove off, the cool air and the gentle sound of the water lapping against the side of the boat make the whole experience strangely relaxing, relative to what you came out here for. The dragonborns' high perception allows the group to steer around the dangerous ice flows. Jar' and Barnabus's steady rowing gets the group out to the depths of the lake fairly quickly. At first, nothing of interest happens as everyone looks out at the waters. A few friendly boats pass through, but most of them are staying near the shallows, for one reason or another. None dare to approach the center of the waters.
As you all settle in to your roles, Morkeleb throws a net into the water, and manages to pull in 6 Knucklehead Trout, sizable maroon fish known for their rock hard skull and aggression. A seal swims by lazily. For a solid hour, it seems as though nothing is going to happen, but then Nox, with his high perception, notices the aforementioned seel start to panic, then go straight down, obviously pulled by some unseen force. The waters where the seel were look subtly darker, though it's hard to tell from a distance.
“Payday!” Shouts Morkeleb gleefully as he hauls in his catch.
Nox rushes to the side of the ship, almost knocking the others aside in his haste. He digs his claws into the railing and points to the area where the seal disappeared, "Look! Look right over there! It's in these waters and its right by us!" He starts frantically shouting. He turns to Barnabus and asks, "What should we do, like what's your guys' protocols for this?! Should we start firing?"
Morkeleb is surprised by Nox’s sudden animation, but quickly gathers himself and takes up his sword and shield.
“If it comes near, I shall smite off its head,” he proclaims bravely to the others.
Jar readies himself for battle
D&D since 1984
Almost as if it knows you've spotted it, whatever dwells beneath the water's surface appears to sink down as the water turns back to its usual shade. The party looks out, trying to cast what light they can from their lanterns to get a better look at whatever it was. With their passive perceptions, Barnabus and Jar swear they hear a rough, coarse voice speak, though something muffles the words. A moment later the boat rocks. The second time, it rocks much more, as you can all feel something ram you from under the water. The boat nearly capsizes at the second strike, as I need everyone to roll a Dexterity Saving Throw (DC 12 or be knocked prone, DC 7 or be knocked into the water). As those who still stand get their bearings, they see a cold reptilian face staring at them, barring long teeth. It's serpentine neck leads into the water, and you all know the face of Bremen's Lake Monster as it rears back, ready to strike.
Initiative Order:
Nox - 17
Jar - 16
Plesiosaur - 13
Morkeleb - 11
Barnabus - 10
Nox is first to go, but remember the Dex save at the start of the round.
(For Combat Purposes, describe general movement, but don't worry too much about exact squares. This is more for the sake of visualization.)
Nox Dex Saving throw - 22 (Natural 20)
Already getting a glimpse of the creature as it heaves itself at the ship, Nox is able to prepare himself for the sudden crash. He remains steady on his feet and will cast Eldritch Blast at the creature.
Eldritch Blast - 10 to hit (I'm presuming it doesn't).
Dex save 13
Morkeleb keeps his sea legs (barely) and announces in a loud, booming voice,
“Creature from the watery depths, be warned that I, Morkeleb of the Vexashene White Terrors, and protector of the people of Bremen, am here. We are ready to slay thee!”
(he wants to make sure to get his name out there)
Depending on what the creature does on its turn (it goes before Morkeleb), he’s likely to either attack it with his sword, or else cast a spell to buff the others.
Jar feels the boat shift and then the big hit, but he keeps his position (DEX 18 Save).
If it is in melee range he will attack with his staff (7 to hit 5 damage - presume miss). He then kicks at it with a solid hit (NAT 20 for 6 damage)
D&D since 1984
The creature's undulating neck allows it to weave pass the eldritch blast. At Morkeleb's proclamation, it briefly pauses to stare at him, a look of almost annoyed understanding on its face. This pause allows Jar to jab it in the eye with his staff, angering it. It rears back and lunges at Jar with a retaliatory bite, getting 14 to hit for 14 piercing damage.
Morkeleb is up.
Jar seeing the attack braces himself, lessening the damage from the creature(Stone Endurance takes 8 point of damage away)
D&D since 1984