Theodor senses nothing, there are no nearby zombies. He notices that Veneer still has a wound (2 damage to heal).
You pass through the gate with Bahamut watching over you in his dragon form.
Your arrival quickly draws the attention of the entire population of the place - which consists mostly of Kobolds all wearing white robes. These small reptilian folk eye you curiously while a couple of humans watch from a distance. All the cloister's residents are unarmed, no-one carries a visible weapon apart from a dagger used for eating. One of the kobolds pipes up with, What's you name?
At that , all the kobolds begin barraging you with new questions "Where are you from" "What's that" " Why are you here?"and more that is lost in the din.
Reitl hands each of them a map of the Temple and cloisters.
Krack is overwhelmed with the sight of so many kobolds wearing robes. His clan, and the others he knew of wore shreds of clothing and scraps of armor.
He begins to answer with his name “K'arack Gen'a..” but keeps getting cut off by other Kobolds and other questions, finally he is able to get his full name out “K'arack Gen'arack Threnthenarack” feeling pleased with himself.
She is amused by the curious creatures. "I am Shayla, a priest of Raei." Yes, this dagger is quite sharp." "Oh no, I don't color my hair, the sun changes the color of it." "If you happen to go to Waterdeep, look for the shop Wet Hand, Dry Hand, they specialize in textiles and clothing like mine." "Yes, you are very cute." "Maybe if you eat your vegetables you'll get to be as tall as I am." "No, sorry I don't have chicken snacks." "Of course I'll play with you, as long as we have time." "Isn't this place glorious? I agree." "No no you keep that." "I am fond of the color blue." "Really? I never thought of that before."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
The kobold acolytes live in the cloisters near the Dragon statue of Bahamut . Airy rooms cut into the very rock with solid oak doors. They are starved for new company, pilgrims rarely come here. Everyone is seen as a novelty. They swarm around Theodor, Shayla and Krack. A few stand separately , their tails wagging with excitement. One of them, has a belt full of alchemists fire, and wears goggles to protect her eyes from her concoctions. Belts full of tools worn as a bandolier. A kobold tinkerer. What Krack notices is that she has wings and is hovering an arms distance away.
K'arack Gen'arack Threnthenarack, cousin, she calls Next time use one of my fire bombs against the zombies, here take it, it works well, yes? My name is Myla.
You hear footsteps and Reitl turns back towards you. The kobolds fall silent as a new figure came into view, descending gracefully from the upper part of the cloister. She is an elderly elven woman with weathered skin, white hair flowing to her waist and kindly hazel eyes. She is dressed in a simple robe with a bronze cuirass. She smiles as she draws near and extends her arms in greetings.
Welcome to Dragon's Rest she says May Bahamut's guidance lead you to whatever you seek. My name is Runara. Thank you for clearing the zombies off the beach, they have become quite the nuisance, as you can imagine.
"Oooohhhh. Thank you, Myla,” he says, gently taking the provided flask, adding, “You can call me Krack.”
He is about to ask her another question, when all the kobolds go silent with the arrival of an elven woman, so he refrains, and remains silent himself.
As Barakas sees the elven woman, his body stiffens and as he relaxes replies "Next time put that on sign "Watchout! Dead bodies will try to take your belongings to the sea.""
She tugs at Kracks sleeve and gestures towards the fourth cell. Its door is open and he can see a workbench full of her tinkering toys. Come see me after dinner we'll devise something new for attacking the undead she whispers giving Krack a toothy grin.
I am the High cleric here for all that's worth. Reitl and Rix are both clerics. We have one cell here available or would you prefer the cloister below the Temple where the clerics sleep?
Many things in this world just need love, but undead are not one of them, they need peace, the peace of the grave. This Temple is dedicated to Bahamuts Peace, we only fight if we have to. Think on what you need from him.
It is true that the undead are becoming more mobile, they originally just stalked the beach by the shipwreck.
Runara gestured the party to walk with her.
Veneers perception allows him to see into the cells, each had a bed, a nightstand, a small desk and a chair. He noted the tinkerers room full of small gadgets, and the last two rooms full of hammocks.
On your right as you walk is a small, free standing building half way up the path, with a peaked roof and a weathered oaken door. A sturdy wooden pallet wrapped with rope hangs beneath the building on an iron chain, lying flat against the cliff face. Inside the building is a winch that allows the pallet to be lowered down to the water 50ft below.
"Thank you Cleric Runara, your hospitality is incredible. I am happy to sleep where you will have us. I only hope I can offer a way to express our gratitude."
"Speaking of which, Reitl did mention this shipwreck, and that the undead appeared around the time it unfortunately met its end. If I understand, you don't want to risk the inhabitants lives or safety to investigate this shipwreck, hence I am volunteering my services to help clear out this undead ship."
I see you are sword brethren, Paladin of Bahamut, Theodor. My thanks at suggesting ridding the island of these zombies. I'll share what I know tomorrow after you have all had a chance to clean up and eat well.
Here is the kitchen and dining room, she gestures to a doorway in the rock which opens into a dining room with a long table. Two benches run the length of the table, and a single chair sits at the tables head. A short hallway connects to a small tidy kitchen, a human cutting vegetables and tossing them into a large pot.
The middleaged man turns, he has pale skin, tanned darker with many freckles, auburn hair and a beard that is mostly grey, with grey-blue eyes. Faded tattoos in an abstract design peek up the side of his neck from beneath his robe, a long apron keeping his clothing mostly clean. You notice another tattoo winding up his left arm. You identify it automatically if you are a thief or have the soldier background. DC15 Intelligence (History check) to everyone else. Welcome, I'm Tarak, I hope you are feeling hungry? Dinner is at the candlemark before sunset.
Tarak's tattoos
A gold hangmans noose is worked into the design. The mark is a symbol associated with the Gilded Gallows, a thieves guild that operates in a country far to the south east called Elturguard. Tarak like all thieves dislikes backgrounds being discussed.
I keep walking and as soon as I see Tarak, I turn to him and, while flipping my coin, enthusiastically, say "Yup, I miss good food. Tell me the booze is as good as this smells!! Damnn, this makes me forget the shitty smell of those lurkers at the beach."
I hide a message in thieves cant (Not sure if he understands)
"Is there anyone here I should be worried about or to be dealt with? Do you know anything about the source of the zombies? Can I trust those who accompanie me or those who welcome me?"
Krack returns a toothy grin to Myla and begins to follow the others. He listens to Theodor talk about clearing the undead from the island, and he nods along in agreement.
He recognizes the tattoo but doesn't mention it. But he keeps nodding, this time at the thought of dinner.
He picks up Barakas' message in thieves cant and quickly glances at it. He talks about the island and its lack of visitors, in thieves cant it means that you can trust the people here. Then he goes back to chopping vegetables. Chatting in common about the wreck a month ago and the undead that it holds.
Trilaxa tries doing general chit chat, which she's terrible at, and keeps turning the conversation to the observatory, trying to pick up any info about it.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Liarin: Against the Cult of the Reptile God Adewild: Shadows and Light 2 Brother Thaddeus: Rime of the Frostmaiden.
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Theodor senses nothing, there are no nearby zombies. He notices that Veneer still has a wound (2 damage to heal).
You pass through the gate with Bahamut watching over you in his dragon form.
Your arrival quickly draws the attention of the entire population of the place - which consists mostly of Kobolds all wearing white robes. These small reptilian folk eye you curiously while a couple of humans watch from a distance. All the cloister's residents are unarmed, no-one carries a visible weapon apart from a dagger used for eating. One of the kobolds pipes up with, What's you name?
At that , all the kobolds begin barraging you with new questions "Where are you from" "What's that" " Why are you here?"and more that is lost in the din.
Reitl hands each of them a map of the Temple and cloisters.
If Veneer is willing, Theodor will heal him with Lay On Hands.
Theodor's heart skips a beat when he sees the statue of Bahamut. He says the same prayer as he did on the beach.
Theodor is more than happy to answer the questions from the Kolbolds. He tries to answer as many as he can.
As they pass through the statue Barakas looks ups, giving it scornful look.
He does as much as possible to ignore the Kobolds and their questions. Even though Barakas is very talkative he hates crowds.
As he keeps walking, he stops flipping his coin and starts to pay close attention to his surroundings.
Krack is overwhelmed with the sight of so many kobolds wearing robes. His clan, and the others he knew of wore shreds of clothing and scraps of armor.
He begins to answer with his name “K'arack Gen'a..” but keeps getting cut off by other Kobolds and other questions, finally he is able to get his full name out “K'arack Gen'arack Threnthenarack” feeling pleased with himself.
Swats Theodors hands away "I'm fine"
Then stays behind the others trying to get away from the barrage of questions.
"When at first you don't succeed. Try and try again" Story of my life.
Nicknamed 'doppleganger' by AnnoyedCecealia. given title: that guy! by drummer. lol XD
wishing to live.
whispering wind.
falling through sky.
knowing i died.
She is amused by the curious creatures. "I am Shayla, a priest of Raei." Yes, this dagger is quite sharp." "Oh no, I don't color my hair, the sun changes the color of it." "If you happen to go to Waterdeep, look for the shop Wet Hand, Dry Hand, they specialize in textiles and clothing like mine." "Yes, you are very cute." "Maybe if you eat your vegetables you'll get to be as tall as I am." "No, sorry I don't have chicken snacks." "Of course I'll play with you, as long as we have time." "Isn't this place glorious? I agree." "No no you keep that." "I am fond of the color blue." "Really? I never thought of that before."
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
The kobold acolytes live in the cloisters near the Dragon statue of Bahamut . Airy rooms cut into the very rock with solid oak doors. They are starved for new company, pilgrims rarely come here. Everyone is seen as a novelty. They swarm around Theodor, Shayla and Krack. A few stand separately , their tails wagging with excitement. One of them, has a belt full of alchemists fire, and wears goggles to protect her eyes from her concoctions. Belts full of tools worn as a bandolier. A kobold tinkerer. What Krack notices is that she has wings and is hovering an arms distance away.
K'arack Gen'arack Threnthenarack, cousin, she calls Next time use one of my fire bombs against the zombies, here take it, it works well, yes? My name is Myla.
You hear footsteps and Reitl turns back towards you. The kobolds fall silent as a new figure came into view, descending gracefully from the upper part of the cloister. She is an elderly elven woman with weathered skin, white hair flowing to her waist and kindly hazel eyes. She is dressed in a simple robe with a bronze cuirass. She smiles as she draws near and extends her arms in greetings.
Welcome to Dragon's Rest she says May Bahamut's guidance lead you to whatever you seek. My name is Runara. Thank you for clearing the zombies off the beach, they have become quite the nuisance, as you can imagine.
"Oooohhhh. Thank you, Myla,” he says, gently taking the provided flask, adding, “You can call me Krack.”
He is about to ask her another question, when all the kobolds go silent with the arrival of an elven woman, so he refrains, and remains silent himself.
"They just need love," says Trilaxa to the elven woman.
Liarin: Against the Cult of the Reptile God
Adewild: Shadows and Light 2
Brother Thaddeus: Rime of the Frostmaiden.
The young priest bows to Runara, "Greetings, and good day to you. Thank you for the welcome."
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
As Barakas sees the elven woman, his body stiffens and as he relaxes replies "Next time put that on sign "Watchout! Dead bodies will try to take your belongings to the sea.""
Gives a polite bow to Runara.
"Greetings, I am Theodor. Bahamut's grace to you. Are you the Head Priestess of the Temple?"
Sneers at the elf woman from behind his mask but remains silent. He does however take a good look around
Perception: 8 (if I can I'd like to just use my passive percep 14. If not I'm definite failing)
"When at first you don't succeed. Try and try again" Story of my life.
Nicknamed 'doppleganger' by AnnoyedCecealia. given title: that guy! by drummer. lol XD
wishing to live.
whispering wind.
falling through sky.
knowing i died.
She tugs at Kracks sleeve and gestures towards the fourth cell. Its door is open and he can see a workbench full of her tinkering toys. Come see me after dinner we'll devise something new for attacking the undead she whispers giving Krack a toothy grin.
I am the High cleric here for all that's worth. Reitl and Rix are both clerics. We have one cell here available or would you prefer the cloister below the Temple where the clerics sleep?
Many things in this world just need love, but undead are not one of them, they need peace, the peace of the grave. This Temple is dedicated to Bahamuts Peace, we only fight if we have to. Think on what you need from him.
It is true that the undead are becoming more mobile, they originally just stalked the beach by the shipwreck.
Runara gestured the party to walk with her.
Veneers perception allows him to see into the cells, each had a bed, a nightstand, a small desk and a chair. He noted the tinkerers room full of small gadgets, and the last two rooms full of hammocks.
On your right as you walk is a small, free standing building half way up the path, with a peaked roof and a weathered oaken door. A sturdy wooden pallet wrapped with rope hangs beneath the building on an iron chain, lying flat against the cliff face. Inside the building is a winch that allows the pallet to be lowered down to the water 50ft below.
He follows along with Runara.
"Thank you Cleric Runara, your hospitality is incredible. I am happy to sleep where you will have us. I only hope I can offer a way to express our gratitude."
"Speaking of which, Reitl did mention this shipwreck, and that the undead appeared around the time it unfortunately met its end. If I understand, you don't want to risk the inhabitants lives or safety to investigate this shipwreck, hence I am volunteering my services to help clear out this undead ship."
I see you are sword brethren, Paladin of Bahamut, Theodor. My thanks at suggesting ridding the island of these zombies. I'll share what I know tomorrow after you have all had a chance to clean up and eat well.
Here is the kitchen and dining room, she gestures to a doorway in the rock which opens into a dining room with a long table. Two benches run the length of the table, and a single chair sits at the tables head. A short hallway connects to a small tidy kitchen, a human cutting vegetables and tossing them into a large pot.
The middleaged man turns, he has pale skin, tanned darker with many freckles, auburn hair and a beard that is mostly grey, with grey-blue eyes. Faded tattoos in an abstract design peek up the side of his neck from beneath his robe, a long apron keeping his clothing mostly clean. You notice another tattoo winding up his left arm. You identify it automatically if you are a thief or have the soldier background. DC15 Intelligence (History check) to everyone else. Welcome, I'm Tarak, I hope you are feeling hungry? Dinner is at the candlemark before sunset.
Tarak's tattoos
A gold hangmans noose is worked into the design. The mark is a symbol associated with the Gilded Gallows, a thieves guild that operates in a country far to the south east called Elturguard. Tarak like all thieves dislikes backgrounds being discussed.
I keep walking and as soon as I see Tarak, I turn to him and, while flipping my coin, enthusiastically, say "Yup, I miss good food. Tell me the booze is as good as this smells!! Damnn, this makes me forget the shitty smell of those lurkers at the beach."
I hide a message in thieves cant (Not sure if he understands)
"Is there anyone here I should be worried about or to be dealt with? Do you know anything about the source of the zombies? Can I trust those who accompanie me or those who welcome me?"
Krack returns a toothy grin to Myla and begins to follow the others. He listens to Theodor talk about clearing the undead from the island, and he nods along in agreement.
He recognizes the tattoo but doesn't mention it. But he keeps nodding, this time at the thought of dinner.
He picks up Barakas' message in thieves cant and quickly glances at it. He talks about the island and its lack of visitors, in thieves cant it means that you can trust the people here. Then he goes back to chopping vegetables. Chatting in common about the wreck a month ago and the undead that it holds.
Trilaxa tries doing general chit chat, which she's terrible at, and keeps turning the conversation to the observatory, trying to pick up any info about it.
Liarin: Against the Cult of the Reptile God
Adewild: Shadows and Light 2
Brother Thaddeus: Rime of the Frostmaiden.