The multiverse is a strange and wondrous thing, a cosmic machine of sorts that works in some chaotic order, keeping everything as it should be, no matter what powers come to pass. Until now. There's a glitch in the multiverse. Something has gone horribly, horribly wrong.......
You awaken on a metal examination table in a dim, windowless stone chamber. The air is cold and stale, tinged with the acrid sting of formaldehyde emanating from a nearby shelf of clouded flasks and antiseptic jars. Dried blood stains the drab, mosaicked floor and the edges of your table, and pained moans haunt the halls beyond the stuffy room.
A human skull floats nearby. It bobs impatiently, watching you with slate-gray eyes that remain in its lidless sockets.
The skull notices you’re awake and greets you with a nasal voice.“Hey, Chief!”
"Chief?"the tiefling says aloud. 'That is certainly not a name that I recall having been called,'she thinks. "What am I doing here?" she asks calmly, as though this wasn't the first time she had awakened with no idea where she was at. "And where am I?" She sits up a bit, trying to look around to see what else is here beside the floating skull. (Perception: 19)
'Ok, the floating skull is a little odd too,' she realizes as she already is looking around at what else might be about.
The black-haired human sits up in a cross-legged position and looks around. Oddly he doesn't look alarmed at the situation, just perplexed and curious. Oh what an interesting place to wake up in.... wait... where is this? How did he get here? Huh, he can't seem to remember. Ah well, this predicament seems interesting.... probably more interesting than what he'd been doing before...though he can't seem to remember what exactly he'd been doing before this. Odd.
His bright green eyes scan the room, and he smiles at the floating scull, then grins mischievously at the tiefling. "Hmmm, I think he's talking to me dear. I'm fairly certain I've been referred to in such a manner before." He chuckles.
Curling one knee up, he places an arm on it then rests his chin in his hand. "Quite the predicament we've found ourselves in. Oh this will be fun...." He says moslty to himself, then he addresses the scull, while still examining his surroundings. "So! What do you want with me my floating friend?"
"Oh!" the tiefling responds as another person addresses her. "Yes, perhaps he means you Chief. It's not a label I've ever been given," she says, repeating her thought from before. "I'm actually Britari." The curved black horns atop her head clearly mark this woman as a tiefling. Her hair is a stark white while her eyes are a dark grey. Numerous brown freckles dot the cheeks of her light-colored skin.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
"Well I know the floating head wasn't talking about me..." grumbles a deep gravely voice from under a sheet covered mountain. As the figure sits upright, the bloodstained sheets slide away from the figure to reveal a large and heavily armored warforged. The table creaks and moans loudly as he shifts his weight and prepares to slide off of its surface. "My name is Slag. Why have you brought me here?" The warforged asks as its faintly glowing eyes seem to over over each of the rooms inhabitants. The floor trembles ever so slightly as the weight of the warforged slides to the ground.
Now that he is standing up, it is easier to see the fine details of the warforged... or rather... lack there of. While most warforged appear ornate and often crafted over thousands of hours with the finest materials... Slag was not one of those warforged. Most of his exterior was covered with a thin coat of rust and faint grinding sounds can be heard anytime he moves his limbs. To look at Slag, one would assume that he was created from mostly weathered and battered pieces of Steel. Across his chest is a deep symbol embedded into his chest that resembles either a rune or a particularly strong blow to a creature that appears to have received many strong blows over the years...
"Hello Britari" Slag says with a nod before looking to the dark haired human. "If you are the chief then you must be in charge. What is going on here?" The warforged asks as he looks around the room and tries to determine where he is.
Morte spins slowly, looking at each of you and chuckles. "You're dead. Well, you were dead. Now you're not. Kapiche? So whatever you say, Boss. You can call me Morte. What does it look like? You're in the morgue. Geez, did they forget to pack your brain with the rest of you?" The floating skull laughs suddenly. "Hey lighten up, chief! It could be worse, you could be dead dead, right? But yeah, Chief, you're in the Mortuary under Sigil. Great place. I think. Haven't floated up there in quite a while. If you do get up there and come back, tell me all about it, okay Boss?"
As you all look around, there are other corpses on the remaining tables, apparently lifeless, and the wall in the back of the room looks like it has your equipment stacked neatly on it, as well as what looks like a few bottles with a bubbly red liquid inside them, and a clean scalpel.
The dark-haired man makes a dismissive gesture towards the tiefling, "Oh please, YOU don't need to call me that. I much prefer Lord over Chief anyways... but don't bother with formalities. We are in the same predicament are we not?" He stands up on the table, and stretches his back then stretches his arms over his head, "Call me Renjin."
Dropping his arms he tilts his head at the metal man. "Slag eh? A fitting name for one such as yourself... Oh haha no no no." He bends down and picks up the bloody sheet that had covered him, "If I were in charge I don't think I would be in the same situation as the rest of you." Then he lets the sheet fall back on the creaky table. "In other words, I have no clue whats happening. Best-" His words are cut off as the floating scull starts speaking again.
"Dead? Haha!" He laughs, "Dead and now not dead. Are you sure? One born of divinity such as myself does not die. ...well... If I were to die I'm pretty sure the demons would drag me strait down to hell, mortal husk and all. So even coming back to life... well I just don't know who would have even cared enough to bring my poor broken remains to be prepared for burial." He shrugs, "Eh, whatever. Makes for an interesting start to whatever story is about to unfold."
He hops off the table, the green-blue tails of his oversized coat flapping as he does, "Sigil? Hmmm, interesting. I feel like I should know where that is but... haha... well I guess dying must of screwed up my memory cause I can't seem to remember much at the moment! Anyways! Sure, Morte my friend! If I ever have the pleasure of visiting with you again, I'll be sure to tell you all about my adventures."
Casually, he walks over to the wall to collect his things. He didn't show it, but he'd been a bit worried he'd have to track down his sword. However, he finds it safe and sound. It has an intricate silver guard, with wrap around the handle matching his coat in color, as well as a pitch black blade. Strapping it back on his belt, he scans the other bodies in the room. His gaze landing on the last table in the far corner. He sees some slight movement, "Hey hey hey! Looks like we have a late riser!" He grins.
The man is dressed in a green-blue trench coat with black fur along the collar, with a black undershirt, black trousers, boots, and black gloves with fur around the wrists. He is average height, and has a handsome face. One might almost call his features angelic...if not for the devilish grin constantly flashing across his face.
"Dead?" Britari says, almost as though challenging the floating skull's words. "Why is it every time I wake up in some unknown place, people are insinuating that I am dead?" she says softly, almost to herself.
She slips off the table she is on and watches Renjin collect his things. Now uncovered, it can be seen that she wears a dark-colored top with slightly lighter abstract designs. Her exposed arms are covered in tattoos of abstract designs in black with touches of green. She heads over to the table to get her items as well. First, she puts on a black leather armor jerkin which matches well with her top. Then she collects a number of daggers and an unusual rod made of black metal with designs of wilted roses carved into it. She takes up a small pack as well. Finally, she picks up a coppery-colored key with a trio of dull green gemstones set into it along with a couple of odd symbols. She slips it into her pouch.
"Sigil. The City of Doors," she says as she is collecting her things. "It is a place in the Outlands, which is the place between the Outer Planes." For a moment she glances over at Slag and then locates the 'late riser' Renjin referred to. But her attention then focuses on the skull which seems to be their host. "How do we get out of this mortuary?" she asks as she looks back the way she had come to the opposite wall. "Are those doors?"
She makes her way back across the room, focused on what she hopes are doors and not looking back at the skull. "I suppose you'll fill us in on the why's and how's of us getting here? I would like to get out of here though. Visiting Sigil would be quite fascinating!"
"If I died... then I guess I am living up to my name." The warforged grumbles as he continues to look around the room. When the hulking figure spots his hammer standing against the wall, he quickly moves to reclaim it as he nearly knocks a nearby table and corpse to the ground. The battered and rust colored warforged grabs the large warhammer in both hands and holds it tightly but carefully as he turns it in the light to inspect it. Looking closer, you can see that the warhammer is actually an oversized blacksmithing hammer. The hammer is well used but meticulously maintained and obviously the work of a skilled craftsman. Instead of a wooden handle, the entire weapon is made from two pieces of forged steel. The head of the weapon is embellished with a simple yet well done copper inlay that helps the weapon to appear quite ornate while being relatively cheap.
After picking up his hammer, he continues to collect his shield and pack. When he slings the pack across his broad back, the sounds of clinking heavy metal can he heard clattering from inside.
Once he had collected his gear, he moves closer to his new companions and gently prods a few of the corpses with the end of his hammer. "I have heard of this place before... but I don't know why I would have come here..." He then prods one of the corpses a bit harder, accidently knocking it to the ground. "I also wonder why only some of us have returned. What do we have in common?" The hulking metal figure asks as he holds out his thick metalic hand and compares it to the human and tiefling next to him.
Turning back to the wall, Renjin collects the rest of his things. He doesn't seem to carry much, just a few daggers, some small bags, and something silver hanging on a small chain. He picks it up and places it in a coat pocket quickly, making it hard to see exactly what it was but it seemed to be a pendant of some kind.
"Hmmm, Outlands...outer plains... oh yeah that does sound familiar. I'm sure seeing it will jog my memory." He says tightening his belt a bit, and adjusting his leather shirt. "Hmm?"He looks up when the tiefling mentions doors.
Then he looks up at Slag who has walked closer to him. He chuckles when the machine knocks over a table. When the warforged holds out an arm, the dark-haired man glances between the hulking arm and Slag's face. Then he shrugs, "What do we have in common? Why do you assume we have to have something in common? I for one am content with thinking all of this was random happenstance."
"Man, Tiefling, Metal... Person," Britari says. "Sounds like we have being different than each other in common!" She shrugs. "The way the multiverse works, I'm not sure there's any point of looking for a reason." She glances back at the floating skeleton head again. "Unless you do have something you can tell us?"
It isn't the noise and commotion of the room that startles her. It's the cold. The metallic surface she is lying on sends shivers up her spine. She shivers at it's biting touch, but attempts to lay motionless for the time being. There are others stirring, talking... something about being... dead? What trickery is this??
Laying for some time, panic sets in when she remembers about her cuff - and reaches for it quickly. Phew, it's still there. Now that she's moved, she should probably make it more obvious she is awake. So she sits up with a stifling yawn, exaggerated enough whilst stretching her limbs out. "Eurghhhh, where am I? What's going on?"
Anyone who peers at the young girl see a young human girl, tall and lean, with wavy dark hair and eyes the color of whiskey. She has a wide mouth and a sharp nose, with skin that looks "as smooth as a petal." She glances amongst you all, trying to take it all in... whilst also looking for the nearest exit.
"Hey look, Chief," Morte says to no one in particular, still floating about the room casually watching you all, "I just work here, all right? If you were dead, you end up here, not much more to know than that. If you got bargains with other powers I wouldn't know about it, okay Boss?"The morbid skull floats toward the east end of the room. "Of course they're doors, how else do you think you got in here? But look, since you obviously aren't dead anymore, you better get on. They won't take nicely to fleshies like you just walkin' around down here. This place is for dead people, ya hear? And you ain't dead no more. But sure Chief, after you're done seeing the sights, come and visit if they'll let you back down here. Or just die again!" The skull laughs dryly. "Hey lighten up! I did, see I float now!" It laughs some more and then floats back to the middle of the room.
When you decide to open the doors, you see a hallway before you, not terribly wide, with a door on each side part way down the hall before it ends at a dark door, and the hallway splits north and south.
Britari takes one step out the door, then turns back as she heard the newcomer ask a question. "The skull said we're in Sigil. And I dint know what's going on. But I think he said we're below, so I guess we're looking for a way up."
The tiefling spins back to look at the floating skull."You know anything about where we should go? Or should we just start opening doors?"
"Alright, Chief, listen up. You can't stay here, right?" The obnoxiously sarcastic skull cackles a bit. "They don't call it the City of Doors for no reason. Course they usually refer to the city up there. Anyway, whatcha wanna do is keep walking, until you hit a dead end, a door, or you get out. Or die! Hey maybe you'll end up here again and I'll get to do my little speech again! Course we might not have much to talk about then...ah...well anyway, I'd work on just getting out of the mortuary here. What's the worst that can happen, right? But listen pal, don't die too soon, okay? I like you bunch but not that much."
Renjin looks over at the girl who finally woke up and grins, "Didn't you hear? Apparently we were dead and now we aren't! Is't that great?"He laughs, noting the girl looking around. Sensing she might be looking for an escape route, he finishes packing up the last of his belongings, then scoops up whatever looks like it could belong to this young lady.
Walking over to her, he drops it all in front of the girl on the table where she's sitting, making it clang loudly. "You might want to grab you gear before bolting girly!"
He glances back at Morte as the skull starts talking again, "Haha! I like this guy." He jabs a finger towards Morte, then turns to face the skull, placing his hands on his hips. "I'm tempted to stuff you in my pouch and take you with me! Wouldn't that be fun!"
He pauses for a moment, "Just kidding! That's probably to much of a hassle at the moment haha! Maybe next time. ANYWAYS!"
He spins back to look at the late riser, "Hurry up now! Grab your stuff and let's get out of here! Unless of course you want to try to escape this place alone.... I have a city to explore, fates to break, and chaos to sow! Onward I say! Onward!" Jabbing a finger in the air, he marches towards then past Britari and out the door. Once through, he looks for the most promising door/hallway. (Though promising might just be interesting in his perspective.)
As Renjin passes her by, Britari spins and moves down the hall. She calls behind her as she goes. "Come along you two. Let's see where this hall goes!" She halts at the first pair of doors, peering to the left and then to right at them.
She had heard alright... but unbelievable. She was at home before waking here... or was she? She tries to recall but seems a little hazy on the details. She watches in quiet anticipation as Renjin drops her gear besides her. Starting blankly at first, she lets the guise fall and smirks, nodding in appreciation ,"Thanks."
She quickly equips herself and, once ensuring everything is in place, will follow behind Britari. Her eyes dart towards the walls, floor, ceiling, looking for any oddity (other than the floating skull, which she is freaked out about but says nothing): Perception:14
As she walks up the group, keeping her hand on the hilt of her weapon, "So none of you seem phased by this floating... skull." looking dismissively back at the floating skull. "Is this normal for you folks?"
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Slag looks to the late riser and then back to the skull. "I'm fairly familiar with magic.. and how it can be used to grant objects life. The floating unarmed and... unbodied... head doesn't seem like much of a threat so I'm not concerned" The warforged says with what sounds like a hint of sarcasm? He then moves out of the room, stomping behind Renjin and Britari. "Slow down! Let me move to the front... you fleshy types don't normally handle swords, poison, and crossbow bolts as well as I do." The hulking steel creature booms as it races to catch up. The floor beneath Slag vibrates with each step as the sound of his metal frame moving and slamming into the floor echoes down the hall. "We should stick together... at least until we are safely free from this place."
Perception check because everyone else is doing it! 20
Starting down the dank, dimly lit stone hallway, your voices echo through the halls as well as the heavy footsteps from Slag. The doors here are iron gates, easily allowing you to get glimpses inside the rooms. To the north, you see what appears to be some sort of macabre puppet show going on, as three skeletons watch with slacked jaws. Who or what is making the puppets move, moan and wail is unclear. To the south there appears to be an autopsy going on, the smell of embalming fluid wafting out toward you in the hall.
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The multiverse is a strange and wondrous thing, a cosmic machine of sorts that works in some chaotic order, keeping everything as it should be, no matter what powers come to pass. Until now. There's a glitch in the multiverse. Something has gone horribly, horribly wrong.......
You awaken on a metal examination table in a dim, windowless stone chamber. The air is cold and stale, tinged with the acrid sting of formaldehyde emanating from a nearby shelf of clouded flasks and antiseptic jars. Dried blood stains the drab, mosaicked floor and the edges of your table, and pained moans haunt the halls beyond the stuffy room.
A human skull floats nearby. It bobs impatiently, watching you with slate-gray eyes that remain in its lidless sockets.
The skull notices you’re awake and greets you with a nasal voice. “Hey, Chief!”
"Chief?" the tiefling says aloud. 'That is certainly not a name that I recall having been called,' she thinks. "What am I doing here?" she asks calmly, as though this wasn't the first time she had awakened with no idea where she was at. "And where am I?" She sits up a bit, trying to look around to see what else is here beside the floating skull. (Perception: 19)
'Ok, the floating skull is a little odd too,' she realizes as she already is looking around at what else might be about.
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea
The black-haired human sits up in a cross-legged position and looks around. Oddly he doesn't look alarmed at the situation, just perplexed and curious. Oh what an interesting place to wake up in.... wait... where is this? How did he get here? Huh, he can't seem to remember. Ah well, this predicament seems interesting.... probably more interesting than what he'd been doing before...though he can't seem to remember what exactly he'd been doing before this. Odd.
His bright green eyes scan the room, and he smiles at the floating scull, then grins mischievously at the tiefling. "Hmmm, I think he's talking to me dear. I'm fairly certain I've been referred to in such a manner before." He chuckles.
Curling one knee up, he places an arm on it then rests his chin in his hand. "Quite the predicament we've found ourselves in. Oh this will be fun...." He says moslty to himself, then he addresses the scull, while still examining his surroundings. "So! What do you want with me my floating friend?"
Perception: 10
"Oh!" the tiefling responds as another person addresses her. "Yes, perhaps he means you Chief. It's not a label I've ever been given," she says, repeating her thought from before. "I'm actually Britari." The curved black horns atop her head clearly mark this woman as a tiefling. Her hair is a stark white while her eyes are a dark grey. Numerous brown freckles dot the cheeks of her light-colored skin.
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea
"Well I know the floating head wasn't talking about me..." grumbles a deep gravely voice from under a sheet covered mountain. As the figure sits upright, the bloodstained sheets slide away from the figure to reveal a large and heavily armored warforged. The table creaks and moans loudly as he shifts his weight and prepares to slide off of its surface. "My name is Slag. Why have you brought me here?" The warforged asks as its faintly glowing eyes seem to over over each of the rooms inhabitants. The floor trembles ever so slightly as the weight of the warforged slides to the ground.
Now that he is standing up, it is easier to see the fine details of the warforged... or rather... lack there of. While most warforged appear ornate and often crafted over thousands of hours with the finest materials... Slag was not one of those warforged. Most of his exterior was covered with a thin coat of rust and faint grinding sounds can be heard anytime he moves his limbs. To look at Slag, one would assume that he was created from mostly weathered and battered pieces of Steel. Across his chest is a deep symbol embedded into his chest that resembles either a rune or a particularly strong blow to a creature that appears to have received many strong blows over the years...
"Hello Britari" Slag says with a nod before looking to the dark haired human. "If you are the chief then you must be in charge. What is going on here?" The warforged asks as he looks around the room and tries to determine where he is.
Perception! 17
Morte spins slowly, looking at each of you and chuckles. "You're dead. Well, you were dead. Now you're not. Kapiche? So whatever you say, Boss. You can call me Morte. What does it look like? You're in the morgue. Geez, did they forget to pack your brain with the rest of you?" The floating skull laughs suddenly. "Hey lighten up, chief! It could be worse, you could be dead dead, right? But yeah, Chief, you're in the Mortuary under Sigil. Great place. I think. Haven't floated up there in quite a while. If you do get up there and come back, tell me all about it, okay Boss?"
As you all look around, there are other corpses on the remaining tables, apparently lifeless, and the wall in the back of the room looks like it has your equipment stacked neatly on it, as well as what looks like a few bottles with a bubbly red liquid inside them, and a clean scalpel.
The dark-haired man makes a dismissive gesture towards the tiefling, "Oh please, YOU don't need to call me that. I much prefer Lord over Chief anyways... but don't bother with formalities. We are in the same predicament are we not?" He stands up on the table, and stretches his back then stretches his arms over his head, "Call me Renjin."
Dropping his arms he tilts his head at the metal man. "Slag eh? A fitting name for one such as yourself... Oh haha no no no." He bends down and picks up the bloody sheet that had covered him, "If I were in charge I don't think I would be in the same situation as the rest of you." Then he lets the sheet fall back on the creaky table. "In other words, I have no clue whats happening. Best-" His words are cut off as the floating scull starts speaking again.
"Dead? Haha!" He laughs, "Dead and now not dead. Are you sure? One born of divinity such as myself does not die. ...well... If I were to die I'm pretty sure the demons would drag me strait down to hell, mortal husk and all. So even coming back to life... well I just don't know who would have even cared enough to bring my poor broken remains to be prepared for burial." He shrugs, "Eh, whatever. Makes for an interesting start to whatever story is about to unfold."
He hops off the table, the green-blue tails of his oversized coat flapping as he does, "Sigil? Hmmm, interesting. I feel like I should know where that is but... haha... well I guess dying must of screwed up my memory cause I can't seem to remember much at the moment! Anyways! Sure, Morte my friend! If I ever have the pleasure of visiting with you again, I'll be sure to tell you all about my adventures."
Casually, he walks over to the wall to collect his things. He didn't show it, but he'd been a bit worried he'd have to track down his sword. However, he finds it safe and sound. It has an intricate silver guard, with wrap around the handle matching his coat in color, as well as a pitch black blade. Strapping it back on his belt, he scans the other bodies in the room. His gaze landing on the last table in the far corner. He sees some slight movement, "Hey hey hey! Looks like we have a late riser!" He grins.
The man is dressed in a green-blue trench coat with black fur along the collar, with a black undershirt, black trousers, boots, and black gloves with fur around the wrists. He is average height, and has a handsome face. One might almost call his features angelic...if not for the devilish grin constantly flashing across his face.
Image courtesy of Bing ai lol:
"Dead?" Britari says, almost as though challenging the floating skull's words. "Why is it every time I wake up in some unknown place, people are insinuating that I am dead?" she says softly, almost to herself.
She slips off the table she is on and watches Renjin collect his things. Now uncovered, it can be seen that she wears a dark-colored top with slightly lighter abstract designs. Her exposed arms are covered in tattoos of abstract designs in black with touches of green. She heads over to the table to get her items as well. First, she puts on a black leather armor jerkin which matches well with her top. Then she collects a number of daggers and an unusual rod made of black metal with designs of wilted roses carved into it. She takes up a small pack as well. Finally, she picks up a coppery-colored key with a trio of dull green gemstones set into it along with a couple of odd symbols. She slips it into her pouch.
"Sigil. The City of Doors," she says as she is collecting her things. "It is a place in the Outlands, which is the place between the Outer Planes." For a moment she glances over at Slag and then locates the 'late riser' Renjin referred to. But her attention then focuses on the skull which seems to be their host. "How do we get out of this mortuary?" she asks as she looks back the way she had come to the opposite wall. "Are those doors?"
She makes her way back across the room, focused on what she hopes are doors and not looking back at the skull. "I suppose you'll fill us in on the why's and how's of us getting here? I would like to get out of here though. Visiting Sigil would be quite fascinating!"
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea
"If I died... then I guess I am living up to my name." The warforged grumbles as he continues to look around the room. When the hulking figure spots his hammer standing against the wall, he quickly moves to reclaim it as he nearly knocks a nearby table and corpse to the ground. The battered and rust colored warforged grabs the large warhammer in both hands and holds it tightly but carefully as he turns it in the light to inspect it. Looking closer, you can see that the warhammer is actually an oversized blacksmithing hammer. The hammer is well used but meticulously maintained and obviously the work of a skilled craftsman. Instead of a wooden handle, the entire weapon is made from two pieces of forged steel. The head of the weapon is embellished with a simple yet well done copper inlay that helps the weapon to appear quite ornate while being relatively cheap.
After picking up his hammer, he continues to collect his shield and pack. When he slings the pack across his broad back, the sounds of clinking heavy metal can he heard clattering from inside.
Once he had collected his gear, he moves closer to his new companions and gently prods a few of the corpses with the end of his hammer. "I have heard of this place before... but I don't know why I would have come here..." He then prods one of the corpses a bit harder, accidently knocking it to the ground. "I also wonder why only some of us have returned. What do we have in common?" The hulking metal figure asks as he holds out his thick metalic hand and compares it to the human and tiefling next to him.
Turning back to the wall, Renjin collects the rest of his things. He doesn't seem to carry much, just a few daggers, some small bags, and something silver hanging on a small chain. He picks it up and places it in a coat pocket quickly, making it hard to see exactly what it was but it seemed to be a pendant of some kind.
"Hmmm, Outlands...outer plains... oh yeah that does sound familiar. I'm sure seeing it will jog my memory." He says tightening his belt a bit, and adjusting his leather shirt. "Hmm?" He looks up when the tiefling mentions doors.
Then he looks up at Slag who has walked closer to him. He chuckles when the machine knocks over a table. When the warforged holds out an arm, the dark-haired man glances between the hulking arm and Slag's face. Then he shrugs, "What do we have in common? Why do you assume we have to have something in common? I for one am content with thinking all of this was random happenstance."
"Man, Tiefling, Metal... Person," Britari says. "Sounds like we have being different than each other in common!" She shrugs. "The way the multiverse works, I'm not sure there's any point of looking for a reason." She glances back at the floating skeleton head again. "Unless you do have something you can tell us?"
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea
It isn't the noise and commotion of the room that startles her. It's the cold. The metallic surface she is lying on sends shivers up her spine. She shivers at it's biting touch, but attempts to lay motionless for the time being. There are others stirring, talking... something about being... dead? What trickery is this??
Laying for some time, panic sets in when she remembers about her cuff - and reaches for it quickly. Phew, it's still there. Now that she's moved, she should probably make it more obvious she is awake. So she sits up with a stifling yawn, exaggerated enough whilst stretching her limbs out. "Eurghhhh, where am I? What's going on?"
Anyone who peers at the young girl see a young human girl, tall and lean, with wavy dark hair and eyes the color of whiskey. She has a wide mouth and a sharp nose, with skin that looks "as smooth as a petal." She glances amongst you all, trying to take it all in... whilst also looking for the nearest exit.
"Hey look, Chief," Morte says to no one in particular, still floating about the room casually watching you all, "I just work here, all right? If you were dead, you end up here, not much more to know than that. If you got bargains with other powers I wouldn't know about it, okay Boss?" The morbid skull floats toward the east end of the room. "Of course they're doors, how else do you think you got in here? But look, since you obviously aren't dead anymore, you better get on. They won't take nicely to fleshies like you just walkin' around down here. This place is for dead people, ya hear? And you ain't dead no more. But sure Chief, after you're done seeing the sights, come and visit if they'll let you back down here. Or just die again!" The skull laughs dryly. "Hey lighten up! I did, see I float now!" It laughs some more and then floats back to the middle of the room.
When you decide to open the doors, you see a hallway before you, not terribly wide, with a door on each side part way down the hall before it ends at a dark door, and the hallway splits north and south.
Britari takes one step out the door, then turns back as she heard the newcomer ask a question. "The skull said we're in Sigil. And I dint know what's going on. But I think he said we're below, so I guess we're looking for a way up."
The tiefling spins back to look at the floating skull. "You know anything about where we should go? Or should we just start opening doors?"
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea
"Alright, Chief, listen up. You can't stay here, right?" The obnoxiously sarcastic skull cackles a bit. "They don't call it the City of Doors for no reason. Course they usually refer to the city up there. Anyway, whatcha wanna do is keep walking, until you hit a dead end, a door, or you get out. Or die! Hey maybe you'll end up here again and I'll get to do my little speech again! Course we might not have much to talk about then...ah...well anyway, I'd work on just getting out of the mortuary here. What's the worst that can happen, right? But listen pal, don't die too soon, okay? I like you bunch but not that much."
Renjin looks over at the girl who finally woke up and grins, "Didn't you hear? Apparently we were dead and now we aren't! Is't that great?" He laughs, noting the girl looking around. Sensing she might be looking for an escape route, he finishes packing up the last of his belongings, then scoops up whatever looks like it could belong to this young lady.
Walking over to her, he drops it all in front of the girl on the table where she's sitting, making it clang loudly. "You might want to grab you gear before bolting girly!"
He glances back at Morte as the skull starts talking again, "Haha! I like this guy." He jabs a finger towards Morte, then turns to face the skull, placing his hands on his hips. "I'm tempted to stuff you in my pouch and take you with me! Wouldn't that be fun!"
He pauses for a moment, "Just kidding! That's probably to much of a hassle at the moment haha! Maybe next time. ANYWAYS!"
He spins back to look at the late riser, "Hurry up now! Grab your stuff and let's get out of here! Unless of course you want to try to escape this place alone.... I have a city to explore, fates to break, and chaos to sow! Onward I say! Onward!" Jabbing a finger in the air, he marches towards then past Britari and out the door. Once through, he looks for the most promising door/hallway. (Though promising might just be interesting in his perspective.)
Perception: 21 (nat 20!)
As Renjin passes her by, Britari spins and moves down the hall. She calls behind her as she goes. "Come along you two. Let's see where this hall goes!" She halts at the first pair of doors, peering to the left and then to right at them.
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea
She had heard alright... but unbelievable. She was at home before waking here... or was she? She tries to recall but seems a little hazy on the details. She watches in quiet anticipation as Renjin drops her gear besides her. Starting blankly at first, she lets the guise fall and smirks, nodding in appreciation ,"Thanks."
She quickly equips herself and, once ensuring everything is in place, will follow behind Britari. Her eyes dart towards the walls, floor, ceiling, looking for any oddity (other than the floating skull, which she is freaked out about but says nothing):
Perception: 14
As she walks up the group, keeping her hand on the hilt of her weapon, "So none of you seem phased by this floating... skull." looking dismissively back at the floating skull. "Is this normal for you folks?"
Slag looks to the late riser and then back to the skull. "I'm fairly familiar with magic.. and how it can be used to grant objects life. The floating unarmed and... unbodied... head doesn't seem like much of a threat so I'm not concerned" The warforged says with what sounds like a hint of sarcasm? He then moves out of the room, stomping behind Renjin and Britari. "Slow down! Let me move to the front... you fleshy types don't normally handle swords, poison, and crossbow bolts as well as I do." The hulking steel creature booms as it races to catch up. The floor beneath Slag vibrates with each step as the sound of his metal frame moving and slamming into the floor echoes down the hall. "We should stick together... at least until we are safely free from this place."
Perception check because everyone else is doing it! 20
Starting down the dank, dimly lit stone hallway, your voices echo through the halls as well as the heavy footsteps from Slag. The doors here are iron gates, easily allowing you to get glimpses inside the rooms. To the north, you see what appears to be some sort of macabre puppet show going on, as three skeletons watch with slacked jaws. Who or what is making the puppets move, moan and wail is unclear. To the south there appears to be an autopsy going on, the smell of embalming fluid wafting out toward you in the hall.