Your journey has been smooth sailing so far. You left the bustling port of Neverwinter a few days ago, heading for an island with the foreboding name of Stormwreck Isle. But you woke this morning to a blood-red sunrise, and dark clouds overhead threaten a violent storm.
As lightning flashes across the sky, a monster hauls itself up onto the deck!
“These waters belong to the Scaled Queen. I’m here to collect her tribute.”
OOC: for context, you haven't met each other yet. Although you've seen each other around the boat, you haven't caught on to any more than each other's names at most.
Kaelen's eyes narrow as the monster emerges onto the deck, his hand instinctively moving to the hilt of his blade. He remains silent for a heartbeat, assessing the creature, the situation, and the crew's reactions. His voice is low and steady when he finally speaks, betraying none of the tension in the air.
"Tribute, you say?" He steps forward, moving like a shadow across the deck. "If the Scaled Queen is wise, she'll know some treasures are best left untouched." His pale violet eyes lock onto the creature's, searching for any sign of weakness or hesitation.
Herbert was taking notes and chewing on an extremely tough piece of jerky. "Yes, yes, this is the type of weather that is typical to this place. Gotta write that down, gotta write that down....."
He gets interrupted by the monster. Completely ignoring any threat the monster possesses: "Oh a scaled queen.. Hmm... That means that these semi-intelligent - no offence - fish creatures are matriarchal. Fascinating, gotta write that down. Now stand still, I need to sketch you for my book!"
OOC: History 18, to try to recall whether he has heard or read anything about such creature.
Bert, the rather rotund bard has he's been referred to by the crew, still hasn't found his sea legs. Ahoy there my good fish man, he starts as he attempts to take a step towards the creature. Just then his stomach flip flops and his face takes the green hue he's been saddled with for most of the trip and, if you'll pardon the wording, proceeds to projectile vomit towards the creature.
Kuhkay Fleetfoot keeps a firm grasp on his spear as he looks around for the captain, wondering to himself 'who is this person to demand tribute from us?'
Bert, the rather rotund bard has he's been referred to by the crew, still hasn't found his sea legs. Ahoy there my good fish man, he starts as he attempts to take a step towards the creature. Just then his stomach flip flops and his face takes the green hue he's been saddled with for most of the trip and, if you'll pardon the wording, proceeds to projectile vomit towards the creature.
"How daaaare you call me a fish man. For one, I'm a Merrow, and twooo... I'M A WOMAN."
OOC: In the campaign, you can click the "launch maps" button and see the map and the positions of all players and NPCs.
Kaelen raises an eyebrow slightly at the interaction between the bard and Merrow woman, taking the opportunity to slip into the shadows and exit the awkward situation. If a fight breaks out, he and the others aboard should be able to defeat the creature. Although, it makes him wonder...Approaching the edge of the deck, he peers over the side, looking for more.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Koya tenses at the Merrow woman's appearance, straightening their posture and suppressing a twitch towards the warhammer hanging at their side. They can feel their heartrate quicken and they immediately try to temper their excitement with the potential gravity of the situation. Keeping half an eye on the relative chaos in front of them, they will scan the boat for the sailors' reactions: Is this normal? Should they comply? Fight?
Insight: 11
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
I do both party and individual character commissions. PM me for info.
Herbert finishes his quick and dirty sketch looks up, looks to the book and back an forth: "OF COURSE you're a woman. How did I miss the characteristic feminine fins around your ummm..."
Silently whispers to others that are close: "that is a merrow, an eeeeevil mermaid. I think we're in the, pardon my Orcish, shit"
"Focus, Herbert," Kaelen says in a low, measured tone, having overheard most everyone's name as he lurked around on the ship. "Merrow or not, it's still just flesh and bone—vulnerable like anything else. An armor like that won't hold up against a well-placed strike."
Quietly: "Ohkay! Focus Herb! I am no fighter, but I can incapacitate it for you."
Herbert puts his notebook in a side pouch and takes out his spellbook. There is a bookmark with "ZzZzZ" on it. He opens it and is prepared to cast Sleep spell.
To this, the Merrow grins. "Oh reeeeeally. You think I'm so stupid as to come alone?"
With this comment, Herbert, you recall that:
Female Merrows typically travel in groups of 3-10, and are only seen alone during mating season (which it is not right now), when they are injured and left behind, or when they are the queen and are strong enough to not need the aid of a group. Men are typically always alone, unless fighting for territory or during mating season.
OOC: When I put spoilers, that's information I'm giving specific players, but I'm fine with you sharing with the group. If I wright you a PM, I'd prefer that to stay with the player and character and not be shared. Or at least role-played. Like, if I send you a PM saying that a monster's AC is 19 or 20, you can say in game that "That monster has a really thick hide." or something like that. :D
Squall comes to the front of the group standing near Kaelen.
That is true. We outnumber you, stand down and retreat.
btw, Kaelen isn't at the front of the group. You can see the player positions (and you can move yourself as well) in the campaign when you click the "launch maps" button.
Kaelen gives a breath of a sign, drawing his shortsword and dagger. Of course those ripples he saw when peering over the side weren't just an errant school of fish... "Wait until the others appear, Herb. I'll keep them off you." He readies a sneak attack for any enemies that might board in the vicinity of Herb.
Ship Map Link:
OOC: K, just gonna jump right into it.
Your journey has been smooth sailing so far. You left the bustling port of Neverwinter a few days ago, heading for an island with the foreboding name of Stormwreck Isle. But you woke this morning to a blood-red sunrise, and dark clouds overhead threaten a violent storm.
As lightning flashes across the sky, a monster hauls itself up onto the deck!
“These waters belong to the Scaled Queen. I’m here to collect her tribute.”
OOC: for context, you haven't met each other yet. Although you've seen each other around the boat, you haven't caught on to any more than each other's names at most.
Kaelen's eyes narrow as the monster emerges onto the deck, his hand instinctively moving to the hilt of his blade. He remains silent for a heartbeat, assessing the creature, the situation, and the crew's reactions. His voice is low and steady when he finally speaks, betraying none of the tension in the air.
"Tribute, you say?" He steps forward, moving like a shadow across the deck. "If the Scaled Queen is wise, she'll know some treasures are best left untouched." His pale violet eyes lock onto the creature's, searching for any sign of weakness or hesitation.
Insight: 22
Herbert was taking notes and chewing on an extremely tough piece of jerky. "Yes, yes, this is the type of weather that is typical to this place. Gotta write that down, gotta write that down....."
He gets interrupted by the monster. Completely ignoring any threat the monster possesses: "Oh a scaled queen.. Hmm... That means that these semi-intelligent - no offence - fish creatures are matriarchal. Fascinating, gotta write that down. Now stand still, I need to sketch you for my book!"
OOC: History 18, to try to recall whether he has heard or read anything about such creature.
Bert, the rather rotund bard has he's been referred to by the crew, still hasn't found his sea legs. Ahoy there my good fish man, he starts as he attempts to take a step towards the creature. Just then his stomach flip flops and his face takes the green hue he's been saddled with for most of the trip and, if you'll pardon the wording, proceeds to projectile vomit towards the creature.
Kuhkay Fleetfoot keeps a firm grasp on his spear as he looks around for the captain, wondering to himself 'who is this person to demand tribute from us?'
"How daaaare you call me a fish man. For one, I'm a Merrow, and twooo... I'M A WOMAN."
OOC: In the campaign, you can click the "launch maps" button and see the map and the positions of all players and NPCs.
Kaelen raises an eyebrow slightly at the interaction between the bard and Merrow woman, taking the opportunity to slip into the shadows and exit the awkward situation. If a fight breaks out, he and the others aboard should be able to defeat the creature. Although, it makes him wonder...Approaching the edge of the deck, he peers over the side, looking for more.
Stealth: 21, Perception: 15
OOC: btw, when you move, go ahead and go on the "launch maps" and move your character.
Green outlined NPCs are friendly, Yellow is neutral, Orange is hostile but not in combat, and Red is hostile in combat.
Koya tenses at the Merrow woman's appearance, straightening their posture and suppressing a twitch towards the warhammer hanging at their side. They can feel their heartrate quicken and they immediately try to temper their excitement with the potential gravity of the situation. Keeping half an eye on the relative chaos in front of them, they will scan the boat for the sailors' reactions: Is this normal? Should they comply? Fight?
Insight: 11
I do both party and individual character commissions. PM me for info.
Corti- Warforged bard of lore (Union!)
Tyr Sepcairn - Elven abjuration wizard (7th Sojourn)
Jean CamGaret - Half-elven draconic sorcerer (Acjots' Rise of Tiamat)
Herbert finishes his quick and dirty sketch looks up, looks to the book and back an forth: "OF COURSE you're a woman. How did I miss the characteristic feminine fins around your ummm..."
Silently whispers to others that are close: "that is a merrow, an eeeeevil mermaid. I think we're in the, pardon my Orcish, shit"
"Focus, Herbert," Kaelen says in a low, measured tone, having overheard most everyone's name as he lurked around on the ship. "Merrow or not, it's still just flesh and bone—vulnerable like anything else. An armor like that won't hold up against a well-placed strike."
Quietly: "Ohkay! Focus Herb! I am no fighter, but I can incapacitate it for you."
Herbert puts his notebook in a side pouch and takes out his spellbook. There is a bookmark with "ZzZzZ" on it. He opens it and is prepared to cast Sleep spell.
(Im sorry im late but is it still cool for me to join?)
Zero in Lost Mine of Phandelver
Squall in Stormwreck Isle
Yeah absolutely go ahead.
Squall comes to the front of the group standing near Kaelen.
That is true. We outnumber you, stand down and retreat.
Zero in Lost Mine of Phandelver
Squall in Stormwreck Isle
To this, the Merrow grins. "Oh reeeeeally. You think I'm so stupid as to come alone?"
With this comment, Herbert, you recall that:
Female Merrows typically travel in groups of 3-10, and are only seen alone during mating season (which it is not right now), when they are injured and left behind, or when they are the queen and are strong enough to not need the aid of a group. Men are typically always alone, unless fighting for territory or during mating season.
OOC: When I put spoilers, that's information I'm giving specific players, but I'm fine with you sharing with the group. If I wright you a PM, I'd prefer that to stay with the player and character and not be shared. Or at least role-played. Like, if I send you a PM saying that a monster's AC is 19 or 20, you can say in game that "That monster has a really thick hide." or something like that. :D
btw, Kaelen isn't at the front of the group. You can see the player positions (and you can move yourself as well) in the campaign when you click the "launch maps" button.
(I dont seem to have the option to launch the map. Its no where on my screen in the campaign and im on my laptop not mobile.)
Zero in Lost Mine of Phandelver
Squall in Stormwreck Isle
Kaelen gives a breath of a sign, drawing his shortsword and dagger. Of course those ripples he saw when peering over the side weren't just an errant school of fish... "Wait until the others appear, Herb. I'll keep them off you." He readies a sneak attack for any enemies that might board in the vicinity of Herb.