Theqen smirks at brand returning an equally cheeky look right back at Brand.
"Now gentlebeings If spilled ale and rude words are enough to cause your pride to be damaged then I fear for the longevity of this group...Then again it would be great to maybe see where our strengths and weaknesses lie? How about you two have a mock duel to first blood is drawn?"
Before the pair could even gwt a word in Theqen begins to address the crowd:
You are a much hated man Blackmane. Your kin will likely flay your hide for that comment. I'm surprised you're even alive. I don't trust you as far as I can throw you but I'll concede that if you're going to openly deny Lolth, I may be mistaken. I am the bigger man after all. Allow me to buy you some of this "good ale" as an apology.
Lucius observes the cleric sheath his mace and appearing to calm himself. The conflict in his head swirled at the slight and insult of the cup thrown at him. His mind flickers from retaliation to moving past it. He ponders for a second... and sighs. "Fine" he mutters, fighting off the urge to use his magic. He slowly unclenches his fist as the crackle of eldritch power fades. He moves over to the table and slumps onto the bench and grabs his drink taking a large gulp. Finally taking his eyes of Brand he notices Theqen and a number of patrons amused by the drama with others sighing and looking disappointed as they'd hoped for a scrap.
Trust me, you get used to being hated by everyone, including your own kind. But believe it or not, there are those of us of us who reject Lolth, and one day, we'll make her and the priestesses pay for their tyranny. As for now, trust me or don't, I've come here to get a job done so that's what I will do. Besides, a holy turd could come in handy on the road to Phandalin.
^(Prior to Theqens remarks)^ Was typing as he posted.
Theqen smirks at brand returning an equally cheeky look right back at Brand.
"Now gentlebeings If spilled ale and rude words are enough to cause your pride to be damaged then I fear for the longevity of this group...Then again it would be great to maybe see where our strengths and weaknesses lie? How about you two have a mock duel to first blood is drawn?"
The idea of it intrigues Lucius... maybe it would be good to get a little payback. Hmmm could be fun... However, the moment had passed and with a clearer head, it was more practical to plan for the journey ahead.
Well now that won't be necessary now ... will it Brand? He says in a teasing manner.
Brand purses his lips and narrows his eyes at Theqen in irritation. He picks up his shield, draws his flail and walks outside. As he gets to the door, he turns to Lucius and says
I started this, I might as well see it out to the end.
Brand steps outside the Tavern, walks a decent distance from the entrance, turns and waits for Lucius to come outside. Brand doesn't hide his displeasure when he sees Theqen. Brand gets into a ready stance.
There are only a few world-weary patrons left in the tavern with Lucius now. The barkeep re-emerges and goes back to cleaning a glass, with the ease and nonplussed look of one who has seen it al before.
Lucius arises from his seat, grabs the tankard and downs the rest of his drink.
Very well then, we'll settle this how we do back home then. He says with a slight grin on his face. This should be fun.
He draws his dual short swords sheathed on his back and readies himself as he heads towards the exit of the tavern and heads outside. There an almost impromptu fighting circle made by the jeered up patrons from Theqen circled the two. Lucius looks towards Brand from the far end of the circle and remarks...
Aye till First Blood. Brand gives a flat response.
As The anticipation of the fight reaches its peak with Theqen encouraging the crowd. Brand suddenly turns to Theqen and casts Command Grovel at Theqen.
The crowd falls silent, confused by what just happened and looks at Theqen as he drops to his hands and knees in Brand's direction. Theqen places his forehead on the floor as if he is begging for forgiveness.
Brand looks at Lucius who appears to be surprised by the turn of events.
Sorry Lucius. I had to make Theqen think we would fight so he would let his guard down and I could get him back for making sport of the distrust between us. I have no desire to fight you as it would be a pointless venture. I can heal and you cannot..... it's as simple as that.
Turning back to Theqen who is still groveling Brand smirks but holds back on tormenting Theqen.
By the Rising Sun, I hope this proves that I am of use to the party. My role is to be a solid rock that supports you lot. I don't need to be better than you in a fight, I just need to outlast whoever I fight and in our party, I will make each of you outlast our opponents. I also have some useful spells which I'm sure you are enjoying at this very moment while wallowing in the dirt.
The crowd chuckles at the last quip from Brand before shuffling off disappointed. Some back into the tavern, and some in other directions. Brand turns to Lucius and Ol, puts his flail back into his belt and holds his shield loosely at his side. Brand sounding a bit cheerful says.
Lucius, I owe you 2 drinks now for being impolite and then using you. Ol, I apologize for our childishness. Let's go back inside the Tavern as we are still waiting on our employer and our last party member.
As Brand walks towards the Tavern, he looks over his shoulder at Theqen.
The spell has worn off now. How long are you going to keep playing in the dirt?
The group grunt a few more greetings to each other and then head off to the provisioners where the wagon is housed to let them know they'll be moving out on the morrow. They return to the tavern, make their apologies for the commotion and then eat, drink and rest for the remainder of the evening to be ready for their journey
The next day they set off on the wagon. It is pulled by two oxen and the cargo area is covered by a large waxed cotton tarpaulin. Brand takes the reins and Lucius climbs up beside him. They sit with as much space between them as the small uncomfortable seat affords
Ollanius walls ahead of the wagon, keeping his eyes up and scouting the horizon for dangers. Theqen stalks the bushes and shadows of any rocky outcrops as you all head along the road the Phandalin.
You’ve spent the last few days following the High Road south from Neverwinter, and you’ve just recently veered east along the Triboar Trail. You’ve encountered no trouble so far, but this territory can be dangerous. Bandits and outlaws have been known to lurk along the trail.
You’ve been on the Triboar Trail for about half a day, the only sound for the last few miles the thunk of the wooden wagon wheels over the occasional large stone on the path. As you come around a bend, Olanius casts a wary eye on the road ahead as the bend opens up. Seeing about as far as it is possible for a human eye to see, he spots two dead horses sprawled in the road ahead of you, blocking the path. He can just about make out that each has several black-feathered arrows sticking out of it as he gets a little closer
The woods press close to the trail here, with a steep embankment and dense thickets on either side.
Dead horses blocking the road? This is either an ambush or two travellers have already been attacked and the horses left for dead. Either way I don’t like the look of this and we can’t charge through.
I draw my sword signal to the wagon and fellow travellers and suggest a defensive stance. We have no idea what’s in the woods, and we’re either about to be ambushed or need to bait them out or send someone in to have a look.
Brand sees Ol stop, draw his sword and signal. Brand stops the wagon and flicks Lucius's ear to wake him up and whispers.
Ol's spotted something.
Brand then jumps off the wagon. As Ol is facing forward, Brand faces to the left side of the wagon making sure he can see the forest to the left and to the left back of the wagon. Brand draws his shield and flail and speaks in a low tone to Ol.
What's going on? What do you see?
Brand still looking out at the forest wonders where Theqen is but holds back on speaking so as not to give away Theqen's position.
Theqen wanted to state to his new comrades that this trail would be the ideal place for an ambush but thought it would be better to appear to have lesser numbers so the enemy could show their hand prematurely.
Theqen stealthily vaulted himself from tree to tree to find the best vantage point about 15ft off of the ground for better overview/overwatch and to locate where ambushees could be hiding.
Theqen settled for a treetop vantage point to the left of the trail approximately 20 feet in front of the convoy.
Theqen smirks at brand returning an equally cheeky look right back at Brand.
"Now gentlebeings If spilled ale and rude words are enough to cause your pride to be damaged then I fear for the longevity of this group...Then again it would be great to maybe see where our strengths and weaknesses lie? How about you two have a mock duel to first blood is drawn?"
Before the pair could even gwt a word in Theqen begins to address the crowd:
Theqen starts to lead Patrons outside...
Lucius observes the cleric sheath his mace and appearing to calm himself. The conflict in his head swirled at the slight and insult of the cup thrown at him. His mind flickers from retaliation to moving past it. He ponders for a second... and sighs. "Fine" he mutters, fighting off the urge to use his magic. He slowly unclenches his fist as the crackle of eldritch power fades. He moves over to the table and slumps onto the bench and grabs his drink taking a large gulp. Finally taking his eyes of Brand he notices Theqen and a number of patrons amused by the drama with others sighing and looking disappointed as they'd hoped for a scrap.
Trust me, you get used to being hated by everyone, including your own kind. But believe it or not, there are those of us of us who reject Lolth, and one day, we'll make her and the priestesses pay for their tyranny. As for now, trust me or don't, I've come here to get a job done so that's what I will do. Besides, a holy turd could come in handy on the road to Phandalin.
^(Prior to Theqens remarks)^ Was typing as he posted.
The idea of it intrigues Lucius... maybe it would be good to get a little payback. Hmmm could be fun... However, the moment had passed and with a clearer head, it was more practical to plan for the journey ahead.
Well now that won't be necessary now ... will it Brand? He says in a teasing manner.
Brand purses his lips and narrows his eyes at Theqen in irritation. He picks up his shield, draws his flail and walks outside. As he gets to the door, he turns to Lucius and says
I started this, I might as well see it out to the end.
Brand steps outside the Tavern, walks a decent distance from the entrance, turns and waits for Lucius to come outside. Brand doesn't hide his displeasure when he sees Theqen. Brand gets into a ready stance.
Ol gives a puff of smoke and a wry smile before walking outside to watch events unfold.
a lot of time passes…….
There are only a few world-weary patrons left in the tavern with Lucius now. The barkeep re-emerges and goes back to cleaning a glass, with the ease and nonplussed look of one who has seen it al before.
Lucius arises from his seat, grabs the tankard and downs the rest of his drink.
Very well then, we'll settle this how we do back home then. He says with a slight grin on his face. This should be fun.
He draws his dual short swords sheathed on his back and readies himself as he heads towards the exit of the tavern and heads outside. There an almost impromptu fighting circle made by the jeered up patrons from Theqen circled the two. Lucius looks towards Brand from the far end of the circle and remarks...
So... first blood was it then?
Lucius then takes a ready stance.
Aye till First Blood. Brand gives a flat response.
As The anticipation of the fight reaches its peak with Theqen encouraging the crowd. Brand suddenly turns to Theqen and casts Command Grovel at Theqen.
Wisdom Check
The crowd falls silent, confused by what just happened and looks at Theqen as he drops to his hands and knees in Brand's direction. Theqen places his forehead on the floor as if he is begging for forgiveness.
Brand looks at Lucius who appears to be surprised by the turn of events.
Sorry Lucius. I had to make Theqen think we would fight so he would let his guard down and I could get him back for making sport of the distrust between us. I have no desire to fight you as it would be a pointless venture. I can heal and you cannot..... it's as simple as that.
Turning back to Theqen who is still groveling Brand smirks but holds back on tormenting Theqen.
By the Rising Sun, I hope this proves that I am of use to the party. My role is to be a solid rock that supports you lot. I don't need to be better than you in a fight, I just need to outlast whoever I fight and in our party, I will make each of you outlast our opponents. I also have some useful spells which I'm sure you are enjoying at this very moment while wallowing in the dirt.
The crowd chuckles at the last quip from Brand before shuffling off disappointed. Some back into the tavern, and some in other directions. Brand turns to Lucius and Ol, puts his flail back into his belt and holds his shield loosely at his side. Brand sounding a bit cheerful says.
Lucius, I owe you 2 drinks now for being impolite and then using you. Ol, I apologize for our childishness. Let's go back inside the Tavern as we are still waiting on our employer and our last party member.
As Brand walks towards the Tavern, he looks over his shoulder at Theqen.
The spell has worn off now. How long are you going to keep playing in the dirt?
"Not bad Brand...Not bad at all"
Theqen gets up on to his feet, dusting the dirt off himself".
"Now that you've established to me that you are not a pushover. Maybe we should all start to plan for the road ahead away from prying ears and eyes?"
Most of the crowd had dissipated, heading back into the tavern to get back to their drinks.
The group grunt a few more greetings to each other and then head off to the provisioners where the wagon is housed to let them know they'll be moving out on the morrow. They return to the tavern, make their apologies for the commotion and then eat, drink and rest for the remainder of the evening to be ready for their journey
The next day they set off on the wagon. It is pulled by two oxen and the cargo area is covered by a large waxed cotton tarpaulin. Brand takes the reins and Lucius climbs up beside him. They sit with as much space between them as the small uncomfortable seat affords
Ollanius walls ahead of the wagon, keeping his eyes up and scouting the horizon for dangers. Theqen stalks the bushes and shadows of any rocky outcrops as you all head along the road the Phandalin.
You’ve spent the last few days following the High Road south from Neverwinter, and you’ve just recently veered east along the Triboar Trail. You’ve encountered no trouble so far, but this territory can be dangerous. Bandits and outlaws have been known to lurk along the trail.
15 perception check
16 perception check
You’ve been on the Triboar Trail for about half a day, the only sound for the last few miles the thunk of the wooden wagon wheels over the occasional large stone on the path. As you come around a bend, Olanius casts a wary eye on the road ahead as the bend opens up. Seeing about as far as it is possible for a human eye to see, he spots two dead horses sprawled in the road ahead of you, blocking the path. He can just about make out that each has several black-feathered arrows sticking out of it as he gets a little closer
The woods press close to the trail here, with a steep embankment and dense thickets on either side.
Dead horses blocking the road? This is either an ambush or two travellers have already been attacked and the horses left for dead. Either way I don’t like the look of this and we can’t charge through.
I draw my sword signal to the wagon and fellow travellers and suggest a defensive stance. We have no idea what’s in the woods, and we’re either about to be ambushed or need to bait them out or send someone in to have a look.
Brand sees Ol stop, draw his sword and signal. Brand stops the wagon and flicks Lucius's ear to wake him up and whispers.
Ol's spotted something.
Brand then jumps off the wagon. As Ol is facing forward, Brand faces to the left side of the wagon making sure he can see the forest to the left and to the left back of the wagon. Brand draws his shield and flail and speaks in a low tone to Ol.
What's going on? What do you see?
Brand still looking out at the forest wonders where Theqen is but holds back on speaking so as not to give away Theqen's position.
Ol replies to Brand in a low tone.
Road blocked. two horses dead. Black arrows. Be ready.
Keep eyes to the sides and behind.
Theqen wanted to state to his new comrades that this trail would be the ideal place for an ambush but thought it would be better to appear to have lesser numbers so the enemy could show their hand prematurely.
Theqen stealthily vaulted himself from tree to tree to find the best vantage point about 15ft off of the ground for better overview/overwatch and to locate where ambushees could be hiding.
Theqen settled for a treetop vantage point to the left of the trail approximately 20 feet in front of the convoy.
Lucius awakens from his slumber abruptly with a small stinging sensation to his ear.
"Ahh what is it?" He explains as he wakes.
As he notices Brand ready himself, he too readies himself drawing both his blades and facing the opposite side of the wagon.