Cold rain falls over Podol Plaza, and a throng of citizens and merchants have gathered before the Stojanow Gate in protest of banditry and politics that has starved Phlan of vital supplies in recent tendays. A line of Black Fist militia is all that stands between them and Valjevo Keep.
"Does the Lord Regent fear this wild dog?" a bedraggled citizen yells, a soggy notice clenched in her fist. "Are his hired goons cowed by their own castoffs?"
Her accusations are joined with angry jeers.
You have seen the notice being clenched in the woman's hands posted all over the city, and even more along the walk since Auriel gathered you in the Laughing Goblin this morning with the promise of potential work.
OOC: This adventure is starting slightly differently, in that not all of our characters are together as it begins. The returning four characters are traveling together. Our new character has not joined yet but will be making his introduction before too long.
For the last tenday, Hex has been taking things easy for the most part. It's taken her a little while coming to terms with Sylyra's leaving and so having the task of selling the gifts from Jeny was a welcome distraction.
Hex is a bit absentminded in the morning as the party gathers, slow to eat and drink, not saying much. She sips at a drink as she watches the protest through the window. "Mm... I wonder how much longer this will go on for. Hopefully not long enough before it gets messy," she says to no one in particular. She turns her attention to Auriel curiously. "Is the job you found related to the protests?"
Auriel, sitting with his arms and legs crossed, watches the protests through the window as well. Coming from the temple to the Laughing Goblin, the paladin has walked under the same rain that now taps against the glass, leaving his clothes damp and his hair slightly tousled. Absentmindedly, he tries to smooth out the red strands of his hair, which are intertwined with slender branches and leaves that shift with the changing seasons, a hallmark of his Eladrin heritage.
He turns to look at Hex as she addresses him. "It is related to the problems the caravans are facing along the Iron Route. So yes, I'd say it is related to the protests," he begins. "It's not so much that I found the job, but rather, the job found us. It seems word of our deeds in the Quivering Forest has spread across Phlan, and Braden Yil, a retainer of House Cadorna, reached me at the temple to offer us this job. He wouldn't tell me more, as he wanted all of us to be present."
When he says that last phrase, he hesitates for a moment, then adds, "I told Braden we are one fewer since we left the forest, in case that posed any issue for the job, but he didn't seem to have a problem with it." Auriel looks through the window again after he says this. A few moments later, he turns to Hex once more. "Well! We are to meet House Cadorna's caravan at Podol Plaza. I'm ready when you are, and as soon as the others arrive."
(OOC: do we know anything on House Cadorna, or any of the names that appear on the notices?)
Carl walks into the Laughing Goblin not far behind Uragum. The dwarf has been hanging out with him during the last tenday to learn more about his type of magic, out of curiosity. He looks over his shoulder at the crowd gathered outside as he comes into the establishment, then walks up to the table with Hex and Auriel, taking a seat. He’s stroking his beard for reassurance and out of habit as he sits down, smiling at them as he does so.
“What is it Auriel, ya have some work for us? Whois this Sahnd Krulek feller they’re talkin about? And the “Grey Patriots”, whaddya know about ‘em? How have you two been getting along?”
(OOC: I edited post #3 slightly after a message I got from Barty)
Auriel smiles and waves at Carl and Uragum as they sit at the table. He relays the information he just gave to Hex and then replies, "I don't know much about them, beyond what the notices say, but I assume Braden Yil will fill us in on the rest."
The eladrin suddenly remembers something and searches through his pockets before pulling out a health potion. "This is the potion you gave me, Hex. I hope you don't mind that I give this to Carl? With Sylyra's departure we have lost an important source of healing, and we should all have some means to patch us up if we fall during combat. Since I already have my own healing abilities, I think it would be better if Carl had this potion."
Hex nods and smiles. "Of course I don't mind. It's yours to do as you please." She chugs the rest of her drink before standing up and stretching. "I'm ready for a new job. You guys good to go? Carl, Uragum?
Uragum had stopped eating to listen to news of the new job. Internally he thanked the Gods for what sounded like a straight forward job for once. When Hex says his name he snaps out of his internal thoughts. Quick he shoves the rest of the eggs and pancakes and potatoes into his mouth. He barely chews the food, struggles to swallow a little and then washes it down with his drink while pounding on his chest with the other hand.
Plate clean, mug empty he sets it down while taking a deep breath. "Yeah, ready now. Bandits it sounds like. Finally a straight forward task. What are we waiting for, let's go rough up some roughians."
OOC: House Cadorna and the names on the posters are all new to the party.
As you walk toward the meeting point described by Auriel, you see it is in the thick of the protesting.
Something soft and stinking flies through the air and splatters on one of the guard's armor. He and the others charge forward, cudgels drawn, and the plaza erupts into chaos. Mobs form, turning on one another and, in the case of a smaller group of five humans that break away from the main mob, a covered merchant wagon nearby.
"These goods are going to waste!" snarls a man as he clambers atop the wagon. "Let us take them off your hands!"
The merchant scrambles away from his wagon, raising his hands rather than engage in combat with the group, shouting for help.
For Auriel:
The merchant whose wagon being attacked is Braden.
For Hildigrim:
You are in the Plaza or somewhere close by when the frenzy occurs, near enough to also be witness to the merchant coming under attack.
“Tyr above!”, Auriel comes to a halt as the protesters begin to charge at the guards. His attention is quickly drawn to the group of five pillaging the wagon, and when he realizes it belongs to Braden, he urges his friends with concerned voice. “That one over there is Braden! We should help him.” Auriel is also worried that the fight escalates and someone might get hurt, but with Braden alone, he prioritizes helping him and hopes the guards will keep their wits together and refrain from using their weapons on the mob.
Rushing toward Braden, Auriel doesn’t waste words. Instead, he locks eyes with him, conveying his intent to assist as he focuses on the man atop the wagon. He addreses him first, in the hopes that stopping that one may make the other four stand down, too. Trying to mantain a calmed demeanor but sound commanding at the same time, the eladrin says, “Stop right there, you fool! Pillaging this wagon will only land you in jail, likely hurt, and certainly worse off than you were when your morning started.”
In the early morning light, the halfling stands in the shadow of Denlor’s Tower, approximately 120 feet northwest of The Laughing Goblin, where he has been residing for the past three nights. Outwardly, he appears absorbed in a scholarly tome, but his attention is divided — focused both on analyzing the text and monitoring the growing disturbance nearby, an increasingly volatile riot. Though this is not his first time in Phlan during his tenure as a Harper, it marks his initial formal assignment in the city, prompting him to assess whether such civil unrest is a regular occurrence or an anomaly indicating a larger systemic issue.
He has already noted the prolific distribution of wanted posters throughout the town, all depicting Sahnd Krulek, a known criminal linked to a local faction. The density and visibility of these posters suggest a particularly high bounty or a significant threat. Additionally, Hildigrim has observed a recent uptick in rumors involving the Cult of the Dragon — an organization with a well-documented history of destabilizing urban centers through both covert and overt actions. The connection between today’s unrest and the cult remains uncertain, but the probability justifies further investigation.
As he conducts his observational sweep, a group of four adventurers moving toward the disturbance catches his attention. He recognizes three of them from prior reconnaissance at The Laughing Goblin: a goliath, a dwarf, and a tiefling. Their consistent presence together indicates they are likely a cohesive operational unit. Hildigrim has already compiled preliminary intelligence on the goliath, having identified troubling rumors regarding behavior that deviates from Harper-aligned ethical frameworks. While the Harpers encourage tactical flexibility in pursuit of the greater good, actions driven by personal gain are classified as unacceptable deviations from their principles.
This group has also been connected to Olisara Lightsong’s most recent Watcher associate, whose recent disappearance raises additional concerns. The new elf accompanying them introduces a new variable that Hildigrim has yet to analyze. However, the fact that the missing Watcher may have tolerated the goliath's questionable conduct suggests an underlying complexity that requires further study before drawing conclusions.
With a precise motion, Hildigrim closes his tome and secures it in his pack. His course of action is clear: he will shadow this group and gather additional behavioral data. Direct observation in high-pressure environments often yields critical insights that passive surveillance cannot provide. Adjusting his pace to match theirs, he moves efficiently through the crowd, already running through potential scenarios and outcomes based on the group’s impending interaction with the unfolding riot.
“Thanks Auriel, I’ll hold onto tha. Should come in handy if one of ya get knocked out or somesuch.” ((Should I add a potion of healing? Also, took a long rest, assuming we would have this prior to meeting up again.))
He finishes his eggs and bacon, taking the last little bit of biscuit to chaise any leftover around the plate like it is a race, then swallows and licks his fingers. Carl looks to Hex saying “Yeah, I’m ready to go. Whenever the rest of you are…my belly is full.”
When the brewing riot starts, Carl rushes forward to stand next to Auriel, and upon hearing that the merchant is known to Auriel, Carl starts clenching his fists and taking deep breaths. All of a sudden a booming sound roars out of his chest, he shouts to the crowd, “Stand down, leave him alone why dontcha! Ya can’t just steal his things right here in the daylight, have ya lost your senses? Where is your honor! Ye canna steal like that! Stand down, I tell ya!” The last comes out as a booming roar at his maximal volume. He holds his hands up and crackling energy starts to form at his fingertips…
A grin spread across Uragums face as the scene started to play out. The others could call out for things to stop. For him, he let his actions speak for him and in this moment, his size reinforced his argument. Striding forward,, Uragum locked his gaze on the instigator. He cracked his knuckles with each step towards the cart. He nearly stumbles as Carl's voice booms around them all but was able to keep from faltering. While he wanted to start throwing punches or tossing people around, he instead stopped just behind Auriel, crossed his arms and spit to the side.
Hex lets out a disappointed sigh as the last straw is dropped and chaos breaks out. Of course, it would be a rotten tomato that causes the guards to escalate. She watches them intently, hoping they don't do something stupid, when her attention is suddenly torn away by Auriel.
Before she can even do anything to help the poor merchant, the others seem to already have things in hand. She draws her bow and pulls out an arrow from her quiver, playing with it in her hand, as she moves to stand a little way away from the rest of the party. She tries not to draw attention to herself. If any of the five humans decide they want to attack, she readies herself to fire the arrow - not to hit any of them but just as a warning shot.
OOC: Thanks for the reminder Twombley, I forgot to reset the sheets between adventures. Moved the potion of healing from Auriel's inventory to Carlthuzad's.
Three of the thugs are sufficiently cowed between Carl's thundering voice and the threat of facing a goliath in a donnybrook. The man on the wagon, though, does not buckle beneath Auriel's rebuke. "Come on, Fen. What are they gonna do, turn us over to the Black Fist?" he asks his companion, then grimaces as he glances over to the riot quickly being quelled by the city's guard. The man scowls back at Auriel. "The Black Fist does nothing while our goods get taken by bandits on the Iron Route. This is on them, not us!" he shouts, starting to tear the roof off of the wagon. His companion moves to the back of the wagon, fighting with the hatch as he tries to use the opportunity to pilfer some goods that way.
Hex clicks her tongue in annoyance as they still don't back down and fires off the arrow so that it hits the wagon, past the man on top. She steps closer to the party, already pulling out another arrow. "While I understand your anger and frustration, stealing from an innocent man is not the way to go. He isn't your enemy, he's as much a victim as you are. Now back off unless you want an arrow to the knee."
Auriel purses his lips, irritated by the man's reply. At least the other three have backed off, but it’s clear this thug—and the one named Fen—are going to require more persuasion. When Hex intervenes, the Eladrin steps back to let her take the lead, then pointedly glances at her bow and back at the two thugs. "I'd listen to her if I were you,"he says, falling silent and hoping the loud thud of the arrow hitting the wagon will startle them enough to stop tearing at the roof, even if just for a moment.
"Even if turning you over to the Black Fist sounds quite tempting, let me tell you this: that wagon you’re trying to pillage belongs to someone concerned with what’s happening on the Iron Route. Someone who specifically asked us to meet here so we could help."At this point, Auriel pointedly looks to Braden. Then, looking back at the two thugs, he adds, "Of course, I wouldn’t count on that if you keep destroying his wagon and stealing his wares. So I guess you’ll have to rely on the Black Fist after all to solve your issues, yes?"and shrugs.
Hildigrim positions himself within one of the many shadows in Podol Plaza, effectively reducing his visual signature as he continues to monitor the quartet’s engagement with the individuals attempting to take the law into their own hands. While he can intellectually sympathize with those who feel oppressed by the Knights of the Black Fist and their protectees, he notes that when one marginalized group turns against another, the outcome is predictably counterproductive — chaos, not resolution, becomes the dominant result.
From his vantage point, Hildigrim observes with approval as the four adventurers successfully de-escalate the situation, persuading all but one of the thieves to abandon the merchant's wagon. He logs this interaction as a positive indicator of the group's ability to use diplomacy rather than force, a strategy aligned with Harper objectives when applicable. His curiosity sharpens as he watches the unfolding scenario, particularly interested in how they will react now that their verbal efforts have been ignored by the remaining individual.
As the tiefling and elf maintain their stance of non-violence, Hildigrim subtly nods in agreement, his gesture concealed in the dim light. While his presence remains unnoticed, his silent approval aligns with her methods, which he categorizes as commendable within this context.
The man trying to break the back of the wagon casts a glance over his shoulder at the Black Fist, Auriel's words clearly affecting his thoughts. The Black Fist seem to be dispersing the crowd quite well at this point - either that, or the threat of being beaten by a Black Fist cudgel is proving to be a good deterrent for the unruly crowd. He growls at the party, but turns away from the wagon.
His companion atop the wagon is not cowed by Hex's warning shot; the arrow elicits only a scowl, as does the glance toward his feeling companion. Despite being alone on top of the wagon now, he does not seem interested in budging from his goal of taking the merchant's goods.
Hildigrim scowls, assessing the situation. It seems that even the most rational counsel fails to penetrate the stubborn resolve of the final brute. Despite the adventurers' efforts — and regardless of whatever reputation they may have cultivated within the city — violence so close to the castle's gate could easily lead to unintended consequences, escalating in ways that would not benefit anyone involved. Calculating the odds of an unfavorable outcome, Hildigrim decides to take direct action.
Emerging from the shadows, he moves swiftly toward the nearest Black Fist knight, his mind already formulating the most persuasive approach to ensure intervention. His calculations suggest that an official presence could diffuse the situation without further bloodshed — a far more desirable outcome for all parties concerned, including himself.
"Sir! Sir!" he calls, waving toward the wagon. "That gentleman is attempting to steal from the merchant’s wagon! Please help!" His tone carries the urgency needed to elicit a quick response, while his small stature and unassuming appearance make him appear the innocent bystander — an image he consciously projects to nudge the knight into action.
So, this probably isn't necesary after @ddp's previous post. But trying not to metagame, I had already decided that this would be Auriel's next action if the thugs didn't stop, and I think it is safe to assume he wouldn't notice a halfling calling out a Black Fist in the middle of this chaos.
Auriel sighed. What to do? They could use force and bring the man down easily since they are four and the thug is alone. But he doesn't want to resort to that. He doesn't even really want to resort to the Black Fist—that would surely end with this man hurt, on top of him already being desperate. And Auriel could recognize desperation when it stood in front of him.
The paladin closed his eyes for an instant, took a deep breath, and then fixed his gaze on the man atop the wagon. His voice carried the serenity of a forest caressed by soft rain when he said, "Leave."
Cold rain falls over Podol Plaza, and a throng of citizens and merchants have gathered before the Stojanow Gate in protest of banditry and politics that has starved Phlan of vital supplies in recent tendays. A line of Black Fist militia is all that stands between them and Valjevo Keep.
"Does the Lord Regent fear this wild dog?" a bedraggled citizen yells, a soggy notice clenched in her fist. "Are his hired goons cowed by their own castoffs?"
Her accusations are joined with angry jeers.
You have seen the notice being clenched in the woman's hands posted all over the city, and even more along the walk since Auriel gathered you in the Laughing Goblin this morning with the promise of potential work.
OOC: This adventure is starting slightly differently, in that not all of our characters are together as it begins. The returning four characters are traveling together. Our new character has not joined yet but will be making his introduction before too long.
See my profile for all my PbP threads!
For the last tenday, Hex has been taking things easy for the most part. It's taken her a little while coming to terms with Sylyra's leaving and so having the task of selling the gifts from Jeny was a welcome distraction.
Hex is a bit absentminded in the morning as the party gathers, slow to eat and drink, not saying much. She sips at a drink as she watches the protest through the window. "Mm... I wonder how much longer this will go on for. Hopefully not long enough before it gets messy," she says to no one in particular. She turns her attention to Auriel curiously. "Is the job you found related to the protests?"
Auriel, sitting with his arms and legs crossed, watches the protests through the window as well. Coming from the temple to the Laughing Goblin, the paladin has walked under the same rain that now taps against the glass, leaving his clothes damp and his hair slightly tousled. Absentmindedly, he tries to smooth out the red strands of his hair, which are intertwined with slender branches and leaves that shift with the changing seasons, a hallmark of his Eladrin heritage.
He turns to look at Hex as she addresses him. "It is related to the problems the caravans are facing along the Iron Route. So yes, I'd say it is related to the protests," he begins. "It's not so much that I found the job, but rather, the job found us. It seems word of our deeds in the Quivering Forest has spread across Phlan, and Braden Yil, a retainer of House Cadorna, reached me at the temple to offer us this job. He wouldn't tell me more, as he wanted all of us to be present."
When he says that last phrase, he hesitates for a moment, then adds, "I told Braden we are one fewer since we left the forest, in case that posed any issue for the job, but he didn't seem to have a problem with it." Auriel looks through the window again after he says this. A few moments later, he turns to Hex once more. "Well! We are to meet House Cadorna's caravan at Podol Plaza. I'm ready when you are, and as soon as the others arrive."
(OOC: do we know anything on House Cadorna, or any of the names that appear on the notices?)
La pire des bénédictions, la plus belle des malédictions ♫
Nessa | Saxa | Auriel | Chase | Shenua | Aisling
Carl walks into the Laughing Goblin not far behind Uragum. The dwarf has been hanging out with him during the last tenday to learn more about his type of magic, out of curiosity. He looks over his shoulder at the crowd gathered outside as he comes into the establishment, then walks up to the table with Hex and Auriel, taking a seat. He’s stroking his beard for reassurance and out of habit as he sits down, smiling at them as he does so.
“What is it Auriel, ya have some work for us? Whois this Sahnd Krulek feller they’re talkin about? And the “Grey Patriots”, whaddya know about ‘em? How have you two been getting along?”
(OOC: I edited post #3 slightly after a message I got from Barty)
Auriel smiles and waves at Carl and Uragum as they sit at the table. He relays the information he just gave to Hex and then replies, "I don't know much about them, beyond what the notices say, but I assume Braden Yil will fill us in on the rest."
The eladrin suddenly remembers something and searches through his pockets before pulling out a health potion. "This is the potion you gave me, Hex. I hope you don't mind that I give this to Carl? With Sylyra's departure we have lost an important source of healing, and we should all have some means to patch us up if we fall during combat. Since I already have my own healing abilities, I think it would be better if Carl had this potion."
La pire des bénédictions, la plus belle des malédictions ♫
Nessa | Saxa | Auriel | Chase | Shenua | Aisling
Hex nods and smiles. "Of course I don't mind. It's yours to do as you please." She chugs the rest of her drink before standing up and stretching. "I'm ready for a new job. You guys good to go? Carl, Uragum?
Uragum had stopped eating to listen to news of the new job. Internally he thanked the Gods for what sounded like a straight forward job for once. When Hex says his name he snaps out of his internal thoughts. Quick he shoves the rest of the eggs and pancakes and potatoes into his mouth. He barely chews the food, struggles to swallow a little and then washes it down with his drink while pounding on his chest with the other hand.
Plate clean, mug empty he sets it down while taking a deep breath. "Yeah, ready now. Bandits it sounds like. Finally a straight forward task. What are we waiting for, let's go rough up some roughians."
OOC: House Cadorna and the names on the posters are all new to the party.
As you walk toward the meeting point described by Auriel, you see it is in the thick of the protesting.
Something soft and stinking flies through the air and splatters on one of the guard's armor. He and the others charge forward, cudgels drawn, and the plaza erupts into chaos. Mobs form, turning on one another and, in the case of a smaller group of five humans that break away from the main mob, a covered merchant wagon nearby.
"These goods are going to waste!" snarls a man as he clambers atop the wagon. "Let us take them off your hands!"
The merchant scrambles away from his wagon, raising his hands rather than engage in combat with the group, shouting for help.
For Auriel:
The merchant whose wagon being attacked is Braden.
For Hildigrim:
You are in the Plaza or somewhere close by when the frenzy occurs, near enough to also be witness to the merchant coming under attack.
See my profile for all my PbP threads!
“Tyr above!”, Auriel comes to a halt as the protesters begin to charge at the guards. His attention is quickly drawn to the group of five pillaging the wagon, and when he realizes it belongs to Braden, he urges his friends with concerned voice. “That one over there is Braden! We should help him.” Auriel is also worried that the fight escalates and someone might get hurt, but with Braden alone, he prioritizes helping him and hopes the guards will keep their wits together and refrain from using their weapons on the mob.
Rushing toward Braden, Auriel doesn’t waste words. Instead, he locks eyes with him, conveying his intent to assist as he focuses on the man atop the wagon. He addreses him first, in the hopes that stopping that one may make the other four stand down, too. Trying to mantain a calmed demeanor but sound commanding at the same time, the eladrin says, “Stop right there, you fool! Pillaging this wagon will only land you in jail, likely hurt, and certainly worse off than you were when your morning started.”
La pire des bénédictions, la plus belle des malédictions ♫
Nessa | Saxa | Auriel | Chase | Shenua | Aisling
In the early morning light, the halfling stands in the shadow of Denlor’s Tower, approximately 120 feet northwest of The Laughing Goblin, where he has been residing for the past three nights. Outwardly, he appears absorbed in a scholarly tome, but his attention is divided — focused both on analyzing the text and monitoring the growing disturbance nearby, an increasingly volatile riot. Though this is not his first time in Phlan during his tenure as a Harper, it marks his initial formal assignment in the city, prompting him to assess whether such civil unrest is a regular occurrence or an anomaly indicating a larger systemic issue.
He has already noted the prolific distribution of wanted posters throughout the town, all depicting Sahnd Krulek, a known criminal linked to a local faction. The density and visibility of these posters suggest a particularly high bounty or a significant threat. Additionally, Hildigrim has observed a recent uptick in rumors involving the Cult of the Dragon — an organization with a well-documented history of destabilizing urban centers through both covert and overt actions. The connection between today’s unrest and the cult remains uncertain, but the probability justifies further investigation.
As he conducts his observational sweep, a group of four adventurers moving toward the disturbance catches his attention. He recognizes three of them from prior reconnaissance at The Laughing Goblin: a goliath, a dwarf, and a tiefling. Their consistent presence together indicates they are likely a cohesive operational unit. Hildigrim has already compiled preliminary intelligence on the goliath, having identified troubling rumors regarding behavior that deviates from Harper-aligned ethical frameworks. While the Harpers encourage tactical flexibility in pursuit of the greater good, actions driven by personal gain are classified as unacceptable deviations from their principles.
This group has also been connected to Olisara Lightsong’s most recent Watcher associate, whose recent disappearance raises additional concerns. The new elf accompanying them introduces a new variable that Hildigrim has yet to analyze. However, the fact that the missing Watcher may have tolerated the goliath's questionable conduct suggests an underlying complexity that requires further study before drawing conclusions.
With a precise motion, Hildigrim closes his tome and secures it in his pack. His course of action is clear: he will shadow this group and gather additional behavioral data. Direct observation in high-pressure environments often yields critical insights that passive surveillance cannot provide. Adjusting his pace to match theirs, he moves efficiently through the crowd, already running through potential scenarios and outcomes based on the group’s impending interaction with the unfolding riot.
“Thanks Auriel, I’ll hold onto tha. Should come in handy if one of ya get knocked out or somesuch.” ((Should I add a potion of healing? Also, took a long rest, assuming we would have this prior to meeting up again.))
He finishes his eggs and bacon, taking the last little bit of biscuit to chaise any leftover around the plate like it is a race, then swallows and licks his fingers. Carl looks to Hex saying “Yeah, I’m ready to go. Whenever the rest of you are…my belly is full.”
When the brewing riot starts, Carl rushes forward to stand next to Auriel, and upon hearing that the merchant is known to Auriel, Carl starts clenching his fists and taking deep breaths. All of a sudden a booming sound roars out of his chest, he shouts to the crowd, “Stand down, leave him alone why dontcha! Ya can’t just steal his things right here in the daylight, have ya lost your senses? Where is your honor! Ye canna steal like that! Stand down, I tell ya!” The last comes out as a booming roar at his maximal volume. He holds his hands up and crackling energy starts to form at his fingertips…
A grin spread across Uragums face as the scene started to play out. The others could call out for things to stop. For him, he let his actions speak for him and in this moment, his size reinforced his argument. Striding forward,, Uragum locked his gaze on the instigator. He cracked his knuckles with each step towards the cart. He nearly stumbles as Carl's voice booms around them all but was able to keep from faltering. While he wanted to start throwing punches or tossing people around, he instead stopped just behind Auriel, crossed his arms and spit to the side.
Hex lets out a disappointed sigh as the last straw is dropped and chaos breaks out. Of course, it would be a rotten tomato that causes the guards to escalate. She watches them intently, hoping they don't do something stupid, when her attention is suddenly torn away by Auriel.
Before she can even do anything to help the poor merchant, the others seem to already have things in hand. She draws her bow and pulls out an arrow from her quiver, playing with it in her hand, as she moves to stand a little way away from the rest of the party. She tries not to draw attention to herself. If any of the five humans decide they want to attack, she readies herself to fire the arrow - not to hit any of them but just as a warning shot.
OOC: Thanks for the reminder Twombley, I forgot to reset the sheets between adventures. Moved the potion of healing from Auriel's inventory to Carlthuzad's.
Three of the thugs are sufficiently cowed between Carl's thundering voice and the threat of facing a goliath in a donnybrook. The man on the wagon, though, does not buckle beneath Auriel's rebuke. "Come on, Fen. What are they gonna do, turn us over to the Black Fist?" he asks his companion, then grimaces as he glances over to the riot quickly being quelled by the city's guard. The man scowls back at Auriel. "The Black Fist does nothing while our goods get taken by bandits on the Iron Route. This is on them, not us!" he shouts, starting to tear the roof off of the wagon. His companion moves to the back of the wagon, fighting with the hatch as he tries to use the opportunity to pilfer some goods that way.
See my profile for all my PbP threads!
Hex clicks her tongue in annoyance as they still don't back down and fires off the arrow so that it hits the wagon, past the man on top. She steps closer to the party, already pulling out another arrow. "While I understand your anger and frustration, stealing from an innocent man is not the way to go. He isn't your enemy, he's as much a victim as you are. Now back off unless you want an arrow to the knee."
Auriel purses his lips, irritated by the man's reply. At least the other three have backed off, but it’s clear this thug—and the one named Fen—are going to require more persuasion. When Hex intervenes, the Eladrin steps back to let her take the lead, then pointedly glances at her bow and back at the two thugs. "I'd listen to her if I were you," he says, falling silent and hoping the loud thud of the arrow hitting the wagon will startle them enough to stop tearing at the roof, even if just for a moment.
"Even if turning you over to the Black Fist sounds quite tempting, let me tell you this: that wagon you’re trying to pillage belongs to someone concerned with what’s happening on the Iron Route. Someone who specifically asked us to meet here so we could help." At this point, Auriel pointedly looks to Braden. Then, looking back at the two thugs, he adds, "Of course, I wouldn’t count on that if you keep destroying his wagon and stealing his wares. So I guess you’ll have to rely on the Black Fist after all to solve your issues, yes?" and shrugs.
La pire des bénédictions, la plus belle des malédictions ♫
Nessa | Saxa | Auriel | Chase | Shenua | Aisling
Hildigrim positions himself within one of the many shadows in Podol Plaza, effectively reducing his visual signature as he continues to monitor the quartet’s engagement with the individuals attempting to take the law into their own hands. While he can intellectually sympathize with those who feel oppressed by the Knights of the Black Fist and their protectees, he notes that when one marginalized group turns against another, the outcome is predictably counterproductive — chaos, not resolution, becomes the dominant result.
From his vantage point, Hildigrim observes with approval as the four adventurers successfully de-escalate the situation, persuading all but one of the thieves to abandon the merchant's wagon. He logs this interaction as a positive indicator of the group's ability to use diplomacy rather than force, a strategy aligned with Harper objectives when applicable. His curiosity sharpens as he watches the unfolding scenario, particularly interested in how they will react now that their verbal efforts have been ignored by the remaining individual.
As the tiefling and elf maintain their stance of non-violence, Hildigrim subtly nods in agreement, his gesture concealed in the dim light. While his presence remains unnoticed, his silent approval aligns with her methods, which he categorizes as commendable within this context.
The man trying to break the back of the wagon casts a glance over his shoulder at the Black Fist, Auriel's words clearly affecting his thoughts. The Black Fist seem to be dispersing the crowd quite well at this point - either that, or the threat of being beaten by a Black Fist cudgel is proving to be a good deterrent for the unruly crowd. He growls at the party, but turns away from the wagon.
His companion atop the wagon is not cowed by Hex's warning shot; the arrow elicits only a scowl, as does the glance toward his feeling companion. Despite being alone on top of the wagon now, he does not seem interested in budging from his goal of taking the merchant's goods.
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Hildigrim scowls, assessing the situation. It seems that even the most rational counsel fails to penetrate the stubborn resolve of the final brute. Despite the adventurers' efforts — and regardless of whatever reputation they may have cultivated within the city — violence so close to the castle's gate could easily lead to unintended consequences, escalating in ways that would not benefit anyone involved. Calculating the odds of an unfavorable outcome, Hildigrim decides to take direct action.
Emerging from the shadows, he moves swiftly toward the nearest Black Fist knight, his mind already formulating the most persuasive approach to ensure intervention. His calculations suggest that an official presence could diffuse the situation without further bloodshed — a far more desirable outcome for all parties concerned, including himself.
"Sir! Sir!" he calls, waving toward the wagon. "That gentleman is attempting to steal from the merchant’s wagon! Please help!" His tone carries the urgency needed to elicit a quick response, while his small stature and unassuming appearance make him appear the innocent bystander — an image he consciously projects to nudge the knight into action.
So, this probably isn't necesary after @ddp's previous post. But trying not to metagame, I had already decided that this would be Auriel's next action if the thugs didn't stop, and I think it is safe to assume he wouldn't notice a halfling calling out a Black Fist in the middle of this chaos.
Auriel sighed. What to do? They could use force and bring the man down easily since they are four and the thug is alone. But he doesn't want to resort to that. He doesn't even really want to resort to the Black Fist—that would surely end with this man hurt, on top of him already being desperate. And Auriel could recognize desperation when it stood in front of him.
The paladin closed his eyes for an instant, took a deep breath, and then fixed his gaze on the man atop the wagon. His voice carried the serenity of a forest caressed by soft rain when he said, "Leave."
La pire des bénédictions, la plus belle des malédictions ♫
Nessa | Saxa | Auriel | Chase | Shenua | Aisling