(Are the hammers made of stone, or metal? If metal, then they would be susceptible to the Gray Ooze's Corrode Metal: Any nonmagical weapon made of metal that hits the ooze corrodes. After dealing damage, the weapon takes a permanent and cumulative −1 penalty to damage rolls. If its penalty drops to −5, the weapon is destroyed. To be able to restore a weapon: one needs someone with the Mending Cantrip...OR, Characters with relevant proficiencies (such as weaponsmiths or armorers) can repair damaged weapons. This typically costs about half the original price of the weapon and takes 1 day per point of damage to fix, as it would take a specialty to be able to deal with the permanent and cumulative).
Gray Ooze HP: 22-17 = 5 hp.
Maul's hits cause a violent quivering, as it undulates in response to the attack upon the Ooze. The first hammer strikes the ooze with a dull thud, sinking slightly into its gelatinous body. The ooze's surface ripples outward from the point of impact, absorbing some of the blow's force. Droplets of the corrosive substance splatter nearby, sizzling faintly as they land. The second hammer follows quickly, hitting a different part of the ooze. It attempts to shift, but appears to be stunned from the first hit, and is unable to avoid the second one.
The wooden handles of the light hammers remain unaffected by the ooze's corrosive properties, but any exposed metal parts begin to steam slightly where they've come into contact with the creature. The Gray Ooze continues its relentless, slow advance, its form reshaping and flowing as it moves.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
"That Gary Ooze is a nasty critter! From the Shadows so Cold, to the Fates beyond the Horizon...ECHO!"
Hit: 12. Damage: 5.
(Note, using the echo to hit a gray ooze with a metal weapon will not affect the Echo Knight's actual weapon. he echo is a magical, translucent copy of the fighter that can make attacks using the fighter's weapon statistics, but it does not physically wield the fighter's actual weapon, being immune to all conditions. Therefore, the gray ooze's corrosive ability, which typically damages metal weapons, would not affect the Echo Knight's real weapon when attacking through the echo.)
The translucent, shimmering echo of the knight stands resolute, mirroring your stance as you both face the weakened gray ooze. The gelatinous creature quivers, its amorphous form barely holding together after the previous assault. With a thought, Cyrus commands his echo to strike. The spectral warrior lunges forward, its ethereal spear glinting with an otherworldly light. The echo's movement is fluid and precise, a perfect reflection of it's origin's own martial prowess. The spear plunges into the ooze's semi-solid mass, passing through its corrosive body without resistance. For a moment, it seems as if the attack had no effect – then suddenly, the ooze begins to tremble violently. Fissures of magical energy spread from the point of impact, crackling through the creature's form like lightning. With a sickening squelch, the gray ooze collapses in on itself, its cohesion finally failing. It dissolves into a harmless puddle on the ground, neutralized by the echo's decisive strike. The spectral double stands victorious, the ethereal spear passing harmlessly through the remains of the vanquished foe.
Suddenly, to everyone's surprise, the Gray Ooze appears to sputter back to life, a metallic shimmering as it somehow seems to resurrect itself from the beyond.
"That...shouldn't be possible! Ooze's don't have any sort of resurrection magic! Let's see how this thing likes a little Sacred Flame." The flame hits the Ooze, and it starts to shake, as the part of it that is hit by the spell is burnt by the attack. However, after it ends, the ooze seems to reform itself, jiggling and quaking at the attack, but, for the moment, takes no additional action.
"How in the worlds did that...thing come back! I's sure my Echo killed it. Let's try that again."
Cyrus has his Echo swing, to smash the Ooze into the wall, but as the blow nearly arrives, the Ooze shutters, and splits apart, with the attack sailing through the Ooze.
"Wait! Since when are oozes smart enough to split apart, to dodge an attack?"
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
"You're right, Cyrus. A Gray Ooze would not have the intelligence to split itself apart to avoid a melee attack. They're noted for lacking any sense of tactics or self-preservation. Gray Oozes operate on very basic instincts, moving towards prey and attempting to engulf and digest it. They do not employ complex strategies or defensive maneuvers. Even the Ochre Jelly can split when damaged by certain types of attacks, but this is an involuntary reaction rather than an intelligent decision. There must be someone...or something, at play."
Mentally: "Lopan? So...you're able to make it, after all. We think there's at least one other here, either controlling the ooze, or maybe casting an illusion...can you find anyone?"
Mentally: "Lopan? So...you're able to make it, after all. We think there's at least one other here, either controlling the ooze, or maybe casting an illusion...can you find anyone?"
(Perception 14) mentally: “don’t think that I perceive anything. Let’s hope the elf draws them out. And forces an attack”
Cyrus and Primrose are able to determine that the Ooze is an illusion, and pass the checks needed (15), to find a High El, hiding in the shadows on the opposite side from Lopan, diagonally from the Ooze, amongst the rocky columns in the cavern. As of yet, he doesn't know that you've spotted him.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Having spent time working with Echos, and his being a half-elf of the Shadowfell, Cyrus has, decent dark vision, and the dim light of the phosphorous fauna help, although this high elf seems to be good at hiding, with the cover he does have.
And he's dressed to blend in with his surroundings...not like some amateur with flashy colors, designs, and a pointy hat! I just have to move closer, slowly, and subtly, so that he doesn't notice me. When I'm close enough to Mainifest Echo...now!
Cyrus bring forth his shadowy ally, armed and ready to attack the wizard elf. Hit 23. Damage: 4
The Wizard, despite having his Mage Armor, finds himself at the receiving end on not just one strike from the Echo, which brings him to his knees, but 2, and the second hit brings him down, falling to his back in defeat, and with that, the Minor Illusion Ooze fades away, with the remains of the original beaten ooze now revealed.
"Well, after all that trouble with the Ooze, turns out that guy was rather a push over. I say let's finish up this cavern, and clean out whatever trash there is, and find this 'miracle item,' to get things back on track."
(OOC: I'll assume we're all ready, to face the "big bad," with no one needing a short rest?).
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
As Primrose searches Lumin Brightshield, the High Elf Wizard, she finds his spell book. He knows the following:
Mage Hand
Blade Ward
Minor Illusion (High Elf racial cantrip)
Mage Armor
Protection from Evil and Good
Silvery Barbs
(OOC: If the party wizard wants to copy spells from the found spellbook into their own, they'll need to spend 2 hours and 50 gold per spell level for each spell they want to copy. The party wizard can only copy spells of levels for which they have spell slots...1st and 2nd level spells in this case...
Everyone do a perception check. Lopan notices a shadowy flickering in one of the phosphorous light areas from above.)
(Are the hammers made of stone, or metal? If metal, then they would be susceptible to the Gray Ooze's Corrode Metal: Any nonmagical weapon made of metal that hits the ooze corrodes. After dealing damage, the weapon takes a permanent and cumulative −1 penalty to damage rolls. If its penalty drops to −5, the weapon is destroyed. To be able to restore a weapon: one needs someone with the Mending Cantrip...OR, Characters with relevant proficiencies (such as weaponsmiths or armorers) can repair damaged weapons. This typically costs about half the original price of the weapon and takes 1 day per point of damage to fix, as it would take a specialty to be able to deal with the permanent and cumulative).
Gray Ooze HP: 22-17 = 5 hp.
Maul's hits cause a violent quivering, as it undulates in response to the attack upon the Ooze. The first hammer strikes the ooze with a dull thud, sinking slightly into its gelatinous body. The ooze's surface ripples outward from the point of impact, absorbing some of the blow's force. Droplets of the corrosive substance splatter nearby, sizzling faintly as they land. The second hammer follows quickly, hitting a different part of the ooze. It attempts to shift, but appears to be stunned from the first hit, and is unable to avoid the second one.
The wooden handles of the light hammers remain unaffected by the ooze's corrosive properties, but any exposed metal parts begin to steam slightly where they've come into contact with the creature. The Gray Ooze continues its relentless, slow advance, its form reshaping and flowing as it moves.
"That Gary Ooze is a nasty critter! From the Shadows so Cold, to the Fates beyond the Horizon...ECHO!"
Hit: 12. Damage: 5.
(Note, using the echo to hit a gray ooze with a metal weapon will not affect the Echo Knight's actual weapon. he echo is a magical, translucent copy of the fighter that can make attacks using the fighter's weapon statistics, but it does not physically wield the fighter's actual weapon, being immune to all conditions. Therefore, the gray ooze's corrosive ability, which typically damages metal weapons, would not affect the Echo Knight's real weapon when attacking through the echo.)
The translucent, shimmering echo of the knight stands resolute, mirroring your stance as you both face the weakened gray ooze. The gelatinous creature quivers, its amorphous form barely holding together after the previous assault. With a thought, Cyrus commands his echo to strike. The spectral warrior lunges forward, its ethereal spear glinting with an otherworldly light. The echo's movement is fluid and precise, a perfect reflection of it's origin's own martial prowess. The spear plunges into the ooze's semi-solid mass, passing through its corrosive body without resistance. For a moment, it seems as if the attack had no effect – then suddenly, the ooze begins to tremble violently. Fissures of magical energy spread from the point of impact, crackling through the creature's form like lightning. With a sickening squelch, the gray ooze collapses in on itself, its cohesion finally failing. It dissolves into a harmless puddle on the ground, neutralized by the echo's decisive strike. The spectral double stands victorious, the ethereal spear passing harmlessly through the remains of the vanquished foe.
Suddenly, to everyone's surprise, the Gray Ooze appears to sputter back to life, a metallic shimmering as it somehow seems to resurrect itself from the beyond.
"That...shouldn't be possible! Ooze's don't have any sort of resurrection magic! Let's see how this thing likes a little Sacred Flame." The flame hits the Ooze, and it starts to shake, as the part of it that is hit by the spell is burnt by the attack. However, after it ends, the ooze seems to reform itself, jiggling and quaking at the attack, but, for the moment, takes no additional action.
"How in the worlds did that...thing come back! I's sure my Echo killed it. Let's try that again."
Cyrus has his Echo swing, to smash the Ooze into the wall, but as the blow nearly arrives, the Ooze shutters, and splits apart, with the attack sailing through the Ooze.
"Wait! Since when are oozes smart enough to split apart, to dodge an attack?"
"You're right, Cyrus. A Gray Ooze would not have the intelligence to split itself apart to avoid a melee attack. They're noted for lacking any sense of tactics or self-preservation. Gray Oozes operate on very basic instincts, moving towards prey and attempting to engulf and digest it. They do not employ complex strategies or defensive maneuvers. Even the Ochre Jelly can split when damaged by certain types of attacks, but this is an involuntary reaction rather than an intelligent decision. There must be someone...or something, at play."
Perception 17
Perception Check: 4
"We've faced a Barbarian and a Cleric. There must be someone else here. But where..."
Frustrated, Cyrus recalls his Echo, to summon him again when needed.
A familiar voice touches the groups minds, a voice that the characters know from an acquaintance at the orphanage that of -Lopan.
Mentally ” you see to have things mostly under control- want some more help? I’m in the shadows behind you all. Let’s see if the elf draws an attack.”
An armored elf steps out of the shadows and seems to be examining the room. Aware of the ooze he stays away from it. (Ooc silent image)
lopan is in the shadows with a 21 stealth (in log)
(OOC, Roll a perception, Lopan)
Mentally: "Lopan? So...you're able to make it, after all. We think there's at least one other here, either controlling the ooze, or maybe casting an illusion...can you find anyone?"
(Perception 14)
mentally: “don’t think that I perceive anything. Let’s hope the elf draws them out. And forces an attack”
Primrose tries to figure it out.
Arcana or Nature (whichever is appropriate, both have +4 which I haven't addad) 17
Cyrus and Primrose are able to determine that the Ooze is an illusion, and pass the checks needed (15), to find a High El, hiding in the shadows on the opposite side from Lopan, diagonally from the Ooze, amongst the rocky columns in the cavern. As of yet, he doesn't know that you've spotted him.
Having spent time working with Echos, and his being a half-elf of the Shadowfell, Cyrus has, decent dark vision, and the dim light of the phosphorous fauna help, although this high elf seems to be good at hiding, with the cover he does have.
And he's dressed to blend in with his surroundings...not like some amateur with flashy colors, designs, and a pointy hat! I just have to move closer, slowly, and subtly, so that he doesn't notice me. When I'm close enough to Mainifest Echo...now!
Cyrus bring forth his shadowy ally, armed and ready to attack the wizard elf. Hit 23. Damage: 4
Unleash Incarnation: Hit 16. Damage: 10
The Wizard, despite having his Mage Armor, finds himself at the receiving end on not just one strike from the Echo, which brings him to his knees, but 2, and the second hit brings him down, falling to his back in defeat, and with that, the Minor Illusion Ooze fades away, with the remains of the original beaten ooze now revealed.
"Well, after all that trouble with the Ooze, turns out that guy was rather a push over. I say let's finish up this cavern, and clean out whatever trash there is, and find this 'miracle item,' to get things back on track."
(OOC: I'll assume we're all ready, to face the "big bad," with no one needing a short rest?).
Mentally: I’d need a few min to check something out can you all keep watch
(Ooc ritually cast detect magic… what do I see? So I need to roll to search the body for non magical items? Maybe a spell book??)
As Primrose searches Lumin Brightshield, the High Elf Wizard, she finds his spell book. He knows the following:
(OOC: If the party wizard wants to copy spells from the found spellbook into their own, they'll need to spend 2 hours and 50 gold per spell level for each spell they want to copy. The party wizard can only copy spells of levels for which they have spell slots...1st and 2nd level spells in this case...
Everyone do a perception check. Lopan notices a shadowy flickering in one of the phosphorous light areas from above.)
Perception: 21
Perception. 2
Primrose is reading the spellbook.
Richie also sees the flickering, and looks up, and sees a dark mantle drop towards Primrose.
"Primrose! Get that book and move!"
For any players that rolled 12 or under, they are surprised by the dark mantle.
Primrose, roll a DEX check, and if you're 12 or under, the dark mantle attaches itself to you.
Cyrus Perception: 10
Passive perception 13 so auto notice? Or need active roll?