"Well that's not exactly what we were told but I guess that's our fault for not asking more questions. I'm assuming the customs here are still very much so similar to Fey where one does not simply announce a wedding and bride to be before getting the agreement of the bride?" Razz asks the group with a confused look on his face. He's never heard of it working the other way around before.
"It's more like...it's always been planned? And attempted, over and over. Rahadin here is Strahd's honorary brother, so I'm sure he can explain the situation better than me."
Rahadin reluctantly informs, "The mists that surround Barovia are quite.... interesting. They trap everything. People, animals... souls...... The souls have nothing to do but reincarnate. That girl is the reincarnation of a woman who lived 400 years ago: Tatyana. Tatyana was Strahd's bride back when he was alive."
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I exist sometimes, especially when I'm DMing Curse of Strahd.
"And Tatyana willingly agreed to marry him? And if they have been stuck reincarnating for the past 400 years, why hasn't he married her before now? Does she not remember any of their past lives?"Razz says and stops to think of even more question, letting his curiosity get the better of him (when does he not).
Kessintra raises an eyebrow at the glaring omissions in Rahadin's answer, tilting her head slightly and casting message on Razz. She doesn't want Ireena to have to hear what has happened to the others again.
'Strahd said that the attempts always fail due to extenuating circumstances. The reincarnations have always been killed by others or themselves before he could turn them.'
At the mention that Strahd is a vampire, Ada blanches. "I accepted a summons from a...vampire?" she exclaims, her voice starting to rise toward the end. "They, as well as any other undead, are my sworn enemy. I will do whatever I can to protect Ireena from this monster."
Her expression darkens and her eyes seem to stare off into the mists for a few moments, as if recalling a dark memory from the past.
Finally, she glares at Rahadin. "If this one is Strahd's 'brother', can we trust him?"
Rahadin calmly retorts, "If you betray me here and now, you won't get to Vallaki safely. The horses will go wild without me or another one of my master's servants nearby. You will lose Strahd's favor, which you miraculously have now. Life will become like living in the nine." He pulls out a hidden scimitar. "Do you still wish to rebel?"
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I exist sometimes, especially when I'm DMing Curse of Strahd.
"Betray? Rebe--No, we are just discussing our task with our new friends here. Clearly they are very...strong in their faith. Still, Strahd wants Ireena protected, we all want Ireena protected during this trying time. So that she will be safe during these last few weeks of mortality before the wedding." Weeks to find a way to prevent it. "Speaking of which, you shouldn't be saying such terrible, upsetting things in front of her, Rahadin."
Persuasion to convince Rahadin not to attack us: 24
Putting a calming hand on Ada, "He is right. For now, being within Strahd's favor is keeping us alive. We shall do as he says to protect Ireena and whomever else seeks it." Putting some emphasis on "FOR NOW" that hopefully she picks up on, not wanted to tell her of the prophecy in front of Rahadin.
Ada continues to watch Rahadin with suspicion in her expression, but she settles down. "Very well," she says slowly. "Protecting Ireena is the most important thing right now. You are right about that."
Kessintra's shoulders relax slightly as the elf sheathes his blade. "Anyway, Strahd has also given us permission to investigate the Mists. Only the Vistani can come and go freely; even Strahd can't leave, though of course he doesn't really mind. It just gets boring, apparently..."
"Ok, once we get to the Blue Lake Inn, we are in need of some much needed food and information. I think we eat and drink until everyone gets their fill of both." Razz smiling at everyone as he's sure they'd all agree. "We can figure out what to do next after that."
The Old Svalich Road meanders into a valley watched over by dark, brooding mountains to the north and south. The woods recede, revealing a sullen mountain burg surrounded by a wooden palisade. Thick fog presses up against this wall, as though looking for a way inside, hoping to catch the town aslumber.
The dirt road ends at a set of sturdy iron gates with a pair of shadowy figures standing behind them. Planted in the ground and flanking the road outside the gates are a half-dozen pikes with wolves’ heads impaled on them. All the pikes are cut in half, their staves laying on the ground.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
I exist sometimes, especially when I'm DMing Curse of Strahd.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
(( So they cut them in half and then planted them into the ground with the wolves' heads on them? Or does it look like they were planted in the ground and then cut in half? Just trying to make sure Razz sees it correctly lol. Wasn't sure if it's supposed to be a deterrent or if someone destroyed them. ))
Razz tries to make sense of the scene unfolding in front of them. He's still trying to get used to such an oppressive area as this was not what he was expecting to see when they arrived at their next spot.
They appear to have been cut after they were planted. Through the gates you can see that the two shadowy figures are in cloaks with their hoods up. They both have scimitars and don't appear to notice you.
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I exist sometimes, especially when I'm DMing Curse of Strahd.
Ada grimaces at the sight of the mounted wolf heads. At least they were cut down, but the sight doesn't bode well. This must be the village called Vallaki that Rahadin mentioned. It doesn't seem as inviting as Ada might have hoped. In fact, so far, this entire land of Barovia has felt oppressive and dreary to her. No wonder Strahd felt boredom trapped within the misty confines of its borders.
Kessintra isn't looking forward to seeing how the village has changed since they last visited. A few particularly accusatory voices grow louder in her head as they approach. "I know, I know..." She mutters to herself in annoyance, pulling her hood up as if it might drown them out or hide her somehow.
"Have you all been here before? Is there anything we should know before continuing? Those two guards don't look to friendly at the moment. Are Scimitars normal weapons for this village?" Razz rambles off a few quick questions, hoping there's time for answers before we get up to the guards.
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"Well that's not exactly what we were told but I guess that's our fault for not asking more questions. I'm assuming the customs here are still very much so similar to Fey where one does not simply announce a wedding and bride to be before getting the agreement of the bride?" Razz asks the group with a confused look on his face. He's never heard of it working the other way around before.
"It's more like...it's always been planned? And attempted, over and over. Rahadin here is Strahd's honorary brother, so I'm sure he can explain the situation better than me."
Rahadin reluctantly informs, "The mists that surround Barovia are quite.... interesting. They trap everything. People, animals... souls...... The souls have nothing to do but reincarnate. That girl is the reincarnation of a woman who lived 400 years ago: Tatyana. Tatyana was Strahd's bride back when he was alive."
I exist sometimes, especially when I'm DMing Curse of Strahd.
"And Tatyana willingly agreed to marry him? And if they have been stuck reincarnating for the past 400 years, why hasn't he married her before now? Does she not remember any of their past lives?" Razz says and stops to think of even more question, letting his curiosity get the better of him (when does he not).
Rahadin simply states, "No, she doesn't remember."
I exist sometimes, especially when I'm DMing Curse of Strahd.
Kessintra raises an eyebrow at the glaring omissions in Rahadin's answer, tilting her head slightly and casting message on Razz. She doesn't want Ireena to have to hear what has happened to the others again.
'Strahd said that the attempts always fail due to extenuating circumstances. The reincarnations have always been killed by others or themselves before he could turn them.'
At the mention that Strahd is a vampire, Ada blanches. "I accepted a summons from a...vampire?" she exclaims, her voice starting to rise toward the end. "They, as well as any other undead, are my sworn enemy. I will do whatever I can to protect Ireena from this monster."
Her expression darkens and her eyes seem to stare off into the mists for a few moments, as if recalling a dark memory from the past.
Finally, she glares at Rahadin. "If this one is Strahd's 'brother', can we trust him?"
Extended Signature
Characters: Bryony Alderleaf - Lvl. 4 Halfling Rogue (The Shattered Obelisk) ♦ Vesta Trevelyan - Lvl. 10 Half-Elf Sorcerer (Eve of Ruin) ♦ Ada Kendrick - Lvl. 4 Aasimar Paladin (Curse of Strahd) ♦ Selene Albion - Lvl. 12 Human Ranger (In-Person Homebrew Campaign) ♦ Phaerdra Tor'viir - Lvl. 3 Drow Wizard (Exandria Sandbox Campaign)
Rahadin calmly retorts, "If you betray me here and now, you won't get to Vallaki safely. The horses will go wild without me or another one of my master's servants nearby. You will lose Strahd's favor, which you miraculously have now. Life will become like living in the nine." He pulls out a hidden scimitar. "Do you still wish to rebel?"
I exist sometimes, especially when I'm DMing Curse of Strahd.
"Betray? Rebe--No, we are just discussing our task with our new friends here. Clearly they are very...strong in their faith. Still, Strahd wants Ireena protected, we all want Ireena protected during this trying time. So that she will be safe during these last few weeks of mortality before the wedding." Weeks to find a way to prevent it. "Speaking of which, you shouldn't be saying such terrible, upsetting things in front of her, Rahadin."
Persuasion to convince Rahadin not to attack us: 24
Putting a calming hand on Ada, "He is right. For now, being within Strahd's favor is keeping us alive. We shall do as he says to protect Ireena and whomever else seeks it." Putting some emphasis on "FOR NOW" that hopefully she picks up on, not wanted to tell her of the prophecy in front of Rahadin.
Ada continues to watch Rahadin with suspicion in her expression, but she settles down. "Very well," she says slowly. "Protecting Ireena is the most important thing right now. You are right about that."
Extended Signature
Characters: Bryony Alderleaf - Lvl. 4 Halfling Rogue (The Shattered Obelisk) ♦ Vesta Trevelyan - Lvl. 10 Half-Elf Sorcerer (Eve of Ruin) ♦ Ada Kendrick - Lvl. 4 Aasimar Paladin (Curse of Strahd) ♦ Selene Albion - Lvl. 12 Human Ranger (In-Person Homebrew Campaign) ♦ Phaerdra Tor'viir - Lvl. 3 Drow Wizard (Exandria Sandbox Campaign)
"Good." He puts the scimitar away.
The carriage comes to a four way crossroads with a signpost. Rahadin makes a left turn.
I exist sometimes, especially when I'm DMing Curse of Strahd.
Kessintra's shoulders relax slightly as the elf sheathes his blade. "Anyway, Strahd has also given us permission to investigate the Mists. Only the Vistani can come and go freely; even Strahd can't leave, though of course he doesn't really mind. It just gets boring, apparently..."
"Ok, once we get to the Blue Lake Inn, we are in need of some much needed food and information. I think we eat and drink until everyone gets their fill of both." Razz smiling at everyone as he's sure they'd all agree. "We can figure out what to do next after that."
The Old Svalich Road meanders into a valley watched over by dark, brooding mountains to the north and south. The woods recede, revealing a sullen mountain burg surrounded by a wooden palisade. Thick fog presses up against this wall, as though looking for a way inside, hoping to catch the town aslumber.
The dirt road ends at a set of sturdy iron gates with a pair of shadowy figures standing behind them. Planted in the ground and flanking the road outside the gates are a half-dozen pikes with wolves’ heads impaled on them. All the pikes are cut in half, their staves laying on the ground.
I exist sometimes, especially when I'm DMing Curse of Strahd.
(( So they cut them in half and then planted them into the ground with the wolves' heads on them? Or does it look like they were planted in the ground and then cut in half? Just trying to make sure Razz sees it correctly lol. Wasn't sure if it's supposed to be a deterrent or if someone destroyed them. ))
Razz tries to make sense of the scene unfolding in front of them. He's still trying to get used to such an oppressive area as this was not what he was expecting to see when they arrived at their next spot.
(( Perception Check: 14 ))
They appear to have been cut after they were planted. Through the gates you can see that the two shadowy figures are in cloaks with their hoods up. They both have scimitars and don't appear to notice you.
I exist sometimes, especially when I'm DMing Curse of Strahd.
Ada grimaces at the sight of the mounted wolf heads. At least they were cut down, but the sight doesn't bode well. This must be the village called Vallaki that Rahadin mentioned. It doesn't seem as inviting as Ada might have hoped. In fact, so far, this entire land of Barovia has felt oppressive and dreary to her. No wonder Strahd felt boredom trapped within the misty confines of its borders.
Extended Signature
Characters: Bryony Alderleaf - Lvl. 4 Halfling Rogue (The Shattered Obelisk) ♦ Vesta Trevelyan - Lvl. 10 Half-Elf Sorcerer (Eve of Ruin) ♦ Ada Kendrick - Lvl. 4 Aasimar Paladin (Curse of Strahd) ♦ Selene Albion - Lvl. 12 Human Ranger (In-Person Homebrew Campaign) ♦ Phaerdra Tor'viir - Lvl. 3 Drow Wizard (Exandria Sandbox Campaign)
Kessintra isn't looking forward to seeing how the village has changed since they last visited. A few particularly accusatory voices grow louder in her head as they approach. "I know, I know..." She mutters to herself in annoyance, pulling her hood up as if it might drown them out or hide her somehow.
"Have you all been here before? Is there anything we should know before continuing? Those two guards don't look to friendly at the moment. Are Scimitars normal weapons for this village?" Razz rambles off a few quick questions, hoping there's time for answers before we get up to the guards.