Traeth winces. "Ay, I'm not one to sneak in the shadows. Anyways, I'd not travel without my armor or hammer, but they make quite a bit of noise, as you may imagine. Perhaps we split up? I could aid one of yer on your way, if you should wish."
"Perhaps I can go ahead and signal you somehow when the patrols are farthest away? I can also disguise myself as one of them, provide a distraction if they start to notice us."
OOC: I don't want to split the party, but if we go in together we risk getting smoked by superior numbers. Speaking of which anybody have any idea what it is we're supposed to do about the aforementioned superior numbers.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
Vaelen folds his arms thoughtfully, gaze drifting toward the distant ruins. His voice remains calm but carries the weight of caution. “We could speak to them before we draw blades. Many who camp in old halls simply follow orders. They may be weary mercenaries, unaware of the greater threat that lies here.” He glances at the others, “Yet charging in without a plan risks too much. Disguising ourselves or arriving under a flag of truce might reveal their true nature. If they show hostility, we’ll have done what we could to avoid unnecessary bloodshed—and we’ll be positioned to respond.”
He looks from Kaelen to Traeth, “If one of us can move unseen to understand their routines, and another can pose as one of their own, we might approach under friendly guise. We can decide our next steps when we know more.”
Kaelen listens to Vaelen’s suggestion, his expression remaining composed as he nods. “If we can avoid a fight and gain information instead, it’s worth the effort. Wasting time and energy on unnecessary bloodshed serves no purpose.”
He adjusts the strap of his quiver and glances toward the ruins, his sharp eyes already scanning the treeline for the best path forward. “I’ll scout ahead, observe their routines. I’m not suited for negotiations or false pleasantries.” Without waiting for further discussion, he steps toward the shadows, ready to melt into the darkness and begin his task.
Vaelen watches Kaelen vanish before turning to Traeth with a measured nod. His voice is quiet, thoughtful, "Your armor may help you blend in—those patrolling the ruins likely bear arms and gear. If you can adjust your demeanor, perhaps they’ll believe you’re one of their own? You needn’t negotiate extensively; merely discover who they are and why they stand watch. If matters sour, Kaelen and I will be near enough to intervene.” He glances at the darkening treeline, then lays a hand on his staff, “I’ll follow behind, just out of sight. If trouble finds you, we could respond swiftly. Speak only as much as you must, and, if possible, learn how devoted they truly are to whomever leads them.”
Vaelen inclines his head in a gesture of encouragement, ready to shadow Kaelen’s movements if Traeth begins his approach.
Traeth pauses, and shakes his head. "I would go, but I'm certain I'd stand out, given my--ahh--vertical... length. However, I'd be happy to give ye a blessing on yer way." Traeth walks over to Vaelen, and touches his amulet to Vaelen's forehead. A warm golden glow flows from the medallion of engraved steel, flowing into Vaelen's body, sinking into his bones.
Kaelen listens to Vaelen’s suggestion, his expression remaining composed as he nods. “If we can avoid a fight and gain information instead, it’s worth the effort. Wasting time and energy on unnecessary bloodshed serves no purpose.”
He adjusts the strap of his quiver and glances toward the ruins, his sharp eyes already scanning the treeline for the best path forward. “I’ll scout ahead, observe their routines. I’m not suited for negotiations or false pleasantries.” Without waiting for further discussion, he steps toward the shadows, ready to melt into the darkness and begin his task.
Kaelen listens to Vaelen’s suggestion, his expression remaining composed as he nods. “If we can avoid a fight and gain information instead, it’s worth the effort. Wasting time and energy on unnecessary bloodshed serves no purpose.”
He adjusts the strap of his quiver and glances toward the ruins, his sharp eyes already scanning the treeline for the best path forward. “I’ll scout ahead, observe their routines. I’m not suited for negotiations or false pleasantries.” Without waiting for further discussion, he steps toward the shadows, ready to melt into the darkness and begin his task.
Stealth: 22; Perception to observe patterns: 18
So what exactly are you doing?
Move up and observe the guard patterns, trying to figure out a good time for Treath to hurry through since talking seems to be a no-go based on his last post.
Right. Uh, for the most part, there isn't much of a pattern in their movement, however inevitably each individual guard is walking to his own beat. There are certainly areas that are left open long enough for someone to sneak through if they are fast and silent, and watching for about 15 minutes, you can just about predict when they will open up.
Kaelen glances toward Vaelen, “Your familiar could signal Traeth when it’s safe to move. A subtle cue, something the guards won’t notice. It would give us the coordination we need without risking exposure.”
Vaelen inclines his head in agreement, voice subdued. “A caw, or a soft scratch of claws on bark, subtle enough to pass unnoticed by all but those who listen for it. I’ll position the raven so it can see the patrol’s movements and give you the signal at the right time.”
He flicks his gaze toward Traeth. “When you hear the sound, move. Kaelen and I will watch from the shadows, ready if things turn hostile.”
Kaelen tilts his head slightly at the question, considering for a moment before answering. "As fast as you can. I know there will be openings, but how long they last can vary."
Traeth winces. "Ay, I'm not one to sneak in the shadows. Anyways, I'd not travel without my armor or hammer, but they make quite a bit of noise, as you may imagine. Perhaps we split up? I could aid one of yer on your way, if you should wish."
Please sign here. And don't read the fine print.
"Perhaps I can go ahead and signal you somehow when the patrols are farthest away? I can also disguise myself as one of them, provide a distraction if they start to notice us."
(Unsure if a decision has been reached regarding your next course of action.)
((Waiting for input from the others.))
OOC: I don't want to split the party, but if we go in together we risk getting smoked by superior numbers. Speaking of which anybody have any idea what it is we're supposed to do about the aforementioned superior numbers.
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
Ooc: I mean, we have no confirmation these guys would be immediately hostile if we tried talking to them, but Kaelen is bad at that lol.
Vaelen folds his arms thoughtfully, gaze drifting toward the distant ruins. His voice remains calm but carries the weight of caution. “We could speak to them before we draw blades. Many who camp in old halls simply follow orders. They may be weary mercenaries, unaware of the greater threat that lies here.” He glances at the others, “Yet charging in without a plan risks too much. Disguising ourselves or arriving under a flag of truce might reveal their true nature. If they show hostility, we’ll have done what we could to avoid unnecessary bloodshed—and we’ll be positioned to respond.”
He looks from Kaelen to Traeth, “If one of us can move unseen to understand their routines, and another can pose as one of their own, we might approach under friendly guise. We can decide our next steps when we know more.”
DM : The Shade Over Runewarren | Vaelen Gravesong : Shadow of Eternal Night
"The snake which cannot cast its skin has to die. As well the minds which are prevented from changing their opinions; they cease to be mind."
Kaelen listens to Vaelen’s suggestion, his expression remaining composed as he nods. “If we can avoid a fight and gain information instead, it’s worth the effort. Wasting time and energy on unnecessary bloodshed serves no purpose.”
He adjusts the strap of his quiver and glances toward the ruins, his sharp eyes already scanning the treeline for the best path forward. “I’ll scout ahead, observe their routines. I’m not suited for negotiations or false pleasantries.” Without waiting for further discussion, he steps toward the shadows, ready to melt into the darkness and begin his task.
Stealth: 22; Perception to observe patterns: 18
Vaelen watches Kaelen vanish before turning to Traeth with a measured nod. His voice is quiet, thoughtful, "Your armor may help you blend in—those patrolling the ruins likely bear arms and gear. If you can adjust your demeanor, perhaps they’ll believe you’re one of their own? You needn’t negotiate extensively; merely discover who they are and why they stand watch. If matters sour, Kaelen and I will be near enough to intervene.” He glances at the darkening treeline, then lays a hand on his staff, “I’ll follow behind, just out of sight. If trouble finds you, we could respond swiftly. Speak only as much as you must, and, if possible, learn how devoted they truly are to whomever leads them.”
Vaelen inclines his head in a gesture of encouragement, ready to shadow Kaelen’s movements if Traeth begins his approach.
Stealth to follow slightly behind Kaelen: 20
DM : The Shade Over Runewarren | Vaelen Gravesong : Shadow of Eternal Night
"The snake which cannot cast its skin has to die. As well the minds which are prevented from changing their opinions; they cease to be mind."
Owen nods in agreement but will walk openly with Traeth.
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
OOC: Traeth is extremely short, even for a dwarf.
Traeth pauses, and shakes his head. "I would go, but I'm certain I'd stand out, given my--ahh--vertical... length. However, I'd be happy to give ye a blessing on yer way." Traeth walks over to Vaelen, and touches his amulet to Vaelen's forehead. A warm golden glow flows from the medallion of engraved steel, flowing into Vaelen's body, sinking into his bones.
Traeth is going to cast Guidance on Vaelen.
Please sign here. And don't read the fine print.
So what exactly are you doing?
Move up and observe the guard patterns, trying to figure out a good time for Treath to hurry through since talking seems to be a no-go based on his last post.
Uh, for the most part, there isn't much of a pattern in their movement, however inevitably each individual guard is walking to his own beat.
There are certainly areas that are left open long enough for someone to sneak through if they are fast and silent, and watching for about 15 minutes, you can just about predict when they will open up.
Kaelen glances toward Vaelen, “Your familiar could signal Traeth when it’s safe to move. A subtle cue, something the guards won’t notice. It would give us the coordination we need without risking exposure.”
Vaelen inclines his head in agreement, voice subdued. “A caw, or a soft scratch of claws on bark, subtle enough to pass unnoticed by all but those who listen for it. I’ll position the raven so it can see the patrol’s movements and give you the signal at the right time.”
He flicks his gaze toward Traeth. “When you hear the sound, move. Kaelen and I will watch from the shadows, ready if things turn hostile.”
DM : The Shade Over Runewarren | Vaelen Gravesong : Shadow of Eternal Night
"The snake which cannot cast its skin has to die. As well the minds which are prevented from changing their opinions; they cease to be mind."
"Will do. Though, quick question... do ye think I should attempt to be stealthy, or merely move across as fast as possible?"
Please sign here. And don't read the fine print.
Kaelen tilts his head slightly at the question, considering for a moment before answering. "As fast as you can. I know there will be openings, but how long they last can vary."
Traeth uses ready action to Dash when the signal is given.
Please sign here. And don't read the fine print.
Owen also readies himself to bolt across the open space.
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale