The 4 of you have all signed up (willingly or otherwise) to a deadly arena. Surviving all the fights is said to bring everlasting fame across the world, though no one has done that yet to be certain. Some people back out, choosing to keep their rewards and live, but rather than being remembered for how successful they were, they are only known for giving up. Most people keep fighting until death, with any rewards earned being given to their families or other designated person.
The arena is always packed with spectators, with mages on site protecting them with magical barriers. And to maximise entertainment value, healers are employed to expedite recovery after fights to fit more in per day. If any of you have watched previous contestants, you would know that the arena sometimes gets rearranged with magic to keep the terrain interesting and to provide some opponents an advantage. Everything is also a secret until revealed. The competitors do not know each other, nor do they know who they are fighting. To give them a chance, the first few fights are easier so they can learn how each other fight and to practice teamwork. The fights then get progressively harder, but the competetitors should be getting stronger and better as a team to compensate.
The arena:
The map will have a grid once I get on my laptop and put tokens on it (Jan 2nd probably)
As the doors of the arena opened, a drow elf stepped inside. He wore brown and grey clothing, with a chain shirt underneath. The cleric had chocolate skin and long-black hair, raising a mace with one hand, and a shield on the other. The shield bore a symbol of a bastard sword pointing upwards , outlined against a full moon. The symbol of Eilistraee.
Zumfir stood proud, looking at the many spectators around, watching them, eager to see them shred blood. "I wonder what we will win if we win all the fights." He thought outloud.
A six foot tall woman follows the drow inside. With a playful dancing motion, followed by a bow, Twinkle makes her presence known to the audience, flashing a bright smile. Her outfit consists of a simple tunic that allows for complete freedom of motion, adorned with copious amounts of little holders for daggers and darts. A shortbow is fastened to her pack.
The goliath liked the attention. Surely, it would only be surpassed by the glory that they would win this day.
"Our first reward is combat itself!" she proclaims, pumping one fist towards where she assumed the enemies would emerge.
'I'll return a hero, elder', she thinks to herself.
Following behind the first two, a fully armored human of average height in full armor steps into the arena. His armor has been polished to an almost mirror like shine. He raises his longsword to the crowd and shouts, "For glory!". He bangs the flat of his sword against his shield a couple of times for good measure and readies himself.
Even long released from duty, the dwarf of the party walked out onto the arena floor with regimented precision and halberd in hand. Gimmond was not particularly tall by his people's standards; but, even beneath the layers of armor covering him from head to toe there was an undeniable robustness to his figure. "Do not put cart before horse. We need to survive first. So stay on your toes, and watch out for each other." Gimmond reminds the group while passively scanning the arena for even the remotest of signs of either their foe or fanciful trap waiting to be sprung and spice up the match.
You all enter through the left hand gate (shown as open). Then the other three gates open and two kobolds emerge from each one. All crates and the sandbags can be climbed over but going over them counts as difficult terrain and they do provide half cover.
Having rolled initiative automatically on the combat tracker, the kobolds are up first (I don't mind what order you all act in). They all rush closer, two making it to melee, the others staying back. I have also colour coded them for ease of targeting (you should be able to match them up to their starting positions but doesn't matter too much)
Red: Tries to hit Twinkle with a dagger. 15 so misses. Orange: Tries to hit Twinkle with a sling: 23for 5damage. Yellow: Tries to hit Athos with a sling: 8so misses. Green: Tries to hit Gimmond with a sling: 21for 5damage. Blue: Tries to hit Gimmond with a sling: 18which misses (just about can benefit from the half cover there which saved you from being hit again) Purple: Tries to hit Zumfir with a dagger. 23 for 3 damage
Twinkle avoids the dagger strike with a fluid motion, but dodges straight into the path of the slingstone, grunting at the sudden flash of pain as it connects with her forehead.
[Action] The trickle of blood obfuscates her sight, so her first retaliatory attack is badly aimed. Nat 1 [Here we have it folks, first roll of the campaign, lmao] [Bonus action] She tries to gather her bearings, sending a swift kick towards red, but alas: Attack: 8 [This was a Nat 2, it can only go up from here]
(I like the campaign tracker for rolls. It is more reliable, and I can see them from the encounter tracker where I am also rolling the monsters, just DM only rolls for them)
Off to a great start.... with two solid misses. These don't have much health so assuming you manage to hit them, you should be okay. :p
Gimmond grunted in pain from the sling bullet. Yet even dazed, a moment's all he needs to take a breath and re-center himself, then bring his weapon to bare upon one of the kobolds that had dared lashed out at Zumfir. "Hoi! You have no business with that one, little one." Declared Gimmond as he spun the weapon about and made ready to strike again.
Gimmond's-Ba: Second Wind charge, regaining 5 HP. Gimmond's-Ac: Attack with Glaive against Kobold[Purple]. Glaive Strike vs Kobold(AC ??) - To Hit: 22For: 5slashing damage. (Rolled twice and took the 5 from savage attacker)
Zumfir hisses as he felt the kobold's blade slash his body. In response, he raised his mace, casting True Strike and delivering an attack against the purple kobold, hitting him straight on the head.
Attack: 18, Damage: 6 (Ooc: for some reason i can't use True Strike in the campaign tracker, so i will just manually add the modifiers here)
Is Zumfir also attacking purple (as the one who slashed him). If so, Orange and Purple are dead (if Zumfir attacked anyone else, purple is still alive, but barely)
Once I have confirmation of who Zumfir attacks I will post the kobolds next turn (but am about to sleep so will be my tomorrow)
Twinkle grunts as the kobolds dagger catches her off guard, but is quick to retaliate. The monk delivers a swift punch at Red.
[Action] Attack: 14, damage: 10 bludgeoning
If the kobold is still standing, she will deliver a second strike. Otherwise, the goliath rushes over towards Green. She jumps in the middle of her run, landing a dropkick right into the kobolds midsection.
Zumfir then rushes towards Twinkle (possible opp attack from green) and puts a hand on his shoulder, casting Cure Wounds and healing his injuries. "Stay strong!"
As Twinkle finishes off the last two, trumpets blast and you are allowed to exit the arena where some special healers are waiting. You all feel some magic wash over you, giving you the benefit of a long rest. There is an announcement that the next fight will begin in 5 minutes. You are each handed 25 gold each however there is no time to spend it before the next fight, though are told that after some fights you will have the opportunity to spend the earnings on upgraded equipment and even some magic items they can source for you.
In those 5 minutes, you can set up ready for the next fight. If you have a particular place you wish to start,, let me know. If you don't give me somewhere in appropriately 24 hours time I will start you in the same starting position.
The 4 of you have all signed up (willingly or otherwise) to a deadly arena. Surviving all the fights is said to bring everlasting fame across the world, though no one has done that yet to be certain. Some people back out, choosing to keep their rewards and live, but rather than being remembered for how successful they were, they are only known for giving up. Most people keep fighting until death, with any rewards earned being given to their families or other designated person.
The arena is always packed with spectators, with mages on site protecting them with magical barriers. And to maximise entertainment value, healers are employed to expedite recovery after fights to fit more in per day. If any of you have watched previous contestants, you would know that the arena sometimes gets rearranged with magic to keep the terrain interesting and to provide some opponents an advantage. Everything is also a secret until revealed. The competitors do not know each other, nor do they know who they are fighting. To give them a chance, the first few fights are easier so they can learn how each other fight and to practice teamwork. The fights then get progressively harder, but the competetitors should be getting stronger and better as a team to compensate.
The arena:
The map will have a grid once I get on my laptop and put tokens on it (Jan 2nd probably)
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
As the doors of the arena opened, a drow elf stepped inside. He wore brown and grey clothing, with a chain shirt underneath. The cleric had chocolate skin and long-black hair, raising a mace with one hand, and a shield on the other. The shield bore a symbol of a bastard sword pointing upwards , outlined against a full moon. The symbol of Eilistraee.
Zumfir stood proud, looking at the many spectators around, watching them, eager to see them shred blood. "I wonder what we will win if we win all the fights." He thought outloud.
A six foot tall woman follows the drow inside. With a playful dancing motion, followed by a bow, Twinkle makes her presence known to the audience, flashing a bright smile. Her outfit consists of a simple tunic that allows for complete freedom of motion, adorned with copious amounts of little holders for daggers and darts. A shortbow is fastened to her pack.
The goliath liked the attention. Surely, it would only be surpassed by the glory that they would win this day.
"Our first reward is combat itself!" she proclaims, pumping one fist towards where she assumed the enemies would emerge.
'I'll return a hero, elder', she thinks to herself.
Following behind the first two, a fully armored human of average height in full armor steps into the arena. His armor has been polished to an almost mirror like shine. He raises his longsword to the crowd and shouts, "For glory!". He bangs the flat of his sword against his shield a couple of times for good measure and readies himself.
Even long released from duty, the dwarf of the party walked out onto the arena floor with regimented precision and halberd in hand. Gimmond was not particularly tall by his people's standards; but, even beneath the layers of armor covering him from head to toe there was an undeniable robustness to his figure. "Do not put cart before horse. We need to survive first. So stay on your toes, and watch out for each other." Gimmond reminds the group while passively scanning the arena for even the remotest of signs of either their foe or fanciful trap waiting to be sprung and spice up the match.
Player In:
Zalosultuvan: High-Elf "Park" Ranger - Road Trip(DM'd by leapingmountain)
Player In:
Xeno: Simic Hybrid Madman-Coliseum of Conquest: 6W-0L| Total Downs: 1 (Retired)
DM In:
Lost Mines of Phandelver (Formerly run by Ceekay77)
You all enter through the left hand gate (shown as open). Then the other three gates open and two kobolds emerge from each one. All crates and the sandbags can be climbed over but going over them counts as difficult terrain and they do provide half cover.
Having rolled initiative automatically on the combat tracker, the kobolds are up first (I don't mind what order you all act in). They all rush closer, two making it to melee, the others staying back. I have also colour coded them for ease of targeting (you should be able to match them up to their starting positions but doesn't matter too much)
Red: Tries to hit Twinkle with a dagger. 15 so misses.
Orange: Tries to hit Twinkle with a sling: 23 for 5 damage.
Yellow: Tries to hit Athos with a sling: 8 so misses.
Green: Tries to hit Gimmond with a sling: 21 for 5 damage.
Blue: Tries to hit Gimmond with a sling: 18 which misses (just about can benefit from the half cover there which saved you from being hit again)
Purple: Tries to hit Zumfir with a dagger. 23 for 3 damage
Everyone is up.
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
[OoC: My rolls are in the campaign tracker]
Twinkle avoids the dagger strike with a fluid motion, but dodges straight into the path of the slingstone, grunting at the sudden flash of pain as it connects with her forehead.
[Action] The trickle of blood obfuscates her sight, so her first retaliatory attack is badly aimed. Nat 1 [Here we have it folks, first roll of the campaign, lmao]
[Bonus action] She tries to gather her bearings, sending a swift kick towards red, but alas: Attack: 8 [This was a Nat 2, it can only go up from here]
(I like the campaign tracker for rolls. It is more reliable, and I can see them from the encounter tracker where I am also rolling the monsters, just DM only rolls for them)
Off to a great start.... with two solid misses. These don't have much health so assuming you manage to hit them, you should be okay. :p
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
Athos will move up next to (red) kobold but attack the (orange) kobold with his longsword. 25 to hit, for 12 slashing.
He'll raise his sword to the crowd after the hit and say to Twinkle over his shoulder, "You got this, let's give 'em a good show."
Gimmond grunted in pain from the sling bullet. Yet even dazed, a moment's all he needs to take a breath and re-center himself, then bring his weapon to bare upon one of the kobolds that had dared lashed out at Zumfir. "Hoi! You have no business with that one, little one." Declared Gimmond as he spun the weapon about and made ready to strike again.
Player In:
Zalosultuvan: High-Elf "Park" Ranger - Road Trip(DM'd by leapingmountain)
Player In:
Xeno: Simic Hybrid Madman-Coliseum of Conquest: 6W-0L| Total Downs: 1 (Retired)
DM In:
Lost Mines of Phandelver (Formerly run by Ceekay77)
Zumfir hisses as he felt the kobold's blade slash his body. In response, he raised his mace, casting True Strike and delivering an attack against the purple kobold, hitting him straight on the head.
Attack: 18, Damage: 6 (Ooc: for some reason i can't use True Strike in the campaign tracker, so i will just manually add the modifiers here)
Is Zumfir also attacking purple (as the one who slashed him). If so, Orange and Purple are dead (if Zumfir attacked anyone else, purple is still alive, but barely)
Once I have confirmation of who Zumfir attacks I will post the kobolds next turn (but am about to sleep so will be my tomorrow)
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
Turns out I misremembered their health. Thought it was 6, it is 5 so Gimmond killed purple. I will assume Zumfir moved to kill Blue.
Without a map, here is the best I can describe positions.
Yellow moves over to stand next to Twinkle and just below Athos,
Green moves to blues space to be in melee with Zumfir.
(will roll attacks and come back to edit this with numbers)
Red: Again against Twinkle: 20 to hit, 3 damage
Yellow: Against Athos: 12 to hit
Green: Against Zumfir: 19 to hit, 4 damage
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
Athos turns to counter attack on the (yellow) kobold.
24 to hit for 11 slashing damage.
He gives another encouraging shout and gets a little overconfident. "These kobolds have nothing on us. Is that all you've got?"
(yellow is dead)
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
Twinkle grunts as the kobolds dagger catches her off guard, but is quick to retaliate. The monk delivers a swift punch at Red.
[Action] Attack: 14, damage: 10 bludgeoning
If the kobold is still standing, she will deliver a second strike. Otherwise, the goliath rushes over towards Green. She jumps in the middle of her run, landing a dropkick right into the kobolds midsection.
[Bonus action] Attack: 26, (Nat 20), damage: 13 bludgeoning.
[Mistakenly rolled the BA unarmed strikes with a dagger on my sheet, but the bonuses and dice are the same anyway]
"Gotta admit, these ones were sharp in their aim." she exclaims, rubbing her forehead.
Zumfir will use his reaction to cast Shield, blocking green's attack. AC now 21
Zumfir then rushes towards Twinkle (possible opp attack from green) and puts a hand on his shoulder, casting Cure Wounds and healing his injuries. "Stay strong!"
Healing: 19
As Twinkle finishes off the last two, trumpets blast and you are allowed to exit the arena where some special healers are waiting. You all feel some magic wash over you, giving you the benefit of a long rest. There is an announcement that the next fight will begin in 5 minutes. You are each handed 25 gold each however there is no time to spend it before the next fight, though are told that after some fights you will have the opportunity to spend the earnings on upgraded equipment and even some magic items they can source for you.
In those 5 minutes, you can set up ready for the next fight. If you have a particular place you wish to start,, let me know. If you don't give me somewhere in appropriately 24 hours time I will start you in the same starting position.
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
Athos will keep the same starting position. He is in high spirits after the first fight and eagerly awaits being able to spend his winnings.