The Kingdom of Ledrad has been historically the most stable realm of the northern front, with a line of succession of the royal bloodline that has ruled continuously and unquestioned for the past two centuries. The current ruler is Lord Udayin Cheral IV and his wife Agga, who with their three sons will continue the line moving forward. The Cherals rule from the great northern trade city, Courmiers (Coor-may). The stability of the North is respected by all the kingdoms to the South. Ledrad is the last “civilized” population before the North becomes less welcoming. Between the bitter winter and the tribes of orcs, giants and dragons that inhabit the Stoneline Mountain range, Ledrad has been a key line of defense and has never been attacked by the other kingdoms as a result.
Lately, however, there have been strange happenings in these border villages that lie between Ledrad and the Stoneline Mountains. In an attempt to gather more information Lord Cheral has offered rewards for any willing persons who would travel through some of these small villages and report back with information. About a week ago, the party decided to head up the coastline -- you don’t remember whose suggestion it was exactly, but it felt good to stretch out your legs, avoid the city for a bit for various other reasons.
Three days ago the party came across a small village upon the famed Whispering Moors (HISTORY/INVESTIGATION) called Duskvale. Within moments of your arrival the locals alerted you to the recent events that have taken place and their concerns. A prominent family, Crowe, recently held the wedding for their son Jander and his lovely bride Viessa, which most of the village attended, during the married couple’s first night Jander was found dead and his new wife has gone missing. The locals feared the worst, the fact that Jander’s body was drained of most of his blood has given rise to the belief that vampires are among the village folks and sent you all upon the moors in order to stop the threat.
HISTORY or INVESTIGATION -- Skill check for ALL, if you'd like. Just add a spoiler tag with a dice roll to find out more about the Whispering Moors
Donavan, since you are proficent with history AND investigation , (HIST)you had already heard the legend of the Whispering Moors' causing some who might be caught on the moors at night to have heard whispering voices that call for them to head towards the sea banks. Due to the high cliff walls that make up this part of the coastline listening to those voices has caused many disappearances/presumed deaths for those that listen to the whispers. (INVEST) The locals in Duskvale confirmed this to be true when you asked a couple of key questions about where you would be heading. How much you believe them? That's up to you.
You may share this information with the party, or keep it yourself.
Chapter 1: Night on the Whispering Moor
With the sun fading in the distance, Donavan, Advocate Erendo and Uthalhad just begun gathering up wood for a night on the moors. That's when from behind a pile of rocks a creature lept from the ground and attacked.
Uthal drove his war pick through the neck of the creature that was once the bride to be. Sure, she looked like the descriptions the Crowe family had told you about Viessa and she was even still wearing her simple elegant wedding dress (tattered, torn and covered in blood), but from the way she attacked and attempted to claw Uthal's eyes out there was no way that this creature was anything like the Viessa that had been described to you. She lays there now on the ground motionless, her eyes are white and hollow looking as if the soul behind them has vanished.
Aldrin, Feng and Tessera return from their scouting upon hearing about the commotion from where camp had been selected for the evening to find Uthal standing over the body of a woman. The woman is dead, no breath moves in and out of her chest and a large pool of dark blood pools beneath her head now. Her hands are unnaturally twisted with long thin nails that look more like eagle talons even from this distance.
Around her neck is the golden chain necklace with a pendant that carries the Crowe family crest. The family had asked for that to be returned.
Uthal (being the closest) you are allowed a PERCEPTION check upon the body with advantage. Also, you have a decision to make -- remove the war pick from Viessa's neck or leave it there.
Donavan and Erendo, you may roll either a RELIGION, HISTORY or INVESTIGATION check since you all witnessed the attack and the mannerisms of the creature. How do you react to such an attack?
Aldrin, Fend and Tessera since you all arrived to find the creature already dead, you may make PERCEPTION check to attempt to figure out what is going on here exactly -- or you can opt to wait for the chatter. Secondly, I will need all three of you to roll WISDOM save.
Aldrin, as your heart begins to slow down you will feel something buzzing in your pack -- also the golden pendant is very sparkly to you. How do you all react to what has happened?
This is not combat, so there is no need to roll initative.
However, the sun is starting to fade over the sea.
Just to give you a general map of the area that you have decided to camp at -- you have picked a small defendable position next to some boulders and would be downwind from the open plain (giving you the advantage on anything that might be trying to smell you) that half of your party was scouting. To your West is the sea. To your North are the mountains. To your South is the town of Duskvale (about a half-night travel) and to your East (two days travel) is the next small town of East Hill
Uthal was happy that the group's current job took them out of the city again where he's back under the open sky again and where things aren't so crowded and small. The massive goliath doesn't look so out of place on the open moor where his nearly-8-foot height isn't always seen in contrast to crowds of regular-sized people and buildings. Uthal likes it when the party travels through the wilderness. He's good at helping Feng and Erendo set up camp. The weather on the moor is pleasant in late summer, and Uthal is shirtless with just a pair of loose trousers and boots. The late sun shines on his purple-gray skin, and he scratches his thick beard as he gathers wood. Of course, he knows his other role, and he always has a weapon or three sheathed or strapped to him, just in case.
Uthal simply reacted when a thing leapt at him from the rocks. And now, one of those weapons is embedded in this the thing's neck.
Uthal crouches over the strange body, looking at the "thing" he killed. Thing in a dress. Woman. Woman in a dress. He's sure? Yes, he's sure. A woman. A weird woman. Weird white eyes. Weird nails. And a bloody dress. It was bloody before he hit her. They were looking for a woman. Is this the woman? And Erendo kept saying they had to bring something back. What did he say? Something about a crow? He thought it was funny. A crow's necklace? Some sort of necklace. The woman has a necklace.
Uthal is still puzzling over the woman when the others approach, holding the handle of his war pick that's still in her neck. He looks up and gestures with a massive hand down at the body, his tone both questioning and optimistic, "I found a woman!"
Since nothing else is attacking him, Uthal has not removed the war pick from the body.
Feng, still feeling uneasy exploring the wilderness, holds his compress tightly in his left hand. Feng always had mixed emotions when the group traveled. The wild was where he was raised only returning to the city when his family needed something. The excitement that the outdoors had existed in Fang as a child had been replaced by the knowledge that death might come for them at any moment.
His breathing slightly quick from running back to the camp after hearing a commotion. Looking at the women on the ground Feng felt visibly frustrated that the scouting party had not spotted her earlier.
“How the hell did we miss that?” Fang exclaims pointing the sword in his right hand at the body. “Also what happened?”
Aldrin stood a few paces back from the body, her sharp gray eyes scanning the scene with wary focus. She was a slight figure, her olive-toned skin illuminated by the fading light of the setting sun. Her long red hair was tied up in a loose bun at the nape of her neck, though a few rebellious strands framed her angular face. Her discomfort at being so far from civilization had grown steadily over the past few days, and now, standing in the eerie half-light of the Whispering Moors, she felt completely out of place. The expanse of open land, the creeping chill of night, and the incessant hum of insects made her miss the crowded alleys and comforting chaos of Courmiers.
Her gaze flicked to Uthal, who still crouched over the lifeless body with his war pick embedded in its neck. "You...found a woman," she echoed dryly, raising an eyebrow. "Is that what we're calling this?" Her tone was light, but the tension in her voice was unmistakable. The sight of the twisted claws and hollow, staring eyes made her stomach churn.
Perception: 7
Wisdom save: 7
As her heart began to slow and her breathing steadied, a faint buzzing sound caught her attention. She frowned, shifting her weight and adjusting the straps of her pack. The sound seemed to come from inside. Without thinking, her fingers traced the outline of the strange white wood chunk she had "acquired"—an entirely accidental theft, or so she told herself. Her first instinct was to ignore it, but the persistent vibration tugged at her curiosity.
Her attention snapped back to the golden pendant gleaming on the creature's neck. It caught the last rays of sunlight, its sparkle drawing her gaze like a moth to flame. "That pendant," she murmured, her voice low. "It's the Crowe family crest. They wanted it back." She stepped forward cautiously, reluctant to get too close but not trusting Uthal's massive hands to retrieve it without breaking the delicate chain.
(My rolling is not going well... this is the norm.)
Advocate Erendo ("Just Erendo, please. At least when informality is called for...) initially shies away from the attack and is thankful for Uthal's quick reaction. Before he can even cast a Blessing or add some light to the situation it is already resolved. "Such violence! Thank the powers that we have Uthal here on our side this night!" Erendo says with some reverence. He does bring up some light to help with identifying who/what their attacker was and to ensure Uthal is unhurt. Upon seeing that the attacker was the bride Erendo suggests they bind her, "Quickly!", so that he can heal her.
"She may have attacked us but we don't know why... And I am sure her family would prefer her returned breathing," he points out.
Spare the dying is cast upon Viessa Crowe before anyone could even object, Advocate Erendo dropping to his knees, bending his hooded face above the body and muttering an incantation urging the poor soul to stay with us - "It is not yet your time for the Eternal Burning."
"Now quickly," Erendo urges Uthal. "Help me with the tying her up!"
As the others return, likely as they are still binding the dead body, Erendo looks up at them from his task, his face mostly shrouded by his hood as usual. "She came out of nowhere," he explains. "Uthals response was swift and severe but necessary. Yes, yes.. We do believe it is the Viessa Crowe woman, thus why I am trying to save her..."
Once secured, Erendo lays his hands upon the dead and attempts to call her back from the flames (Cure Wounds for 10pts of healing) while others are discussing a pendant he had forgotten all about...
Donavanenjoyed the trips out of the city as a chance to see the world and learn about new flora and fauna for science.
When we came upon Duskvale he remembered the legends he heard as a child, he shares with the party around the campfire. He looked into finding out more but was distracted by a friendly cat in the town. (INVEST - NAT 1)
The legend of the Whispering Moors' is said to cause some who might be caught on the moors at night to have heard whispering voices that call for them to head towards the sea banks. Due to the high cliff walls that make up this part of the coastline listening to those voices has caused many disappearances/presumed deaths for those that listen to the whispers.
As the three had set up camp and gone about the needed chores, such as gathering wood, we were sprung upon by some wild person, who later turned out to be Viessa. I spung into action myself ready to slay the creature/person. Uthal did a marvelously job and brought her down swiftly. It was a shame, he thought, whatever ailment happened to this poor girl. He began to examine the body and the strange aspects (hands, teeth, eyes, etc.) to learn more. (INVEST - 8 and MED - 10) He took some samples and stowed them away.
As he was conducting his examination, Erendo cast a curative spell upon her, startling him. He checks for a heartbeat/pulse (MED - 12). "Yes. Yes, we should tie her up quickly, as she is most likely still under the effects of her ailment and bound to still be violent."
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
"How frightfully morbid!" Tessera clapped daintily with delighted excitement, as if she were reviewing the opening act of a gothic theatrical production during intermission. "Disaster in Duskvale! A murder on the moors! And the villain of the piece a vampyr, no less?"
The macabre, wide-eyed glee on the young Changeling woman's face gradually evaporated as she studied the scene before her. The puddles of blood that had gushed from Viessa Crowe's throat into the gorse and brush apparently had a sobering effect on the fanciful, childish interpretation of the moment she'd instinctively conjured in her own mind.
"Ewwww." Tess pinched her nose and shuffled gingerly behind her fellow scout, Feng. "Goodness, you really did a number on her, didn't you, Uthal? Glad you're on our side, big boy."
Her voice softened as she leaned closer to Aldrin, her curiosity tinged with unease. "Do you really think it's Viessa Crowe?" She hesitated and then sighed, resigning herself to the same conclusion the other woman had already reached. "Poor girl. In her prime and ready to embark on a life of blessed matrimony, only for it all to be shattered by this... this ghastly affliction."
Tessera watched the flurry of activity unfold before her, as Erendo and Donavan set to binding the corpse and murmuring incantations. She startled when she recognised their intent - they were expecting the creature to life. She hurriedly knelt beside them, fumbling with the knots, tying the creature's feet as best she could. "It does beg the question though... if she's really a bloodsucker, where did she come from? In the stories, vampires don't just spring out of nowhere. Don't they come with a progenitor... a kind of ancestor that delivers the demon's seed through its bite?"
Tessera's amber gaze drifted to the horizon, past the jagged boulders and across the barren plain. They suddenly seemed so far from civilisation, so far from aid. A chill crept over her as she dwelled on the possibility of another menace hidden in the Whispering Moors.
(( Whispering Moors HISTORY check: 16 WISDOM save: 15 PERCEPTION check to see if she notices any other creatures: 23 ))
Uthal as you crouch over the woman with the war pick sticking from her neck you notice from the way she’s looking up at you that the inside of her mouth contains two larger than normal fangs.
Feng as you approach the camp area you notice the scene with the woman in the mud covered wedding dress and Uthal kneeling over her still with his war pick through her neck, however something catches your eye just off to the side. There is a shallow part of the ground that has been ripped asunder, making for what could best be described as a shallow fresh grave open. As your eyes catch that sight, for a brief moment you hear a voice upon the wind, but it soon fades away.
Aldrin as you check the small white wooden chunk there is once again there are the strange symbols glowing on all sides of the chunk. It is at that moment that the wind picks up a few leaves laying on the ground creating a mini-swirl of leaves as you begin to hear the sweetest voice call out your name “Aldrin… Aldrin…”
Erendo casting light makes the area like daylight, and reveals the body of the woman. Her skin is unusually pale, as if no blood is running through her body -- which makes sense since most of it has pooled underneath. However, the color of the blood is a strange dark red color, the same color that had been left to dry for a few days. As the release of the energy from the spare the dying flows through the body, there seems to be no effect on Viessa.
If you’d like to take back the Cure Wounds at this point, that is fine. You would have noticed the lack of effect of the Spare the dying before casting a second spell.
If you’d like to continue as is, that’s fine.
Donavan, Viessa’s claws are not normal or at least should not be that long, jagged, or sharp for someone who just a few days ago was a bride to be. Erendo’s first spell seemed to have no effect on her, her heart never restarting or breath being drawn into her lungs as a result of the positive energy.
Tessera as the chill from the wind causes that shiver down your spine, you remember a story you once heard about the Whispering Moors and their strange effect on those who get caught there at night time. That’s when for a brief moment you hear a noise on the wind which causes you to track for anything else that might be out there… there does not appear to be anything moving out here besides the members of your party.
Conditions - Viessa is now bound.
Conditions - There is now a 20ft light spell that surrounds where Erendo is standing over the body. If you'd like your character to be within that 20ft radius (40 feet diameter total) please indictate that in your post.
Feng no longer holding his compass points towards the shallow grave.
“Just our luck, it seems like we set up camp at a burial site of some kind of monster. Anyone know useful information about what we are dealing with? If that thing just got out of the grave, it is likely whatever made her is coming back.”
Feng lights a torch and holds it next to the grave trying to see if there are tracks in or out of the area and how old they are. Based on what he finds he throws the torch at a location that he thinks a monster would come from. After that he stands by Erendo in the light.
“I don't know what is going on but I heard a voice a second ago. Let me know if you hear or see anything.”
Her gaze flicked to Uthal, who still crouched over the lifeless body with his war pick embedded in its neck. "You...found a woman," she echoed dryly, raising an eyebrow.
Uthal says, "Well, she jumped at me. Like a mountain lion." He shrugs, and the war pick tugs at the woman's neck, "I hit her."
"Is that what we're calling this?" Her tone was light, but the tension in her voice was unmistakable. The sight of the twisted claws and hollow, staring eyes made her stomach churn.
Uthal seems to understand her meaning. He admits, "Yeah. A weird woman. With claws..." He reaches down here with two big fingers of his free hand, places them on the woman's upper lip, and presses to pull her lip up, exposing the teeth. "...and fangs. Maybe she's part mountain lion?"
"She may have attacked us but we don't know why... And I am sure her family would prefer her returned breathing," he points out.
"Now quickly," Erendo urges Uthal. "Help me with the tying her up!"
Uthal isn't sure whether he should point out that the woman is not breathing. But Erendo would know better, so he keeps his mouth shut and just grunts. He does as instructed and helps Erendo bind the woman. Although Uthal's hands are huge, they're surprisingly fast and dexterous. Since Erendo seems to want to help the woman, he asks, "You want I should remove my pick now?"
If Erendo says yes, then Uthal puts one hand on the woman's neck and grabs the war pick close to the head of the weapon with the other. As carefully as he can, Uthal slides the spike of the pick out of the woman's neck, ready for more bloody mess.
Uthal isn't happy to hear that word. "Spooks," he mutters darkly -- his word for the undead. He looks at the fading sun with some concern.
"Ewwww." Tess pinched her nose and shuffled gingerly behind her fellow scout, Feng. "Goodness, you really did a number on her, didn't you, Uthal? Glad you're on our side, big boy."
Uthal grins at this. He says honestly, "I'm just happy she attacked me and not you!"
As Feng sweeps his torchlight over the grave, its shadows deepening in the hollow, Tessera suppresses a shudder.
"I... I thought I heard something on the wind too. And before we left Duskvale, I happened by one of the local watering holes. A young lad, spinning a yarn while bouncing a lute on his knee, telling tale of how the moors themselves change in the darkness. Of the peculiar fate of those who find themselves stranded out here in the night..."
She trails off dramatically, heavy with suspense. Then, as if lighting a candle, her visage brightens, the tips of her tresses becoming a golden yellow as a beaming smile spreads across her face. "I mean, I don't see anything out there, so perhaps it's just an embellishment of the truth. I'm sure it'll all be fine and dandy!"
She rises to her feet, satisfied that the vampire woman was well and truly dead, still showered in the nimbus of light extending from Erendo. "I mean it's natural to be a little anxious. Look at the state of her! But Uthal's already dispatched whatever the bride of Crowe had been transformed into, so no need to worry any longer, hmm? If there's really another one out there, I'm sure he can skewer the next too!"
The wind courses through the boulders, and its icy bite gnaws at Tess' optimism and resolve. A feeling of dread causes her hackles to rise, and she pulls her dark green travelling cloak closer around her shoulders. "Still, with our quarry and her pendant found, is there really any need for us to tarry? The sun may be setting, but Duskvale's only half a night's travel in that direction."
Viessa’s claws are not normal or at least should not be that long, jagged, or sharp for someone who just a few days ago was a bride to be. Erendo’s first spell seemed to have no effect on her, her heart never restarting or breath being drawn into her lungs as a result of the positive energy.
"We should keep an eye on her, or should I say this Nosferatu creature of the night, or common vampire, less we find ourselves also afflicted. We should continue to setup camp and decide on who is going to take which watch tonight"
Aldrin’s fingers trembled slightly as she turned the small, white wooden chunk over in her hands, its strange glowing symbols pulsing faintly in the dim light. She couldn’t deny the uncanny warmth radiating from it, nor the way it seemed to hum in sync with her heartbeat. The gentle swirl of leaves and the voice—sweet and haunting—calling her name sent a shiver up her spine.
Her gray eyes darted to Tessera, who was doing her best to inject some levity into the grim scene. Aldrin appreciated the effort, but the swirling dread in her chest refused to quiet completely even in the face of her companion's brightening demeanor.
"Heh, just another night on the cursed moors with a corpse that might not stay dead and...whatever this is," she gestured vaguely at the wood chuck as she tucked it back into her pack. She straightened, brushing stray red hairs out of her face and adjusting her leather armor.
She turned her attention to the body, now bound and glowing faintly under Erendo's light. "Tess, you’re right—vampires don’t come from nowhere. If this girl’s turned, then there’s someone or something else pulling the strings."
Her gaze swept over the group, lingering on Feng and Tessera before settling on Uthal, who stood like a stone sentinel over the scene. "We’ve got what we came for. The family can deal with the rest." She motioned at Viessa’s limp form, her tone impatient but not unkind.
Then, as the wind picked up again and another faint echo of her name drifted to her ears, her composure faltered. She wrapped her cloak tighter around herself and lowered her voice. "I’ve had enough of creepy whispers for one night. I agree with Tess: The sooner we’re out of here and back in Duskvale, the better."
Though she spoke with confidence, Aldrin couldn’t shake the unease that had settled deep in her chest.
"Thank you," Erendo says to Uthal with a quick smile as he starts assisting in tying the dead woman up. "And yes. Please," he adds in regards to removing the weapon from her throat.
Obviously well within the light he cast, Erendo wonders why his first spell didn't work correctly. Or at least didn't seem like it did. He would take an extra moment to pray over the body when casting his actual Cure Wounds prayer ((yes, he would still attempt it...)) as the others chattered on. He hears the word vampyre and nosferatu and he has a vague idea of what is referred to by this but certainly no expertise. Certainly not enough to know if that could really be what happened to this woman...
"Whatever happened to her," he says, looking around at the others. "Whatever she may be now, I don't think my prayers can help her."
Erendo looks disconcerted and a bit afraid. All this talk of monsters and the moors and such is swirling around him. He understands little of it but it is still getting to him. "Perhaps we should leave?" he suggests, agreeing with Aldrin. "Is there a point to spending extra time out here?"
"Thank you," Erendo says to Uthal with a quick smile as he starts assisting in tying the dead woman up. "And yes. Please," he adds in regards to removing the weapon from her throat.
If Erendo says yes, then Uthal puts one hand on the woman's neck and grabs the war pick close to the head of the weapon with the other. As carefully as he can, Uthal slides the spike of the pick out of the woman's neck, ready for more bloody mess.
Hey! I'm pumped everyone is responding so well. I'm just going to let you all know that I'm going to be busy the next couple of nights here, so expect me catch up either Thursday or Friday of this week. I just wanted to post today to move things along until then, I'm going to stick by the 3/week thing.
Feng, as you peek in over the lip of the shallow grave there is nothing else buried in there that could possibly be seen as a trap or trigger for something else. However, what catches your eye is a broken clay jar and what appears to be a black gem laying in the bottom half of what remains of the jar sitting in a small amount of liquid. The gem is very smooth and rounded into shape, making it obvious that this was crafted in some fashion. (ARCANA check)
Uthal, with Erendo’s approval you oh so carefully remove your war pick from the small woman’s neck. There was not a lot more blood to be drained and therefore not much more of a mess, however, you have seen your fair share of blood in the past and this does not look the color of “human blood” in the least. The word phrase of “vampire” and other undead creatures being tossed around makes you relive the moment that the woman lept from the ground and trying to recall if she was able to get a swipe or bite. You do a quick check, but there does not seem to be anything of concern.
Aldrin, to the East another whispering voice calls your name which catches your attention and your eyes turn just in time to see a figure holding a lantern moving from side to side. A strange pacing movement that neither approaches or moves away, simply holds the same distance moving about. You would guess the figure is of medium size, though difficult to see past the lantern light, and is around 300 feet away from you currently.
Erendo, you channel your positive divine energy through Viessa and the wound on her neck closes. Some color returns to her face, but the skin color is still not natural. You notice another injury on her opposite shoulder that doesn’t heal from your spell, a small section of her skin here is black and rotten, a foul odor emanating from it. It must have been hidden under the sleeves of her dress, but you were close enough to see it. And just as you remove your hand from her body, you swear you could feel the faint beat of her heart.
Conditions - The war pick is out of Viessa’s neck, and the wound on her neck has been healed.
Conditions - The last of the light from the setting is gone and all that remains is darkness, the light spell and a torch light from Feng. Don't forget to let me know if your character is going to move within the light that Erendo has going.
I’ve got Tessera, Aldrin and Erendo as those seemingly wanting to head back to Duskvale -- it would be about a half night travel, maybe a little long due to those that might not have the vision for night time. If the rest of the party decides along this path, you have to figure out what you're going to do with the body of Viessa.
On the other hand, Donavan seems ready to hunker down for the night. If the rest of the party decides along this path, do set a watch order.
Seeing the gem Feng waits to throw the torch on the ground until he is done looking at it. Feng picks up the black gem using any fabric he has available so as not to touch it. Looking at Donavan seems hesitant to speak but after a moment that feeling passes. Trying to get everyone's attention.
“I am not much use in the dark but if most of us want to return to town I will follow. If we are going to go back to town we just need to decide who is carrying the body, if we decide to take it back and who will carry light so that we can see. I prefer not to do either so that I can be ready to draw both my weapons but I will if I must.”
Now walking over to Donavan.
“You have always seemed like the smartest of us. Do you know what this is? I found it in the grave.”
The word phrase of “vampire” and other undead creatures being tossed around makes you relive the moment that the woman lept from the ground and trying to recall if she was able to get a swipe or bite. You do a quick check, but there does not seem to be anything of concern.
When Uthal finishes checking himself for bites or scratches from the woman, he realizes that the group is deciding what to do next. He feels another moment of panic, but this time it isn't about spooks. Then he reminds himself that the whole group is here and breathes a little easier. He has learned to fear being in a group or 3 or 5 because then they might expect him to vote on a plan. With all 6 of them together, Uthal can just wait until the others decide.
Feng we just need to decide who is carrying the body, if we decide to take it back and who will carry light so that we can see.
As Uthal cleans off the head of his war pick, he happily volunteers himself, "Uthal can carry the weird woman's body." He likes to be useful. Making camp. Fighting. Lifting and carrying things. These are things Uthal knows how to do.
As the others are talking, Uthal squats down and touches some of the blood that spilled from the woman's wound...he wanted to see its color in the smell it and to feel it between thumb and fingers. Then he looks around a moment before deciding to wipe his fingers surreptitiously on the woman's dress. (It was already bloody.) He doesn't want to interrupt, but when there's a lull in the conversation about what to do next, he asks Erendo in a quieter rumble than his usually carrying voice: "Does her blood look wrong?" He gestures at the pool of blood that had formed where the body was initially lying. "Not the normal color?"
When they were starting to set up camp and gathering fuel for the fire, did Uthal see any long, sturdy sticks? If so, Uthal will want to fashion some sort of litter so that he's not just carrying the woman's body slung over his shoulder like a sack.
Aldrin froze, her breath catching in her throat as the faint, whispering voice reached her ears once more. Her gray eyes snapped to the source of the sound, narrowing as they caught sight of a figure shrouded in the glow of a lantern. The figure's strange pacing sent a chill down her spine. She couldn't make out any details, just the steady, almost hypnotic sway of the light cutting through the growing darkness.
She stepped back instinctively, moving closer to Tessera, her hand drifting to the hilt of her rapier. Her voice was low and taut, meant only for her companions. "We've got company," she muttered, her gaze never leaving the figure. "East, about 300 feet. Someone—or something—with a lantern. Not coming closer, not moving away."
Aldrin glanced around at the others, her free hand gesturing toward the figure. "Can you see it? Uthal, keep that pick ready."
The rogue hesitated for a moment, torn between wanting to stay close to the group and the nagging curiosity that always seemed to get her into trouble.
The Kingdom of Ledrad has been historically the most stable realm of the northern front, with a line of succession of the royal bloodline that has ruled continuously and unquestioned for the past two centuries. The current ruler is Lord Udayin Cheral IV and his wife Agga, who with their three sons will continue the line moving forward. The Cherals rule from the great northern trade city, Courmiers (Coor-may). The stability of the North is respected by all the kingdoms to the South. Ledrad is the last “civilized” population before the North becomes less welcoming. Between the bitter winter and the tribes of orcs, giants and dragons that inhabit the Stoneline Mountain range, Ledrad has been a key line of defense and has never been attacked by the other kingdoms as a result.
Lately, however, there have been strange happenings in these border villages that lie between Ledrad and the Stoneline Mountains. In an attempt to gather more information Lord Cheral has offered rewards for any willing persons who would travel through some of these small villages and report back with information. About a week ago, the party decided to head up the coastline -- you don’t remember whose suggestion it was exactly, but it felt good to stretch out your legs, avoid the city for a bit for various other reasons.
Three days ago the party came across a small village upon the famed Whispering Moors (HISTORY/INVESTIGATION) called Duskvale. Within moments of your arrival the locals alerted you to the recent events that have taken place and their concerns. A prominent family, Crowe, recently held the wedding for their son Jander and his lovely bride Viessa, which most of the village attended, during the married couple’s first night Jander was found dead and his new wife has gone missing. The locals feared the worst, the fact that Jander’s body was drained of most of his blood has given rise to the belief that vampires are among the village folks and sent you all upon the moors in order to stop the threat.
HISTORY or INVESTIGATION -- Skill check for ALL, if you'd like. Just add a spoiler tag with a dice roll to find out more about the Whispering Moors
Donavan, since you are proficent with history AND investigation , (HIST)you had already heard the legend of the Whispering Moors' causing some who might be caught on the moors at night to have heard whispering voices that call for them to head towards the sea banks. Due to the high cliff walls that make up this part of the coastline listening to those voices has caused many disappearances/presumed deaths for those that listen to the whispers. (INVEST) The locals in Duskvale confirmed this to be true when you asked a couple of key questions about where you would be heading. How much you believe them? That's up to you.
You may share this information with the party, or keep it yourself.
Chapter 1: Night on the Whispering Moor
With the sun fading in the distance, Donavan, Advocate Erendo and Uthal had just begun gathering up wood for a night on the moors. That's when from behind a pile of rocks a creature lept from the ground and attacked.
Uthal drove his war pick through the neck of the creature that was once the bride to be. Sure, she looked like the descriptions the Crowe family had told you about Viessa and she was even still wearing her simple elegant wedding dress (tattered, torn and covered in blood), but from the way she attacked and attempted to claw Uthal's eyes out there was no way that this creature was anything like the Viessa that had been described to you. She lays there now on the ground motionless, her eyes are white and hollow looking as if the soul behind them has vanished.
Aldrin, Feng and Tessera return from their scouting upon hearing about the commotion from where camp had been selected for the evening to find Uthal standing over the body of a woman. The woman is dead, no breath moves in and out of her chest and a large pool of dark blood pools beneath her head now. Her hands are unnaturally twisted with long thin nails that look more like eagle talons even from this distance.
Around her neck is the golden chain necklace with a pendant that carries the Crowe family crest. The family had asked for that to be returned.
Uthal (being the closest) you are allowed a PERCEPTION check upon the body with advantage. Also, you have a decision to make -- remove the war pick from Viessa's neck or leave it there.
Donavan and Erendo, you may roll either a RELIGION, HISTORY or INVESTIGATION check since you all witnessed the attack and the mannerisms of the creature. How do you react to such an attack?
Aldrin, Fend and Tessera since you all arrived to find the creature already dead, you may make PERCEPTION check to attempt to figure out what is going on here exactly -- or you can opt to wait for the chatter. Secondly, I will need all three of you to roll WISDOM save.
Aldrin, as your heart begins to slow down you will feel something buzzing in your pack -- also the golden pendant is very sparkly to you. How do you all react to what has happened?
This is not combat, so there is no need to roll initative.
However, the sun is starting to fade over the sea.
Just to give you a general map of the area that you have decided to camp at -- you have picked a small defendable position next to some boulders and would be downwind from the open plain (giving you the advantage on anything that might be trying to smell you) that half of your party was scouting. To your West is the sea. To your North are the mountains. To your South is the town of Duskvale (about a half-night travel) and to your East (two days travel) is the next small town of East Hill
Uthal was happy that the group's current job took them out of the city again where he's back under the open sky again and where things aren't so crowded and small. The massive goliath doesn't look so out of place on the open moor where his nearly-8-foot height isn't always seen in contrast to crowds of regular-sized people and buildings. Uthal likes it when the party travels through the wilderness. He's good at helping Feng and Erendo set up camp. The weather on the moor is pleasant in late summer, and Uthal is shirtless with just a pair of loose trousers and boots. The late sun shines on his purple-gray skin, and he scratches his thick beard as he gathers wood. Of course, he knows his other role, and he always has a weapon or three sheathed or strapped to him, just in case.
Uthal simply reacted when a thing leapt at him from the rocks. And now, one of those weapons is embedded in this the thing's neck.
Uthal crouches over the strange body, looking at the "thing" he killed. Thing in a dress. Woman. Woman in a dress. He's sure? Yes, he's sure. A woman. A weird woman. Weird white eyes. Weird nails. And a bloody dress. It was bloody before he hit her. They were looking for a woman. Is this the woman? And Erendo kept saying they had to bring something back. What did he say? Something about a crow? He thought it was funny. A crow's necklace? Some sort of necklace. The woman has a necklace.
Uthal - Perception: 23
Uthal is still puzzling over the woman when the others approach, holding the handle of his war pick that's still in her neck. He looks up and gestures with a massive hand down at the body, his tone both questioning and optimistic, "I found a woman!"
Since nothing else is attacking him, Uthal has not removed the war pick from the body.
Feng, still feeling uneasy exploring the wilderness, holds his compress tightly in his left hand. Feng always had mixed emotions when the group traveled. The wild was where he was raised only returning to the city when his family needed something. The excitement that the outdoors had existed in Fang as a child had been replaced by the knowledge that death might come for them at any moment.
His breathing slightly quick from running back to the camp after hearing a commotion. Looking at the women on the ground Feng felt visibly frustrated that the scouting party had not spotted her earlier.
“How the hell did we miss that?” Fang exclaims pointing the sword in his right hand at the body. “Also what happened?”
Wis save 12
Perception 22
Whispering Moors (INVESTIGATION): 8
Aldrin stood a few paces back from the body, her sharp gray eyes scanning the scene with wary focus. She was a slight figure, her olive-toned skin illuminated by the fading light of the setting sun. Her long red hair was tied up in a loose bun at the nape of her neck, though a few rebellious strands framed her angular face. Her discomfort at being so far from civilization had grown steadily over the past few days, and now, standing in the eerie half-light of the Whispering Moors, she felt completely out of place. The expanse of open land, the creeping chill of night, and the incessant hum of insects made her miss the crowded alleys and comforting chaos of Courmiers.
Her gaze flicked to Uthal, who still crouched over the lifeless body with his war pick embedded in its neck. "You...found a woman," she echoed dryly, raising an eyebrow. "Is that what we're calling this?" Her tone was light, but the tension in her voice was unmistakable. The sight of the twisted claws and hollow, staring eyes made her stomach churn.
Perception: 7
Wisdom save: 7
As her heart began to slow and her breathing steadied, a faint buzzing sound caught her attention. She frowned, shifting her weight and adjusting the straps of her pack. The sound seemed to come from inside. Without thinking, her fingers traced the outline of the strange white wood chunk she had "acquired"—an entirely accidental theft, or so she told herself. Her first instinct was to ignore it, but the persistent vibration tugged at her curiosity.
Her attention snapped back to the golden pendant gleaming on the creature's neck. It caught the last rays of sunlight, its sparkle drawing her gaze like a moth to flame. "That pendant," she murmured, her voice low. "It's the Crowe family crest. They wanted it back." She stepped forward cautiously, reluctant to get too close but not trusting Uthal's massive hands to retrieve it without breaking the delicate chain.
Whispering Moors History check: 9
Attack Religion check: 10
(My rolling is not going well... this is the norm.)
Advocate Erendo ("Just Erendo, please. At least when informality is called for...) initially shies away from the attack and is thankful for Uthal's quick reaction. Before he can even cast a Blessing or add some light to the situation it is already resolved. "Such violence! Thank the powers that we have Uthal here on our side this night!" Erendo says with some reverence. He does bring up some light to help with identifying who/what their attacker was and to ensure Uthal is unhurt. Upon seeing that the attacker was the bride Erendo suggests they bind her, "Quickly!", so that he can heal her.
"She may have attacked us but we don't know why... And I am sure her family would prefer her returned breathing," he points out.
Spare the dying is cast upon Viessa Crowe before anyone could even object, Advocate Erendo dropping to his knees, bending his hooded face above the body and muttering an incantation urging the poor soul to stay with us - "It is not yet your time for the Eternal Burning."
"Now quickly," Erendo urges Uthal. "Help me with the tying her up!"
As the others return, likely as they are still binding the dead body, Erendo looks up at them from his task, his face mostly shrouded by his hood as usual. "She came out of nowhere," he explains. "Uthals response was swift and severe but necessary. Yes, yes.. We do believe it is the Viessa Crowe woman, thus why I am trying to save her..."
Once secured, Erendo lays his hands upon the dead and attempts to call her back from the flames (Cure Wounds for 10 pts of healing) while others are discussing a pendant he had forgotten all about...
Donavan enjoyed the trips out of the city as a chance to see the world and learn about new flora and fauna for science.
When we came upon Duskvale he remembered the legends he heard as a child, he shares with the party around the campfire. He looked into finding out more but was distracted by a friendly cat in the town. (INVEST - NAT 1)
The legend of the Whispering Moors' is said to cause some who might be caught on the moors at night to have heard whispering voices that call for them to head towards the sea banks. Due to the high cliff walls that make up this part of the coastline listening to those voices has caused many disappearances/presumed deaths for those that listen to the whispers.
As the three had set up camp and gone about the needed chores, such as gathering wood, we were sprung upon by some wild person, who later turned out to be Viessa. I spung into action myself ready to slay the creature/person. Uthal did a marvelously job and brought her down swiftly. It was a shame, he thought, whatever ailment happened to this poor girl. He began to examine the body and the strange aspects (hands, teeth, eyes, etc.) to learn more. (INVEST - 8 and MED - 10) He took some samples and stowed them away.
As he was conducting his examination, Erendo cast a curative spell upon her, startling him. He checks for a heartbeat/pulse (MED - 12). "Yes. Yes, we should tie her up quickly, as she is most likely still under the effects of her ailment and bound to still be violent."
D&D since 1984
"How frightfully morbid!" Tessera clapped daintily with delighted excitement, as if she were reviewing the opening act of a gothic theatrical production during intermission. "Disaster in Duskvale! A murder on the moors! And the villain of the piece a vampyr, no less?"
The macabre, wide-eyed glee on the young Changeling woman's face gradually evaporated as she studied the scene before her. The puddles of blood that had gushed from Viessa Crowe's throat into the gorse and brush apparently had a sobering effect on the fanciful, childish interpretation of the moment she'd instinctively conjured in her own mind.
"Ewwww." Tess pinched her nose and shuffled gingerly behind her fellow scout, Feng. "Goodness, you really did a number on her, didn't you, Uthal? Glad you're on our side, big boy."
Her voice softened as she leaned closer to Aldrin, her curiosity tinged with unease. "Do you really think it's Viessa Crowe?" She hesitated and then sighed, resigning herself to the same conclusion the other woman had already reached. "Poor girl. In her prime and ready to embark on a life of blessed matrimony, only for it all to be shattered by this... this ghastly affliction."
Tessera watched the flurry of activity unfold before her, as Erendo and Donavan set to binding the corpse and murmuring incantations. She startled when she recognised their intent - they were expecting the creature to life. She hurriedly knelt beside them, fumbling with the knots, tying the creature's feet as best she could. "It does beg the question though... if she's really a bloodsucker, where did she come from? In the stories, vampires don't just spring out of nowhere. Don't they come with a progenitor... a kind of ancestor that delivers the demon's seed through its bite?"
Tessera's amber gaze drifted to the horizon, past the jagged boulders and across the barren plain. They suddenly seemed so far from civilisation, so far from aid. A chill crept over her as she dwelled on the possibility of another menace hidden in the Whispering Moors.
Whispering Moors HISTORY check: 16
WISDOM save: 15
PERCEPTION check to see if she notices any other creatures: 23
Uthal as you crouch over the woman with the war pick sticking from her neck you notice from the way she’s looking up at you that the inside of her mouth contains two larger than normal fangs.
Feng as you approach the camp area you notice the scene with the woman in the mud covered wedding dress and Uthal kneeling over her still with his war pick through her neck, however something catches your eye just off to the side. There is a shallow part of the ground that has been ripped asunder, making for what could best be described as a shallow fresh grave open. As your eyes catch that sight, for a brief moment you hear a voice upon the wind, but it soon fades away.
Aldrin as you check the small white wooden chunk there is once again there are the strange symbols glowing on all sides of the chunk. It is at that moment that the wind picks up a few leaves laying on the ground creating a mini-swirl of leaves as you begin to hear the sweetest voice call out your name “Aldrin… Aldrin…”
Erendo casting light makes the area like daylight, and reveals the body of the woman. Her skin is unusually pale, as if no blood is running through her body -- which makes sense since most of it has pooled underneath. However, the color of the blood is a strange dark red color, the same color that had been left to dry for a few days. As the release of the energy from the spare the dying flows through the body, there seems to be no effect on Viessa.
If you’d like to take back the Cure Wounds at this point, that is fine. You would have noticed the lack of effect of the Spare the dying before casting a second spell.
If you’d like to continue as is, that’s fine.
Donavan, Viessa’s claws are not normal or at least should not be that long, jagged, or sharp for someone who just a few days ago was a bride to be. Erendo’s first spell seemed to have no effect on her, her heart never restarting or breath being drawn into her lungs as a result of the positive energy.
Tessera as the chill from the wind causes that shiver down your spine, you remember a story you once heard about the Whispering Moors and their strange effect on those who get caught there at night time. That’s when for a brief moment you hear a noise on the wind which causes you to track for anything else that might be out there… there does not appear to be anything moving out here besides the members of your party.
Conditions - Viessa is now bound.
Conditions - There is now a 20ft light spell that surrounds where Erendo is standing over the body. If you'd like your character to be within that 20ft radius (40 feet diameter total) please indictate that in your post.
Feng no longer holding his compass points towards the shallow grave.
“Just our luck, it seems like we set up camp at a burial site of some kind of monster. Anyone know useful information about what we are dealing with? If that thing just got out of the grave, it is likely whatever made her is coming back.”
Feng lights a torch and holds it next to the grave trying to see if there are tracks in or out of the area and how old they are. Based on what he finds he throws the torch at a location that he thinks a monster would come from. After that he stands by Erendo in the light.
“I don't know what is going on but I heard a voice a second ago. Let me know if you hear or see anything.”
Survival check when looking at the grave: 10
Uthal says, "Well, she jumped at me. Like a mountain lion." He shrugs, and the war pick tugs at the woman's neck, "I hit her."
Uthal seems to understand her meaning. He admits, "Yeah. A weird woman. With claws..." He reaches down here with two big fingers of his free hand, places them on the woman's upper lip, and presses to pull her lip up, exposing the teeth. "...and fangs. Maybe she's part mountain lion?"
Uthal isn't sure whether he should point out that the woman is not breathing. But Erendo would know better, so he keeps his mouth shut and just grunts. He does as instructed and helps Erendo bind the woman. Although Uthal's hands are huge, they're surprisingly fast and dexterous. Since Erendo seems to want to help the woman, he asks, "You want I should remove my pick now?"
If Erendo says yes, then Uthal puts one hand on the woman's neck and grabs the war pick close to the head of the weapon with the other. As carefully as he can, Uthal slides the spike of the pick out of the woman's neck, ready for more bloody mess.
Uthal isn't happy to hear that word. "Spooks," he mutters darkly -- his word for the undead. He looks at the fading sun with some concern.
Uthal grins at this. He says honestly, "I'm just happy she attacked me and not you!"
As Feng sweeps his torchlight over the grave, its shadows deepening in the hollow, Tessera suppresses a shudder.
"I... I thought I heard something on the wind too. And before we left Duskvale, I happened by one of the local watering holes. A young lad, spinning a yarn while bouncing a lute on his knee, telling tale of how the moors themselves change in the darkness. Of the peculiar fate of those who find themselves stranded out here in the night..."
She trails off dramatically, heavy with suspense. Then, as if lighting a candle, her visage brightens, the tips of her tresses becoming a golden yellow as a beaming smile spreads across her face. "I mean, I don't see anything out there, so perhaps it's just an embellishment of the truth. I'm sure it'll all be fine and dandy!"
She rises to her feet, satisfied that the vampire woman was well and truly dead, still showered in the nimbus of light extending from Erendo. "I mean it's natural to be a little anxious. Look at the state of her! But Uthal's already dispatched whatever the bride of Crowe had been transformed into, so no need to worry any longer, hmm? If there's really another one out there, I'm sure he can skewer the next too!"
The wind courses through the boulders, and its icy bite gnaws at Tess' optimism and resolve. A feeling of dread causes her hackles to rise, and she pulls her dark green travelling cloak closer around her shoulders. "Still, with our quarry and her pendant found, is there really any need for us to tarry? The sun may be setting, but Duskvale's only half a night's travel in that direction."
Donavan points out his findings.
"We should keep an eye on her, or should I say this Nosferatu creature of the night, or common vampire, less we find ourselves also afflicted. We should continue to setup camp and decide on who is going to take which watch tonight"
D&D since 1984
Aldrin’s fingers trembled slightly as she turned the small, white wooden chunk over in her hands, its strange glowing symbols pulsing faintly in the dim light. She couldn’t deny the uncanny warmth radiating from it, nor the way it seemed to hum in sync with her heartbeat. The gentle swirl of leaves and the voice—sweet and haunting—calling her name sent a shiver up her spine.
Her gray eyes darted to Tessera, who was doing her best to inject some levity into the grim scene. Aldrin appreciated the effort, but the swirling dread in her chest refused to quiet completely even in the face of her companion's brightening demeanor.
"Heh, just another night on the cursed moors with a corpse that might not stay dead and...whatever this is," she gestured vaguely at the wood chuck as she tucked it back into her pack. She straightened, brushing stray red hairs out of her face and adjusting her leather armor.
She turned her attention to the body, now bound and glowing faintly under Erendo's light. "Tess, you’re right—vampires don’t come from nowhere. If this girl’s turned, then there’s someone or something else pulling the strings."
Her gaze swept over the group, lingering on Feng and Tessera before settling on Uthal, who stood like a stone sentinel over the scene. "We’ve got what we came for. The family can deal with the rest." She motioned at Viessa’s limp form, her tone impatient but not unkind.
Then, as the wind picked up again and another faint echo of her name drifted to her ears, her composure faltered. She wrapped her cloak tighter around herself and lowered her voice. "I’ve had enough of creepy whispers for one night. I agree with Tess: The sooner we’re out of here and back in Duskvale, the better."
Though she spoke with confidence, Aldrin couldn’t shake the unease that had settled deep in her chest.
"Thank you," Erendo says to Uthal with a quick smile as he starts assisting in tying the dead woman up. "And yes. Please," he adds in regards to removing the weapon from her throat.
Obviously well within the light he cast, Erendo wonders why his first spell didn't work correctly. Or at least didn't seem like it did. He would take an extra moment to pray over the body when casting his actual Cure Wounds prayer ((yes, he would still attempt it...)) as the others chattered on. He hears the word vampyre and nosferatu and he has a vague idea of what is referred to by this but certainly no expertise. Certainly not enough to know if that could really be what happened to this woman...
"Whatever happened to her," he says, looking around at the others. "Whatever she may be now, I don't think my prayers can help her."
Erendo looks disconcerted and a bit afraid. All this talk of monsters and the moors and such is swirling around him. He understands little of it but it is still getting to him. "Perhaps we should leave?" he suggests, agreeing with Aldrin. "Is there a point to spending extra time out here?"
(OOC: @ArchlandtheAmazing - since you had asked, I just wanted to call out this interaction...)
Hey! I'm pumped everyone is responding so well. I'm just going to let you all know that I'm going to be busy the next couple of nights here, so expect me catch up either Thursday or Friday of this week. I just wanted to post today to move things along until then, I'm going to stick by the 3/week thing.
Feng, as you peek in over the lip of the shallow grave there is nothing else buried in there that could possibly be seen as a trap or trigger for something else. However, what catches your eye is a broken clay jar and what appears to be a black gem laying in the bottom half of what remains of the jar sitting in a small amount of liquid. The gem is very smooth and rounded into shape, making it obvious that this was crafted in some fashion. (ARCANA check)
Uthal, with Erendo’s approval you oh so carefully remove your war pick from the small woman’s neck. There was not a lot more blood to be drained and therefore not much more of a mess, however, you have seen your fair share of blood in the past and this does not look the color of “human blood” in the least. The word phrase of “vampire” and other undead creatures being tossed around makes you relive the moment that the woman lept from the ground and trying to recall if she was able to get a swipe or bite. You do a quick check, but there does not seem to be anything of concern.
Aldrin, to the East another whispering voice calls your name which catches your attention and your eyes turn just in time to see a figure holding a lantern moving from side to side. A strange pacing movement that neither approaches or moves away, simply holds the same distance moving about. You would guess the figure is of medium size, though difficult to see past the lantern light, and is around 300 feet away from you currently.
Erendo, you channel your positive divine energy through Viessa and the wound on her neck closes. Some color returns to her face, but the skin color is still not natural. You notice another injury on her opposite shoulder that doesn’t heal from your spell, a small section of her skin here is black and rotten, a foul odor emanating from it. It must have been hidden under the sleeves of her dress, but you were close enough to see it. And just as you remove your hand from her body, you swear you could feel the faint beat of her heart.
Conditions - The war pick is out of Viessa’s neck, and the wound on her neck has been healed.
Conditions - The last of the light from the setting is gone and all that remains is darkness, the light spell and a torch light from Feng. Don't forget to let me know if your character is going to move within the light that Erendo has going.
I’ve got Tessera, Aldrin and Erendo as those seemingly wanting to head back to Duskvale -- it would be about a half night travel, maybe a little long due to those that might not have the vision for night time. If the rest of the party decides along this path, you have to figure out what you're going to do with the body of Viessa.
On the other hand, Donavan seems ready to hunker down for the night. If the rest of the party decides along this path, do set a watch order.
Donavan looks back at this party and realizes they are not quite ready to make camp. He begins to rethink his initial direction.
"What would we all like to do then, make camp or head back to Duskvale? I would suggest we take Viessa's body with us."
D&D since 1984
ARCANA check: 13
Seeing the gem Feng waits to throw the torch on the ground until he is done looking at it. Feng picks up the black gem using any fabric he has available so as not to touch it. Looking at Donavan seems hesitant to speak but after a moment that feeling passes. Trying to get everyone's attention.
“I am not much use in the dark but if most of us want to return to town I will follow. If we are going to go back to town we just need to decide who is carrying the body, if we decide to take it back and who will carry light so that we can see. I prefer not to do either so that I can be ready to draw both my weapons but I will if I must.”
Now walking over to Donavan.
“You have always seemed like the smartest of us. Do you know what this is? I found it in the grave.”
Feng hands the gem to Donavan.
When Uthal finishes checking himself for bites or scratches from the woman, he realizes that the group is deciding what to do next. He feels another moment of panic, but this time it isn't about spooks. Then he reminds himself that the whole group is here and breathes a little easier. He has learned to fear being in a group or 3 or 5 because then they might expect him to vote on a plan. With all 6 of them together, Uthal can just wait until the others decide.
As Uthal cleans off the head of his war pick, he happily volunteers himself, "Uthal can carry the weird woman's body." He likes to be useful. Making camp. Fighting. Lifting and carrying things. These are things Uthal knows how to do.
As the others are talking, Uthal squats down and touches some of the blood that spilled from the woman's wound...he wanted to see its color in the smell it and to feel it between thumb and fingers. Then he looks around a moment before deciding to wipe his fingers surreptitiously on the woman's dress. (It was already bloody.) He doesn't want to interrupt, but when there's a lull in the conversation about what to do next, he asks Erendo in a quieter rumble than his usually carrying voice: "Does her blood look wrong?" He gestures at the pool of blood that had formed where the body was initially lying. "Not the normal color?"
When they were starting to set up camp and gathering fuel for the fire, did Uthal see any long, sturdy sticks? If so, Uthal will want to fashion some sort of litter so that he's not just carrying the woman's body slung over his shoulder like a sack.
Aldrin froze, her breath catching in her throat as the faint, whispering voice reached her ears once more. Her gray eyes snapped to the source of the sound, narrowing as they caught sight of a figure shrouded in the glow of a lantern. The figure's strange pacing sent a chill down her spine. She couldn't make out any details, just the steady, almost hypnotic sway of the light cutting through the growing darkness.
She stepped back instinctively, moving closer to Tessera, her hand drifting to the hilt of her rapier. Her voice was low and taut, meant only for her companions. "We've got company," she muttered, her gaze never leaving the figure. "East, about 300 feet. Someone—or something—with a lantern. Not coming closer, not moving away."
Aldrin glanced around at the others, her free hand gesturing toward the figure. "Can you see it? Uthal, keep that pick ready."
The rogue hesitated for a moment, torn between wanting to stay close to the group and the nagging curiosity that always seemed to get her into trouble.