You spend an hour or so by the fire to recover, helped significantly by Omen's magically-dried wood. Nothing eventful happens during that hour; the weather is so thick, it hasn't even gotten appreciably lighter.
Update your sheets accordingly if you are taking a hit die of healing. (And if you do, roll it in the forum like some of you have already.) Your characters are still exhausted and must still take all ability checks at disadvantage until you rest properly. Also update your equipment tab if you took daggers, and remove any rations you have - they were ruined. We will assume you were able to recover all other starting equipment.
Omen will raise the spectacles before him, open the spectacles up and while holding them at arms length he will look through them.
The world looks the same through the glasses, at least superficially and at arms length. But there is something arcane about them that draws Omen's continued interest.
Qivys looks around briefly to see if there is an area close by but off the beach that might securely house their cache.
Stretching as he rises to his feet. "Seems everything is in order" referring to his gear, "shall we make our way to the settlement?"
Qivys starts to meander along the beach towards the closest building while the others ready themselves. "You know, this place isn't that bad. The sky reminds me of the granite caves I would play in as a boy" He seems to be in a light hearted mood, given the circumstances.
Red leads the group west along the rocky shore. It's slow-going, but the distance is not great. Your ankles soon ache from walking atop smooth, loose stones.
The cliffs diminish, the surf subsides, the beach opens up, as you reach the edge of a sizable village.
Omen will continue to to scan the village as we get closer to see what is going on and if there is any danger or threats.
There's little visible activity nearby. There seem to be a few small boats offshore, and possibly some human activity on wharves in the distance. Small wisps of smoke emerge from the chimneys of some of the more distant buildings. There are a couple of larger buildings atop the cliff (low bluffs, at this point) as well as deeper in town.
The nearest buildings - the ones you first spotted, at the edge of town, along the shore - are badly-weathered, run-down little cabins that appear abandoned. There is subtle movement on ground in front of them.
Slaps the dwarf on his back, "Of course you can call me Kas! All of my friends do, and if sharing an experience such as this doesn't quite make us friends, I'd like to think we're well on our way!" He flashes the group his winningest smile, somewhat dimmed by jaws clenched to stop the chattering of his teeth. He shoulders his heavy, wet pack, the salt and sand in his damp shirt rubbing into his shoulders. As he trudges along with the group, cold, hungry, wet and miserable, his joints and muscles aching as the slippery loose stones of the beach slide out from under his feet, he maintains a slight pleasant smile. Not too much -- don't want to be the cheerful , plucky type while everyone is miserable -- just don't scowl, he thinks. You've got nothing and no one, and people want you dead. You need these people around you. So you're neither naive and oblivious, nor weak and petulant; you're optimistic and capable, and an asset to the group.
As they near the first outlying buildings Kasimir asks the group, "I'd love to find an inn or boardinghouse. I'm fantasizing about a warm fire, a good meal, and dry clothes."
<There is subtle movement on ground in front of them.> (Does Kasimir notice the movement, and if so can he tell what is causing it? Perception6 +2)
Once the small rest is over Omen will travel with the party, making very little small talk as we go, mostly deep in his own thoughts.
His thoughts retrace the events that have led him up to this situation and he looks down to his old, torn, wet uniform then to the manacles on his wrists.
Realization hits Omen. He stops and says, "Lets stop for a moment."
Getting the attention of each in the party he will say. "Why was a ship so close to the shore in such a storm?" he pauses a moment.
"Most seasoned sailors, I am assuming here, would be wiser than this, unless...." Omen pauses. "Unless this was their destination." he summarizes.
Omen will try and make a History check on if he remembers any intelligence of a slaving ring and their destination and associated information.
History: 1479
"At any rate I suggest caution. We are shackled and a bit too weak for any confrontation." Omen thinks on the moment.
"Reconnaissance is in order to see if we are in a normal village or the den of our very captors."
As for the subtle disturbance before the what appears to be the abandon cabins, Omen will take a closer look at it.
Investigation: 21206
(OCC: I will get it right at sometime in this game :P)
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
(Kasimir, Omen: Don't forget disadvantage! You can select it in the Dice Roller widget under "Advantage or drop dice?" You can also add your bonuses in there, too. Example: 9 <- mouse over my result to see how it's calculated!)
(Kasimir, Omen: Don't forget disadvantage! You can select it in the Dice Roller widget under "Advantage or drop dice?" You can also add your bonuses in there, too. Example: 21 <- mouse over my result to see how it's calculated!)
(Or do as I do if you're playing exclusively on mobile/tablet - [ roll ]1d20da[ /roll ] removing the spaces inside the parentheses.)
Omen will try and make a History check on if he remembers any intelligence of a slaving ring and their destination and associated information.
Although last night's violent storm was full of chaos and trauma, you assume you likely made landfall somewhat west from where the slavers anchored, based on wind alone. But whether it was 20 feet or 20 miles, you have no idea.
You saw very little of the captain of the slave ship. His name was Pease, and he cut a very unassuming figure. He was a little guy who looked more like a grocer than a pirate. You assume he's probably dead now, together with the rest of the (all-human) crew.
The Azure Sea is massive, but it is known for its lawlessness, slavers and pirates included. Omen recalls from the studies of his youth that somewhat south of the Kingdom of Keelan was a loose confederacy known as the Hold of the Sea Princes, essentially a kingdom of pirates who historically preyed upon the denizens of Keelan and its neighbors.
As for the subtle disturbance before the what appears to be the abandon cabins, Omen will take a closer look at it.
As you approach, you see what it is - hundreds, perhaps thousands, of ordinary crabs, completely surrounding the crumbling remains of the weathered, abandoned buildings. It looks like you may climb the dunes and skirt around them if you want. There are at least two buildings visible (the fifth and sixth, in blue on the map) which look well-kept and perhaps inhabited (the sixth building has a thin stream of smoke coming from its chimney. Speaking of smoke, that smell remains in the air, still faint.)
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Hit Dice: 9
The Dawnbringer glances curiously at the glasses that had been thrown on the ground, and shrugs. They looked like some kind of worthless tool to her.
Qivys starts to meander along the beach towards the closest building while the others ready themselves. "You know, this place isn't that bad. The sky reminds me of the granite caves I would play in as a boy" He seems to be in a light hearted mood, given the circumstances.
She frowns in response to the dwarf. "The sky makes me feel uneasy. Where I come from, the sun never set. I've never seen such dismal weather before..."
Claire walks along silently, trying not to think about the trauma she'd experienced over the past several weeks. After being raised in her peaceful home for so long, everything felt unreal. She was waiting for the moment when she discovered that she woke up from this bad dream.
She looks around at her surroundings, observing the distant wharves and buildings, wondering whether she was walking straight from one living hell to another. The outside world was scary, after all.
There is subtle movement on ground in front of them.
"Anyone feel like a little sneaking around? I'm fairly noisy in this armour, I'd be heard in an instant" he says shifting his weight side to side as if to illustrate walking. The links of chain make a low, almost musical, clinking noise. "I'm not the nimblest of folk" A grin crosses his face. "Perhaps one of us could check out that first dwelling and the rest try and hide behind the tree nearby"
(DM - what is the current order of our group? No matter who goes, I'd like Qivys to be positioned between the village and the remainder)
Claire examines the crawling crabs and ruined cabins. Behind it, her sharp eyes spot a sign atop the door of the fifth building - a decorative, crossed saw-and-hammer symbol. Maybe a carpentry shop?
(DM - what is the current order of our group? No matter who goes, I'd like Qivys to be positioned between the village and the remainder)
Red is leading the way. Behind her, the other four are in an unorganized jumble. Qivys steps forward to join Red in the front rank. The group has paused for a moment, maybe 150-200 feet from the first cabin. You're about to leave the stony beach and traverse the low dunes into the edge of the village.
Shakes his head wearily at the dwarf. "Ordinarily, snooping around some weird abandoned cabins is my kind of fun, but I'm exhausted. It's hard to be sneaky when your feet are dragging. I'd like to get a meal and some sleep, then maybe we can do some exploring after dark. Besides, we already look like bunch of shady drifters; it's not going to help our image if people's first look at us is as we're breaking into a house in broad daylight. I'm going to find a room, hot food, and -- gods willing -- a bath. Then, once I look like a respectable traveler, I'd like to speak to some locals and gauge the town's character. In the meantime..."
He pushes up his sleeve then takes a bit of string and ties the dangling end of the manacle to his forearm. Then he pulls his sleeve down to cover his wrist. He checks out his work. "It won't stand up to real scrutiny, but at least they're not clanking around for all the world to see. Makes us a little less suspicious. Anyone else want to hide their sordid past?" he asks with a smile.
(Kas will spend a few minutes concealing the shackles of anyone who wants them hidden)
(Also, DM: I'm a little unclear on where the crabs are. Are they blocking our path into town, or just blocking the path to the deserted buildings? If there's a clear path past the crabs into town I'd like to head that way and start looking at the buildings that are occupied.)
Claire gazes at the sky, which had barely any light filtering through the gray fog. The sun may have been obscured, but it comforted her to know that it was still shining. Still, it would be a shame if she missed the dawn...
She warily glares at her shackled wrist as the unpleasant memories continue to surface. "Thank you, Kas." She gestures for the rogue to conceal the cuffs. She looks idly into the distance as he hides them, and she stares on as Omen speaks of crab meat. She drools, as she can already taste the meal in her mouth...despite having never eaten crab in her life. The live critters were already starting to look like they were, in fact, roasted carcasses gliding on top of plates, when the girl suddenly spotted something of interest behind the ruined cabins.
She squints for a moment and wipes off her drool before remembering to notify her party. "Um! Guys, wait, I think I see something." She points tentatively in the direction of the fifth building. "It might actually be nothing, but...there's a sign. Look, over there. Do you think it could be some kind of shop?"
DM: I'm a little unclear on where the crabs are. Are they blocking our path into town, or just blocking the path to the deserted buildings?
The crabs are massing around those first three or four dilapidated (and presumably abandoned) cabins, and on the shore in front of them. While a few skitter in the dead-end dirt road, you can easily get by them.
The next building bears that crossed saw-and-hammer sign Claire spotted. It appears well-maintained, and has some interesting architectural flourishes.
The following building, a bit smaller and bearing a thin stream of smoke from its chimney, is also tidy and well-maintained, albeit with a rather imposing gate and fence around it. It looks like a private home.
Beyond, the road leads to a jumble of additional buildings you'll need to get closer to examine.
Up on the cliff you can see a couple of sizable buildings. The nearest, easternmost one appears to be a temple of some kind.
The roads are very quiet. It is still early morning. The breeze is icy and damp, and the sky low and grey. As you watch, a mangy three-legged dog crosses the road from the furthest cabin and glancing in your direction for a moment, trots away from you down the road toward town. You can faintly see and hear some distant human activity on docks along the shore.
Red listens to the others discuss what to do quietly, thinking things over. She wants to make a good impression on her new comrades and she just can't get over the bad feeling she has. She looks as Omen with a smile as he holds up his shackled wrist and pipes up.
"Maybe we follow Kas's example for now, get a feel of the town before we go showing our hand with the manacles hmmm? If this is where we were destined to go they might be more inclined to chain us up again than to get rid of our shackles." She'll hold her instrument and bow in one hand, and awkwardly pull up her sleeve before holding out her hand for help from Kas to hide the manacle.
"Ahh, destiny. I like the way you think Red. Kas, my boy..." Qivys thrusts his manacled hand out "I'd appreciate a little attention when you get a chance"
I think I'm starting to like this ragtag group. We fit together fairly well. Reminds me of the troops. Qivys stares off into the distance feeling quite melancholy, as if remembering a time that seemed both distant and yet too fresh. It wasn't meant to go that way. Perhaps I should keep my distance from these people. But we need each other."Humph" he lets out a barely audible sigh.
As you watch and discuss the situation, a tidy, stern-looking female gnome, accompanied a step behind by a miserable-looking male human in work clothes, appears from around the corner. The gnome produces a key and unlocks the front door to the shop with the sign, and pauses for a moment to talk to the man. Then, they both go in and close the door behind them.
Omen listens to the party for a moment but upon seeing the gnome and man, he will head straight for the building they entered. Getting to the door he will look through the window, if it has one then open the door and enter.
Upon entering Omen will scan the room he is in and say:
"Excuse me but I would like to see if you could give a bit of assistance."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
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You spend an hour or so by the fire to recover, helped significantly by Omen's magically-dried wood.
Nothing eventful happens during that hour; the weather is so thick, it hasn't even gotten appreciably lighter.
Update your sheets accordingly if you are taking a hit die of healing. (And if you do, roll it in the forum like some of you have already.) Your characters are still exhausted and must still take all ability checks at disadvantage until you rest properly. Also update your equipment tab if you took daggers, and remove any rations you have - they were ruined. We will assume you were able to recover all other starting equipment.
The world looks the same through the glasses, at least superficially and at arms length. But there is something arcane about them that draws Omen's continued interest.
Qivys finds no good hiding places.
Stretching as he rises to his feet. "Seems everything is in order" referring to his gear, "shall we make our way to the settlement?"
Qivys starts to meander along the beach towards the closest building while the others ready themselves. "You know, this place isn't that bad. The sky reminds me of the granite caves I would play in as a boy" He seems to be in a light hearted mood, given the circumstances.
Red leads the group west along the rocky shore. It's slow-going, but the distance is not great. Your ankles soon ache from walking atop smooth, loose stones.
The cliffs diminish, the surf subsides, the beach opens up, as you reach the edge of a sizable village.
There's little visible activity nearby. There seem to be a few small boats offshore, and possibly some human activity on wharves in the distance. Small wisps of smoke emerge from the chimneys of some of the more distant buildings. There are a couple of larger buildings atop the cliff (low bluffs, at this point) as well as deeper in town.
The nearest buildings - the ones you first spotted, at the edge of town, along the shore - are badly-weathered, run-down little cabins that appear abandoned. There is subtle movement on ground in front of them.
(North is left.)
Slaps the dwarf on his back, "Of course you can call me Kas! All of my friends do, and if sharing an experience such as this doesn't quite make us friends, I'd like to think we're well on our way!" He flashes the group his winningest smile, somewhat dimmed by jaws clenched to stop the chattering of his teeth. He shoulders his heavy, wet pack, the salt and sand in his damp shirt rubbing into his shoulders. As he trudges along with the group, cold, hungry, wet and miserable, his joints and muscles aching as the slippery loose stones of the beach slide out from under his feet, he maintains a slight pleasant smile. Not too much -- don't want to be the cheerful , plucky type while everyone is miserable -- just don't scowl, he thinks. You've got nothing and no one, and people want you dead. You need these people around you. So you're neither naive and oblivious, nor weak and petulant; you're optimistic and capable, and an asset to the group.
As they near the first outlying buildings Kasimir asks the group, "I'd love to find an inn or boardinghouse. I'm fantasizing about a warm fire, a good meal, and dry clothes."
<There is subtle movement on ground in front of them.> (Does Kasimir notice the movement, and if so can he tell what is causing it? Perception 6 +2)
Once the small rest is over Omen will travel with the party, making very little small talk as we go, mostly deep in his own thoughts.
His thoughts retrace the events that have led him up to this situation and he looks down to his old, torn, wet uniform then to the manacles on his wrists.
Realization hits Omen. He stops and says, "Lets stop for a moment."
Getting the attention of each in the party he will say. "Why was a ship so close to the shore in such a storm?" he pauses a moment.
"Most seasoned sailors, I am assuming here, would be wiser than this, unless...." Omen pauses. "Unless this was their destination." he summarizes.
Omen will try and make a History check on if he remembers any intelligence of a slaving ring and their destination and associated information.
: 1479"At any rate I suggest caution. We are shackled and a bit too weak for any confrontation." Omen thinks on the moment.
"Reconnaissance is in order to see if we are in a normal village or the den of our very captors."
As for the subtle disturbance before the what appears to be the abandon cabins, Omen will take a closer look at it.
: 21 206(OCC: I will get it right at sometime in this game :P)
(Kasimir, Omen: Don't forget disadvantage! You can select it in the Dice Roller widget under "Advantage or drop dice?" You can also add your bonuses in there, too. Example: 9 <- mouse over my result to see how it's calculated!)
(Or do as I do if you're playing exclusively on mobile/tablet - [ roll ]1d20da[ /roll ] removing the spaces inside the parentheses.)
Although last night's violent storm was full of chaos and trauma, you assume you likely made landfall somewhat west from where the slavers anchored, based on wind alone. But whether it was 20 feet or 20 miles, you have no idea.
You saw very little of the captain of the slave ship. His name was Pease, and he cut a very unassuming figure. He was a little guy who looked more like a grocer than a pirate. You assume he's probably dead now, together with the rest of the (all-human) crew.
The Azure Sea is massive, but it is known for its lawlessness, slavers and pirates included. Omen recalls from the studies of his youth that somewhat south of the Kingdom of Keelan was a loose confederacy known as the Hold of the Sea Princes, essentially a kingdom of pirates who historically preyed upon the denizens of Keelan and its neighbors.
As you approach, you see what it is - hundreds, perhaps thousands, of ordinary crabs, completely surrounding the crumbling remains of the weathered, abandoned buildings. It looks like you may climb the dunes and skirt around them if you want. There are at least two buildings visible (the fifth and sixth, in blue on the map) which look well-kept and perhaps inhabited (the sixth building has a thin stream of smoke coming from its chimney. Speaking of smoke, that smell remains in the air, still faint.)
Hit Dice: 9
The Dawnbringer glances curiously at the glasses that had been thrown on the ground, and shrugs. They looked like some kind of worthless tool to her.
She frowns in response to the dwarf. "The sky makes me feel uneasy. Where I come from, the sun never set. I've never seen such dismal weather before..."
Claire walks along silently, trying not to think about the trauma she'd experienced over the past several weeks. After being raised in her peaceful home for so long, everything felt unreal. She was waiting for the moment when she discovered that she woke up from this bad dream.
She looks around at her surroundings, observing the distant wharves and buildings, wondering whether she was walking straight from one living hell to another. The outside world was scary, after all.
Perception: 12
Passive Perception: 15
"Anyone feel like a little sneaking around? I'm fairly noisy in this armour, I'd be heard in an instant" he says shifting his weight side to side as if to illustrate walking. The links of chain make a low, almost musical, clinking noise. "I'm not the nimblest of folk" A grin crosses his face. "Perhaps one of us could check out that first dwelling and the rest try and hide behind the tree nearby"
(DM - what is the current order of our group? No matter who goes, I'd like Qivys to be positioned between the village and the remainder)
Claire examines the crawling crabs and ruined cabins. Behind it, her sharp eyes spot a sign atop the door of the fifth building - a decorative, crossed saw-and-hammer symbol. Maybe a carpentry shop?
Shakes his head wearily at the dwarf. "Ordinarily, snooping around some weird abandoned cabins is my kind of fun, but I'm exhausted. It's hard to be sneaky when your feet are dragging. I'd like to get a meal and some sleep, then maybe we can do some exploring after dark. Besides, we already look like bunch of shady drifters; it's not going to help our image if people's first look at us is as we're breaking into a house in broad daylight. I'm going to find a room, hot food, and -- gods willing -- a bath. Then, once I look like a respectable traveler, I'd like to speak to some locals and gauge the town's character. In the meantime..."
He pushes up his sleeve then takes a bit of string and ties the dangling end of the manacle to his forearm. Then he pulls his sleeve down to cover his wrist. He checks out his work. "It won't stand up to real scrutiny, but at least they're not clanking around for all the world to see. Makes us a little less suspicious. Anyone else want to hide their sordid past?" he asks with a smile.
(Kas will spend a few minutes concealing the shackles of anyone who wants them hidden)
(Also, DM: I'm a little unclear on where the crabs are. Are they blocking our path into town, or just blocking the path to the deserted buildings? If there's a clear path past the crabs into town I'd like to head that way and start looking at the buildings that are occupied.)
Omen rubs his forehead a bit while listening to the exchanges of the party. He smiles then says,
"Chin up Claire, its morning and this seems to be normal weather for a sea side town."
Omen nods to himself for a moment.
"The exhaustion of the ordeal has placed it's toll. I agree with Kas, a bath and warm bed is in order."
With that Omen will straighten his clothing and run his fingers through his hair and step forward towards the buildings.
"Plus worse comes to worse we can have all the crab we can eat."
Claire gazes at the sky, which had barely any light filtering through the gray fog. The sun may have been obscured, but it comforted her to know that it was still shining. Still, it would be a shame if she missed the dawn...
She warily glares at her shackled wrist as the unpleasant memories continue to surface. "Thank you, Kas." She gestures for the rogue to conceal the cuffs. She looks idly into the distance as he hides them, and she stares on as Omen speaks of crab meat. She drools, as she can already taste the meal in her mouth...despite having never eaten crab in her life. The live critters were already starting to look like they were, in fact, roasted carcasses gliding on top of plates, when the girl suddenly spotted something of interest behind the ruined cabins.
She squints for a moment and wipes off her drool before remembering to notify her party. "Um! Guys, wait, I think I see something." She points tentatively in the direction of the fifth building. "It might actually be nothing, but...there's a sign. Look, over there. Do you think it could be some kind of shop?"
The crabs are massing around those first three or four dilapidated (and presumably abandoned) cabins, and on the shore in front of them. While a few skitter in the dead-end dirt road, you can easily get by them.
The next building bears that crossed saw-and-hammer sign Claire spotted. It appears well-maintained, and has some interesting architectural flourishes.
The following building, a bit smaller and bearing a thin stream of smoke from its chimney, is also tidy and well-maintained, albeit with a rather imposing gate and fence around it. It looks like a private home.
Beyond, the road leads to a jumble of additional buildings you'll need to get closer to examine.
Up on the cliff you can see a couple of sizable buildings. The nearest, easternmost one appears to be a temple of some kind.
The roads are very quiet. It is still early morning. The breeze is icy and damp, and the sky low and grey. As you watch, a mangy three-legged dog crosses the road from the furthest cabin and glancing in your direction for a moment, trots away from you down the road toward town. You can faintly see and hear some distant human activity on docks along the shore.
Omen looks in the direction Claire is directing. "Good show Claire." exclaims Omen.
Omen will try to skirt the crab mass and heads towards the building with the sign.
"Maybe we can find some help with these in there." Omen shows his shackled wrist to the others.
(OCC: changing to red. for posts. Couldn't see gold well)
Red listens to the others discuss what to do quietly, thinking things over. She wants to make a good impression on her new comrades and she just can't get over the bad feeling she has. She looks as Omen with a smile as he holds up his shackled wrist and pipes up.
"Maybe we follow Kas's example for now, get a feel of the town before we go showing our hand with the manacles hmmm? If this is where we were destined to go they might be more inclined to chain us up again than to get rid of our shackles." She'll hold her instrument and bow in one hand, and awkwardly pull up her sleeve before holding out her hand for help from Kas to hide the manacle.
"Ahh, destiny. I like the way you think Red. Kas, my boy..." Qivys thrusts his manacled hand out "I'd appreciate a little attention when you get a chance"
I think I'm starting to like this ragtag group. We fit together fairly well. Reminds me of the troops. Qivys stares off into the distance feeling quite melancholy, as if remembering a time that seemed both distant and yet too fresh. It wasn't meant to go that way. Perhaps I should keep my distance from these people. But we need each other. "Humph" he lets out a barely audible sigh.
As you watch and discuss the situation, a tidy, stern-looking female gnome, accompanied a step behind by a miserable-looking male human in work clothes, appears from around the corner. The gnome produces a key and unlocks the front door to the shop with the sign, and pauses for a moment to talk to the man. Then, they both go in and close the door behind them.
Omen listens to the party for a moment but upon seeing the gnome and man, he will head straight for the building they entered. Getting to the door he will look through the window, if it has one then open the door and enter.
Upon entering Omen will scan the room he is in and say:
"Excuse me but I would like to see if you could give a bit of assistance."