Upon seeing the approaching folk he will call out, "Could you direct us to the guard?"
The two women pause for a moment to respond to Omen.
"The Tower?" says one, somewhat uncomfortably, with a look of concern on her face. "Other end of town?" "Probably a few parading around town, too," says the other. She spits something red into the street. "We're late," says the first. They disappear into the carpentry shop.
But a moment later, two men in clean white tunics approach. They pause and look you all over. "You from that wreck out yonder?" He points to the southeast, where you arrived.
Red is startled a little when Claire abruptly turns and grabs her hands, though her enthusiasm about finding an inn is contagious. Omen stepping out of the shop seems to distract them both as they turn to listen. Ugh, Red thinks, the guard? Really? But she supposes its probably for the best. Better to assure them that we're helpless castaways.
Red watches as Claire abruptly takes off, running towards a couple coming down the road from the town towards them in confusion. Before getting distracted as the rest of the group begin discussing their options. Though the ladies reactions when talking about the guard makes her nervous.
"Yes, unfortunately." She replies to the mans question, before pausing. "We'll, most fortunate that we're still alive now I suppose. We've been told to see the guard to avoid any misunderstandings about our presence here."
The older of the two men shrugs in response to Red's comment about the Guard. "Are there casualties? Bodies to recover?" he asks, matter-of-factly.
The younger man adjusts a pack on his back. He suddenly shouts angrily over your shoulders, "Procan curses those who plunder!" Behind you, you notice that the two women you just spoke to are wheeling a sizable cart toward the beach where you just came from. They ignore the man's shout. (The women must have exited the carpentry shop through a back door.)
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Qivys' mood is bolstered by the thought of food, ale and sleep (bath is neither here nor there for him). Of course it would be a dwarf to set them free. Best best smiths in the world. He grins at the thought. He couldn't help but notice the workers disdain towards the mention of guards though. Are these people oppressed by the guards? He thinks as men in white tunics approach. His hand twitches ever so slightly near the head of his warhammer.
Qivys would have rather met the guard on his terms, than be approached by them, but....
"As my companion has said. We're lucky to be alive. And even luckier that we found you. We are but simple adventurers out to see the world. We mean no harm or disrespect to anyone. We simply seek lodging and refreshments after our latest ordeal. After that we will be on our way. You're help is greatly appreciated."
The older man responds to Red's question. "We are servants of Procan. Novitiates. We're from the temple." (He points at the building atop the cliff, where the old man was standing.) "Are you a... tiefling?" he asks Red.
The younger man, still eyeing the two departing women with obvious irritation, responds quietly and kindly to Qivys. "Mariners’ Guildhall. Marnie will help you." He identifies a barely-visible building at the end of the street (blue roof, cut off, at the very bottom of the map I shared, at the intersection.)
The older man continues, now responding to Omen. "Brinehald will be very interested in hearing your whole tale, if you're willing to share it. He leads our temple. We're just focused on recovering the remains of the sailors for a proper burial. Would you care to make a donation? Procan will bless you."
"I am indeed a tiefling, the result of something an ancestor of mine did long ago." She gives him a winning smile. "I'm also a bard, I'd play you a song but we really should go check in with the guard and then rest up. As said we are the only survivors from the shipwreck and before that, well..." She glances sideways at the shackle balantly hanging from Omen's wrist. "Let's just say it wasn't a walk in the park either. We are exhausted."
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
The older man nods at Red sympathetically. He begins to address Omen's question. "Procan is..."
Suddenly the younger man's expression drops, as a faint cry is heard behind you. You spin and see to your horror that two dog-headed, brown-furred humanoids have ambushed the two women you met earlier. The larger of the two creatures has bitten one of the carpenters quite gruesomely in her right shoulder, knocking over her empty cart in the process. The other woman, wearing a gray cloak, is holding off the smaller creature with a short stick or baton of some kind. The creatures are bipedal but have neither clothes nor weapons.
You are about fifty feet from the melee, which is in the dirt road in front of the crabby cabins.
(Note: In combat situations I will roll your initiative for you, in order to speed things up. Because of your exhaustion, you have disadvantage on initiative until you take a long rest. Those of you who tied up your dangling manacles will not be penalized on your dexterity ability modifier, otherwise it will be reduced to +0 for ranged attacks and finesse weapons using dexterity. Spells are unaffected. Not a great time for combat, alas!)
1. Beasts: The larger of the two beasts steps back on its two dog-like legs, and growls at the wounded woman, but does not attack. The smaller beast pounces at the woman in gray, biting deep into her wrist as she holds her hands up to defend herself.
2. Qivys may act next. Then, in order: 3. Procan Novitiates 4. Kasimir, Red, Omen, and Claire (order not important) 5. Both wounded carpenters
(Note that attacks, saving throws, etc. are NOT at disadvantage due to exhaustion - just ability checks, including Initiative.)
(DM: Just to be sure I'm looking at the map correctly, we're currently in front of the 5th building (long blue one with the extension on the east end), and the Dog-headed Beasts are attacking in front of the 4th building (the red one) or just a little past. Is that right?)
Qivys runs (Dash) toward the dog headed creatures.... Dash doubles your movement speed correct? Allowing me to cover the full 50ft in one round?
Qivys sprints and manages to get himself into the middle of the fray. (Correct use of Dash!)
we're currently in front of the 5th building (long blue one with the extension on the east end), and the Dog-headed Beasts are attacking in front of the 4th building (the red one) or just a little past. Is that right?
The Procan Novitiates both raise their arms and call down a flame-like radiance upon on the creatures. The larger one howls in deep pain as much of its hair is seared off, but it is still standing. The other one manages to spring nimbly out of the way, avoiding injury.
It's now Kasimir, Red, Omen, and Claire's turn to take their actions.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
"Holy -!" Kasimir yelps as he sees the dog-monsters. His first instinct is to turn and bolt the other way, but then the dwarf rushes past him, right at the things! He sees the priests gesture towards the beasts and one flares with white fire for an instant, yelping. A streak of fire leaps out from beside him toward the beasts. Oh shit, we're fighting these things! He remembers that he pulled a bow and a quiver of arrows off one of the drowned slavers on the beach. He fumbles them out with suddenly clumsy hands, draws back the string, aims at the smaller beast attacking the woman on the ground, and lets fly.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
(Omen - I assume you used the die roller and added your bonus? I think something is still acting up with the D&DB site - mousing over die rolls not currently working. They were having big problems last night with the site.)
(Be sure to roll your damage, too, at the same time - even though you won't know if it hits yet. For bonus DM brownie points, state the type of damage and tooltip your spell - which maybe you did?)
Kasimir's arrow grazes the smaller beast, doing no damage, but catching its attention.
Omen hurls a magical mote of fire at the larger one. It hits solidly, and the beast erupts in a column of flame. It makes a panicked leap in the direction of the ocean, but crumples after a step or two, dead and smoldering.
Next up:
4.Red and Claire (order not important) 5. The wounded carpenters
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
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"HHHhhmmm" Omen says, "The gnome did not say and I did not ask."
He thinks for a moment. "The guard shouldn't be hard to find."
Omen smile to the others, "Well lets be off then. The faster we get through this the faster we find food and sleep."
Omen sniffs himself a bit. "And a bath." he says dryly.
Upon seeing the approaching folk he will call out, "Could you direct us to the guard?"
The two women pause for a moment to respond to Omen.
"The Tower?" says one, somewhat uncomfortably, with a look of concern on her face. "Other end of town?"
"Probably a few parading around town, too," says the other. She spits something red into the street.
"We're late," says the first. They disappear into the carpentry shop.
But a moment later, two men in clean white tunics approach. They pause and look you all over. "You from that wreck out yonder?" He points to the southeast, where you arrived.
Red is startled a little when Claire abruptly turns and grabs her hands, though her enthusiasm about finding an inn is contagious. Omen stepping out of the shop seems to distract them both as they turn to listen. Ugh, Red thinks, the guard? Really? But she supposes its probably for the best. Better to assure them that we're helpless castaways.
Red watches as Claire abruptly takes off, running towards a couple coming down the road from the town towards them in confusion. Before getting distracted as the rest of the group begin discussing their options. Though the ladies reactions when talking about the guard makes her nervous.
"Yes, unfortunately." She replies to the mans question, before pausing. "We'll, most fortunate that we're still alive now I suppose. We've been told to see the guard to avoid any misunderstandings about our presence here."
The older of the two men shrugs in response to Red's comment about the Guard. "Are there casualties? Bodies to recover?" he asks, matter-of-factly.
The younger man adjusts a pack on his back. He suddenly shouts angrily over your shoulders, "Procan curses those who plunder!"
Behind you, you notice that the two women you just spoke to are wheeling a sizable cart toward the beach where you just came from. They ignore the man's shout. (The women must have exited the carpentry shop through a back door.)
Qivys' mood is bolstered by the thought of food, ale and sleep (bath is neither here nor there for him). Of course it would be a dwarf to set them free. Best best smiths in the world. He grins at the thought. He couldn't help but notice the workers disdain towards the mention of guards though. Are these people oppressed by the guards? He thinks as men in white tunics approach. His hand twitches ever so slightly near the head of his warhammer.
Qivys would have rather met the guard on his terms, than be approached by them, but....
"As my companion has said. We're lucky to be alive. And even luckier that we found you. We are but simple adventurers out to see the world. We mean no harm or disrespect to anyone. We simply seek lodging and refreshments after our latest ordeal. After that we will be on our way. You're help is greatly appreciated."
If necessary, Persuasion: 8
"Yes" Omen responds to the exchange between Red and the two me. Then he speaks up:
"I am afraid we are the only survivors that we know of, though the ship was filled with captives and slaves and a few other items I suspect."
Red glances over shoulder at the woman and their cart before turning back to the men, listening to her companions speak. Before asking,
"Are the two of you priests?"
The older man responds to Red's question. "We are servants of Procan. Novitiates. We're from the temple." (He points at the building atop the cliff, where the old man was standing.) "Are you a... tiefling?" he asks Red.
The younger man, still eyeing the two departing women with obvious irritation, responds quietly and kindly to Qivys. "Mariners’ Guildhall. Marnie will help you." He identifies a barely-visible building at the end of the street (blue roof, cut off, at the very bottom of the map I shared, at the intersection.)
The older man continues, now responding to Omen. "Brinehald will be very interested in hearing your whole tale, if you're willing to share it. He leads our temple. We're just focused on recovering the remains of the sailors for a proper burial. Would you care to make a donation? Procan will bless you."
Omen mulls the suggestion over and says,
"Who is Procan and what is he the god of exactly?"
"I am indeed a tiefling, the result of something an ancestor of mine did long ago." She gives him a winning smile. "I'm also a bard, I'd play you a song but we really should go check in with the guard and then rest up. As said we are the only survivors from the shipwreck and before that, well..." She glances sideways at the shackle balantly hanging from Omen's wrist. "Let's just say it wasn't a walk in the park either. We are exhausted."
The older man nods at Red sympathetically. He begins to address Omen's question. "Procan is..."
Suddenly the younger man's expression drops, as a faint cry is heard behind you. You spin and see to your horror that two dog-headed, brown-furred humanoids have ambushed the two women you met earlier. The larger of the two creatures has bitten one of the carpenters quite gruesomely in her right shoulder, knocking over her empty cart in the process. The other woman, wearing a gray cloak, is holding off the smaller creature with a short stick or baton of some kind. The creatures are bipedal but have neither clothes nor weapons.
You are about fifty feet from the melee, which is in the dirt road in front of the crabby cabins.
(Note: In combat situations I will roll your initiative for you, in order to speed things up. Because of your exhaustion, you have disadvantage on initiative until you take a long rest. Those of you who tied up your dangling manacles will not be penalized on your dexterity ability modifier, otherwise it will be reduced to +0 for ranged attacks and finesse weapons using dexterity. Spells are unaffected. Not a great time for combat, alas!)
Two carpenters: 18
Dog-headed Beasts: 4
Procan Novitiates: 13
Claire: 19
Qivys: 10
Omen: 6
Red: 7
Kasimir: 13
1. Beasts:
The larger of the two beasts steps back on its two dog-like legs, and growls at the wounded woman, but does not attack.
The smaller beast pounces at the woman in gray, biting deep into her wrist as she holds her hands up to defend herself.
2. Qivys may act next.
Then, in order:
3. Procan Novitiates
4. Kasimir, Red, Omen, and Claire (order not important)
5. Both wounded carpenters
(Note that attacks, saving throws, etc. are NOT at disadvantage due to exhaustion - just ability checks, including Initiative.)
(DM: Just to be sure I'm looking at the map correctly, we're currently in front of the 5th building (long blue one with the extension on the east end), and the Dog-headed Beasts are attacking in front of the 4th building (the red one) or just a little past. Is that right?)
(Also: Woohoo combat! Let's kill some stuff!)
Qivys runs (Dash) toward the dog headed creatures, screaming "Prepare to meet your maker, hounds from hell!"
(OoC: I think that's right. This is my first 5e encounter. Dash doubles your movement speed correct? Allowing me to cover the full 50ft in one round?)
Qivys sprints and manages to get himself into the middle of the fray. (Correct use of Dash!)
The Procan Novitiates both raise their arms and call down a flame-like radiance upon on the creatures. The larger one howls in deep pain as much of its hair is seared off, but it is still standing. The other one manages to spring nimbly out of the way, avoiding injury.
It's now Kasimir, Red, Omen, and Claire's turn to take their actions.
Omen will cast "Fire Bolt" at the larger one.
attack: 16
20 Damage: Unable to parse dice roll.6(No didn't get it right...not sure why it came up 12 when its a d10 may be a site issue) (OCC I figured it out)
"Holy -!" Kasimir yelps as he sees the dog-monsters. His first instinct is to turn and bolt the other way, but then the dwarf rushes past him, right at the things! He sees the priests gesture towards the beasts and one flares with white fire for an instant, yelping. A streak of fire leaps out from beside him toward the beasts. Oh shit, we're fighting these things! He remembers that he pulled a bow and a quiver of arrows off one of the drowned slavers on the beach. He fumbles them out with suddenly clumsy hands, draws back the string, aims at the smaller beast attacking the woman on the ground, and lets fly.
Shortbow Attack: 11
"What in all the hells are those things?!" he shouts as he backs up against the carpentry shop.
(Omen - I assume you used the die roller and added your bonus? I think something is still acting up with the D&DB site - mousing over die rolls not currently working. They were having big problems last night with the site.)
(Be sure to roll your damage, too, at the same time - even though you won't know if it hits yet. For bonus DM brownie points, state the type of damage and tooltip your spell - which maybe you did?)
(Example: Gandalf casts fire bolt. Attack: 9. Damage: 2 fire. )
(Same goes with any kind of attack. I'll roll saving throws, of course, for other kinds of spells.)
Shortbow attack = 1d20 + 4 (die roller above came out to 11); Sneak attack because it's biting the woman so Damage = 2d6 + 2: 12
Kasimir's arrow grazes the smaller beast, doing no damage, but catching its attention.
Omen hurls a magical mote of fire at the larger one. It hits solidly, and the beast erupts in a column of flame. It makes a panicked leap in the direction of the ocean, but crumples after a step or two, dead and smoldering.
Next up:
4.Red and Claire (order not important)
5. The wounded carpenters