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Any particular one you want/need spun up?
Ongoing Projects: The Mimic Book of Mimics :: SHARK WEEK
Completed Projects: The Trick-or-Treat Table
My Homebrews: Races :: Classes :: Spells :: Items :: Monsters
This is awesome thanks.
I had an idea about a mining town that had become over run with mimics but none knew, just that all the villagers had seemed to vanishe. I can use all your amazing mimics to populate it. Then have the players investigate and let the madness happens.
be very yes to grab buq. buq is gud. buq is bestest thingy in hole wurld. be nice to buq. buq is happy wen u is happy.
Any particular one you want/need spun up?
Ongoing Projects: The Mimic Book of Mimics :: SHARK WEEK
Completed Projects: The Trick-or-Treat Table
My Homebrews: Races :: Classes :: Spells :: Items :: Monsters
This is awesome thanks.
I had an idea about a mining town that had become over run with mimics but none knew, just that all the villagers had seemed to vanishe. I can use all your amazing mimics to populate it. Then have the players investigate and let the madness happens.
be very yes to grab buq. buq is gud. buq is bestest thingy in hole wurld. be nice to buq. buq is happy wen u is happy.