From classic cultists to phenomenal performers, get a sneak peak at some of the 40+ Humanoid stat blocks in the new Monster Manual here!
From world-ending threats to devious BBEGs—and potentially potent allies—the new Monster Manual has new high-level threats to face off against your players. Get a sneak peek at three of these powerful creatures here.
Planning to switch your campaign to the new rules found in the 2024 Core Rulebooks? Check out our tips for a smooth transition here!
MCDM's Illrigger class is now available on D&D Beyond! Learn more about this devious devil of a class and how to optimize their abilities here!
Learn more about some of the new magic items and enchanted trinkets featured in the 2024 Dungeon Master’s Guide here!
Rolling for loot will never get boring with over 400 magic items included in the 2024 Dungeon Master's Guide. Learn more about new additions to this trove of treasures here!
The Ranger is one of the most versatile classes, able to excel in exploration and combat, with a knack for healing, utility, and battlefield control magic to boot. Here's our pick for feats well-suited to the Ranger and their varied skill set.
Enhance your innate magic with feats from the 2024 Player's Handbook! Click here to see our favorite picks for the Sorcerer class to get your imagination for character builds flowing.
Get ready to cause chaos with the Wild Magic Sorcerer from the 2024 Player's Handbook! Come take a look at how this subclass's signature abilities have been tweaked to ensure your spells erupt with even more unpredictable magic!
Channel the innate magic that runs through your veins in the new Sorcerer found in the 2024 Player's Handbook. Preview new and revised class features here, including four sorcerous subclasses!
Embark on a celestial quest to retrieve a star foretold in ancient prophecies in this first edition adventure—remastered for fifth edition!
The revised Ranger from the 2024 Player's Handbook makes greater use of their trademark spell Hunter's Mark, get spellcasting earlier, and a lot more. Get a first look here!
In this adventure from Quests from the Infinite Staircase, two rival families have settled a feud and now plea for your aid in bringing back two star-crossed lovers from the Feywild!
The Lost City adventure arrives to fifth edition in Quests from the Infinite Staircase! In it, an Elder Evil stirs in the bowels of a buried ziggurat. How will your party deal with its sinister influence on a lost civilization?
This sci-fi quest is one of the many beloved adventures remastered for fifth edition in Quests from the Infinite Staircase. Learn more about it here!
The changeling can shapechange on a whim, and is naturally skillful in social situations. Here are our favorite classes, backgrounds, feats, and more for your next changeling character.
Draw power from your faith to destroy undead, protect allies, and perform miracles! Here's a look at our 10 favorite cleric spells.
Resurrect the dead, summon a pegasus, and smite your foes into oblivion. Let's cover our favorite spells for righteously crusading paladins!
How will you call down nature's wrath on your foes? Read on for our breakdown of the best spells for your druid!
Will the Deck of Many Things bring you reward or ruin? Here's how to incorporate this infamous item into your character's backstory using new backgrounds from The Book of Many Things!