In Vecna: Eve of Ruin, characters begin the adventure at level 10. Need help creating your hero? Here are some tips!
Want to play with the Deck of Many Things but fear it'll spell disaster at your table? The Deck of Wonder is the perfect alternative, with minor benefits and penalties for those who draw from it!
Hierarch modrons are the methodological managers of Mechanus. Here's a sneak peek at five new monsters coming to us from Planescape: Adventures in the Multiverse!
A flumph gone feral in the Beastlands, an ooze that heals instead of burns. Here's a look at what happens when creatures are exposed to the Outer Planes, and how to use these rules in your own game!
Let's take a sneak peek at these mutated beholders from Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk and how to use them in your games!
What happens when the offspring of a multiversal scourge gets twisted by the powers of the Far Realm? Find out here!
What happens when you implant an ettin with two illithid tadpoles? You get an ettin ceremorph. Get a sneak peek at this aberration from Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants!
From devious devils to exhausting encounters, we're breaking down some monster tactics to keep combat in D&D fresh!
Today, we're taking a deep dive into how spellcasting works in D&D. If you're looking to learn more about everything from components to cantrips, keep reading!
Learn about secret societies found throughout the D&D multiverse, and how to create one of your own.
Ever want to be a vampire? Here's what it takes to become one, the obstacles you'll face, and more!
Need some ideas for an upcoming heist? We've collected 12 of the best movies that you can steal inspiration from!
Want to raise the stakes of your heist? Here are some tips to make these exhilarating scenarios even more of a thrill.
If you're looking to raise the stakes in your campaign, throwing an apocalypse or two at your players is bound to up the tension at your table!