Eberron is an incredible setting filled with everyday magic, simmering war, alien monsters, and creatures from the Plane of Dreams itself. Go on a grand, pulp-adventure journey 'round the world, or engage in fantasy-noir investigations on the grimy lower streets of Sharn, City of Towers. Eberron's creator, Keith Baker, is here to show you the way!
The journey across Eberron ends here. Airship battles! Explosions! This is a cinematic climax worthy of the pulp adventures at the heart of Eberron!
Your journey through Eberron takes you on a dangerous shortcut through the Plane of Dreams: Dal Quor.
Eberron is a whole new world of magical technology, brewing war, and high adventure for you to explore. The only question is... where to start? Keith Baker, creator of Eberron, is here to answer that question.
Continue your journey through Eberron! This week, the characters stop in the Mror Holds, homeland of the dwarves, and House Kundarak, the dwarven dragonmarked house.
Continue your journey through Eberron! After weeks of danger, the crew of the Celeste Noir docks at Gatherhold on the Talenta Plains for repairs. Explore the city at your leisure... and dream of mutiny.
Continue your journey through Eberron! While flying over the blasted wastes of the Mournland, the Celeste Noir suddenly drops out of the sky.
An artificer has hidden himself away in the goblin village of Grellreach. You must step off the deck of your airship and infiltrate the town.
Continue your journey through Eberron! The Celeste Noir touches down in the goblin-run nation of Darguun in preparation for a covert mission.
Continue your journey through Eberron! This week, the airship Celeste Noir travels into a deadly storm around the Howling Peaks.
Not descending into Avernus? Get ready to introduce your players to the magnificent world of Eberron with this new series of Encounter of the Week! Travel around the world in just fifty days, seeing some of the greatest sights from the decks of the airship Celeste Noir.
Eberron is a world in which magic is akin to modern technology, with lightning rail “trains,” flying airships, and deadly war machines. The Last War—Eberron’s equivalent to World War I—ended only years ago… but people already suspect the flames of war will rise anew.