Vampiric mind flayers are the undead creation of a dying elder brain, and they have but one directive: drain humanoids of their cerebral fluids. Here's what you need to know about them — and how to bring them to your table.
What do you call monsters that explode when spells are cast nearby, or that deflect spells? A nightmare! In our final preview for Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft, we introduce the gremishka and swarm of gremishkas!
Toys come to life to slay in Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft! Get a sneak peek at carrionettes and their statistics, and find out how to bring these terrifyingly clever creatures to your game.
Major spoiler alert! Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden pits your party against the plans of Auril, the cruel goddess of winter herself. If you want Auril to strike fear into your players' hearts, you’ll want all the tips you can get!
Spoiler alert! Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden pits the heroes against a fearsome foe whose evil power could spell doom for the North. Here’s how to run this deadly encounter!
Completing the evil triad of the Lower Planes are yugoloths, neutral evil fiends that willingly serve any master—for a price. How do yugoloths function in Avernus… and could a yugoloth’s services be bought by the forces of good?
Demons are terrifying beasts that would like nothing more than to tear your soul from your body and gnaw on your still-beating heart. They’re monstrous, from top to bottom. How do you play this sort of senseless evil?
Devils rejoice in spreading evil throughout the Material Plane with their malicious contracts and deceptive deals. Even in Avernus, where the Blood War rages eternal, mortals must keep their wits about them.
Learn how to play a chimera in a way worthy of its fearsome appearance, and how to make chimeras out of beasts other than the dragon-, lion-, and goat-headed version classic to D&D.