Scientist Image

You have spent your life working towards advancing the technology of your people. Working with magic, you study and create advanced technology.

Skill Proficiencies: Skill Proficiencies: ArcanaPerception
Tool Proficiencies: Tool Proficiencies: Alchemist's Supplies
Equipment: Equipment: A bottle of black ink, a quill, a small knife, robes, Alchemist's Supplies, and a pouch containing 10 gp

Many scientist choose a specific field of study, specializing their intellect along a certain subject.

d4 Specialization
1 Weaponry
2 Cybernetics
3 Biology
4 Botany
Feature: Lab Access

When in a location dedicated to science, it is very clear you are among your peers. Do to your contributions to science, you are given access to locations that most would be forbidden. These areas are science labs, libraries, and more, depending on the world you are in.

Suggested Characteristics

Scientists are defined by their goals of advancing their scientific pursuits. Putting a high value on the knowledge of how something works, they will follow leads that help them improve whatever project they are working on.

Scientist Image