A Chronicler travels the lands in search of stories and tales, some can be true and other legends. A Chronicler primarily records and documents history, this can be done by researching information about any recent or old events, memories or biographies of important people.
Chroniclers work for the law master of their region and as such any documents written by a chronicler such as a contract, bargain or will can be made official provided that it was made in the region of the law master.
A chronicler can also be an author or writer, make your own stories and novels adding fantasy or fiction to your book.
You can be a simple scribe copying texts in a library or a screenwriter transforming ancient tales into a comic screen play for the circus to perform.
- Skill Proficiencies: Investigation, History
- Tool Proficiencies: Calligrapher's supplies
- Languages: One of your choice
- Equipment: Calligrapher's supplies with seal, sealing wax and any documents needed to make papers official, a blank book, a bottle of black ink, a quill, a set of common clothes, and a belt pouch containing 15 gp
To determine the type of work and writing you did, roll a d6 or choose from the options in the table below. You can even possibly have two or more specialties.
d6 | Speciality |
1 | Novelist |
2 | Screenwriter |
3 | Scribe |
4 | Historian |
5 | Researcher |
6 | Law writer |
You can create and publish documents such as wills, biographies or others of the like as official papers. You can offer your services as a chronicler and be paid by them.
You can also recognize any written language that you see.
Suggested Characteristics
As a chronicler you possess knowledge and information not known to many and can make yourself available to help those in need who seek your expertise. Some chroniclers like to embellish their stories as others stick with the truth even if it may cause embarrassment or boredom.
Do you want to write and catalog historic events or tell the tales of ancient heroes or even becoming one yourself.
d8 | Personality Trait |
1 | I am convinced that I always know the truth behind any story. |
2 | My vocabulary is vast enough I sometimes use words that are too complicated. |
3 | I can't resist a good story, especially after a good drink. |
4 | I watch how people interact with each other and will often write notes down about them. |
5 | Sometimes I find myself narrating the events around me without noticing. |
6 | I know a story relevant to almost every situation. |
7 | I never let a job opportunity escape me. |
8 | I can lose track of time when I start to write. |
d6 | Ideal |
1 | Truth. I want my books to show the truth. (Neutral) |
2 | Greed. I'll do anything improve my book sales, even exploit and manipulate others. (Evil) |
3 | Facts. I simply write the facts. (Lawful) |
4 | Knowledge. I don't research for myself, I research to share the knowledge and history to others. (Good) |
5 | Passion. I could sit back and watch history be made, but I could also make it myself. (Chaotic) |
6 | Discovery. Reading has inspired me to be where I am today. (Any) |
d6 | Bond |
1 | I'm trying to start my own book series, starting from the ground up. |
2 | I will ensure that my companions are remembered for their great deeds. |
3 | I will never forget the first book I wrote. |
4 | I owe everything to my mentor, he tutored me his craft and gave me a job. |
5 | I want to be like the hero that appears in every book. |
6 | I must record all the history events of the world. |
d6 | Flaw |
1 | I often change the stories so that I can be the hero. |
2 | I look down on the uneducated. |
3 | I find it hard to trust new people, they could be out to steal my work. |
4 | I can't handle criticisms , I find them to be an attack on my person. |
5 | I embellish my stories. Be it historical, or personal. |
6 | I stole a friend's idea for my first popular book, I still feel guilty. |
You can use your calligrapher's supplies has if it was a forgery kit to forge documents including official papers and personal letters, as long as you have seen an example of the kind of document or the handwriting you are trying to copy.
