You eked out a living in dark alleyways, cutting purses or burgling shops. Perhaps you were part of a small gang of like-minded wrongdoers who looked out for each other. Or maybe you were a lone wolf, fending for yourself against the local thieves’ guild and more fearsome lawbreakers.
- Ability Scores: Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence
- Feat: Alert
- Skill Proficiencies: Sleight of Hand and Stealth
- Tool Proficiencies: Thieves’ Tools
- Equipment: Choose A or B: (A) 2 Daggers, Thieves’ Tools, Crowbar, 2 Pouches, Traveler’s Clothes, 16 GP; or (B) 50 GP

Criminal: *offensive side eye*
Ability Scores: Dex, Con, Int
Feat: Alert
Where are the Ability Scores, where are the Feats? Why does this page only have the last 3 of the 5 things a background should have?
Thieves' Tools should be "Thief's Tools". This would save everyone from typing "thieve's tools" on accident (I see it A LOT) and go along with every other toolset: Alchemist’s supplies, Brewer’s supplies, Calligrapher's supplies, Carpenter’s tools, Cartographer’s tools, Cobbler’s tools, Cook’s utensils, Glassblower’s tools, Jeweler’s tools, Leatherworker’s tools, Mason’s tools, Painter’s supplies, Potter’s tools, Smith’s tools, Tinker’s tools, Weaver’s tools, Woodcarver's tools...
Why doesn't it say here what it says if you look at the full 'free rules' book? It should say here as well for easy access that your ability score improvement is either the usual +2 and +1 to two of the three stats listed (of your choosing) or +1 to all three