Black Sheep Image

You are the runt of the litter in your family, and so wish to prove yourself more than you've been treat all your life. This may make you a ruthless mercenary or a low-confidence wreck, depending on how your character reacts.

Skill Proficiencies: You are proficient in making yourself better and over-coming odds. Skills such athletics to make you stronger or insight to see just how the others really view you
Tool Proficiencies: You may not be well respected in your community, so making things yourself can be of great importance. Smithing and Carpentry may not come easily to you, but skill is born from necessity 
Languages: You find it useful learning powerful, forceful languages such as orc or primordial or giant. Allowing you to form strong allies in other areas. Or prehaps Elvish and Celestial will make you sound more advanced and intelligent, giving you the respect of those in higher places.
Feature: It's not a phase mom!

You are able to connect with those who have been outcast or unwanted. You can understand peoples problems and because of that can become trusted to those who you talk to. You can make people feel at ease and, in the right situation, get what information you need out of them.

Suggested Characteristics

You may be loud and brash, in an attempt to prove to those back home and yourself that you are stronger and smarter than they ever believed (this may or may not actually be the case)


The effect of people putting you down has left you quiet and reserved, feeling like your input is less than others.

d5 Personality Trait
1 I tend not to trust others with my secrets.
2 I put other's ideas before my own. They know better, right?
3 I'm not used to being heard, so I try to be the loudest in the room.
4 If the conversation isn't about me, I will make it about me.
5 Because I was treat the way I was, I can no longer look people in the eye.
d5 Ideal
1 There are rules there so no one feels higher or lower than anyone else (Lawful)
2 I've spent too much time worrying about what people think. (Neutral)
3 People need to know how powerful I am now. I don't care what I have to do for their attention (Evil)
4 Power corrupts completely. No one should be allowed to cast others into the cold. (Chaotic)
5 People who have been tossed aside need to be protected and loved no matter who they are. (Good.)
d5 Bond
1 I am out to prove my worth, and return home to show what I have accomplished.
2 I want everyone to know my name. Song's to be written and stories to be told about my greatness.
3 I am looking simply to find a place I belong.
4 I am out to hunt those who deemed me unworthy.
5 I am on the run from a "family" that are trying to hunt me down.
d5 Flaw
1 Because of constantly being overlooked in my past, I am incredibly self-absorbed.
2 Being outcast my whole life has left me unable to interact socially
3 I will purposfully not put idea's out there in case they are wrong.
4 I am unable to function if someone reminds me of my past family
5 I am willing to sacrifice anyone so long as I don't have to go back home.
Black Sheep Image


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