Origin Feat
You gain proficiency in any combination of three skills or tools of your choice.
Repeatable. You can take this feat more than once.

Origin Feat
You gain proficiency in any combination of three skills or tools of your choice.
Repeatable. You can take this feat more than once.
Thanks to this feat being repeatable, a level 8 human rogue with any background the provides the skilled feat can have every skill proficiency by level 8. This heavily delays increasing your ability scores, but if you take it for your bonus human origin feat, get skilled again from your background, and then take it again twice at level 4 and level 8. For a non-human that gets at least 1 skill from their species, they can also replicate this by level 10. Congratulations, your rogue is now getting a bare minimum of 13 on every skill check the DM ever gives you and you're now the lord of all skills forever.
What an appropriate choice of words, since one background that gives this feat is Noble.
Wait, how exactly does it add up to 13 bare minimum?? I'm super new and many calculations look opaque and not clear to me.. Could you explain this in detail, formula?
We are playing 2014 5e standard. Not yet sure will Feats will be allowed.
Thank you this would help so much :]
So, first, keep in mind you're commenting on a feat from the 2024 Player's Handbook, so what's being described here won't necessarily be possible if you're playing under 2014 rules. In particular, it relies on this feat being repeatable (able to be taken more than once) which the Skilled feat from the 2014 rules doesn't allow.
But, that said, let me see if I can reverse engineer this. A Human Rogue with a Background that provides this feat starts off with a total of ten skill proficiencies: two from the background itself, three from this feat, one from the Human's "Skillful" feature, and four from the Rogue class. Taking this feat again as your extra origin feat from the Human's "Versatile" feature provides three more, for a total of 13. Taking it again at level 4 and again at level 8 provides six more, for a total of nineteen. There are only 18 skills, so that covers all of them (you can use the 19th one on a tool proficiency).
As for the minimum of 13, it's not quite guaranteed for all skill checks, but it is guaranteed for any skill check where the ability modifier isn't negative. This relies on the level 7 Rogue class feature "Reliable Talent", which says that when rolling an ability check using one of your skill or tool proficiencies, you can treat a 9 or lower on the die as a 10. You'd then still be adding your proficiency bonus to it, which at that level is +3. Since this hypothetical character is proficient in every skill, they'd have a minimum roll of 13 on any skill check as long as their relevant ability modifier is at least +0 (i.e., the actual ability score is at least 10).
I do not think this is a particularly good way to build a character, since by taking the Skilled feat all over the place you're missing out on ability score increases and other interesting things you could be getting from other more interesting feats, but it is theoretically doable.
Although feats are technically an optional thing in the 2014 rules, I think playing without them is silly and boring, and you can tell your DM that I, a random stranger on the Internet with no authority whatsoever, said so.