Hiya, I have a Warforged paladin who is currently Level 7. I was considering multiclassing into a warlock, maybe celestial warlock for some extra roleplay flavour and really powerful smites. The campaign goes up to level 13 so I was wondering if anyone had any advice on if I should multiclass or not? I am the main tank and sort of main healer of the party so would a few levels of warlock be useful? if so how many would your recommend? thanks in advance (Edit I forgot to Mention they're a oath of vengeance Paladin)
Paladin/warlock is a pretty strong combo, so it can certainly work. Usually, mechanically, people go hexblade early in their career, so they can use cha as their attack stat and make the class be lass MAD, but even still, you’ll get some extra spell slots that refresh on a short rest, so more smites. And eldritch blast will give you a decent ranged attack, for times when you can’t get into melee range. But As with any multiclass, there are trade-offs. For example, if you take warlock for your next level, you delay your asi. By losing out on level 13 pally, you don’t get level 4 smites, or greater find steed.
Since you know when the campaign will end, I’d say work backwards and play around in the character builder. If you take 2 levels in warlock, that means you can go to 11 in paladin. See what that looks like in terms of what you gain and lose and decide if that looks like it will be fun for you. Then see what a 1 or 3 level dip does for you. Try out a few combos and see if what you gain is worth what you lose.
Hiya, I have a Warforged paladin who is currently Level 7. I was considering multiclassing into a warlock, maybe celestial warlock for some extra roleplay flavour and really powerful smites. The campaign goes up to level 13 so I was wondering if anyone had any advice on if I should multiclass or not? I am the main tank and sort of main healer of the party so would a few levels of warlock be useful? if so how many would your recommend? thanks in advance (Edit I forgot to Mention they're a oath of vengeance Paladin)
Paladin/warlock is a pretty strong combo, so it can certainly work. Usually, mechanically, people go hexblade early in their career, so they can use cha as their attack stat and make the class be lass MAD, but even still, you’ll get some extra spell slots that refresh on a short rest, so more smites. And eldritch blast will give you a decent ranged attack, for times when you can’t get into melee range. But As with any multiclass, there are trade-offs. For example, if you take warlock for your next level, you delay your asi. By losing out on level 13 pally, you don’t get level 4 smites, or greater find steed.
Since you know when the campaign will end, I’d say work backwards and play around in the character builder. If you take 2 levels in warlock, that means you can go to 11 in paladin. See what that looks like in terms of what you gain and lose and decide if that looks like it will be fun for you. Then see what a 1 or 3 level dip does for you. Try out a few combos and see if what you gain is worth what you lose.
Alrighty I think I'll play around in the character builder for a bit and see what I like. Thank you!
Also do not think about level 13 only. You will spend most of the rest of the campaign between level 8 and 12 so think about every level.
thats a good point