Title. When the rogue soulknife does their bonus attack with the psy blade for 1d4 damage, do you add the skill modifier to that bonus attack damage? The book does not explicitly say you do, but it also does not say you don't. I notice the character sheet in dnd beyond DOES have the skill modifier added to the damage.
Yes, you add the modifier to the damage to the 1d4 bonus attack. It is not TWF, which is the only feature that doesn't support adding your mod to the damage. Basically, two weapon fighting is the exception to the general rule of adding the modifier to your damage roll.
Title. When the rogue soulknife does their bonus attack with the psy blade for 1d4 damage, do you add the skill modifier to that bonus attack damage? The book does not explicitly say you do, but it also does not say you don't. I notice the character sheet in dnd beyond DOES have the skill modifier added to the damage.
Yes, you add the modifier to the damage to the 1d4 bonus attack. It is not TWF, which is the only feature that doesn't support adding your mod to the damage. Basically, two weapon fighting is the exception to the general rule of adding the modifier to your damage roll.
Ahhh - thank you! I appreciate the info and explanation about TWF.