I have a level 4 rogue scout, valenar wood elf. We have lost our two melee characters and cleric but just picked up a paladin. I am looking to add something to my character since I am involved in a lot of the melee combat. I do a lot of 2 weapon fighting. Not sure which is best, going to multiclass into either fighter or ranger for a least 5 levels. My next question is do I go back into rogue and for how long? we are playing 2014 5e. If I go ranger then most likely gloom stalker, small chance drake warden (90/10 chance). Figher I am a little more vague, possible echo knight or battlemaster. The ranger seems thematically to fit best and does add more to the character as , but I know fighter has a lot of ASI but only if I go past 5. Looking for any help or ideas as to which would be the better choice.
Not sure there is a better choice, just depends on what the party needs or what you prefer to play. Personally, I would go ranger especially if it fits thematically. Ranger also gives you the option to have some healing spells which could be nice to pick up a fallen party member, especially since you lost your cleric. My play style may be different from you though. I like to have a mix of abilities and have options available to me that other party members will not. Not sure if this helps or not and I would be curious as to what you decided and why.
Another thing to keep in mind is that to Multiclass into Ranger, you have to have a minimum of 13 DEX and 13 WIS. To multiclass with fighter, you just have the DEX (or STR) minimum. So if you didn't start with a high enough WIS, Ranger might not be viable for you without some ASI's first.
I have a level 4 rogue scout, valenar wood elf. We have lost our two melee characters and cleric but just picked up a paladin. I am looking to add something to my character since I am involved in a lot of the melee combat. I do a lot of 2 weapon fighting. Not sure which is best, going to multiclass into either fighter or ranger for a least 5 levels. My next question is do I go back into rogue and for how long? we are playing 2014 5e. If I go ranger then most likely gloom stalker, small chance drake warden (90/10 chance). Figher I am a little more vague, possible echo knight or battlemaster. The ranger seems thematically to fit best and does add more to the character as , but I know fighter has a lot of ASI but only if I go past 5. Looking for any help or ideas as to which would be the better choice.
Not sure there is a better choice, just depends on what the party needs or what you prefer to play. Personally, I would go ranger especially if it fits thematically. Ranger also gives you the option to have some healing spells which could be nice to pick up a fallen party member, especially since you lost your cleric. My play style may be different from you though. I like to have a mix of abilities and have options available to me that other party members will not. Not sure if this helps or not and I would be curious as to what you decided and why.
Another thing to keep in mind is that to Multiclass into Ranger, you have to have a minimum of 13 DEX and 13 WIS. To multiclass with fighter, you just have the DEX (or STR) minimum. So if you didn't start with a high enough WIS, Ranger might not be viable for you without some ASI's first.
For greater damage dealing in combat, multi-class rogue with fighter.
For greater versatility, multi-class rogue with ranger.
One of my main characters is a scout rogue / gloom stalker ranger for stealth and spells (healing, speak with animals, etc.).