I just looked at the marketplace but couldn't find it do you know where it is?
You want to look at source books, so the Player's Handbook, Xanathar's Guide to Everything and Tasha's Cauldron of Everything to start with; when you go to the marketplace pages you should see sections for the various content including sub-classes, where you can unlock just the ones you want.
If you're not sure which ones you want to buy, a google search for them will usually get you plenty of guides about what they can do, including the 101 guides on D&D Beyond if one exists for that sub-class (not sure if they've done all the Rogue sub-classes?)
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Former D&D Beyond Customer of six years: With the axing of piecemeal purchasing, lack of meaningful development, and toxic moderation the site isn't worth paying for anymore. I remain a free user only until my groups are done migrating from DDB, and if necessary D&D, after which I'm done. There are better systems owned by better companies out there.
I have unsubscribed from all topics and will not reply to messages. My homebrew is now 100% unsupported.
This guide tells you which book each subclass is in...but you don't even have all the PHB ones. DnD 5e - Rogue Subclass Breakdown | RPGBOT. Then search the right sourcebook.
The proficiency in Stealth saves having to select it from starting class proficiencies; and the perpetual flying speed combined with the Swashbucklers baked-in ability to move in-and-out of the melee range means that this predatory bird can navigate the battlefield fairly effortlessly.
Hmm…and the “Panache” feature works incredibly well, too…you taunt a target; and if they’re limited by melee range; the Owlin Swashbuckler Rogue could fly just out of their reach.
Not a powergamer choice, probably, but I'm having a lot of fun with an eladrin. Fey stepping behind someone for a shortsword in the back is delicious.
In what way is that not a power-gamer choice? Not saying you are a power gamer for taking it, but various elf options are definitely good for rogues.
Astral Elf, Eladrin and Shadar-kai all get some form of fey step, which is basically free misty step that isn't actually a spell (so can't be counterspelled), all the usual fey stuff (charm and sleep resistance, trance etc.) and two switchable proficiencies when you trance.
Of the three Shadar-kai is arguably the strongest, but that's because it's clearly overpowered compared to the others and should have been balanced better, as it gets necrotic resistance and when it teleports it gets resistance to all damage for a round, which is pretty dang strong, especially if you can save it for a boss fight and effectively have all damage resistance for most or all of a fight. It clearly should have had sunlight sensitivity like a drow or something to counterbalance it a bit.
Eladrin's Fey Step does have versatility on its side though with the nice variety of bonus effects you can get, they're all pretty good though my favourites are either charmed (arguably superior to frightened) or being able to teleport someone with you.
Astral Elf has only the basic teleport, but its trance proficiencies include one skill, and it gets a choice of cantrip.
They'll all make good Rogues though thanks to that teleport like you say; Cunning Action is great, but sometimes there are places a regular Dash or Disengage can't get you to, but a teleport can, especially if you want to melee sneak attack a target looking where you'd need to pass by to get them.
Former D&D Beyond Customer of six years: With the axing of piecemeal purchasing, lack of meaningful development, and toxic moderation the site isn't worth paying for anymore. I remain a free user only until my groups are done migrating from DDB, and if necessary D&D, after which I'm done. There are better systems owned by better companies out there.
I have unsubscribed from all topics and will not reply to messages. My homebrew is now 100% unsupported.
I don't optimize very much, but I like half elves and kobolds.
Tabaxi seems too optimized for me, and goblins I'm not really a good enough RP'er to get my head around. Kobolds are just a bit more impish and viewed in a positive light.
Kenku sound like fun, but again, I just don't have the acting chops. An odd one to try would be goliath. Try to do a balance between Str and Dex and just make them an interesting subclass like scout....
I just created an arcane trickster for a one shot and went with Astral elf so I could get an extra changeable weapon proficiency and skill to get heavy crossbow and persuasion. Darkvision and starlight step, and the help with sleep and charmed are nice too. My first thought was autognome (heal yourself with a cantrip (arcane trickster), plus armor, 2 extra tools, built for success, some resistances), but I am already playing one in another campaign.
Arakocra. You can fly above your enemies and then pick them up and drop them from 1000 feet in the air, also dealing sneak attack damage and then thud damage heheheheh
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DM: “Who’s your patron?”
Warlock: “Ummm”
DM: “Hurry Up”
Warlock: “yOu”
*All other players look at each other with utter fear*
__________________________________________________________________________________ Check out my homebrew: My Homebrew
I like Goblins. Their abilities are mechanically synergistic with rogues, especially Nimble Escape (bonus action to disengage or hide any turn). And, if I recall correctly, Fury of the Small stacks with sneak attack.
Being small with a speed of 30 feet is also pretty nice.
Also, Goblin rogues are just really flavorful. I can never get bored of the idea of a little hooded green guy sneaking around in the dark with a knife.
On Duergar (new monsters of the multiverse version), Psionic Fortitude is really helpful against a mind flayer blast (you get advantage and its an int save which rogues are proficient in). Enlarge/Reduce is also a really useful spell to just have around and can be nice on a rogue. If you view it as an exploration spell it can be a really neat toy. 120 ft darkvision without sunlight sensitivity is just great on a rogue.
100% Changeling Rogue. I'm about to make my 4th such. My first was Shade and presented Androgynous. Second was called Grex and was also androgynous which was neat in the homebrew it was in. We found a bunch of notes with our characters' info on it and my gender was just "?". Currently playing Dax who is male. Next will be a female! Love the ability to disguise myself. Like when Shade borrowed clothes off our Bard, changed face and went back into a store to try and get cheap goods after our Drow sorcerer had fleeced the shopkeep earlier. Or when Dax changed to look like an enemy character (enemy to our group and the group we were investigating) and then went to spy on a group we were unsure of. Changeling Rogues are the best for shenanigans!
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You want to look at source books, so the Player's Handbook, Xanathar's Guide to Everything and Tasha's Cauldron of Everything to start with; when you go to the marketplace pages you should see sections for the various content including sub-classes, where you can unlock just the ones you want.
If you're not sure which ones you want to buy, a google search for them will usually get you plenty of guides about what they can do, including the 101 guides on D&D Beyond if one exists for that sub-class (not sure if they've done all the Rogue sub-classes?)
Former D&D Beyond Customer of six years: With the axing of piecemeal purchasing, lack of meaningful development, and toxic moderation the site isn't worth paying for anymore. I remain a free user only until my groups are done migrating from DDB, and if necessary D&D, after which I'm done. There are better systems owned by better companies out there.
I have unsubscribed from all topics and will not reply to messages. My homebrew is now 100% unsupported.
This guide tells you which book each subclass is in...but you don't even have all the PHB ones. DnD 5e - Rogue Subclass Breakdown | RPGBOT. Then search the right sourcebook.
Food, Scifi/fantasy, anime, DND 5E and OSR geek.
Tabaxi, for 2 reasons. I like the thought of a cat stealing (I’m a cat person), and they honestly seem good together mechanically.
Hi, I’m DrakenBrine, here’s my Sig and characters
I am The Grand Envisioner!
An Owlin Swashbuckler would be terrifying…
The proficiency in Stealth saves having to select it from starting class proficiencies; and the perpetual flying speed combined with the Swashbucklers baked-in ability to move in-and-out of the melee range means that this predatory bird can navigate the battlefield fairly effortlessly.
Hmm…and the “Panache” feature works incredibly well, too…you taunt a target; and if they’re limited by melee range; the Owlin Swashbuckler Rogue could fly just out of their reach.
if youre going for inquisitive, go for Pallid Elf. i have a build with that race as an inquisitive rogue, and hes pretty awesome.
Yaphit my plasmoid soulknife has the eldritch adept feat for armor of shadows. He swallowed a lockpick and requires no weapons or equipment. RIP Norm.
Not a powergamer choice, probably, but I'm having a lot of fun with an eladrin. Fey stepping behind someone for a shortsword in the back is delicious.
In what way is that not a power-gamer choice? Not saying you are a power gamer for taking it, but various elf options are definitely good for rogues.
Astral Elf, Eladrin and Shadar-kai all get some form of fey step, which is basically free misty step that isn't actually a spell (so can't be counterspelled), all the usual fey stuff (charm and sleep resistance, trance etc.) and two switchable proficiencies when you trance.
Of the three Shadar-kai is arguably the strongest, but that's because it's clearly overpowered compared to the others and should have been balanced better, as it gets necrotic resistance and when it teleports it gets resistance to all damage for a round, which is pretty dang strong, especially if you can save it for a boss fight and effectively have all damage resistance for most or all of a fight. It clearly should have had sunlight sensitivity like a drow or something to counterbalance it a bit.
Eladrin's Fey Step does have versatility on its side though with the nice variety of bonus effects you can get, they're all pretty good though my favourites are either charmed (arguably superior to frightened) or being able to teleport someone with you.
Astral Elf has only the basic teleport, but its trance proficiencies include one skill, and it gets a choice of cantrip.
They'll all make good Rogues though thanks to that teleport like you say; Cunning Action is great, but sometimes there are places a regular Dash or Disengage can't get you to, but a teleport can, especially if you want to melee sneak attack a target looking where you'd need to pass by to get them.
Former D&D Beyond Customer of six years: With the axing of piecemeal purchasing, lack of meaningful development, and toxic moderation the site isn't worth paying for anymore. I remain a free user only until my groups are done migrating from DDB, and if necessary D&D, after which I'm done. There are better systems owned by better companies out there.
I have unsubscribed from all topics and will not reply to messages. My homebrew is now 100% unsupported.
I don't optimize very much, but I like half elves and kobolds.
Tabaxi seems too optimized for me, and goblins I'm not really a good enough RP'er to get my head around. Kobolds are just a bit more impish and viewed in a positive light.
Kenku sound like fun, but again, I just don't have the acting chops. An odd one to try would be goliath. Try to do a balance between Str and Dex and just make them an interesting subclass like scout....
Tabaxi for movement buffs, or Eladrin... for movement buffs.
I just created an arcane trickster for a one shot and went with Astral elf so I could get an extra changeable weapon proficiency and skill to get heavy crossbow and persuasion. Darkvision and starlight step, and the help with sleep and charmed are nice too. My first thought was autognome (heal yourself with a cantrip (arcane trickster), plus armor, 2 extra tools, built for success, some resistances), but I am already playing one in another campaign.
Food, Scifi/fantasy, anime, DND 5E and OSR geek.
My Favorite Rouge race are probably Drow or Hexblood's
I wonder how plummeting hundreds of feet feels
Shadar-Kai are great in terms of effectiveness, but Drow, Tieflings, and Kenku are still awesome and fun picks.
Arakocra. You can fly above your enemies and then pick them up and drop them from 1000 feet in the air, also dealing sneak attack damage and then thud damage heheheheh
DM: “Who’s your patron?”
Warlock: “Ummm”
DM: “Hurry Up”
Warlock: “yOu”
*All other players look at each other with utter fear*
Check out my homebrew: My Homebrew
Halflings :)
They are fun to play as and good mechanically
If I ever get into a pbp please make sure you add the underscore to my name when I get PMed.
Characters (Links!):
Amzar Starshade - Odyssey Of Greatness
Faelin Nighthollow - 7th Sojourn
Dallas Hullbreaker - Legacy of Iggwilv
I like Goblins. Their abilities are mechanically synergistic with rogues, especially Nimble Escape (bonus action to disengage or hide any turn). And, if I recall correctly, Fury of the Small stacks with sneak attack.
Being small with a speed of 30 feet is also pretty nice.
Also, Goblin rogues are just really flavorful. I can never get bored of the idea of a little hooded green guy sneaking around in the dark with a knife.
In my experience...
I love Deurgar for Arcane Tricksters. The invisibility with Duergar Magic, Psionic Fortitude and dwarven resilience you have sneak and durability
On Duergar (new monsters of the multiverse version), Psionic Fortitude is really helpful against a mind flayer blast (you get advantage and its an int save which rogues are proficient in). Enlarge/Reduce is also a really useful spell to just have around and can be nice on a rogue. If you view it as an exploration spell it can be a really neat toy. 120 ft darkvision without sunlight sensitivity is just great on a rogue.
Actually a shapeshifter Assasin rogue would be cool
DM: “Who’s your patron?”
Warlock: “Ummm”
DM: “Hurry Up”
Warlock: “yOu”
*All other players look at each other with utter fear*
Check out my homebrew: My Homebrew
100% Changeling Rogue. I'm about to make my 4th such. My first was Shade and presented Androgynous. Second was called Grex and was also androgynous which was neat in the homebrew it was in. We found a bunch of notes with our characters' info on it and my gender was just "?". Currently playing Dax who is male. Next will be a female! Love the ability to disguise myself. Like when Shade borrowed clothes off our Bard, changed face and went back into a store to try and get cheap goods after our Drow sorcerer had fleeced the shopkeep earlier. Or when Dax changed to look like an enemy character (enemy to our group and the group we were investigating) and then went to spy on a group we were unsure of. Changeling Rogues are the best for shenanigans!