Hello everyone! Today I am starting a series of subclass evaluations (and opinions of course!) for all of the classes, going from my favorite to least favorite. Starting is...Sorcerer! (Note: All of these will be with rules as written, and no unearthed arcana subclasses.)
Draconic Bloodline
You have the blood of dragons in your veins, and can harness the innate power of your draconic ancestors. I like this. That's it for the description.
1st level, DragonAncestor:Starting right off the bat with roleplaying opportunities, this feature lets you choose a type of dragon for your ancestor(which will determine another one of your features), and doubled proficiency on Charisma checks with dragons. Note that you still need normal proficiency in the first place to gain the latter benefit.
1st level, Draconic Resilience: You wanted to be a tank, right? Well, you are now! This feature makes your AC 13 + Dexterity while you aren't wearing armor, giving an effectively infinite mage armor. You also increase your hit points by one every time you gain a sorcerer level. This feature is one of the most powerful 1st level features for sorcerers, and provides incredible survivability.
6th level, Elemental Affinity: This is where this subclass gets a little iffy. You add you Charisma modifier to damage rolls of spells. But only the ones that deal the same type of damage as in your Dragon Ancestor feature. So if you are playing a Copper or Green dragon Sorcerer, you will have like 3 or 4 spells that actually benefit from this. My fix is this. Allow all dragon sorcerers to replace fire damage from fireball with the type of their Dragon Ancestor. The second part of this feature is weird. If you deal the type of damage that benefits from the former part of this feature, then you can spend a sorcery point to gain resistance to that damage type for an hour. I don't even know why it works that way. My other fix is to just give the resistance as a permanent benefit, as it goes along really well with this subclass as a frontline spellcaster, and will give it better survivability.
14th level, Dragon Wings: This is a solid feature. As a bonus action, you can sprout wings from your back that give you a flying speed equal to your walking speed. Remove them as another bonus action. Finally, you can't do this wearing armor unless it's made to accommodate them, and sprouting them might destroy your clothing. This part is fine, since there is almost no reason to wear armor as this subclass anyways.
18th level, Draconic Presence: This is essentially a mass charm or fear spell. As an action, you spend 5 sorcery points to make a 60ft aura of fear or dread. All hostile creatures in that aura make a Wisdom save or are charmed or frightened. The aura moves with you(I think? It doesn't say explicitly say that, but I get the feeling that it does) and lasts for 1 minute or until you lose concentration, as if concentrating on a spell. A creature that succeeds on the save is immune to this effect for 24 hours. This ability is pretty solid, as if the creature fails, they don't get to reroll on consecutive turns.
I give this a 6/10 for roleplaying opportunities, and an 8/10 for raw power. Final evaluation 7/10.
Wild Magic
Something weird happened to you in your past. You might have been blessed or cursed, or touched a magical object or portal. You can make you backstory anything with this subclass. (This one is my favorite by the way.)
1st level, Wild Magic Surge: The absolute core of this subclass. Whenever you cast a sorcerer spell of 1st level or higher, the DM can have you roll a d20. On a 1, you roll on a list of magical effects. It's a big list, so there's a really low chance of getting the same thing twice. Something I would change about this is that you can decide to roll the d20, so that if the DM forgets you don't lose on your huge core feature. The low chance of this happening is taken care of in the next feature.
1st level, Tides of Chaos: Once per long rest, you can choose to gain advantage on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw. If you cast a sorcerer spell of 1st level or higher before you regain use of this feature, the DM can have you roll a random effect from Wild Magic Surge immediately. You then regain use of this feature. This one I like because you can combine it with Quickened metamagic to cast an attack roll cantrip with an action and use this feature, then bonus action cast a 1st level or higher spell, immediately surging and regaining use of this feature. My fix for this is the same as the last feature. You get to decide to use it instead of the DM.
6th level, Bend Luck: This is a (In my opinion) bad feature. Whenever someone makes an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can use your reaction to spend 2 sorcery points to either add or subtract 1d4 to the roll. This has a few uses, but only a few. If your friend misses by 1 or 2, you can use this feature, or if the enemy barely succeeds on a save. Honestly this could probably be changed to 1 sorcery point or just Charisma modifier uses per day without points.
14th level, Controlled Chaos: Really good. Whenever you roll for a Magic Surge, you roll twice and pick either number. This is really useful because some of the effects are... let's just say not beneficial.
18th level, Spell Bombardment: This is decent for its level. If you roll the maximum possible on a damage die for a spell, you can roll that die again and add the damage to the total. Although, you can only use this once per turn. So if you have low number dice and lots of them, such as the d4s from vitriolic sphere, you have a high chance of this happening, but low extra damage. Likewise, if you cast witch bolt, you have a low chance of using this feature, but higher damage if you do.
Roleplaying, 8/10. Power is pretty good, but not as good as dragon. 7/10. Final Evaluation 7.5/10.
Thanks for reading and be sure to tell me if I've missed anything. Will be returning soon for Xanathar's subclasses.
Hosted a battle between the Cult of Sedge and the Forum Countershere(Done now). I_Love_Tarrasques has won the fight, scoring a victory for the fiendish Moderators.
I enjoyed the review and I'm looking forward to seeing more.
I think for the Wild Maybe Surge you should just always roll a d20 after casting a spell of 1st level or higher, the main complaint I had about Wild Magic is that it relies on the DM, and since it is the core of the class and there only being a 5% of actually rolling a 1, than rolling a d20 after every spell send reasonable.
Also something I didn't realize before is that with the Bend Luck feature and Heightened Spell metamagic option, the Wild Magic Sorcerer has a pretty good chance of debuffing enemies.
I enjoyed the review and I'm looking forward to seeing more.
I think for the Wild Maybe Surge you should just always roll a d20 after casting a spell of 1st level or higher, the main complaint I had about Wild Magic is that it relies on the DM, and since it is the core of the class and there only being a 5% of actually rolling a 1, than rolling a d20 after every spell send reasonable.
Also something I didn't realize before is that with the Bend Luck feature and Heightened Spell metamagic option, the Wild Magic Sorcerer has a pretty good chance of debuffing enemies.
Glad you liked this! I agree about Wild Magic. Something to point out about Bend Luck with Heightened, though, is that it affects a single target, and uses 5 sorcery points as well as your reaction. Good for high level castings of spells like finger of death, but has a HIGH cost.
Hosted a battle between the Cult of Sedge and the Forum Countershere(Done now). I_Love_Tarrasques has won the fight, scoring a victory for the fiendish Moderators.
Yeah, it does have a pretty high cost, although it give you a fairly high chance of succeeding on spells like Polymorph or Dominate Person that can basically end an encounter against a single enemy so long as they don't have legendary resistance.
18th level, Draconic Presence: This is essentially a mass charm or fear spell. As an action, you spend 5 sorcery points to make a 60ft aura of fear or dread. All creatures in that aura make a Wisdom save or are charmed or frightened. The aura moves with you(I think? It doesn't say explicitly say that, but I get the feeling that it does) and lasts for 1 minute or until you lose concentration, as if concentrating on a spell. A creature that succeeds on the save is immune to this effect for 24 hours. This ability is pretty solid, as if the creature fails, they don't get to reroll on consecutive turns.
The word on PHB said "each hostile creature" so it has little use outside combats most of the time, and when you are 18th level what things you will fight against in combats are probably immune both conditions. I think your evaluations on this ability are not ... accurate.
18th level, Draconic Presence: This is essentially a mass charm or fear spell. As an action, you spend 5 sorcery points to make a 60ft aura of fear or dread. All creatures in that aura make a Wisdom save or are charmed or frightened. The aura moves with you(I think? It doesn't say explicitly say that, but I get the feeling that it does) and lasts for 1 minute or until you lose concentration, as if concentrating on a spell. A creature that succeeds on the save is immune to this effect for 24 hours. This ability is pretty solid, as if the creature fails, they don't get to reroll on consecutive turns.
The word on PHB said "each hostile creature" so it has little use outside combats most of the time, and when you are 18th level what things you will fight against in combats are probably immune both conditions. I think your evaluations on this ability are not ... accurate.
As I said, I would be bringing in my opinions with this. I went and looked up the monsters for basic rules D&D, CR 17-21, and found a total of 3 monsters that have immunities to those conditions. None of the dragons are immune to frightened or charmed, and neither are the fiends. Angels are immune, but how many times will you be fighting angels? Yeah, it's not good against liches or mummies, but you're probably better hitting them with fireballs and the like anyway. I think this is a horde ability, rather than a boss fight ability. The huge range means that you can affect creatures 120 feet away from each other!
Now, you are entitled to your own opinion, but remember that I am as well. So please don't go saying people's opinions are not accurate. An opinion can not be wrong or right.
P.S. Thank you for correcting me on the wording of Draconic Presence!
Hosted a battle between the Cult of Sedge and the Forum Countershere(Done now). I_Love_Tarrasques has won the fight, scoring a victory for the fiendish Moderators.
Sorry English is not my first language so the words I use may not very polite, please forgive my mistake.
I use DND Beyond's monsters search filter and it can find out which monster is immune charmed/frightened from all resource. Many things it finds are in MToF, GGtR, some copyright monster that only in MM, and modules. You can't find them in basic rules is understandable.
I was using basic rules because that's what most people have on D&D Beyond. And like I said, even if boss monsters are normally immune to it, it's meant to be a horde ability, to stop you and your allies from being swarmed. I gave you my reasons for saying it's a good ability, and you gave your reasons why it's not. Let's just let people who look at this decide for themselves.
Hosted a battle between the Cult of Sedge and the Forum Countershere(Done now). I_Love_Tarrasques has won the fight, scoring a victory for the fiendish Moderators.
Very nice additions, I do not see Wild Magic as an option to use when I create a character. Is there a way to add this on the DND Beyond page?
The Wild Magic subclass option isn't part of the Basic Rules, and you will have to buy the subclass or the Player's Handbook on DND Beyond to use it. And just in case this is your next question; No, you cannot redeem stuff on DND Beyond if you have the PHB in real life.
Hosted a battle between the Cult of Sedge and the Forum Countershere(Done now). I_Love_Tarrasques has won the fight, scoring a victory for the fiendish Moderators.
That's what I was thinking. Have a copy irl but I didn't buy it (still in the process of checking it all out). Uncle gave it to me but it is nice to use it occasionally. Personally prefer dnd beyond as I just pull it up on my phone ect.
Wild magic has a chance of fireballing yourself on that table. Is a chance of instantly killing the party regardless of if they pass or fail saves at level one to three worth it?
Wild magic has a chance of fireballing yourself on that table. Is a chance of instantly killing the party regardless of if they pass or fail saves at level one to three worth it?
Honestly, yes. There's only a 1 in 20 chance of surging per spell(Unless you use tides of chaos), and only a 1 in 50 chance of getting that particular surge. By the time you get fireballed, you'll probably be high enough level that you can walk it off. Plus, that deals the same damage to all monsters within 20 feet of you. Just make sure that your party members are farther than 20 feet from you, and they'll be able to pick you up and save you. It is, in my opinion, the most fun subclass.
Hosted a battle between the Cult of Sedge and the Forum Countershere(Done now). I_Love_Tarrasques has won the fight, scoring a victory for the fiendish Moderators.
Wow, a 2% chance of player killing the entire party and potentially ending the campaign any time there is a wildsurge is acceptable? Now thats an understanding table of players! Enjoy them while you can, because those are some good people!
Wow, a 2% chance of player killing the entire party and potentially ending the campaign any time there is a wildsurge is acceptable? Now thats an understanding table of players! Enjoy them while you can, because those are some good people!
You can further mitigate an insta-kill on your party by letting your friends know ahead of time that you will be picking Wild Magic Sorc and suggesting they take precautions like playing a Tiefling or a Dragonborn (Gold or Red). Also, get a level in War/Forge/Life Cleric for the heavy armor and put yourself near the front line so that you are far from the d6 HD members of your party. Since you can pick the Shield spell, this is viable as a sometimes melee character.
What do you guys think about having the Wild Magic sorcerer roll an additional d20 every time an an appropriate spell is cast? Or is the "decision" aspect of this trait the important part?
What do you guys think about having the Wild Magic sorcerer roll an additional d20 every time an an appropriate spell is cast? Or is the "decision" aspect of this trait the important part?
To be honest, I don't really like the 'DM chooses' thing, because it leads to your most powerful feature often being forgotten. I'd just say replace DM chooses with always.
Hosted a battle between the Cult of Sedge and the Forum Countershere(Done now). I_Love_Tarrasques has won the fight, scoring a victory for the fiendish Moderators.
Wow, a 2% chance of player killing the entire party and potentially ending the campaign any time there is a wildsurge is acceptable? Now thats an understanding table of players! Enjoy them while you can, because those are some good people!
Good positioning can alleviate most of this problem. Firebolt has good range and I usually keep my Casters to the back or flank of the party anyway. By 4th level your not likely to kill anyone in your party. Just remember to keep distance from anyone whose been tanking damage recently.
Wow, a 2% chance of player killing the entire party and potentially ending the campaign any time there is a wildsurge is acceptable? Now thats an understanding table of players! Enjoy them while you can, because those are some good people!
No, it's not. I am not interested in being punished for my other people's class choices. I'm not interested in positioning around it. It's simply not acceptable to me. One of my normal group loves the whole RNG thing. I live in FEAR of him playing one. I'd play with him because I enjoy playing with him, but if I sat down at an adventure league table and some rando player rolled up with one, I'd pack my things and leave. I am simply /not/ going to play with one. I've been blown up TWICE by wild magic in previous campaigns. I've been greased by them. It's not fun for me, ever. I wouldn't go into the field with a fellow soldier who was prone to dropping his own grenades, so I fail to see why a character would go adventuring with someone who was wearing a perma-suicide vest.
If someone picks a RNG class, fine for them. If they blow THEMSELVES up, I take no issue, screw yourself over as much as you want. Leave me out of it.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Any time an unfathomably powerful entity sweeps in and offers godlike rewards in return for just a few teensy favors, it’s a scam. Unless it’s me. I’d never lie to you, reader dearest.
Wow, a 2% chance of player killing the entire party and potentially ending the campaign any time there is a wildsurge is acceptable? Now thats an understanding table of players! Enjoy them while you can, because those are some good people!
No, it's not. I am not interested in being punished for my other people's class choices. I'm not interested in positioning around it. It's simply not acceptable to me. One of my normal group loves the whole RNG thing. I live in FEAR of him playing one. I'd play with him because I enjoy playing with him, but if I sat down at an adventure league table and some rando player rolled up with one, I'd pack my things and leave. I am simply /not/ going to play with one. I've been blown up TWICE by wild magic in previous campaigns. I've been greased by them. It's not fun for me, ever. I wouldn't go into the field with a fellow soldier who was prone to dropping his own grenades, so I fail to see why a character would go adventuring with someone who was wearing a perma-suicide vest.
If someone picks a RNG class, fine for them. If they blow THEMSELVES up, I take no issue, screw yourself over as much as you want. Leave me out of it.
Now this, I agree with. As written, wild magic is one of the worst subclasses. I would almost never try to go in a long term campaign with one without changing the fireball surge or just using a different table. Being able to wipe the party for an accident is horrible, but any good (Non AL) DM would make sure that it doesn't completely ruin everyone's day. I think the idea of Wild Magic is the most fun, but it shouldn't punish your teammates.
Hosted a battle between the Cult of Sedge and the Forum Countershere(Done now). I_Love_Tarrasques has won the fight, scoring a victory for the fiendish Moderators.
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Hello everyone! Today I am starting a series of subclass evaluations (and opinions of course!) for all of the classes, going from my favorite to least favorite. Starting is...Sorcerer! (Note: All of these will be with rules as written, and no unearthed arcana subclasses.)
Draconic Bloodline
You have the blood of dragons in your veins, and can harness the innate power of your draconic ancestors. I like this. That's it for the description.
1st level, Dragon Ancestor: Starting right off the bat with roleplaying opportunities, this feature lets you choose a type of dragon for your ancestor(which will determine another one of your features), and doubled proficiency on Charisma checks with dragons. Note that you still need normal proficiency in the first place to gain the latter benefit.
1st level, Draconic Resilience: You wanted to be a tank, right? Well, you are now! This feature makes your AC 13 + Dexterity while you aren't wearing armor, giving an effectively infinite mage armor. You also increase your hit points by one every time you gain a sorcerer level. This feature is one of the most powerful 1st level features for sorcerers, and provides incredible survivability.
6th level, Elemental Affinity: This is where this subclass gets a little iffy. You add you Charisma modifier to damage rolls of spells. But only the ones that deal the same type of damage as in your Dragon Ancestor feature. So if you are playing a Copper or Green dragon Sorcerer, you will have like 3 or 4 spells that actually benefit from this. My fix is this. Allow all dragon sorcerers to replace fire damage from fireball with the type of their Dragon Ancestor. The second part of this feature is weird. If you deal the type of damage that benefits from the former part of this feature, then you can spend a sorcery point to gain resistance to that damage type for an hour. I don't even know why it works that way. My other fix is to just give the resistance as a permanent benefit, as it goes along really well with this subclass as a frontline spellcaster, and will give it better survivability.
14th level, Dragon Wings: This is a solid feature. As a bonus action, you can sprout wings from your back that give you a flying speed equal to your walking speed. Remove them as another bonus action. Finally, you can't do this wearing armor unless it's made to accommodate them, and sprouting them might destroy your clothing. This part is fine, since there is almost no reason to wear armor as this subclass anyways.
18th level, Draconic Presence: This is essentially a mass charm or fear spell. As an action, you spend 5 sorcery points to make a 60ft aura of fear or dread. All hostile creatures in that aura make a Wisdom save or are charmed or frightened. The aura moves with you(I think? It doesn't say explicitly say that, but I get the feeling that it does) and lasts for 1 minute or until you lose concentration, as if concentrating on a spell. A creature that succeeds on the save is immune to this effect for 24 hours. This ability is pretty solid, as if the creature fails, they don't get to reroll on consecutive turns.
I give this a 6/10 for roleplaying opportunities, and an 8/10 for raw power. Final evaluation 7/10.
Wild Magic
Something weird happened to you in your past. You might have been blessed or cursed, or touched a magical object or portal. You can make you backstory anything with this subclass. (This one is my favorite by the way.)
1st level, Wild Magic Surge: The absolute core of this subclass. Whenever you cast a sorcerer spell of 1st level or higher, the DM can have you roll a d20. On a 1, you roll on a list of magical effects. It's a big list, so there's a really low chance of getting the same thing twice. Something I would change about this is that you can decide to roll the d20, so that if the DM forgets you don't lose on your huge core feature. The low chance of this happening is taken care of in the next feature.
1st level, Tides of Chaos: Once per long rest, you can choose to gain advantage on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw. If you cast a sorcerer spell of 1st level or higher before you regain use of this feature, the DM can have you roll a random effect from Wild Magic Surge immediately. You then regain use of this feature. This one I like because you can combine it with Quickened metamagic to cast an attack roll cantrip with an action and use this feature, then bonus action cast a 1st level or higher spell, immediately surging and regaining use of this feature. My fix for this is the same as the last feature. You get to decide to use it instead of the DM.
6th level, Bend Luck: This is a (In my opinion) bad feature. Whenever someone makes an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can use your reaction to spend 2 sorcery points to either add or subtract 1d4 to the roll. This has a few uses, but only a few. If your friend misses by 1 or 2, you can use this feature, or if the enemy barely succeeds on a save. Honestly this could probably be changed to 1 sorcery point or just Charisma modifier uses per day without points.
14th level, Controlled Chaos: Really good. Whenever you roll for a Magic Surge, you roll twice and pick either number. This is really useful because some of the effects are... let's just say not beneficial.
18th level, Spell Bombardment: This is decent for its level. If you roll the maximum possible on a damage die for a spell, you can roll that die again and add the damage to the total. Although, you can only use this once per turn. So if you have low number dice and lots of them, such as the d4s from vitriolic sphere, you have a high chance of this happening, but low extra damage. Likewise, if you cast witch bolt, you have a low chance of using this feature, but higher damage if you do.
Roleplaying, 8/10. Power is pretty good, but not as good as dragon. 7/10. Final Evaluation 7.5/10.
Thanks for reading and be sure to tell me if I've missed anything. Will be returning soon for Xanathar's subclasses.
Subclass Evaluations So Far:
My statblock. Fear me!
Hosted a battle between the Cult of Sedge and the Forum Counters here(Done now). I_Love_Tarrasques has won the fight, scoring a victory for the fiendish Moderators.
I enjoyed the review and I'm looking forward to seeing more.
I think for the Wild Maybe Surge you should just always roll a d20 after casting a spell of 1st level or higher, the main complaint I had about Wild Magic is that it relies on the DM, and since it is the core of the class and there only being a 5% of actually rolling a 1, than rolling a d20 after every spell send reasonable.
Also something I didn't realize before is that with the Bend Luck feature and Heightened Spell metamagic option, the Wild Magic Sorcerer has a pretty good chance of debuffing enemies.
Glad you liked this! I agree about Wild Magic. Something to point out about Bend Luck with Heightened, though, is that it affects a single target, and uses 5 sorcery points as well as your reaction. Good for high level castings of spells like finger of death, but has a HIGH cost.
Subclass Evaluations So Far:
My statblock. Fear me!
Hosted a battle between the Cult of Sedge and the Forum Counters here(Done now). I_Love_Tarrasques has won the fight, scoring a victory for the fiendish Moderators.
Yeah, it does have a pretty high cost, although it give you a fairly high chance of succeeding on spells like Polymorph or Dominate Person that can basically end an encounter against a single enemy so long as they don't have legendary resistance.
The word on PHB said "each hostile creature" so it has little use outside combats most of the time, and when you are 18th level what things you will fight against in combats are probably immune both conditions. I think your evaluations on this ability are not ... accurate.
As I said, I would be bringing in my opinions with this. I went and looked up the monsters for basic rules D&D, CR 17-21, and found a total of 3 monsters that have immunities to those conditions. None of the dragons are immune to frightened or charmed, and neither are the fiends. Angels are immune, but how many times will you be fighting angels? Yeah, it's not good against liches or mummies, but you're probably better hitting them with fireballs and the like anyway. I think this is a horde ability, rather than a boss fight ability. The huge range means that you can affect creatures 120 feet away from each other!
Now, you are entitled to your own opinion, but remember that I am as well. So please don't go saying people's opinions are not accurate. An opinion can not be wrong or right.
P.S. Thank you for correcting me on the wording of Draconic Presence!
Subclass Evaluations So Far:
My statblock. Fear me!
Hosted a battle between the Cult of Sedge and the Forum Counters here(Done now). I_Love_Tarrasques has won the fight, scoring a victory for the fiendish Moderators.
Sorry English is not my first language so the words I use may not very polite, please forgive my mistake.
I use DND Beyond's monsters search filter and it can find out which monster is immune charmed/frightened from all resource. Many things it finds are in MToF, GGtR, some copyright monster that only in MM, and modules. You can't find them in basic rules is understandable.
I was using basic rules because that's what most people have on D&D Beyond. And like I said, even if boss monsters are normally immune to it, it's meant to be a horde ability, to stop you and your allies from being swarmed. I gave you my reasons for saying it's a good ability, and you gave your reasons why it's not. Let's just let people who look at this decide for themselves.
Subclass Evaluations So Far:
My statblock. Fear me!
Hosted a battle between the Cult of Sedge and the Forum Counters here(Done now). I_Love_Tarrasques has won the fight, scoring a victory for the fiendish Moderators.
Very nice additions, I do not see Wild Magic as an option to use when I create a character. Is there a way to add this on the DND Beyond page?
Warforged Fighter Talien
The Wild Magic subclass option isn't part of the Basic Rules, and you will have to buy the subclass or the Player's Handbook on DND Beyond to use it. And just in case this is your next question; No, you cannot redeem stuff on DND Beyond if you have the PHB in real life.
Subclass Evaluations So Far:
My statblock. Fear me!
Hosted a battle between the Cult of Sedge and the Forum Counters here(Done now). I_Love_Tarrasques has won the fight, scoring a victory for the fiendish Moderators.
That's what I was thinking. Have a copy irl but I didn't buy it (still in the process of checking it all out). Uncle gave it to me but it is nice to use it occasionally. Personally prefer dnd beyond as I just pull it up on my phone ect.
Warforged Fighter Talien
Wild magic has a chance of fireballing yourself on that table. Is a chance of instantly killing the party regardless of if they pass or fail saves at level one to three worth it?
Honestly, yes. There's only a 1 in 20 chance of surging per spell(Unless you use tides of chaos), and only a 1 in 50 chance of getting that particular surge. By the time you get fireballed, you'll probably be high enough level that you can walk it off. Plus, that deals the same damage to all monsters within 20 feet of you. Just make sure that your party members are farther than 20 feet from you, and they'll be able to pick you up and save you. It is, in my opinion, the most fun subclass.
Subclass Evaluations So Far:
My statblock. Fear me!
Hosted a battle between the Cult of Sedge and the Forum Counters here(Done now). I_Love_Tarrasques has won the fight, scoring a victory for the fiendish Moderators.
Wow, a 2% chance of player killing the entire party and potentially ending the campaign any time there is a wildsurge is acceptable? Now thats an understanding table of players! Enjoy them while you can, because those are some good people!
You can further mitigate an insta-kill on your party by letting your friends know ahead of time that you will be picking Wild Magic Sorc and suggesting they take precautions like playing a Tiefling or a Dragonborn (Gold or Red). Also, get a level in War/Forge/Life Cleric for the heavy armor and put yourself near the front line so that you are far from the d6 HD members of your party. Since you can pick the Shield spell, this is viable as a sometimes melee character.
Thanks for the article.
What do you guys think about having the Wild Magic sorcerer roll an additional d20 every time an an appropriate spell is cast? Or is the "decision" aspect of this trait the important part?
To be honest, I don't really like the 'DM chooses' thing, because it leads to your most powerful feature often being forgotten. I'd just say replace DM chooses with always.
Subclass Evaluations So Far:
My statblock. Fear me!
Hosted a battle between the Cult of Sedge and the Forum Counters here(Done now). I_Love_Tarrasques has won the fight, scoring a victory for the fiendish Moderators.
Good positioning can alleviate most of this problem. Firebolt has good range and I usually keep my Casters to the back or flank of the party anyway. By 4th level your not likely to kill anyone in your party. Just remember to keep distance from anyone whose been tanking damage recently.
No, it's not. I am not interested in being punished for my other people's class choices. I'm not interested in positioning around it. It's simply not acceptable to me. One of my normal group loves the whole RNG thing. I live in FEAR of him playing one. I'd play with him because I enjoy playing with him, but if I sat down at an adventure league table and some rando player rolled up with one, I'd pack my things and leave. I am simply /not/ going to play with one. I've been blown up TWICE by wild magic in previous campaigns. I've been greased by them. It's not fun for me, ever. I wouldn't go into the field with a fellow soldier who was prone to dropping his own grenades, so I fail to see why a character would go adventuring with someone who was wearing a perma-suicide vest.
If someone picks a RNG class, fine for them. If they blow THEMSELVES up, I take no issue, screw yourself over as much as you want. Leave me out of it.
Any time an unfathomably powerful entity sweeps in and offers godlike rewards in return for just a few teensy favors, it’s a scam. Unless it’s me. I’d never lie to you, reader dearest.
Now this, I agree with. As written, wild magic is one of the worst subclasses. I would almost never try to go in a long term campaign with one without changing the fireball surge or just using a different table. Being able to wipe the party for an accident is horrible, but any good (Non AL) DM would make sure that it doesn't completely ruin everyone's day. I think the idea of Wild Magic is the most fun, but it shouldn't punish your teammates.
Subclass Evaluations So Far:
My statblock. Fear me!
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