Sorry if this has been asked before (i tried looking it up but with no avail), but if i go devil’s sight/darkness i get advantage on all of my attacks, correct? That would make my familiar’s help action as well as my rapier’s vex ability useless. Then I’m better off going 15 strength, heavy armor and starting a level in fighter, right? I know a lot of people frown upon darkness, but still… Could I stay rapier/shield even with darkness/devil’s sight for when I’m not using darkness based on circumstances, or is that overkill?
The other thing to keep in mind is I’m running a Celestial Warlock, and those get the light cantrip, so is devil’s sight partially useless, or does that sort of stack for any situation?
Also, if I go darkness and go strength build, which weapon should I be using as a Pact of the Blade Fighter//Warlock? Again, sorry if all of this has been asked before. I tried looking, but am not thinking the straightest right now.
Devil's Sight and Darkness gives you advantage on all attacks against enemies that lack special senses to see you, like Blindsight or Tremorsense. They can't see you, but you can see them, so you have advantage.
I would suggest you stick with the rapier and shield. Something to keep in mind is that you might not always want to have out darkness. Depending on your party makeup, it is likely that you will have a couple party members that can not see in the darkness, so if you are fighting a single meaty target, like an Adult Red Dragon, your fighter and barbarian buddies might not want you blinding them for the whole fight. Keep in mind, that your concentration can also get broken mid fight, so the extra advantage from Vex will keep you having advantage more often than not.
Ok thanks. That makes sense I think. It’s weird, I’ve been over parts of my build so many times and just when i think i have it down-pat i wonder “what if.” I know some don’t like me planning so far ahead, but it’s what i think brings me joy out of playing… even if it’s before any actual gameplay. Anyway, hopefully my group gets back together and with the new 24 rules soon so I can finally try it. Thank you for your help!
That old devil’s sight/darkness build always seems to forget you are in a party of adventurers on your team. You place a darkness area, and now the rest of the party can’t see the enemies. Lots of attacks and spells involve targeting a creature or point you can see. So if they don’t have some way to see the enemies, you are hurting more than helping. It’s the kind of thing that sounds cool, but doesn’t really work that well in most situations.
Yeah, i get it can backfire. I might just stick with hold person and suggestion for my level 2 spells. Just trying to leave no stone unturned as far as options go. Thanks for your input, as always!
That old devil’s sight/darkness build always seems to forget you are in a party of adventurers on your team. You place a darkness area, and now the rest of the party can’t see the enemies. Lots of attacks and spells involve targeting a creature or point you can see. So if they don’t have some way to see the enemies, you are hurting more than helping. It’s the kind of thing that sounds cool, but doesn’t really work that well in most situations.
I haven't personally played in the situation, but does it work better if the Warlock fights ranged, and uses the Darkness as their own personal cover? Basically, pick a corner of the large room ( or a ways off to the side if outdoors) and fire off spells from within that? That way, the party can still see the foes (unless they decide to enter the Darkness themselves.)
I suppose if they do enter the darkness, everybody starts taking Hide actions, and then it becomes "Guess the Square!" for everyone except the Warlock?
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🎵I'm on top of the world, looking down on creation, wreaking death and devastation with my mind.
As the power that I've found erupts freely from the ground, I will cackle from the top of the world.🎵
That old devil’s sight/darkness build always seems to forget you are in a party of adventurers on your team. You place a darkness area, and now the rest of the party can’t see the enemies. Lots of attacks and spells involve targeting a creature or point you can see. So if they don’t have some way to see the enemies, you are hurting more than helping. It’s the kind of thing that sounds cool, but doesn’t really work that well in most situations.
I haven't personally played in the situation, but does it work better if the Warlock fights ranged, and uses the Darkness as their own personal cover? Basically, pick a corner of the large room ( or a ways off to the side if outdoors) and fire off spells from within that? That way, the party can still see the foes (unless they decide to enter the Darkness themselves.)
I suppose if they do enter the darkness, everybody starts taking Hide actions, and then it becomes "Guess the Square!" for everyone except the Warlock?
Yeah, more or less. The thing is, my build has thirsting and devouring blade, although it still features agonizing and repelling blast also. I guess I’m a bit of a hybrid. Is that a mistake?
i guess the question is whether or not my build needs to be more ranged focus to even consider using darkness.
I mean, if you can find a corner and a large enough room, which will happen sometimes but will be very campaign dependent. But even then you’re spending a round getting into position and casting darkness. So that’s 20-30 percent of the fight prepping instead of actually hitting the bad guys,
Lvl5 Devil Sight/Darkness Warlock and I've never cast Darkness. Another player cast it once when the martials were in a jam and it was better to give everyone disadvantage so the martials could run away. But I don't regret having it because I'm sure it will come in handy. We once fought manticores in a mostly open area and it would have been a lifesaver if I hadn't found a place to hide instead. Step out, EB, duck behind cover. Darkness is like Silence, we don't use it often but when we need it, it's amazing. Also, if your DM isn't experienced, make sure they understand Devil's Sight, mine had been treating it like darkvision.
Also, planning well ahead is a great idea because at low levels you won't need many spells besides EB, and you can only replace one spell when you level. Warlocks cast spells at the highest level so you don't want to fill up with low level spells that you'll want to replace later.
That said, 2024 Pact of the Chain with the Imp Familiar gets you Dollar Store Devil's Sight at the cost of your Bonus Action every round you're using it.
On the gripping hand the low-level Warlock has a lot of options competing for that Bonus Action, so it's probably not worth the setup.
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🎵I'm on top of the world, looking down on creation, wreaking death and devastation with my mind.
As the power that I've found erupts freely from the ground, I will cackle from the top of the world.🎵
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Sorry if this has been asked before (i tried looking it up but with no avail), but if i go devil’s sight/darkness i get advantage on all of my attacks, correct? That would make my familiar’s help action as well as my rapier’s vex ability useless. Then I’m better off going 15 strength, heavy armor and starting a level in fighter, right? I know a lot of people frown upon darkness, but still… Could I stay rapier/shield even with darkness/devil’s sight for when I’m not using darkness based on circumstances, or is that overkill?
The other thing to keep in mind is I’m running a Celestial Warlock, and those get the light cantrip, so is devil’s sight partially useless, or does that sort of stack for any situation?
Also, if I go darkness and go strength build, which weapon should I be using as a Pact of the Blade Fighter//Warlock? Again, sorry if all of this has been asked before. I tried looking, but am not thinking the straightest right now.
Devil's Sight and Darkness gives you advantage on all attacks against enemies that lack special senses to see you, like Blindsight or Tremorsense. They can't see you, but you can see them, so you have advantage.
I would suggest you stick with the rapier and shield. Something to keep in mind is that you might not always want to have out darkness. Depending on your party makeup, it is likely that you will have a couple party members that can not see in the darkness, so if you are fighting a single meaty target, like an Adult Red Dragon, your fighter and barbarian buddies might not want you blinding them for the whole fight. Keep in mind, that your concentration can also get broken mid fight, so the extra advantage from Vex will keep you having advantage more often than not.
Ok thanks. That makes sense I think. It’s weird, I’ve been over parts of my build so many times and just when i think i have it down-pat i wonder “what if.” I know some don’t like me planning so far ahead, but it’s what i think brings me joy out of playing… even if it’s before any actual gameplay. Anyway, hopefully my group gets back together and with the new 24 rules soon so I can finally try it. Thank you for your help!
(Any other ideas are welcome.)
That old devil’s sight/darkness build always seems to forget you are in a party of adventurers on your team. You place a darkness area, and now the rest of the party can’t see the enemies. Lots of attacks and spells involve targeting a creature or point you can see. So if they don’t have some way to see the enemies, you are hurting more than helping.
It’s the kind of thing that sounds cool, but doesn’t really work that well in most situations.
Yeah, i get it can backfire. I might just stick with hold person and suggestion for my level 2 spells. Just trying to leave no stone unturned as far as options go. Thanks for your input, as always!
I haven't personally played in the situation, but does it work better if the Warlock fights ranged, and uses the Darkness as their own personal cover? Basically, pick a corner of the large room ( or a ways off to the side if outdoors) and fire off spells from within that? That way, the party can still see the foes (unless they decide to enter the Darkness themselves.)
I suppose if they do enter the darkness, everybody starts taking Hide actions, and then it becomes "Guess the Square!" for everyone except the Warlock?
🎵I'm on top of the world, looking down on creation, wreaking death and devastation with my mind.
As the power that I've found erupts freely from the ground, I will cackle from the top of the world.🎵
Yeah, more or less. The thing is, my build has thirsting and devouring blade, although it still features agonizing and repelling blast also. I guess I’m a bit of a hybrid. Is that a mistake?
i guess the question is whether or not my build needs to be more ranged focus to even consider using darkness.
I mean, if you can find a corner and a large enough room, which will happen sometimes but will be very campaign dependent. But even then you’re spending a round getting into position and casting darkness. So that’s 20-30 percent of the fight prepping instead of actually hitting the bad guys,
Lvl5 Devil Sight/Darkness Warlock and I've never cast Darkness. Another player cast it once when the martials were in a jam and it was better to give everyone disadvantage so the martials could run away. But I don't regret having it because I'm sure it will come in handy. We once fought manticores in a mostly open area and it would have been a lifesaver if I hadn't found a place to hide instead. Step out, EB, duck behind cover. Darkness is like Silence, we don't use it often but when we need it, it's amazing. Also, if your DM isn't experienced, make sure they understand Devil's Sight, mine had been treating it like darkvision.
Also, planning well ahead is a great idea because at low levels you won't need many spells besides EB, and you can only replace one spell when you level. Warlocks cast spells at the highest level so you don't want to fill up with low level spells that you'll want to replace later.
That said, 2024 Pact of the Chain with the Imp Familiar gets you Dollar Store Devil's Sight at the cost of your Bonus Action every round you're using it.
On the gripping hand the low-level Warlock has a lot of options competing for that Bonus Action, so it's probably not worth the setup.
🎵I'm on top of the world, looking down on creation, wreaking death and devastation with my mind.
As the power that I've found erupts freely from the ground, I will cackle from the top of the world.🎵