can i have some clarity please. can i take a fighting style when i gain an ASI if i have the fighting style feature (from the fighter LVL 1)
Yes, you can. If you look at the ASI class feature (for any class, they're all the same) it says:
You gain the Ability Score Improvement feat or another feat of your choice for which you qualify.
This means you can take a feat from any category for this, as long as you meet the prerequisites. The Fighting Style feats all have a prerequisite of "Fighting Style feature", so you can only take them if you have that class feature (which is available in several classes).
can i have some clarity please. can i take a fighting style when i gain an ASI if i have the fighting style feature (from the fighter LVL 1)
Yes, you can. If you look at the ASI class feature (for any class, they're all the same) it says:
You gain the Ability Score Improvement feat or another feat of your choice for which you qualify.
This means you can take a feat from any category for this, as long as you meet the prerequisites. The Fighting Style feats all have a prerequisite of "Fighting Style feature", so you can only take them if you have that class feature (which is available in several classes).
thank you
No problem!