Currently, I have several encounters saved in the builder, but when I pulled up the page today all I got was the beholder looking back and forth with the phrase "Making a Wisdom (Perception) check to find encounters..." I've left it on this page for several minutes and nothing has changed.
I can still create encounters, but if I save them and return to the page where it should list those encounters it hangs there as before.
This is a known issue and the team is working to restore it. Please bear with us for a bit!
Edit: If you have access to the direct link for the encounter you're trying to view - those should load without any issues (as well as the tool itself).
Edit 2: Currently the tool itself is under maintenance. It will redirect you to a page indicating that you need to be subscribed, but this is serving as a temporary page - you do NOT need to be subscribed in order to utilize the encounter builder.
Edit 3: There's now a page in place to show that it's under maintenance. If anyone erroneously purchased a subscription, thinking it was required to access the Encounter Builder, please reach out to our support team:
Gotcha, sorry if this was a repost. I used the search function but didn't immediately see a thread about it. And thanks for getting back to me so fast.
Edit: If you have access to the direct link for the encounter you're trying to view - those should load without any issues (as well as the tool itself).
I assumed that was the case after the encounters I created I could still access with a link, but I didn't take down the links of my other encounters. Also, I should note that I've had to reload a new encounter page at least once or twice due to it seeming to get hung up as well. Eventually it worked, but I'm unsure if it's related to the other issue.
anyone having issues with the encounter builder today? it's asking me to subscribe (which i already am) and i cant access any of my created encounters nor can i make new ones...
This is probably related to whatever is being done to fix this, but I now get a "subscribe now" screen when trying to access the encounters (I am a subscriber and am logged in).
I got kicked from the encounter builder and cannot access my saved encounters. It's telling me I have to subscribe, which is odd since I have a current subscription.
Welp, I'm stupid and thought that my hero tier subscription no longer was enough for the encounter I bought a master tier subscription. At least my players can get my players handbook online now.
I'm having the same issue. I literally just made two encounters about an hour ago, and now I can't use them. It's telling me to subscribe even though I'm already subscribed. I kept my encounters open in another tab luckily, but I can't make any more at the moment nor can I access the ones I've made in the passed.
i was creating encounters this morning but when i went to make more it only pops up with the subscribe to get this access page but im already a subscriber
Currently, the team is performing maintenance on the encounter builder. During this time, if you try to go to the Encounter Builder you will see the page as if you don't have a subscription (even though you do not require one for the beta of the EB) until its back up and running.
Welp, I'm stupid and thought that my hero tier subscription no longer was enough for the encounter I bought a master tier subscription. At least my players can get my players handbook online now.
Hey there - the encounter builder is in open beta, so you shouldn't need any subscription to access it (though I understand the message that popped up made you think otherwise). If you would like to get a refund for your subscription purchase, please reach out to our support team:
Currently, the team is performing maintenance on the encounter builder. During this time, if you try to go to the Encounter Builder you will see the page as if you don't have a subscription (even though you do not require one for the beta of the EB) until its back up and running.
That's what I figured. Thanks for jumping on this so quickly.
Currently, I have several encounters saved in the builder, but when I pulled up the page today all I got was the beholder looking back and forth with the phrase "Making a Wisdom (Perception) check to find encounters..." I've left it on this page for several minutes and nothing has changed.
I can still create encounters, but if I save them and return to the page where it should list those encounters it hangs there as before.
Hey there -
This is a known issue and the team is working to restore it. Please bear with us for a bit!
Edit: If you have access to the direct link for the encounter you're trying to view - those should load without any issues (as well as the tool itself).Edit 2: Currently the tool itself is under maintenance.
It will redirect you to a page indicating that you need to be subscribed, but this is serving as a temporary page -you do NOT need to be subscribed in order to utilize the encounter builder.Edit 3: There's now a page in place to show that it's under maintenance. If anyone erroneously purchased a subscription, thinking it was required to access the Encounter Builder, please reach out to our support team:
Gotcha, sorry if this was a repost. I used the search function but didn't immediately see a thread about it. And thanks for getting back to me so fast.
I assumed that was the case after the encounters I created I could still access with a link, but I didn't take down the links of my other encounters. Also, I should note that I've had to reload a new encounter page at least once or twice due to it seeming to get hung up as well. Eventually it worked, but I'm unsure if it's related to the other issue.
anyone having issues with the encounter builder today? it's asking me to subscribe (which i already am) and i cant access any of my created encounters nor can i make new ones...
I cannot accses on android chrome, but I could in the past.
My friends and I are also having the same issue, likely just a bug.
This is probably related to whatever is being done to fix this, but I now get a "subscribe now" screen when trying to access the encounters (I am a subscriber and am logged in).
Okay, good to know it's not just me. I've tried on my phone as well and having the same issues.
I got kicked from the encounter builder and cannot access my saved encounters. It's telling me I have to subscribe, which is odd since I have a current subscription.
Encounter creator was just doing that to me on chrome, before telling me that I need to subscribe.
Welp, I'm stupid and thought that my hero tier subscription no longer was enough for the encounter I bought a master tier subscription. At least my players can get my players handbook online now.
I'm having the same issue. I literally just made two encounters about an hour ago, and now I can't use them. It's telling me to subscribe even though I'm already subscribed. I kept my encounters open in another tab luckily, but I can't make any more at the moment nor can I access the ones I've made in the passed.
Edit: I'm using the chrome web browser.
I'm having the same issue on chrome, telling me i need to subscribe even though I'm already subscribed. I'm guessing it's some kind of bug.
i was creating encounters this morning but when i went to make more it only pops up with the subscribe to get this access page but im already a subscriber
Currently, the team is performing maintenance on the encounter builder. During this time, if you try to go to the Encounter Builder you will see the page as if you don't have a subscription (even though you do not require one for the beta of the EB) until its back up and running.
I tried logging into Beyond on MS Edge (Eeeewwwww!) but got the same reply.
Hey there - the encounter builder is in open beta, so you shouldn't need any subscription to access it (though I understand the message that popped up made you think otherwise). If you would like to get a refund for your subscription purchase, please reach out to our support team:
That's what I figured. Thanks for jumping on this so quickly.
Same for me on Edge, chrome, firefox. Must be Buggin out
"Dat deeeemon come callin'"
Xaviorious Queue'nn (Tiefling Warlock)