- All Unearthed Arcana content from January 2018 onward will be integrated into D&D Beyond.
- Unearthed Arcana content that was released before January 2018 is either already available in a published source, or considered "archived" and will not be available as official UA on D&D Beyond.
- D&D Beyond will not include the previously released UA classes of artificer, mystic, and revised ranger. They were released prior to January 2018, and those versions of them are considered "archived".
- You may recreate "archived" Unearthed Arcana content as private homebrew to use on D&D Beyond, but may not submit it to be listed as public homebrew.
- To use Unearthed Arcana content with your characters, you must have the Playtest Content toggle turned on in your character preferences in the Home section during character creation.
I have had trouble adding a homebrew version of the Raven Queen patron as a Warlock subclass. I created it, but when I select it in character creation, I am unable to move any further in the process. I'm wondering if re-creation of "archived" UA content is somehow still restricted? I've been able to use my own homebrewed races and subraces, but I can't get this subclass to work.
I found the problem. I had re-created some of the Eldritch Invocations that are part of Xanathar's Guide as class features, but now that I have removed them, it's working properly.
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This content will be coming to D&D Beyond, but only from this year onwards. I would suggest you visit this link and take a look: https://www.dndbeyond.com/posts/137-unearthed-arcana-content-on-d-d-beyond
Highlights include:
- All Unearthed Arcana content from January 2018 onward will be integrated into D&D Beyond.
- Unearthed Arcana content that was released before January 2018 is either already available in a published source, or considered "archived" and will not be available as official UA on D&D Beyond.
- D&D Beyond will not include the previously released UA classes of artificer, mystic, and revised ranger. They were released prior to January 2018, and those versions of them are considered "archived".
- You may recreate "archived" Unearthed Arcana content as private homebrew to use on D&D Beyond, but may not submit it to be listed as public homebrew.
- To use Unearthed Arcana content with your characters, you must have the Playtest Content toggle turned on in your character preferences in the Home section during character creation.
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I have had trouble adding a homebrew version of the Raven Queen patron as a Warlock subclass. I created it, but when I select it in character creation, I am unable to move any further in the process. I'm wondering if re-creation of "archived" UA content is somehow still restricted? I've been able to use my own homebrewed races and subraces, but I can't get this subclass to work.
I found the problem. I had re-created some of the Eldritch Invocations that are part of Xanathar's Guide as class features, but now that I have removed them, it's working properly.