A lot of sites have a night mode or dark mode, featuring dark backgrounds with white text. It's quite popular, and I'd love to see this site with one. I use D&D Beyond almost every day, so it would be a cool accessibility feature. Easy on the eyes, and pretty easy to implement.
It's been brought up and asked for so many times that it brings Adam pain at its very mention. It's something they want to do, but it's not an easy undertaking as it means every element of the site has to be redesigned in terms of colour scheme. You can't just automate it
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Establish boundaries. And if anyone crosses them, speak up. If they don’t listen, there’s always cloudkill …
"Easy to implement." That's always conditional on how things are done on the back end, of which we cannot be certain how it's done just by viewing the client-side.
One of the worst things to tell a developer of a product you use but don't develop is, "All you have to do is...". Spelling mistakes, sure most of the time. Visual redesign, even just for color, not so sure much of the time.
On the idea of dark-mode. Certainly as an oft-requested feature. I'd love to have it. That gets my vote.
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Human. Male. Possibly. Don't be a divider. My characters' backgrounds are written like instruction manuals rather than stories. My opinion and preferences don't mean you're wrong. I am 99.7603% convinced that the digital dice are messing with me. I roll high when nobody's looking and low when anyone else can see.🎲 “It's a bit early to be thinking about an epitaph. No?” will be my epitaph.
I use an extension that flips my colors around to make any website 'dark mode'. I'm not exactly sure why, but Dndbeyond is one of the few websites where this extension doesn't work correctly. I suspect that this is an indication that adding a dark mode may be more complicated than just switching up some CSS.
There was a glimpse of dark mode in a dev-update by Adam, you can see how it looks like in this video: https://youtu.be/i0RbwqC6Zgs?t=102. As much as i like the clean UI of the website now, I ALWAYS choose to go dark mode when there is a possibility. Would love to see this implemented.
This add on was actually quite helpful for me for easier viewing of most of the site. There is still one area that is a problem for me, and it happens to be the area I use the most, and that's the character sheet. It still has the glaring white background for all of the different boxes on the sheet. Maybe there's a way to develop a dark mode character sheet theme?
Please please please create a dark mode for your website it is really hard on people's eyes including mine and it gives me headaches to have a glaring white background. I have tried to install dark mode plug-ins for Chrome but I use a tablet 99% of the time so they don't work. Friendly design is really important for your users who are reading content that they have purchased from you and who support your company.
Also if our screens are too bright when we are in the dungeons it will draw the attention of monsters... ;)
I would definitely like to see Dark mode as a content creator bright white websites mess with my lighting Stylish doesn't work wont allow me to sign up :P
I'm color-blind and have been using Stylish, but it's not ideal. Some of the color choices are not good for me. A native dark mode would be most appreciated.
A lot of sites have a night mode or dark mode, featuring dark backgrounds with white text. It's quite popular, and I'd love to see this site with one. I use D&D Beyond almost every day, so it would be a cool accessibility feature. Easy on the eyes, and pretty easy to implement.
Yeah. I might use that too.
It's been brought up and asked for so many times that it brings Adam pain at its very mention. It's something they want to do, but it's not an easy undertaking as it means every element of the site has to be redesigned in terms of colour scheme. You can't just automate it
If using a phone or tablet, you might be able to switch to nighttime colors somewhere in settings.
"Easy to implement." That's always conditional on how things are done on the back end, of which we cannot be certain how it's done just by viewing the client-side.
One of the worst things to tell a developer of a product you use but don't develop is, "All you have to do is...". Spelling mistakes, sure most of the time. Visual redesign, even just for color, not so sure much of the time.
On the idea of dark-mode. Certainly as an oft-requested feature. I'd love to have it. That gets my vote.
Human. Male. Possibly. Don't be a divider.
My characters' backgrounds are written like instruction manuals rather than stories. My opinion and preferences don't mean you're wrong.
I am 99.7603% convinced that the digital dice are messing with me. I roll high when nobody's looking and low when anyone else can see.🎲
“It's a bit early to be thinking about an epitaph. No?” will be my epitaph.
I use an extension that flips my colors around to make any website 'dark mode'. I'm not exactly sure why, but Dndbeyond is one of the few websites where this extension doesn't work correctly. I suspect that this is an indication that adding a dark mode may be more complicated than just switching up some CSS.
Sorry to revivify an old post, but a Dark Mode would be fantastic!
As someone sneaking around his roommates while planning a character in the middle of the night, this would be very helpful.
+1 to this! Would love a dark mode. Party time is a cool feature but dark mode would give a lot more utility and shik to the site ;)
There was a glimpse of dark mode in a dev-update by Adam, you can see how it looks like in this video:
As much as i like the clean UI of the website now, I ALWAYS choose to go dark mode when there is a possibility. Would love to see this implemented.
Hey all,
Just saw this thread and wondered if there was a browser plug in that could do this. Turns out there is for use with Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/dark-mode/dmghijelimhndkbmpgbldicpogfkceaj/related?hl=en
Once toggled on you just need to reload dndbeyond in a fresh tab, results are pretty good:
This add on was actually quite helpful for me for easier viewing of most of the site. There is still one area that is a problem for me, and it happens to be the area I use the most, and that's the character sheet. It still has the glaring white background for all of the different boxes on the sheet. Maybe there's a way to develop a dark mode character sheet theme?
I agree, however I found that it totally removed the data windows on my char sheet.
For those interested I've made an editable theme for both the majority of the main site and the new character sheet frame work including the dice roller. You can find it here https://github.com/Azmoria/dndbeyonddark/blob/master/README.md
I'll continue to update it as I run into things. You're welcome to edit and share it however you please. Example below with more examples in the link.
How to get your dice to look like the ones in my profile picture and a full site dark mode.
Tutorial thread by Hyrkali
Please please please create a dark mode for your website it is really hard on people's eyes including mine and it gives me headaches to have a glaring white background. I have tried to install dark mode plug-ins for Chrome but I use a tablet 99% of the time so they don't work. Friendly design is really important for your users who are reading content that they have purchased from you and who support your company.
Also if our screens are too bright when we are in the dungeons it will draw the attention of monsters... ;)
i am using the addon stylish (chrome)
I would definitely like to see Dark mode as a content creator bright white websites mess with my lighting
Stylish doesn't work wont allow me to sign up :P
I'm color-blind and have been using Stylish, but it's not ideal. Some of the color choices are not good for me. A native dark mode would be most appreciated.
Thanks! This worked well. I had chrome global dark mode enabled and it screwed up dndbeyond. This fixed the dark mode.
I'm using chrome, and the Night Eye extension seems to do a pretty ok job at making things "dark mode"