By default, once you're cursed with lycanthropy (which should really be called theranthropy), you can't get cursed again. But the GM could potentially rule that someone could be re-cursed into a different type if they wanted to.
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Find your own truth, choose your enemies carefully, and never deal with a dragon.
"Canon" is what's factual to D&D lore. "Cannon" is what you're going to be shot with if you keep getting the word wrong.
RAW? Probably nothing special. But this has my creativity spinning, so I'll take a crack at some potentially fun ideas:
- Strain mutation: If one kind of lycanthropy doesn't confer immunity to all the rest, perhaps the different types are like different strains of the flu, and they can mutate. Perhaps a new super-strain eventually emerges, with greater risk and stronger abilities. Or mixed abilities from both types.
- Type shifting: Maybe the second bite overrides the first and the lycan's beast form changes. Maybe some types (werewolves, werebears) are like dominant genes, making other types (wereravens) more rare in the wild.
- Double negative event horizon: Maybe different/specific types of lycanthropy can cancel each other out.
- Gotta catch 'em all: Maybe lycanthropy is incurable...unless you get bitten by every type and distill a cure from your own blood and wolfsbane during a lunar eclipse.
what happens if someone gets bitten by two different lycanthrope types
By default, once you're cursed with lycanthropy (which should really be called theranthropy), you can't get cursed again. But the GM could potentially rule that someone could be re-cursed into a different type if they wanted to.
Find your own truth, choose your enemies carefully, and never deal with a dragon.
"Canon" is what's factual to D&D lore. "Cannon" is what you're going to be shot with if you keep getting the word wrong.
RAW? Probably nothing special. But this has my creativity spinning, so I'll take a crack at some potentially fun ideas:
- Strain mutation: If one kind of lycanthropy doesn't confer immunity to all the rest, perhaps the different types are like different strains of the flu, and they can mutate. Perhaps a new super-strain eventually emerges, with greater risk and stronger abilities. Or mixed abilities from both types.
- Type shifting: Maybe the second bite overrides the first and the lycan's beast form changes. Maybe some types (werewolves, werebears) are like dominant genes, making other types (wereravens) more rare in the wild.
- Double negative event horizon: Maybe different/specific types of lycanthropy can cancel each other out.
- Gotta catch 'em all: Maybe lycanthropy is incurable...unless you get bitten by every type and distill a cure from your own blood and wolfsbane during a lunar eclipse.
If lycanthropy is considered as a disease you could have 2 forms of lycanthropy and transform into some kind of hybrid.