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I tried exporting one of my characters to a PDF but it looks like the DnD 5.0 character sheet. I thought they redesigned it for DnD 2024? Is it just not available yet for dndbeyond?
Probably not available yet.
The new Printable Character Sheet is located here:
As far as D&D Beyond changing to the new style, I'm not sure that has been announced on what the timeframe might be.
Yeah I don't want to fill out a blank one- I was hoping to "export pdf" and have it be in the new format. Please DnDBeyond fix this!
Thanks for the link though!
My guess would be that it is on some intern's "to do" list sometime after the three main books are fully released on DDB.
Is this a official charachter sheet
Quote from Blakebeat >> Is this a official charachter sheet
If you are asking about the one I linked, then yes, that is from the 2024 books.
I tried exporting one of my characters to a PDF but it looks like the DnD 5.0 character sheet. I thought they redesigned it for DnD 2024? Is it just not available yet for dndbeyond?
Probably not available yet.
The new Printable Character Sheet is located here:
As far as D&D Beyond changing to the new style, I'm not sure that has been announced on what the timeframe might be.
Yeah I don't want to fill out a blank one- I was hoping to "export pdf" and have it be in the new format. Please DnDBeyond fix this!
Thanks for the link though!
My guess would be that it is on some intern's "to do" list sometime after the three main books are fully released on DDB.
Is this a official charachter sheet
If you are asking about the one I linked, then yes, that is from the 2024 books.