If I want access to every- Species, SUB_class, Background, Spell & Monster- on beyond , what do I need to buy to have access to everything on my beyond. will the 3 core books suffice or do i also need Tasha's , Xanathar's and the like
would this be on top of a master tier subscription. how does it all work ??
what digital books or bundles should I buy exactly to get full access ??
Master tier lets you share, and gives you some other bonuses, but doesn’t give you access to anything by itself. Really, you’d have to buy almost everything except the adventures. The PHB, Tasha’s and Xanathar’s, plus mordenkainen’s will get you the bulk of the options. But to really get every, you’ll also need the setting books (Theros, ravinca, spelljammer, eberron, etc.), as most of them have a few things each. And of course Fizban’s and Bigby’s and Book of Many Things. You really do need most of the books if you want all of the options. And that’s without getting into 3rd party content.
I’d ask, are you doing this because you’re a completionist? Or do you feel it’s expected of a DM? I’m not trying to discourage you, it’s just a big investment, and you’ll likely find you won’t end up using all of it.
Personally, I'd buy stuff as I need it. There is way more content than you would ever possibly need and the cost is well over a $1,000 at this point. For example, there are over a 100 species (not including subspecies). That's enough to have a new character every single year from the year you're born to the one you die without ever having to repeat...do you really need all of them? Perhaps your pockets are endless...but personally, I'd just wait until I needed a specific option, the buy that book. Perhaps take advantage of sales to buy the major ones that Xalthu mentioned. Might save you a pretty penny.
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If you're not willing or able to to discuss in good faith, then don't be surprised if I don't respond, there are better things in life for me to do than humour you. This signature is that response.
I would stick with the core three, and Xanathar's and Tasha's for now. That'll get you most of the options, which is probably why the latter two unfortunately never seem to go on sale. Anything else which really catches your eye you could probably pick one or two up on the Black Friday sale, but that's about it.
In addition to what others have said, I would also suggest you to go to your D&D community (whether online or offline) for free access to content. There are plenty of GMs who purchased lots of stuff on Beyond, who are more than willing to drop a character into a campaign, so all the sharee needs to do is get Master Tier subscription so they and the rest of the campaign can access everything.
Beyond also is not the only digital platform. There are Roll20 and Fantasy Grounds, and you will bound to find a GM that has access to everything on at least one of the three major platforms. There is Foundry too, but they are a relatively recent collaboration and are missing at least 90% of the official books.
hello players & DM's
old player new to DMing
If I want access to every- Species, SUB_class, Background, Spell & Monster- on beyond , what do I need to buy to have access to everything on my beyond. will the 3 core books suffice or do i also need Tasha's , Xanathar's and the like
would this be on top of a master tier subscription. how does it all work ??
what digital books or bundles should I buy exactly to get full access ??
Thx in advance ;p
Master tier lets you share, and gives you some other bonuses, but doesn’t give you access to anything by itself.
Really, you’d have to buy almost everything except the adventures.
The PHB, Tasha’s and Xanathar’s, plus mordenkainen’s will get you the bulk of the options. But to really get every, you’ll also need the setting books (Theros, ravinca, spelljammer, eberron, etc.), as most of them have a few things each. And of course Fizban’s and Bigby’s and Book of Many Things. You really do need most of the books if you want all of the options.
And that’s without getting into 3rd party content.
I’d ask, are you doing this because you’re a completionist? Or do you feel it’s expected of a DM? I’m not trying to discourage you, it’s just a big investment, and you’ll likely find you won’t end up using all of it.
Personally, I'd buy stuff as I need it. There is way more content than you would ever possibly need and the cost is well over a $1,000 at this point. For example, there are over a 100 species (not including subspecies). That's enough to have a new character every single year from the year you're born to the one you die without ever having to repeat...do you really need all of them? Perhaps your pockets are endless...but personally, I'd just wait until I needed a specific option, the buy that book. Perhaps take advantage of sales to buy the major ones that Xalthu mentioned. Might save you a pretty penny.
If you're not willing or able to to discuss in good faith, then don't be surprised if I don't respond, there are better things in life for me to do than humour you. This signature is that response.
I would stick with the core three, and Xanathar's and Tasha's for now. That'll get you most of the options, which is probably why the latter two unfortunately never seem to go on sale. Anything else which really catches your eye you could probably pick one or two up on the Black Friday sale, but that's about it.
In addition to what others have said, I would also suggest you to go to your D&D community (whether online or offline) for free access to content. There are plenty of GMs who purchased lots of stuff on Beyond, who are more than willing to drop a character into a campaign, so all the sharee needs to do is get Master Tier subscription so they and the rest of the campaign can access everything.
Beyond also is not the only digital platform. There are Roll20 and Fantasy Grounds, and you will bound to find a GM that has access to everything on at least one of the three major platforms. There is Foundry too, but they are a relatively recent collaboration and are missing at least 90% of the official books.
Check Licenses and Resync Entitlements: < https://www.dndbeyond.com/account/licenses >
Running the Game by Matt Colville; Introduction: < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-YZvLUXcR8 >
D&D with High School Students by Bill Allen; Season 1 Episode 1: < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52NJTUDokyk&t >
thank-you all for your comments
I think from what everyone is saying I'll start with master tier, the 3core books. Xanathar's & Tasha's
maybe Biggby's too just cause i like it ;p
along with the campain I wrote i think it should be sufficient for the newb group i'm starting
i'll let yall know ;p