One half of the forest has a Gnoll problem and you roll the Sylvan Forest Encounters table (see the 2014 Dungeon Master's Guide). While the other half of the Forest has an Ettercap infestation, so most of the plantlife is choked out by spiderwebs with only fungi remaining and it's extremely dark and infested with insects. The infested side is of course filled with ettercaps, swarms of insects, giant spiders, giant wolf spiders, fiendish giant spiders, giant centipedes, giant wasps and even assassin bugs (see Out of the Abyss and Mordenkainen's Fiendish Folio Volume1). The Infested Effects table and the Magic Mushroom Effects table (see Tasha's Cauldron of Everything) can be rolled here.
I think it can work, and you don't actually have to let them just go in any direction. The terrain can create clear pathways between zones while other are obstructed by cliffs, rivers, heavy vegetation. Not saying a dedicated group couldn't find a way past, but you can make a clear "hiking trail" between zones if you wish.
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One half of the forest has a Gnoll problem and you roll the Sylvan Forest Encounters table (see the 2014 Dungeon Master's Guide). While the other half of the Forest has an Ettercap infestation, so most of the plantlife is choked out by spiderwebs with only fungi remaining and it's extremely dark and infested with insects. The infested side is of course filled with ettercaps, swarms of insects, giant spiders, giant wolf spiders, fiendish giant spiders, giant centipedes, giant wasps and even assassin bugs (see Out of the Abyss and Mordenkainen's Fiendish Folio Volume1). The Infested Effects table and the Magic Mushroom Effects table (see Tasha's Cauldron of Everything) can be rolled here.
The adventure could have more purposes to accomplish in the Sylvan Forest other than just kill monsters.
Save the Unicorn caught in the middle of the conflict.
Facilitate silk trade between Pixies and the Ettercap Queen.
Divert Gnoll tribe into the Feywild via a portal.
Help Wild Elves restore peache with the Glade of Tranquility.
Well, maybe a non-violent solution can be found.
The idea of saving a Unicorn from the Gnolls or Ettercaps sounds like a great idea.
Maybe either the shadow fell or feywild is leaking into the forest.
Depending on what your fam likes you could either go feywild theme or shadow fell theme .
They could need to find all the cracks in the plane and fix them, and figure out what’s created the cracks snd solve that.
Well, it was a forest filled with fey of course it's tied to the feywild, so it attracted Gnolls and Ettercaps who are natural enemies of the fey.
Maybe it could lead to another adventure introducing them to the Domains of Delight.
Maybe there could be a colony of Myconids in the infested area?
I think it can work, and you don't actually have to let them just go in any direction. The terrain can create clear pathways between zones while other are obstructed by cliffs, rivers, heavy vegetation. Not saying a dedicated group couldn't find a way past, but you can make a clear "hiking trail" between zones if you wish.