A bardadin as glorious as he is brave. The one the only Glory Paladin Valor bard multiclass. Strangely I don't want 17 levels bard 3 levels paladin, but 15 level paladin 5 levels bard.
Race MoM Hobgoblin Stats str 18 dex 10 con 17 int 8 wis 8 cha 20 plus tavern brawler
Level 1-3 paladin glory (extra hit points for team, divine smite, defensive fighting style plus chainmail plus shield 19, flail (maybe), advantage to athletics)
level 4-8 Valor bard ( Extra Ac for squishy caster, expertise athletics)
level 9 - 20 glory paladin (extra ac for squishy casters , aura of protection and Alacrity)
In short: decent AC 19 (21 with plate), insane grappler, spite for disadvantage in benefit of squishy casters, up to 13 extra ac for squishy caster, and early 3rd level spell slots. ( maybe not better at fighting, but better grappler and support than normal glory paladin).
With most of these questions it’s always what YOU want to do. It doesn’t really matter what anybody thinks but I’m going to give you my opinion. I feel like knight is a bit of a clunky killer if you know what I mean. His gameplay is very slow and he doesn’t have that good pressure and he can be hard to play. BUT he has an awesome design with a cool ability and his anti loop game is crazy. His ability can in some chases close it down almost immediately. He has a descent high skill ceiling so you could get very good at him. So if you feel like he would be something for you then I would say go for it bro!
With most of these questions it’s always what YOU want to do. It doesn’t really matter what anybody thinks but I’m going to give you my opinion. I feel like knight is a bit of a clunky killer if you know what I mean. His gameplay is very slow and he doesn’t have that good pressure and he can be hard to play. BUT he has an awesome design with a cool ability and his anti loop game is crazy. His ability can in some chases close it down almost immediately. He has a descent high skill ceiling so you could get very good at him. So if you feel like he would be something for you then I would say go for it bro!
Thanks for the constructive criticism. I know it is pretty slow at doing damage, but glory paladins in general were never the best paladin for that, so I tried amplifying two of its traits, support and grappling. For support the build can use inspiring smite, glorious defense and combat inspiration, spite, and aura of protection. For grappling the build get proficiency, expertise and advantage with peerless athlete. This build is decently bulky and can support for a decent duration, although it is not made to tank switching tavern brawler with sentinel could make it a bit tankish. However, it wasn't designed to tank but help others tank. It gets divine and improved divine smite, so I guess if you want to play offensively with all your 3rd level spell slots you can.
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A bardadin as glorious as he is brave. The one the only Glory Paladin Valor bard multiclass. Strangely I don't want 17 levels bard 3 levels paladin, but 15 level paladin 5 levels bard.
Race MoM Hobgoblin Stats str 18 dex 10 con 17 int 8 wis 8 cha 20 plus tavern brawler
Level 1-3 paladin glory (extra hit points for team, divine smite, defensive fighting style plus chainmail plus shield 19, flail (maybe), advantage to athletics)
level 4-8 Valor bard ( Extra Ac for squishy caster, expertise athletics)
level 9 - 20 glory paladin (extra ac for squishy casters , aura of protection and Alacrity)
In short: decent AC 19 (21 with plate), insane grappler, spite for disadvantage in benefit of squishy casters, up to 13 extra ac for squishy caster, and early 3rd level spell slots. ( maybe not better at fighting, but better grappler and support than normal glory paladin).
I think you made a mistake here.
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With most of these questions it’s always what YOU want to do. It doesn’t really matter what anybody thinks but I’m going to give you my opinion. I feel like knight is a bit of a clunky killer if you know what I mean. His gameplay is very slow and he doesn’t have that good pressure and he can be hard to play. BUT he has an awesome design with a cool ability and his anti loop game is crazy. His ability can in some chases close it down almost immediately. He has a descent high skill ceiling so you could get very good at him. So if you feel like he would be something for you then I would say go for it bro!
No the Valor bard can give their bardic insperation die away and the squishy casters can roll a d8 at my characters level 8 to their AC
Thanks for the constructive criticism. I know it is pretty slow at doing damage, but glory paladins in general were never the best paladin for that, so I tried amplifying two of its traits, support and grappling. For support the build can use inspiring smite, glorious defense and combat inspiration, spite, and aura of protection. For grappling the build get proficiency, expertise and advantage with peerless athlete. This build is decently bulky and can support for a decent duration, although it is not made to tank switching tavern brawler with sentinel could make it a bit tankish. However, it wasn't designed to tank but help others tank. It gets divine and improved divine smite, so I guess if you want to play offensively with all your 3rd level spell slots you can.