Disclaimer this is not asking something about a particular subclass just a hypothetical
Question: What would be the best dnd build if every level was a subclass feature?
Rules: 1. No using the same ability twice ( you can't get two of the same feature, but you could get multiple features from the same subclass). 2. If a subclass feature involves a feature from it's class you get that feature. (rage and totem warrior) 3. You can use multiple subclasses from the same class. 4. The features are determined by level kind of. ( If you pick samurai and pick it's third level feature you would gain all of the features or exchange 1 (two in some cases) to get a different feature.
I would like to give some helpful abilities that might be pretty good. Inspiring surge, bastion of law, and all the wizard abilities. Cavaliers get 3 abilities at one level meaning you could pick one of them and pick 2 abilities from another class.
No PHB 2024 classes have subclass features on levels 4, 5 (except UA artificer), 8, 12, 16, or 19. Haven't yet done a similar analysis on '14.Are you assuming that the features can be taken at any level?
Edit: 2014 list with the PHB and Tasha's Artificer is the same, except for level 8, where Cleric has a subclass feature.. oh and there are classes with subclass features for Level 1 and 2
Disclaimer this is not asking something about a particular subclass just a hypothetical
Question: What would be the best dnd build if every level was a subclass feature?
Rules: 1. No using the same ability twice ( you can't get two of the same feature, but you could get multiple features from the same subclass). 2. If a subclass feature involves a feature from it's class you get that feature. (rage and totem warrior) 3. You can use multiple subclasses from the same class. 4. The features are determined by level kind of. ( If you pick samurai and pick it's third level feature you would gain all of the features or exchange 1 (two in some cases) to get a different feature.
I would like to give some helpful abilities that might be pretty good. Inspiring surge, bastion of law, and all the wizard abilities. Cavaliers get 3 abilities at one level meaning you could pick one of them and pick 2 abilities from another class.
No PHB 2024 classes have subclass features on levels 4, 5 (except UA artificer), 8, 12, 16, or 19. Haven't yet done a similar analysis on '14.Are you assuming that the features can be taken at any level?
Edit: 2014 list with the PHB and Tasha's Artificer is the same, except for level 8, where Cleric has a subclass feature.. oh and there are classes with subclass features for Level 1 and 2
🎵I'm on top of the world, looking down on creation, wreaking death and devastation with my mind.
As the power that I've found erupts freely from the ground, I will cackle from the top of the world.🎵
yeah so able to take their specific ability in a range of 5 levels so you could take a level 1,2,or 3 ability at levels 5
Pass, this isn't Pathfinder.
you allowed to use one dnd and 5e