I am the DM of a campaign in 5e with a coastal setting. Our group has some players who can no longer show up and i figured i'd look in these forums to see if we could fill up a few spots. We play on Saturdays around 7 P.M. (MST). Whatever kind of character you want to bring in you can as we have a Tabaxi Ranger, and a Goliath Rouge who is very poor Dex. More interesting character the better.
Class warlock, pact of the tome, pact of the great old one.
18 DEX
13 INT
12 CON
18 WIS
20 CHA
Angolon was a bastard child between a human captain and an elven merchant who booked passage on the merchant vessel the ss Enterprise. Angolon never knew his mother but he grew up with his father. Angolon was frail and weak but he had the eyes of a hawk and was the lookout. He always wanted to become a wizard but his father would only allow it when Angolon turned 20. While waiting to come of age Angolon bought many books whenever they docked. One day he went to a library and a crazed librarian begged Angolon to take the book, saying it had driven him mad. Angolon wasn't afraid of a mere book so he took it.
Unbeknownst to Angolon the book contained forbidden knowledge from the great old one. As he began reading it one day Angolon realized that this book contained secrets if the arcana. But then a huge kraken emerged from the waters. Crushing the hull like paper. Masses of tentacles grabbed crew members tossing them into the krakens jaws like popcorn. Angolon’s father was torn asunder before his very eyes. Angolon was wrapped in the beasts tentacles clutching the book in hand he uttered a random incantation. Then a portal formed thrusting him into the far realm witnessing eldritch horrors forever haunt Angolon’s dreams. The transition was instant but it felt like hours. Angolon was teleported to the middle of a forest in tatters and soaked in salt water. Angolon scrambled away from the book. After a few minutes he rested. Then he heard the cry of a wolf he grabbed the book uttered a random incantation and and a beam of energy shot out of his hands killing the wolf. He looked at the book. It was made of jet black leather and on the front of the book embellished octopus head and a beard of tentacles. He knew that this book was dangerous but it offered him the ability to become a mage without the decades of study required to become a wizard. He held the book in one hand and walked to the nearest city.
Background haunted one
Character traits
Immense fear of large bodies of water and aberrations
Tries to hide his past behind his charisma
Tries to keep the true nature of his arcane abilities hidden.
Hey, im a long time d&d player and would love to join in on the campaign. Im in EST but the timing work out great for me. As far as a character goes i could whip up something in no time. I've always had an idea about a smartish half orc with aspirations of wizardry. Anyway look forward to hearing from you either way.
I would be highly interested. My character is a female Mountain Dwarf Cleric named Dora "The Explorer" Traekson. As a level 1 Sun Cleric, she has Guidance, Light, Thaumaturgy, Bless, Cure Wounds, Create or Destroy Water, Command, and Shield of Faith. She is trained in Perception, Insight, Religion, and Survival. She wields a mace and about that channels the favor of her god, Ilmater. She is an acolyte of the heroic Shields of Ilmater, a group dedicated to the protection of others and the preservation of craftsmen. She can speak Celestial, Draconic, Dwarven, and Common Speech. Her statistics are:
STR 12
CON 17
INT 12
WIS 15
CHA 10
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I always use my dwarf cleric Dora, the Explorer.
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I am the DM of a campaign in 5e with a coastal setting. Our group has some players who can no longer show up and i figured i'd look in these forums to see if we could fill up a few spots. We play on Saturdays around 7 P.M. (MST). Whatever kind of character you want to bring in you can as we have a Tabaxi Ranger, and a Goliath Rouge who is very poor Dex. More interesting character the better.
Character name Angolon
Race half elf
Class warlock, pact of the tome, pact of the great old one.
18 DEX
13 INT
12 CON
18 WIS
20 CHA
Angolon was a bastard child between a human captain and an elven merchant who booked passage on the merchant vessel the ss Enterprise. Angolon never knew his mother but he grew up with his father. Angolon was frail and weak but he had the eyes of a hawk and was the lookout. He always wanted to become a wizard but his father would only allow it when Angolon turned 20. While waiting to come of age Angolon bought many books whenever they docked. One day he went to a library and a crazed librarian begged Angolon to take the book, saying it had driven him mad. Angolon wasn't afraid of a mere book so he took it.
Unbeknownst to Angolon the book contained forbidden knowledge from the great old one. As he began reading it one day Angolon realized that this book contained secrets if the arcana. But then a huge kraken emerged from the waters. Crushing the hull like paper. Masses of tentacles grabbed crew members tossing them into the krakens jaws like popcorn. Angolon’s father was torn asunder before his very eyes. Angolon was wrapped in the beasts tentacles clutching the book in hand he uttered a random incantation. Then a portal formed thrusting him into the far realm witnessing eldritch horrors forever haunt Angolon’s dreams. The transition was instant but it felt like hours. Angolon was teleported to the middle of a forest in tatters and soaked in salt water. Angolon scrambled away from the book. After a few minutes he rested. Then he heard the cry of a wolf he grabbed the book uttered a random incantation and and a beam of energy shot out of his hands killing the wolf. He looked at the book. It was made of jet black leather and on the front of the book embellished octopus head and a beard of tentacles. He knew that this book was dangerous but it offered him the ability to become a mage without the decades of study required to become a wizard. He held the book in one hand and walked to the nearest city.
Background haunted one
Character traits
Immense fear of large bodies of water and aberrations
Tries to hide his past behind his charisma
Tries to keep the true nature of his arcane abilities hidden.
I'd love to join your game.
I really like the character, good backstory and it works with the area
Hey, im a long time d&d player and would love to join in on the campaign. Im in EST but the timing work out great for me. As far as a character goes i could whip up something in no time. I've always had an idea about a smartish half orc with aspirations of wizardry. Anyway look forward to hearing from you either way.
well actually that would work wonderfully, i like interesting characters
I would be highly interested. My character is a female Mountain Dwarf Cleric named Dora "The Explorer" Traekson. As a level 1 Sun Cleric, she has Guidance, Light, Thaumaturgy, Bless, Cure Wounds, Create or Destroy Water, Command, and Shield of Faith. She is trained in Perception, Insight, Religion, and Survival. She wields a mace and about that channels the favor of her god, Ilmater. She is an acolyte of the heroic Shields of Ilmater, a group dedicated to the protection of others and the preservation of craftsmen. She can speak Celestial, Draconic, Dwarven, and Common Speech. Her statistics are:
STR 12
CON 17
INT 12
WIS 15
CHA 10
I always use my dwarf cleric Dora, the Explorer.