Hi. I am a noob to DnD. I only played once and I haven't been able to play again. Looking for a group to take me under their wing. I'm free most of the day except from 5pm till 830pm est (work) and I'm not free on Sunday or Tuesday nights (I play WoW and have guild runs on those nights). I have done PbP rps before and I'm ok with doing that too. I have discord so that should help with anyone that uses that. Would love to try 5e since I played 2e and that was interesting to say the least. But yeah, I'm ready to play! If you are a DM, free feel to email me at: visebabe87@yahoo.com or send a reply on here. Thanks!
Hi. I am a noob to DnD. I only played once and I haven't been able to play again. Looking for a group to take me under their wing. I'm free most of the day except from 5pm till 830pm est (work) and I'm not free on Sunday or Tuesday nights (I play WoW and have guild runs on those nights). I have done PbP rps before and I'm ok with doing that too. I have discord so that should help with anyone that uses that. Would love to try 5e since I played 2e and that was interesting to say the least. But yeah, I'm ready to play! If you are a DM, free feel to email me at: visebabe87@yahoo.com or send a reply on here. Thanks!
I am also very new, and would like to play if a group is formed by chance.