Looking for homebrew world or maybe a modified module but no paid games
Reason for this post: I'll been a forever Dm for 10+ years now running three games currently (two inclusive lgbtq+ game & kid's game i run i at my childrens hospital) a week. I want to be a player again an explore other peoples creative visions of their homebrew worlds or even some set in any dnd settings. I m feeling during this pandemic am edging close to dm burn out an need to search for a game i can re energize myself by being a player.
We are looking for a possible game on: Thur 1-6 pm est due to our previous dm got covid an is hospitalized for a while so they toward us to go ahead find another game
a bit about me : I'm Brandon he/him 37 grey ace . I'm peds ortho : robotic prosthetic specialist so given my career path. I feel am pretty creative with my mind an given my exp in dming/larping for so long. I can give any table a great co-operative player that can think on their feet an has been around enough to know how to boost/assist the other players around them an know when to give the others the spotlight. I'm here for the story an am big on lore so i try to explore every plot hook to the fullest. I m a patient an supportive person in rl an in game. I m totally fine making any character the party needs. I m here to rise up the group an hopefully gain some friends in the end.
We as a group are in the age 20's-30's an all have exp ranging from 2+-10+ or more. We are just excited to play an explore peoples worlds or just play some dnd
We are players that go by these statements
We enjoy working in a team to overcome dizzying odds.
We want to and try to include everyone in the RP.
We enjoy it when other characters get their moment to shine.
We try to create realistic characters that interact with the world appropriately.
We treat the NPCs like they’re more than just quest-givers; like real people living in that world.
We consider the DM to be a player at the table.
We are not scared of rules.
We don't take RP consequences personally.
We understand that dying may be a consequence of our actions.
We treat other players and the DM with respect.
We take the DM’s time and the other players’ time seriously and show up ready and on time for sessions.
to the person above me i think he meant he wants a dm. i could do it but i am generally a newbie as a dm and am 16 years old. i can start play as long as we start between 1 - 4 pm est.
and there we go you got a good dm please do not contact me again i will feel like it's a pity choice if you choose me and that would make me uncomfortable and unhappy. have a nice campgain
Looking for homebrew world or maybe a modified module but no paid games
Reason for this post: I'll been a forever Dm for 10+ years now running three games currently (two inclusive lgbtq+ game & kid's game i run i at my childrens hospital) a week. I want to be a player again an explore other peoples creative visions of their homebrew worlds or even some set in any dnd settings. I m feeling during this pandemic am edging close to dm burn out an need to search for a game i can re energize myself by being a player.
We are looking for a possible game on: Thur 1-6 pm est due to our previous dm got covid an is hospitalized for a while so they toward us to go ahead find another game
a bit about me : I'm Brandon he/him 37 grey ace . I'm peds ortho : robotic prosthetic specialist so given my career path. I feel am pretty creative with my mind an given my exp in dming/larping for so long. I can give any table a great co-operative player that can think on their feet an has been around enough to know how to boost/assist the other players around them an know when to give the others the spotlight. I'm here for the story an am big on lore so i try to explore every plot hook to the fullest. I m a patient an supportive person in rl an in game. I m totally fine making any character the party needs. I m here to rise up the group an hopefully gain some friends in the end.
We as a group are in the age 20's-30's an all have exp ranging from 2+-10+ or more. We are just excited to play an explore peoples worlds or just play some dnd
We are players that go by these statements
We enjoy working in a team to overcome dizzying odds.
We want to and try to include everyone in the RP.
We enjoy it when other characters get their moment to shine.
We try to create realistic characters that interact with the world appropriately.
We treat the NPCs like they’re more than just quest-givers; like real people living in that world.
We consider the DM to be a player at the table.
We are not scared of rules.
We don't take RP consequences personally.
We understand that dying may be a consequence of our actions.
We treat other players and the DM with respect.
We take the DM’s time and the other players’ time seriously and show up ready and on time for sessions.
Brandon (he/him ,Grey Ace )
I'm fine to join! Do you have a rogue yet?
to the person above me i think he meant he wants a dm. i could do it but i am generally a newbie as a dm and am 16 years old. i can start play as long as we start between 1 - 4 pm est.
my discord is Vek#3166
Yes this is a looking for DM post
alright cool but can i get an answer? or you friend me? i can't tell are you talking to me or the guy above me
i have to check with the others when i get out of work if that time would be fine i ll message you if that is fine
yeh that's cool
hey, im 27 and been dming for 6 years, if youre still looking for a dm id be happy to do it
central time
"Player 3"#5429
and there we go you got a good dm please do not contact me again i will feel like it's a pity choice if you choose me and that would make me uncomfortable and unhappy. have a nice campgain
i sent you a pm asking some details about your campaign