I am looking to replace 3 spots for a weekly campaign on Thursday 1pm-3pm EST. The setting is homebrew with minimal history currently as I plan on making the history around the players' characters. We plan on playing on Discord and Roll20 if you are interested friend BeepBoop#2303
I am looking to replace 3 spots for a weekly campaign on Thursday 1pm-3pm EST. The setting is homebrew with minimal history currently as I plan on making the history around the players' characters. We plan on playing on Discord and Roll20 if you are interested friend BeepBoop#2303
I would like to learn how to play I always hear people talking about it at work and I would like to ask to join the conversation
If there is ever a chance for the times/day to change, would be interested. Have Discord and Roll20
Hey is there a chance i could Join im really new to dnd and want to start a campaign my discord is blanco_joker#9673 I play As a Goliath rouge lol