Hi there! My name's Alex. I hope I'm posting in the right forum, please advise me if I am not!
As I'm sure most of us do, I've always dreamed of being able to be on some form of ttrpg podcast or show. I'm struggling to make ends meet as a university student so of course any chance to earn a bit of coin via patreon or advertisements would be really swaggy, but truthfully my goal is more that I want a way to be part of something bigger. Dimension 20 is, of course, iconic, and I watched a bit of critical roll when I was younger as well. Lately, I've been obsessed with Legends of Avantris, and particularly their ongoing campaign The Wild Beyond The Witchlight. It has a very cosy, familiar feel as it's not some big production it's simply watching a group of friends bond and grow. Watching these always brings me so much comfort & while I want to be realistic, being able to provide a source of fun and warmth for an audience regardless of size sounds like heaven. I have a bit of access to advertise so to speak already VIA a small tiktok fanbase and a roomate with a much larger digital platform. I think if a campaign doesn't work out, a podcast centered on various dungeons & dragons themes could also be super fun! (I.e as a psychology major I love learning about the psychological impacts dnd can have, sharing advice, looking at ttrpgs through a neurodivergent & queer lens, etc).
I didn't think this would be viable, but I figured why not at least try reach out! Life has been crazy enough lately that you never know what could happen. If you happen to hail from Ontario, Canada, meeting in person might be possible! Otherwise, I would love to get in contact & look into starting something virtually. You can contact me by replying or by my email alexxxbearrr@gmail.com (I don't tend to check dndbeyond super often-). I also might be able to get a couple other IRL people involved in this, such as my boyfriend.
A little bit about me. I'm 19, he/they. I'm openly diagnosed with ADHD & suspected undiagnosed autism. I prefer to play with fellow queer / neurodivergent identifying players but its' not necessary. I've been in love with rolling the dice off and on for around 4 years, and with all things adventure and fantasy since childhood. I succumbed to the Forever DM curse about a year ago, (I believe I've ran 4 or 5 thus far?) but I'm pretty comfy with any position! I love everything from horror to comedy, but one thing that will always stick with me is my preference for social / roleplaying heavy based campaigns (I.. still struggle with running combat correctly T_T).
I'm relatively new to Dungeons & Dragons but know the basics I'm hoping one day to become a dungeon master and would love to join your campaign I have a character completed in D&D Beyond and was hoping I could become a member of your group I live Eastern Standard Time if that helps with coordination but please I just want friends hahaha
I just sent you a friend request on discord. I'm lord_grimmwolf on there. This sounds like a super fund idea if we can get the right people. I have some experience with posting D&D content, mostly on Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFNR4Jft3t-pTUk16eraUig). I don't have a huge following but its a start. In all of that content I was the DM. I wouldn't be super interested in doing that now, just because managing the channel and posts as well as DMing is a lot of time that I don't have. But if you want to talk more about this, we can chat on discord!
I just checked out your Channel Mr grimmwolf and I hope I sent a friend request to the correct Discord but I would like to say I enjoy the Meridian campaign though clearly I haven't finished it yet
Hello! I’m interested in your campaign! Absolutely love Legends of Advantris and would enjoy being in a game in a style akin to theirs. I’m openly ND and have a love for world building! My discord is pretty_chill_brain_freeze . I am in pst but if we tend to play later in the day I could definitely make it consistently enough to stream. Just a note, I’ve been having trouble with discord recently so if your request doesn’t send through you can reply to this or private message to get things sorted 👍
I'm quite a bit curious about this project of yours. My timezone is GMT+1 but my schedule isn't the most standard, either. I would be interested in potentially getting involved or at least keeping an eye on it as it develops. PM me/reply with your discord if you think it's worth a convo!
I’ll join ANYDAY! I’m very new sadly so I’m sorry about that, butttt, I have the most *general* idea of dnd lol~ but I’d love to do my first campaign with you! :D
Ayyyy fellow ADHD haver, I've been looking for a queer and neurodivergent group as well, my discord is metropolitalian if you are still looking for players 👍
Hey! I would love to join the campaign if it's still open! I don't have disc or social media but if you have anything else we can use we can try! I'm suspected undignosed with ADHD and queer! I'm 13 so I hope the age difference isn't too much! Let me know!
I'd love to hear more about what a possible campaign may look like! My name's Pat (he/they too!!) and I'm a 21 year old gay man and chronically ND who is also semi-new to the D&D space; I've been consuming media for about a year now (mainly Critical Role, but don't worry, I promise not to be that annoying CR-wannabe player LMAO) and have played a couple months worth of sessions! I'm unemployed atm and am not a student, so I have a LOT of free time. And, of course, would LOVE to be part of something like what you're looking for!
Unfortunately, I live a pretty good distance from you (Florida, double unfortunately), so you can find me on Discord @ howdypat
Hey!! Just wanted to give an update to anyone who sees this that we now have a full group of players. We would absolutely love your support! It might be a while before we start streaming, but we're hoping to get set up on youtube & other social media platforms soon under the name Lizards of the Toast! Hope to see you there. <3 If you would like to stay updated, feel free to DM me!
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Hi there! My name's Alex. I hope I'm posting in the right forum, please advise me if I am not!
As I'm sure most of us do, I've always dreamed of being able to be on some form of ttrpg podcast or show. I'm struggling to make ends meet as a university student so of course any chance to earn a bit of coin via patreon or advertisements would be really swaggy, but truthfully my goal is more that I want a way to be part of something bigger. Dimension 20 is, of course, iconic, and I watched a bit of critical roll when I was younger as well. Lately, I've been obsessed with Legends of Avantris, and particularly their ongoing campaign The Wild Beyond The Witchlight. It has a very cosy, familiar feel as it's not some big production it's simply watching a group of friends bond and grow. Watching these always brings me so much comfort & while I want to be realistic, being able to provide a source of fun and warmth for an audience regardless of size sounds like heaven. I have a bit of access to advertise so to speak already VIA a small tiktok fanbase and a roomate with a much larger digital platform. I think if a campaign doesn't work out, a podcast centered on various dungeons & dragons themes could also be super fun! (I.e as a psychology major I love learning about the psychological impacts dnd can have, sharing advice, looking at ttrpgs through a neurodivergent & queer lens, etc).
I didn't think this would be viable, but I figured why not at least try reach out! Life has been crazy enough lately that you never know what could happen. If you happen to hail from Ontario, Canada, meeting in person might be possible! Otherwise, I would love to get in contact & look into starting something virtually. You can contact me by replying or by my email alexxxbearrr@gmail.com (I don't tend to check dndbeyond super often-). I also might be able to get a couple other IRL people involved in this, such as my boyfriend.
A little bit about me. I'm 19, he/they. I'm openly diagnosed with ADHD & suspected undiagnosed autism. I prefer to play with fellow queer / neurodivergent identifying players but its' not necessary. I've been in love with rolling the dice off and on for around 4 years, and with all things adventure and fantasy since childhood. I succumbed to the Forever DM curse about a year ago, (I believe I've ran 4 or 5 thus far?) but I'm pretty comfy with any position! I love everything from horror to comedy, but one thing that will always stick with me is my preference for social / roleplaying heavy based campaigns (I.. still struggle with running combat correctly T_T).
Hi! This sounds really fun! I'm also ND & queer, and roleplaying is one of my fav parts of DND. My disc is jesterofcryptids.
That's so swagtastic!!! Unforch I can't do long distance phone calls cuz I have a limited plan; do you have an email or discord handle? :)
Heck yea!!! I'll add you. my discord addy is pixiethebard
👍 Sent you a wave on disc
I'm relatively new to Dungeons & Dragons but know the basics I'm hoping one day to become a dungeon master and would love to join your campaign I have a character completed in D&D Beyond and was hoping I could become a member of your group I live Eastern Standard Time if that helps with coordination but please I just want friends hahaha
I just sent you a friend request on discord. I'm lord_grimmwolf on there. This sounds like a super fund idea if we can get the right people. I have some experience with posting D&D content, mostly on Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFNR4Jft3t-pTUk16eraUig). I don't have a huge following but its a start. In all of that content I was the DM. I wouldn't be super interested in doing that now, just because managing the channel and posts as well as DMing is a lot of time that I don't have. But if you want to talk more about this, we can chat on discord!
I just checked out your Channel Mr grimmwolf and I hope I sent a friend request to the correct Discord but I would like to say I enjoy the Meridian campaign though clearly I haven't finished it yet
Hello! I’m interested in your campaign! Absolutely love Legends of Advantris and would enjoy being in a game in a style akin to theirs. I’m openly ND and have a love for world building! My discord is pretty_chill_brain_freeze . I am in pst but if we tend to play later in the day I could definitely make it consistently enough to stream. Just a note, I’ve been having trouble with discord recently so if your request doesn’t send through you can reply to this or private message to get things sorted 👍
i'd love to talk more! do you have discord or an email, turtle soup?
turnthelightsoff discord request has been sent! let me know if there are any issues :}
I'm quite a bit curious about this project of yours. My timezone is GMT+1 but my schedule isn't the most standard, either. I would be interested in potentially getting involved or at least keeping an eye on it as it develops. PM me/reply with your discord if you think it's worth a convo!
Roll, roll, roll your dice,
Lets decide your fate!
Clankity, clankity, clankity, clankity!
Fail to concentrate!
I’ll join ANYDAY! I’m very new sadly so I’m sorry about that, butttt, I have the most *general* idea of dnd lol~ but I’d love to do my first campaign with you! :D
super stoked to hear from you!! my discord is pixiethebard
swagtastic! let's talk more details over gmail (alexxxbearrr@gmail.com) or discord (pixiethebard)
Ayyyy fellow ADHD haver, I've been looking for a queer and neurodivergent group as well, my discord is metropolitalian if you are still looking for players 👍
Beginner DnD Player
He/Her, 23, Bilingual (English and Italian)
Hey! I would love to join the campaign if it's still open! I don't have disc or social media but if you have anything else we can use we can try! I'm suspected undignosed with ADHD and queer! I'm 13 so I hope the age difference isn't too much! Let me know!
Name: Leo She/Her - Age:13
I'd love to hear more about what a possible campaign may look like! My name's Pat (he/they too!!) and I'm a 21 year old gay man and chronically ND who is also semi-new to the D&D space; I've been consuming media for about a year now (mainly Critical Role, but don't worry, I promise not to be that annoying CR-wannabe player LMAO) and have played a couple months worth of sessions! I'm unemployed atm and am not a student, so I have a LOT of free time. And, of course, would LOVE to be part of something like what you're looking for!
Unfortunately, I live a pretty good distance from you (Florida, double unfortunately), so you can find me on Discord @ howdypat
I'd love to hear more about your ideas and what's new. My Discord is lukemcnobbet
Hey!! Just wanted to give an update to anyone who sees this that we now have a full group of players. We would absolutely love your support! It might be a while before we start streaming, but we're hoping to get set up on youtube & other social media platforms soon under the name Lizards of the Toast! Hope to see you there. <3 If you would like to stay updated, feel free to DM me!