Game: D&D 5e Group preferred: Online (The forums, email or flock) Experience: New Location/Timezone: CST (I posted this at Availability: Im online Monday-Friday 9am-3:55pm (CST) Preferred role: Player Game style: Im looking for anything. I just want to gain some play experience.
Game: D&D 5e
Group preferred: Online (The forums, email or flock)
Experience: New
Location/Timezone: CST (I posted this at
Availability: Im online Monday-Friday 9am-3:55pm (CST)
Preferred role: Player
Game style: Im looking for anything. I just want to gain some play experience.
Well I'm trying to do a post by post (as in we rp via texting) set in magic the gathering
that will work.
It's on discord if you use it fairynate is my un
I don't use discord
Most ppl on here run their games on discord though not just me so might be hard to find a game in that case
oh well
Yeah bro. Get to using Discord.