Keep it coming :) Everyone who's reply I upvoted I added on discord and am waiting for the accept and reply. :) For everyone else there was something wrong and I either sent you a message here or replied to your reply :D
Ancient GM, started in '76, have played almost everything at some point or another.
I run/play Mercer-style games, heavy on the RP and interaction, light on the combat-monster and rule-lawyering. The goal is to tell an epic story with the players and the players are as involved in the world building as the GM is. I run and play a very Brechtian style, am huge into RP theory and love discussing improv and offers.
I would like to join if you have room for another player. I could occasionally DM, but a bit rusty I would like to play first LOL. You can PM me here or on discord.
invite me please
I'm a new player looking for a group! I was goingnto join a group but things didn't work out. I would love to join
This sounds great. Always looking to play more when I have the freedom to. Foxymancandy#3248
My apologies! It's actually Dips#6099!
i would be interested as well! my discord is shannon #3478
im interested in joining :) Balthazor Vhylarion@2705
Keep it coming :) Everyone who's reply I upvoted I added on discord and am waiting for the accept and reply. :) For everyone else there was something wrong and I either sent you a message here or replied to your reply :D
Mayev, Innkeeper of Wayfarer's Refuge
Sounds like fun! arcticwind#1998
Hey I've been interested in joining a campaign for a while! I don't have much experience roleplaying but I still love playing D&D
Everyone here should have either friend request or pm on dndbeyond so who still is not on please check those :)
Mayev, Innkeeper of Wayfarer's Refuge
Hey sorry to bother but I don´t have either of those, I would love to get into your disc so I´ll be waiting to get a fr or a pm.
I'm interested, throw me an invite
Ancient GM, started in '76, have played almost everything at some point or another.
I run/play Mercer-style games, heavy on the RP and interaction, light on the combat-monster and rule-lawyering. The goal is to tell an epic story with the players and the players are as involved in the world building as the GM is. I run and play a very Brechtian style, am huge into RP theory and love discussing improv and offers.
Also interested, been a player and occasional DM.
discord is: Toreg#5503
Eep! Fellow European here. I'm interested in joining the group and playing my first campaign(s)/game(s)!
I would like to join if you have room for another player. I could occasionally DM, but a bit rusty I would like to play first LOL. You can PM me here or on discord.
Discord: KingCK #7186
I am interested. (Coffee#2980)
Hello I'm very interested in joining! My discord is Tyler{Nerd Boi}Denham#8211
Sounds cool Joshuz#9558
I'm an Aussie so time zones will be a pain but if I can make it work I will
Discord: Royal Phoenix#6944
Waiting for your friend accepts :)
Mayev, Innkeeper of Wayfarer's Refuge