Hi my name is Robert Perdue and I am looking for someone who would be interested in being our Dm for our D&D online to some fairly new players but are energetic to play the game. If interested message me on discord mrrobperdue#3465
if i had more experiance with E5 then Yes i probabley would DM but ihave been out of role play dming for years. I would need at least 5 months of PC be4 thinking dm
I didn't get anything yet...
Few good thing you said something I completely missed 4 replies! Thanks a lot <3
Mayev, Innkeeper of Wayfarer's Refuge
Definitely Interested!
Can I join in I am a new player
Discord: blackknightflame#2798
Wench #4377
Veteran player! wanting to play again with others
Im Interested in joining!
interested in joining
Doom(toon here)#9829 is the discord link to shoot me an pm.
I'm interested. Rather new. Kalien#4637
Hey! Sounds fun! PM me and I’ll give you my discord. (Would post it on here but don’t wanna get harassed by strangers lol)
Hi my name is Robert Perdue and I am looking for someone who would be interested in being our Dm for our D&D online to some fairly new players but are energetic to play the game. If interested message me on discord mrrobperdue#3465
Hi, are you looking to play or be a DM?
i am wanting to play
we currently need a Dm if i find one ill let you know :)
if i had more experiance with E5 then Yes i probabley would DM but ihave been out of role play dming for years. I would need at least 5 months of PC be4 thinking dm
Sure, sounds awesome. Curi#4515
I'd be interested! My discord is Trashy#2084
RobPerdue and Nerak, guys may I ask you to sort these things out in your own thread or in pms?
Thank you for understanding :)
Anyway RobPerdue I added you on discord too we have some DMs there and maybe you will find someone there :)
Mayev, Innkeeper of Wayfarer's Refuge
Can't seem to add you OurWar, check the discord name please but anyway I am sending you a PM with the discord link :)
Mayev, Innkeeper of Wayfarer's Refuge
im really interested. I am pretty New to dnd but i have no one to play With, i was the only one who liked it
my discord is Flameslinger#0655