Looking for Players & Groups

Need a hero (or DM)? Recruit or seek your new party here!
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
LFG Looking for a long term group! >>
by Toter
0 404
Coliseum of Conquest - PbP PvP >>
by BDaddLy
0 581
by mythy
0 355
Inexperienced and looking for a game! >>
by MaddoxGreen
2 482
LFG 6-8 players LFDM (Pittsburgh) >>
by Mose_
7 1,198
LFG Totally new! >>
by Newc
0 334
LFG Old Player seeking new group >>
by GothGeekGaming
0 402
LFG Tues wends or thurs >>
by Korvacks
0 348
LFG Player looking for a fun group to adventure with. >>
by SevanTae
0 369
Want to try DnD, or learn how to play? Dont just stand there! Take the blue pill, and take a peak. >>
by Tree_beard
44 2,510
Group of Players Looking for DM >>
by Alteriel
1 555
LFG Hey I’m new >>
by Portalbot
0 423
LFG I am looking for a DND game, online...maybe offline >>
by Hubbz
0 492
Looking for a few people to play DND flexible schedule. >>
by Mhadiex
21 927
Do I need a battlemat to play D&D? >>
by WorldsMostMediocreDM
3 810