A screenshot of the character sheet depicting the game log in use. The dropdown next to: Send to (Default) reads Everyone, Self, or Dungeon Master.
Game Log Targeting is now available to all users in the character sheet, and to subscribers in the Combat Tracker Alpha. With targeting, players can choose to send dice rolls to everyone, the DM, or just themselves; and a DM can choose to show rolls to everyone, or hide them.Learn more in the changelog.
Is there a way to turn this feature off and on? I am having to essentially confirm my roles or double my clicks to get things to roll.
Hi! You can set the default by opening the Game Log on your sheet, and choosing the default you want to set it to. Once you do, you only need to right click and choose a different option if you want to change your pick for that roll - otherwise, just single click on the rollable area!
Don't know if the "click" delay was changed or clickable surface area, but right-clicking with mouse on rollable area on my desktop character sheet now results about 30% of the time in opening the Windows right-click menu options rather than the D&D Beyond rollable options. Wasn't like that before these additional menu options. (Using Microsoft Edge, Windows 10)
My group has encountered this myself. Every time we right-click and then click to roll for advantage, the side-window pops up and obscures everything. Unless you are viewing on a large monitor, this makes this dice rolling option frustrating, even unusable.
Has been helpful in keeping transparency with players and keeping everyone attentive. Looking forward to when the Combat Tracker can leverage character sheet HP.
This is great. But can I say that as a DM, I often want to show the result of a roll but not the mechanics of it?
For example, a player casts Polymorph. The monster makes a Wisdom Saving Throw. I want to roll publicly, so they can see if he saves, but I don't want them to see the that the monster has a -2 WIS Saving Bonus, or they'll just keep spamming Polymorph over and over. :)
But when I roll to Everyone with this, they can see the roll and the -2. I'd much rather just send the final result.
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A screenshot of the character sheet depicting the game log in use. The dropdown next to: Send to (Default) reads Everyone, Self, or Dungeon Master.
Game Log Targeting is now available to all users in the character sheet, and to subscribers in the Combat Tracker Alpha. With targeting, players can choose to send dice rolls to everyone, the DM, or just themselves; and a DM can choose to show rolls to everyone, or hide them. Learn more in the changelog.
Awesome! Thanks!
My Homebrew: Magic Items | Monsters | Spells | Subclasses | My house rules
Currently playing: Penelope - CG Human Bard, College of Whispers (Ravenloft) ; Lora - NG Firbolg Ranger, Fey Wanderer (Critical Role)
Playing D&D since 1st edition. DMs Guild Author: B.A. Morrier (4-5⭐products! Please check them out.) Twitter: @benmorrier he/him
Is there a way to turn this feature off and on? I am having to essentially confirm my roles or double my clicks to get things to roll.
I wholeheartedly agree with this. This feature has made using dndbeyond more frustrating.
Hi! You can set the default by opening the Game Log on your sheet, and choosing the default you want to set it to. Once you do, you only need to right click and choose a different option if you want to change your pick for that roll - otherwise, just single click on the rollable area!
Don't know if the "click" delay was changed or clickable surface area, but right-clicking with mouse on rollable area on my desktop character sheet now results about 30% of the time in opening the Windows right-click menu options rather than the D&D Beyond rollable options. Wasn't like that before these additional menu options. (Using Microsoft Edge, Windows 10)
My Homebrew: Magic Items | Monsters | Spells | Subclasses | My house rules
Currently playing: Penelope - CG Human Bard, College of Whispers (Ravenloft) ; Lora - NG Firbolg Ranger, Fey Wanderer (Critical Role)
Playing D&D since 1st edition. DMs Guild Author: B.A. Morrier (4-5⭐products! Please check them out.) Twitter: @benmorrier he/him
My group has encountered this myself. Every time we right-click and then click to roll for advantage, the side-window pops up and obscures everything. Unless you are viewing on a large monitor, this makes this dice rolling option frustrating, even unusable.
love this feature. hate that it auto opens the info window (can that be disabled?)
That's an issue that has been passed on to the team
Has been helpful in keeping transparency with players and keeping everyone attentive. Looking forward to when the Combat Tracker can leverage character sheet HP.
This is great. But can I say that as a DM, I often want to show the result of a roll but not the mechanics of it?
For example, a player casts Polymorph. The monster makes a Wisdom Saving Throw. I want to roll publicly, so they can see if he saves, but I don't want them to see the that the monster has a -2 WIS Saving Bonus, or they'll just keep spamming Polymorph over and over. :)
But when I roll to Everyone with this, they can see the roll and the -2. I'd much rather just send the final result.